Bones, the spine that supports the human body, are both hard and fragile.

Try to use blood to fill and expand the bones, just like an ant eating an elephant... that taste...

In the depths of the dense forest, there are rocky hills.

This place is very hidden, either towering giant trees or steep rocks, if you are not careful, you may be smashed to pieces.


The sound of broken bones and grinding echoed in Shigang.

On a rock, Ye Yun was sitting cross-legged, his skin was covered with countless bloodshots, thick veins were rolling with fresh blood, and his body was changing in size and size, it was really weird.

Every time his body changed, Ye Yun felt extremely painful. It can be said that life would be worse than death.

From morning to night, until another day, another day, Ye Yun never left Luanshigang.

The village under the Wolf Mountain is shrouded in the scorching sun.

At the entrance of the village, four men in black suddenly appeared. They wore bamboo hats on their heads and swords hanging from their waists.

"The target is this person, don't worry, this person can't cultivate, but his physical body still has strength, everyone split up." The leader took out four scrolls and distributed them to the other three, who approached the village from different directions.

"Third sister, this is our old hen, and there are some pieces of bacon."

"If your father finds out, he'll have to take your skin off. That's enough, if you don't hide it, go up the mountain."

At the intersection at the head of the village, the boy and the girl met at the intersection carrying a bamboo basket and carrying a pannier on their backs.

Suddenly, a man in black appeared in front of the two of them, and they almost screamed in fright. The man in black took out a picture scroll and asked coldly, "Where is this man?"

"En...!" As soon as he saw the picture scroll, the young man uttered a lot of words, but fortunately he was stopped by the girl. The young man seemed to understand and shook his head: "I haven't seen it before."

The man in black showed no expression, put away the scroll, turned around and stopped suddenly, and just as the boy and girl were about to leave, the man in black made a quick move and swung his sword.


The boy and the girl fell down slowly facing the Wolf Mountain. Blood flowed out from their chests, staining the ground red. At this moment, they tightly hugged the bamboo basket and the back basket with both hands.


In the middle of the village, four men in black floated from different directions, each of them was covered with blood, one of them said: "There is a child who recognizes this man, and he is indeed here, but there is no sign of him."


The leader nodded and said, the four of them dispersed immediately, and the village returned to calm, deathly quiet.

In the depths of Wolf Mountain, there are rocky hills.


A layer of fallen leaves is constantly shrinking and spreading in the void, like a beating heart, and in the center, Ye Yun's body is glowing with blood, absorbing it once, it will pull a large number of fallen leaves around.

Qi, diffuse gas weather.

Qi is the source of life. Without Qi, there is no life. Qi is also the source of power.

"Good boy, you have achieved a great level of cultivation in less than a month. Now that you have successfully controlled the blood vessels of your body and truly opened up your physical body, you will have infinite benefits from practicing in the future. In this world, your physical body is considered the strongest." Uncle Han's misty voice came out.

Ye Yun stopped absorbing, and the hanging leaves immediately fell to the ground. Ye Yun wiped away his blood and sweat with a look of surprise: "The next step is the second layer of blood, and finally the three cracks in the dantian can be repaired."

"Transformation of blood is to completely integrate the blood vessels with the physical body. Cultivate the blood essence to make the blood pure, and the vitality and body strength will also increase accordingly. Repairing the dantian is also very simple, but it is a delicate task. Seal the three with blood essence. Let the blood, essence and energy fuse with the dantian, and the dantian will heal automatically."

"Okay, let's start now!"

Not even given time to drink water, Ye Yun immediately started to practice.

The hot blood in the body surged again and merged with the successfully activated bones, tendons, cells, and muscles of the physical body. At this time, it was no longer painful, but extremely comfortable. At this moment, Ye Yun felt that the physical body was full of infinite galloping power.

Fusion will produce infinite life energy, and the body will naturally double its spirit.

Hot blood wrapped around the dantian, and a stream of blood-red blood essence began to seal the herringbone cracks in the dantian. The blood essence flowed continuously along the dantian wound. After the dantian absorbed it, it gradually began to swell, emitting a bloody glow.

As the sky darkened, Ye Yun stopped to practice, and after tidying up, he walked towards the stone building.

The Wolf Mountain at dusk is eerily quiet and trembling with cold.

"What a strong smell of blood?"

Ye Yun stood on the rock, his eyes fell on the small mountain village below, and he asked in confusion: "I killed most of the wolves in the mountain, and the rest have fled. Why are they still so bloody?"

After cultivating the Unbeaten Blood Body, Ye Yun was particularly sensitive to blood.

"Xiao Yun, Uncle Han smelled a cold murderous intent, just in the mountain village below, you have to be careful, maybe it's coming for you."

"Aiming at me?" Ye Yun's eyes shone with piercing light, revealing a trace of worry: "Qin Ming... Yan Linlang, you guys are really fast, you came here, no, the villagers down here?"

As if thinking of something, Ye Yun instantly jumped into the cliff below.

A figure flashed behind the old tree at the entrance of the village, and stretched out its head to stare at the village: "Not only the blood, but also the smell of corpses, could it be that the whole village was covered?"

Ye Yun immediately flew out of the old tree and walked towards the village along the terraced fields. Suddenly, his eyes fell on the middle of the three-way intersection more than ten meters away, where two corpses lay.


In the blink of an eye, Ye Yun came to the corpse, his body was instantly cold, and his body was burning with anger. When he saw those two desperate faces, Ye Yun's heart felt like needles. They were the pair who delivered Ye Yun's food every day. men and women.

The two died without pain, without any signs of struggle, a sword mark was left on the chest, only the thumb was long, but the sword was fatal, and they were still holding the food prepared for Ye Yun after death.

"Why? Who is so cruel!" At this moment, Ye Yun's body was ice-cold, and infinite murderous aura erupted from his eyes.

Uncle Han's voice suddenly rang in his ears: "Here we come, there are four of them in total, all of them are third-level meat immortals, and they are just physical warriors."


Four men in black rushed out of the night with their swords and surrounded Ye Yun in the middle. The leader took a careful look at Ye Yun and sneered with disdain: "It's him, the eldest son of the Ye family, Ye Yun, a genius who used to be aloof, but I didn't expect to see him today!" Die at the hands of our servants."

Ye Yun numbly asked: "Who sent you here?"

The leader shook his head, took out the picture scroll for comparison, and tried his eyes at the other three: "You don't need to know this, someone will tell you when you get to the underworld."

"I can guess without mentioning, it should be Qin Ming or the Yan family?" Ye Yun said directly.

"No comment, strike!" The leader took the order, and one of the black-clothed killers immediately moved out, swung his arm, moved the sword, the blade was dazzling, and the blade pierced Ye Yun's chest like lightning.

The whole set of movements is done in one go, and the killing skills are first-class.


The edge of the sword pierced Ye Yun's chest, but he didn't dodge. No, even a normal person would not be able to dodge this sword. This sword is really fast.

It's a pity that this sword didn't penetrate into the chest, but instead made a violent collision, as if stabbing a hard object like steel.

The black-clothed killer looked at Ye Yun in disbelief, because his arm was numb from the shock, and he was about to lose his grip on the sword. He was about to call for help, but a bloody finger rubbed directly between his eyebrows.

Pooh!The blood light pierced the head of the black-clothed killer, leaving a bloody meteor, and the black-clothed killer fell to the ground. The remaining three killers gathered together. The leader looked at Ye Yun in shock, as if in his eyes Ye Yun was a demon, just a finger With one finger, he killed a third-layer flesh immortal expert with bloody light.

The leader's expression tightened, and he asked, "Ye Yun, aren't you unable to cultivate?"

Ye Yun walked towards the three black-clothed killers step by step, expressionless: "I can't cultivate, what I just used was physical strength, you should be able to see that, you all go to hell!"

"Impossible, your body can catch the power of the sword, even if you are a fourth-level meat fairy, it is impossible, and you have not used your inner strength, it is impossible!" The leader couldn't believe it.

Pom Pom!

With a flash of his figure, with one punch and one palm, he eliminated the two men in black on the left and right, and died in an instant from a broken heart.

"Fight it!" The leader suddenly took herringbone steps, unpredictably, and the sword light pierced Ye Yun's vest.

Peng!The result was the same, the lead killer's sword still didn't pierce through Ye Yun's muscle, and was forcibly blocked outside, but Ye Yun had already killed him with one finger.

The leader hurriedly used the blade of his sword to block in front of him, but the bloody finger not only broke the sword, but also rushed towards him with great momentum, unable to move at all.

But this finger stopped suddenly, and another palm hit his lower abdomen, shattering his dantian. When he fell down, a big hand pinched him in mid-air and asked coldly, "The dantian has been destroyed. Tell me, I will leave you a set." Whole body."

The black-clothed killer was dying, and he seemed to understand the strong killing intent of the other party: "You are so ruthless at such a young age... I hope you keep your word, I am the guard of the Qin family, and it was Master Qin Ming who ordered me to cooperate with you, the elders of the Ye family. The purpose is to catch you, and then bring you back to make Ye Yuan hand over the power of the Ye family."

Ye Yuan was startled, shocked, and asked again: "There are three elders in the Ye family, are they Ye Xinghe or Ye He?"

The man in black knew that he was going to die, so he no longer concealed it: "Of course it is Ye He, he has long been attached to the Qin family in secret, and planned to win the power of the Ye family through internal and external cooperation, do you know who bought the Tiandimen killer to deal with your father? Haha, it's the Qin family, of course, your father's every move was provided by Ye He, otherwise how could he just seize the opportunity!"

"Are there any accomplices of yours in Qingyang Town?" Ye Yun was about to strike.

"It was Steward Ye He who brought me here, and there are two killers of the Qin family beside him!"


As soon as the man in black finished speaking, he slapped his forehead unceremoniously, and died.

A gust of cold wind blew through, Ye Yun looked at the four bodies, his face was cold: "Uncle Han, I have to rush back to Ye's house to protect my father."

Uncle Han said: "I want to go, but your dantian has not yet been cultivated. With your current strength, you will only have a dead end when you meet the fourth-level flesh immortal. You should wait for the dantian to be repaired before going back. This moment is not bad."

"Okay, anyway, Ye He won't receive any news from here for the time being, so he won't attack Dad easily. Unexpectedly, the Ye family will change...!" Ye Yun stared at the night sky suppressedly, and said a few more words to Uncle Han, no longer eager, Immediately piled up all the corpses in the small village in the thatched house, and burned them all.

Under the dark night, Ye Yun was heading towards Qingyang Town.

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