Let alone a beetle in the eyes of a fairy, even in the eyes of a mortal, it is nothing more than a sesame mung bean, but this mysterious beetle can poison Ye Yun and rot his body, how inconceivable it is.

It seems that the beetle gradually develops divinity in this divine world, relies on divinity, and even merges divinity, possessing abilities that even immortals can't imagine.

Dangerous, weird world!

The rotten part of the palm has recovered from its strong vitality. If the divine blood that is truly sealed is used, it is not yet known whether the beetle can poison Ye Yun.

Ye Yun almost held his breath, and walked towards the world on the left side of the giant mountain. If he wanted to fly, he had to use his true supernatural powers. Ye Yun now treats himself as a mortal, step by step, exploring this unknown and magical world.

In the following days, Ye Yun saw many inconceivable substances, which had never been seen in the fairy world.

When bypassing the giant mountain, an open basin appeared in front of Ye Yun, surrounded by continuous mountains, like a paradise.


Just when I was about to step into this world, I suddenly found a sacred stone lying in a small forest formed by several ancient trees!

God stone! ! !

Ever since Ye Yun entered here, he has not seen the god stones and god objects. This made Ye Yun feel very strange. The Nine Turns Divine Dao space has a lot of god objects and fairy treasures, especially the god stone storm, where countless god stones descended.

But here, the divinity is ten times stronger than that of the Nine Turns Divine Dao world, but there is no divine object. The divine stone in front of him will naturally arouse Ye Yun's suspicion.

And the sacred stone is very huge, about one foot in size, the same as the sacred stones of Jiuzhuan Shinto, not round, surrounded by water chestnut edges, like the sacred stones of the divine stone storm, which seemed to be split and broken and fell down here.

"Although all the divine stones in Hunyuan Time and Space are very dense in divinity, they are completely different from the divine stones in the Nine Dragons God Ring... The divine stones in the Nine Dragons God Ring are the same as the immortal stones in the fairy world. They are brewed by absorbing spiritual energy. Sheng, these god stones seem to be just ordinary rocks and substances in the god realm, just like the substances in the fairy world falling into the mortal world, they still have fairy nature!"

Not daring to proceed rashly, Ye Yun carefully analyzed and sized up the divine stone, and after thinking about it, he found that there was a big gap between the divine stone of Hunyuan Time and Space and the real divine stone.

All the divine stones in the Hunyuan Time and Space, compared with the Yuan of Star Falling, are also one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the original divine stone left by God King Michen from the divine world. The divine stones are born from the brewing of spiritual energy, and these The god stone is just brewing divinity.

As for the immortals, the real god stone is simply impossible to control. All they need is divinity, so that they can have divinity in their bodies so that they can step into the realm of gods in the future.

"Forbidden land of the empty gods?"

When Ye Yun was getting closer and closer to the divine stone, paying attention to whether there were any restrictions around him, when he came to the divine stone, he saw five characters on it, five ancient true texts of the fairy world:

Sky Protoss, Forbidden Land!

The ancient scriptures condensed an inconceivable power, seemingly invincible, with their fingers on the sacred stone, vividly engraved and written.

What a powerful force, writing with your fingers on the sacred stone?It is an immortal who, with a divine tool, goes to split the divine stone, but he may not be able to split it open.

But the person who left the five characters of "Forbidden Land of the God Clan in the Sky" is actually an existence that Ye Yun dare not imagine!

Back then, only Emperor Zhuxian came here alone, and he also went out successfully, so only Emperor Zhuxian, Donghua Dongjun, Qijue Xianzun, Universiade Lord, Shangqing Zhenjun, Wanxia Leizun, Jitian Duobao, Meng Only the powerful such as the Heavenly Emperor and the Blue and White Longgu Emperor can be here.

This comparison is simply a world of supernatural powers.

"Sky Gods... claiming to be gods, Sky Gods?"

The heartbeat seems to be rhythmic with the energy of the world, while breathing, staring at the huge sacred stone in front of him, which seems to come down from the sky, the body and mind are greatly impacted.

The divine stone descends from the sky, which occasionally appears in the ancient records of the fairy world, especially in the unbounded land, there are often movements of heaven and earth like a crack in the sky, tearing apart the two worlds of the immortal way and the divine way, and many divine stones will fall from the sky, as if This huge sacred stone should be the same.

"And how did those divine stone storms in Nine Turns Divine Dao come about?"

Soon on the eyebrows, doubts condensed, how did so many god stones, substances from the god world come from?The storm of divine stones descended on Shinto, but it did not set off an earth-shattering heaven and earth movement. It can only show that so many divine stones came from a certain space or a certain world inside Hunyuan Time and Space.

As for this sacred stone, it might also come from that world.

The more I think about it, the more doubts fill my heart. What kind of world is this?

"Could it be that... the Sky God Clan, the existence of Emperor Jade Immortal back then, met the strongest member of the Sky God Clan, that child..."

A series of chain reactions followed one after another, stirring in the depths of my mind.

In such a dangerous and unknown world, fortune and misfortune are unpredictable, and even Emperor Zhuxian once lost here. Ye Yun, an immortal emperor, has only cultivated for so many years and experienced many vicissitudes in the world. Can he calm down?

Then carefully looked at the five ancient texts of "Forbidden Land of the Sky God Clan", released the induction, penetrated into the five big characters, and found that there were no magical restrictions contained in them, only five arrogance that shook the world.


It took several days for Ye Yun to calm down, and he continued to walk towards the mountains in front of him with great anxiety. Fortunately, he didn't see any huge beasts here. On the surface, he didn't feel any danger at all.

Stepping over the mountainside and entering the vast land, Ye Yun paid attention to his surroundings, but he didn't find any god stones or any gods anymore, only the complex and amazing power of immortality, but this power can suppress the nirvana period, let alone add divinity The oppression of the gods, only the gods can fly freely here.

Finally stepping into the mountains, at first glance, it looks like a giant lying on the ground, and the mountains are the veins of the giant's body, which is really terrifying.


Stepping into the mountains, Ye Yun became more cautious. Fortunately, there are many spiritual fruits full of fairy aura. Ye Yun collects and swallows all the way, and finally no longer consumes his own energy. Taking these spiritual fruits can be compared to how many pills in the fairy world , One fruit can make Ye Yun's true energy stronger, and his vitality will be abundant.

Ye Yun has been very cautious ever since he saw that divine stone and met that terrifying beetle. He used his defenses to absorb energy, and activated his defenses. It is not easy to absorb energy in this terrifying world, and it will bring great harm. Burden, the key is that time is not enough.

With these spiritual fruits, it's really raining after a long drought!

Collected about a thousand spiritual fruits, and from some fruit trees, Ye Yun also found traces of being collected. Could it be that this place is already the territory of the 'Empty God Clan'?

Just as Ye Yun thought of this, he suddenly heard a painful cry from the forest ahead.

Hearing this, Ye Yun immediately put away the spiritual fruit, cast Wu Wuxu Yuan Gong, concealed his aura, and immediately ran lightly towards the forest for about half an hour.

Finally came to the top of the mountain, looked down, it was actually a big snake attacking a big eagle, and there was a child on the back of the big eagle.

The child was dressed in ordinary clothes, just a gray white coat and a pair of shorts, his feet were bare, and there were a few bloodstains on his arms and thighs.


The child controlled the big eagle, released a seal, and slapped the big eagle's back. Then, the big eagle suddenly opened its mouth, and spewed out a whirlpool of demonic energy at the black snake wrapped around it.


The big black snake was almost overturned by the shock, but it was too scary, too hard, and its tail curled from midair strangely.


The tail rolled heavily and hit the big eagle. The big eagle and the child were blown away at the same time, fluffy, and the big trees began to break down at the waist, and the dust flew up.

"Excellent, the strength of the big snake is actually between the broken stage and the nirvana stage, and the child's strength seems to have reached this level... Wait, kid..."

Ye Yun, who was hiding in the dark place of the mountain, was collecting everything he saw, sensing the atmosphere around him, and suddenly looked at the child who fell into the broken bushes following the big eagle, his face suddenly changed.

Child!Back then, Emperor Zhuxian strayed into this wonderful world with three tricks, but he was defeated by a child in just three tricks.

I can't help thinking about it, could it be that... the child in front of me is the child who lost the Emperor Zhuxian?

After all, in this world, Ye Yun has been here for several years, and he has never seen a single person. It seems that there is no one here. Now that he sees this strange child and thinks of the experience of Emperor Zhu Xian, he naturally thinks that the identity of the child is quite different. It might be the powerful and mysterious Linglong child.

With deep fear and doubts, Ye Yun continued to sense the child's breath. Although his breath has divinity, but only a very weak divinity, it seems to be a cultivator, and Ye Yun sensed it very easily. His golden core breath, it seems that the child did not deliberately hide his own breath.

The so-called being bitten by a snake once, ten years afraid of well rope.

Ye Yun is in this state now, the Emperor Jade Immortal suffered a great loss here, he is a little immortal emperor, how can he not be worried everywhere?

"No, the aura in his golden core is not incomprehensible at all, and the domineering and unrecognizable strength of the supernatural stage is not even in the broken stage..."

Continuing to sense the child's breath, as he almost saw through the child's cultivation, Ye Yun felt more and more shuddering, the child's breath could not be from the supernatural stage, nor did it have the taste of the unity of heaven and man in the nirvana stage, and it did not have the smell of the broken stage Broken breath.

It seems... only the Vientiane period!

"Vientiane period..."

Ye Yun couldn't help opening his eyes wide, releasing more careful sensing, like continuous green smoke, merging into the forest below, and sensing deeply again, Ye Yun was surprised to find that the child didn't even have the breath of the Vientiane period.

It's strange, it's so strange, if you don't have a cultivation base in the Vientiane stage, does it have the power to compete against the big black snake at the peak of the Shattered stage?

It was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which shocked Ye Yun greatly.

Could it be that this child, like Ye Yun, has extraordinary adventures and peerless talents, and then, like Ye Yun, he has the strength to fight against the broken super emperor before reaching the super emperor?

is it possible?

A big question mark was almost horizontal in front of Ye Yun.

Although there are many geniuses in this world, such as Dou Qi, Ling Xiangxue, and Shi Xingzun who are emerging, there are also peerless masters like Yan Yun, Snake Spirit, Langya Yaosheng, and Mozong. The strong genius.

However, like Ye Yun, Ye Yun thinks that there are only a handful of ambitious affirmations!

Impossible, but in this mysterious world of Hunyuan time and space, is this unattractive child in front of him, this kind of peerless genius that is rare to see in ancient times?

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