Next, every step Ye Yun takes towards the palace is tantamount to an adventure!

He has already sensed a strong aura and a weak aura from the Linglong clan. He is not sure if the Kongshen who dominates the Kongshen clan is the child from the Linglong clan.

After all, the Sky God is also a legend in the Sky God Clan!

Furthermore, regardless of whether he is the kid who once defeated Jade Emperor in three moves, Kongshen is also as strong as Jade Emperor who can control this world.

With the urging of the Nine Layers Immortal Source, harnessing the power of the Kongshen clan's waist card, and perfectly integrating with the breath and flow of the surrounding space, Ye Yun gradually floated up, passing through layers of clouds and mountains, and it can be seen that there are thousands of rocks contending for peaks around. Can see through the entire holy sky world.

Even the divine world is close at hand.

"It turns out that there are six sacred pillars in the area, and the five sacred pillars near the divine world seem to have been built, but the nine sacred pillars next to the town are still being piled up. I don't know what the purpose of these sacred pillars is! "

Following the natural airflow, Ye Yun was not in a hurry to step up while approaching the palace. Instead, he was looking at the entire holy sky world. Only when he looked at it did he have a sense of precipitation and depth.

The more you look at it, the more incredible the holy sky world becomes. This is simply not the fairy world that Ye Yun is familiar with!


A gust of air suddenly passed by.

Because Ye Yun moved with the air current, his whole body also fluttered along with it.

At this moment, two figures flew into the palace above from the void.

"There are two more masters in the Nirvana period..."

Slowly accelerating the Nine Layers of Immortal Source, driving the airflow, the whole person jumped up suddenly, and saw the huge square in front of the palace, about a dozen masters, patrolling around.

Ye Yun still didn't dare to enter the palace directly from the front, but came to the back of the cliff and kept approaching the back of the palace.

There are many hot springs behind the palace, as well as some spiritual objects, and even a few medicine gardens.

Ye Yun absorbed more energy, and then gradually approached the palace. Every time he got closer, he would deeply sense the energy of the palace. Once he encountered a terrible idea, he could not move forward any further.

To Ye Yun's surprise, there were no layers of restrictions around the palace as imagined.

It seems that the owner of the palace doesn't bother anyone to get close to him, even if he gets close to him, he can suppress it. The domineering aura shown invisibly moved Ye Yun.

"Master Konggami, are you going to start again?"

Almost approaching the back of the palace, at a distance of about three feet, a clear voice suddenly came out, so Ye Yun also temporarily stopped, floating in the clouds.

"The energy array of the five divine pillars has been fully stored, and the next step is to consume the power of the divine barrier!"

An ordinary but extremely deep male voice sounded slowly.

"The owner of this voice... is Kongshen?" In an instant, Ye Yun wanted to stick his ear to it, and finally approached the strongest man who was about to start contacting this world.

"Yes, my lord!"

Several voices of the old man came out decisively.


After about half an hour, there was a sound of spinning and starting from the palace.

The movement of energy will have a certain impact on people's perception. This is the only best chance to get close to the palace. Ye Yun immediately urged the Nine Layers of Immortal Source, and gradually approached.


At this moment, suddenly, directly in front of the palace, there were thunderous sounds like thunderbolts from the blue sky.

Ye Yun frowned, but he didn't dare to go over the top of the palace, so he simply came to the eaves of the two-storey palace wall, looked with his head, and his eyes widened instantly through the thin slit.

In the empty hall, a sky-like formation unexpectedly rose, and within that formation, a divine world and the five surrounding divine pillars appeared.

Five peerless old men stood around the formation, and in the formation, sat a man whose face could not be seen clearly. He faced the formation, the five divine pillar areas around the divine world, and each territory had its own Nine divine pillars.

I saw this man moving his hands slowly, and then slashed in the air towards the nine divine pillars on the left.

Immediately, Ye Yun saw a scene that he would never forget.

In the formation, there was an immortal enchantment around the nine divine pillars, and the immortal enchantment actually formed a whirlpool storm, and began to violently rub against the divine world where the chaotic golden palace was located, and the surrounding divine enchantment .


When the enchantment of the fairy world in the holy sky world and the enchantment of the divine world collided and rubbed, there was a thunderous sound like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. The thunder was deafening, running through the entire holy sky world.

Ye Yun saw the immortal world and the divine world, the two forces were shattering and devouring each other, and it seemed that the divine world did not belong to this immortal world, so although the enchantment of the divine world was solid and indestructible, it was indestructible. Under the spell cast by the middle-aged man, the power of the immortal world began to wear down the power of the divine world.


The mysterious man then waved his hand and slashed at the void of the formation where the second divine pillar was located.

Similarly, the Holy Sky World also erupted with a thunder that shocked the world!

Then the scene is similar to the space of the first Divine Pillar, the two world barriers start to attack, the Immortal World barrier absorbs all the power of the Holy Space World, turns into a storm vortex, almost wrapping the divine world barrier, and starts again and again attack.

Then all the divine pillars were opened.

And the man in the formation, at this moment alone, actually controls the power of the holy sky world, confronts the divine world, and wants to use the power of the immortal way to destroy the divine barrier.

What a shocking method this is!

Using the power of the holy sky world, this is the powerhouse of the supernatural stage, and it can't be done, but the mysterious man has done it, and he seems to be very relaxed, constantly suppressing the divine world.

Just attack after attack, the solidity of the divine world is still so dazzling.

"Is he really a god? Kongshen?"

Do not believe, in addition to shock, or shock.

Using the power of the fairy world to reach this level is unbelievable. The world seems to be under his control. With a wave of his hand, the world is in turmoil.

This kind of strength and ability, the immortal can't do it at all.

"Impossible, how can there be such a powerful existence... It was when I faced Qijue Immortal Venerable, Donghua Dongjun, Universiade King, Shangqing Jinjun, Wanxia Leizun, Jitian Duobao Great Emperor, Qiankun Zhenjun, Hulu Old fairy... I don't have this feeling either, but with the unrivaled power that can pull mountains and rivers, only from the blue-and-white Longgu Great Emperor snake skin, I can see the scene of it breaking free from its shackles and swimming to the God Realm to compete with nature. Is it the same as this Kongshen?"

Thinking of the unbelievably strong people I have seen, such as the Qiankun Zhenjun who survived three eras, or the powerful Qijue Immortal Venerable, or the old fairy Hulu, none of them have such power that can override nature.

In Ye Yun's heart, a shocking wave set off.

It was an eye-opener!

It seems that this Sky God is a peerless powerhouse like the blue and white Emperor Longgu, Emperor Mengtian, and Emperor Zhuxian!

If Ye Yun were to use one word to describe the mysterious man at this time, it would be...God.

Ye Yun couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and slowly flew to the left, and then a vast world of holy space appeared in front of his eyes, and at the end was the world of divinity.

And around the divine world, five huge vortex storms appeared!

From this point of view, it was about the size of a fist, and the ground was black, with divine light shining within it. The five vortex storms swayed from time to time, shaking violently, and there were deafening thunderclaps in the sky and earth, one after another. , so that the earth trembled.

In this kind of scene, Ye Yun has only seen the huge deep space storm and deep space vortex in the deep space.

If this kind of vortex storm hits a powerful man of the supernatural age, it might be able to grind the giant of the supernatural to pieces, right?

"This sky god seems to have integrated the origin of the holy sky world, and can use the power of the fairy world at will. Here, yes... he is indeed an invincible god, but when he leaves here, he will become an ordinary supernatural powerhouse , It is no longer possible to have this kind of power that does not belong to the immortal!"

Those five vortex storms, no matter which one they are, cannot be resisted by an immortal. One can destroy the Sumeru Immortal Territory.

One can destroy a small planet.

One, if it comes to the mortal world, it will be a disaster!

"The feeling that Kongshen brought me..."

Staring at the end, in the distance of that day, the power of the immortal world and the divine world confronted, and there appeared Kongshen in the palace, releasing the natural power of immortality, and then a figure suddenly appeared in his mind, a person with immortality, who was not in the divine world. Breath, a man in a green robe.

It was a normal human, uninhabitable world, hell!

And that green-robed man, in front of Ye Yun back then, just waved his hand lightly, and half of the world of a plane of hell was cut off by him, sinking into the deep world of hell.

His name is Qinghuo!

"Qingming, she is still sleeping in hell... But with an unimaginable powerhouse like Qinghuo following and protecting her, everything should be fine. Sooner or later, I will go to hell and wake her up..."

Also using the power of the world, Ye Yun's mind flashed the means of hell's mysterious 'green fire'.

Compared with the current methods of the Sky God, there is a real comparison.

"Sky God can enter and leave the mysterious divine world...but why does he want to use the world of immortality to suppress the power of the divine world?"

Can't understand, Ye Yun still can't understand, the world of Shengkong is still too mysterious.

No matter how mysterious it is, Xiaoqian's main body is in the divine world in front of him. This is an unchangeable fact. Neither the divine world nor Kongshen can stop Ye Yun's pace.


Ye Yun flew to the right and returned to the back of the palace. His divinity gradually calmed down. Through the thin gap, he saw that the five masters were still cooperating with the Kongshen in the formation to operate the formation.

Still unable to see Kongshen's face clearly, he kept waving his hands, and then slashed into the formation one palm after another.


After peeping in the dark for a few days, I suddenly saw that the sky god had changed his seal. The world of immortality and the world of divinity no longer confronted each other horribly, but...

On the contrary, they merged with each other to form a huge vortex, and within the vortex, there were countless rays of light from the divine stone.

Kongshen continued to condense the magic seal, and then the divine stone storm that fused the power of the immortal world and the divine world formed a terrible tearing force, tearing and gushing out of this world at the high altitude between the two worlds.

"Could it be... this terrible storm of divine stones is the storm of divine stones that descended on the divine world???"

Suddenly, the source of a large number of sacred stones in the Shinto world and the holy space world got the answer through the storm of sacred stones in the formation.

"It turned out that it was the power of two worlds that caused a large amount of material in the divine world to shatter and explode, forming countless broken stones of divine objects, which descended into the divine world..."

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