"Am I dreaming..."

On the meteorite layer, Taimulong, who was still suppressed by the chains of the true text, almost gave up hiding, looked at the endless river of golden sword energy in the deep sky, marveled again and again, and saw the surging river of sword energy in front of it.

A tiny human being who seems to be bravely going forward against the irresistible forces of heaven and earth.

Human beings gradually released dazzling light from the faint starlight, and produced burning flames. He did not flinch, and entered the long river of sword energy!

"I want to show you my strength..."

"Follow me from now on!"

Tai Mulong was so stunned that he couldn't react, and Ye Yun's mysterious and breeze-going smile kept echoing in his mind before he left.

A giant figure, lingering in his mind, became stronger and stronger. It seemed that no force, even if the world collapsed, could not defeat him.


Deep space, between two masters!

The long river of sword energy finally collided with Ye Yun, who was surrounded by flames and burning light, in the deep space. The scene, like an egg, hit a huge mountain.

With a bang, Changhe Jianqi overwhelmingly pushed the egg with absolute strength, and began to move forward, but the egg was not as fragile as imagined.


Cracks appeared in Ye Yun's defense, and the terrifying impact caused the blood in his body to churn. He couldn't help it, and spurted out a stream of blood, and then golden swords, and began to attack Ye Yun!

Bang bang bang!

A streak of golden sword energy pierced the defense, and the defense was cut open. In the blink of an eye, most of the defense was cut.

"Too strong!!!"

With just a dozen sword qi, the defense was almost shredded.

Ye Yun looked forward, seeing countless rivers of sword energy, his brows were frowned, and he was miserable, but he didn't regret it at all, and started to release Taiyi's divine light to re-condense his defense!

"The Divine Fist of Creation, the first form, is born!"

Defense, will only be buried in this unimaginable river of sword energy, only in the face of adversity, stand up bravely, and use strength to strength!


A sacred breath condensed boundlessly on Ye Yun's right arm!

Standing on the long river of sword qi, almost in the middle of the long river of sword qi, tens of miles away from Ye Yun, the masked captain snorted disdainfully: "Haha, small ants, dare to block the footsteps of my ancient heaven, destroy it!" , It’s very interesting to see you struggling!”


Can Ye Yun resist the Nirvana stage with the tenth-level cultivation of the Immortal Emperor?What's more, the masked captain also displayed the supreme skill of the ancient heaven!

There are no absolutes in the world, everything is impermanent, and duckweed has no roots.


It seems that Ye Yun waved his right arm without any earth-shattering aura. Compared with the form of true qi, it was incomparable to the supernatural powers that the masked captain had displayed before, but when his fist landed in the long river sword formation where dozens of sword qi were in front of him, Suddenly, a divine light burst out with a shocking fist.


A layer of hundreds of feet of huge explosive holy light, like a big mushroom, suddenly formed in the front of the Changhe Sword Formation. Dozens of sword qi, as well as the surrounding sword qi, burst out suddenly along with the holy light layer, and then abruptly And stop.


The sound of emptiness, with the disappearance of the light layer, seemed to be crying in the empty deep space in the front of the sword qi formation.

With one punch, hundreds of golden sword qi were destroyed, destroying the sword array structure of the long river of sword qi!

On the long river of sword energy, a hundred-foot-empty area of ​​nothingness emerged, with no sword energy, no energy, only a purified breath.

Incredible punch!


The masked captain was finally shocked. He really didn't expect that such a powerful force had killed so many Nirvana stage powerhouses, but now, he was confronted head-on by an immortal emperor.



Exerting the Good Fortune Fist, forcibly destroying a big hole, at this moment, more sword qi and sword formations around him merged instantly, one after another sword qi, speeding up, one sword after another, attacking Ye Yun.

There were cracks in the defense, and the mysterious shield of heaven and earth still couldn't resist the power of the sword energy!


There are more and more sword qi, and the speed is getting faster and faster. It seems that all the long rivers of sword qi are continuously pushing towards Ye Yun, so the defense cannot heal in time. Finally, the sword qi cuts one after another. On Ye Yun's skin, a few centimeters deep blood was drawn.

Shocking, the blood is flowing horizontally, and it contains the breath of divine blood.


Suddenly, the humming beast squatting on Ye Yun's shoulder woke up from its shoulder, and seemed to see Ye Yun injured, with its tail wagging, looking very angry.

"Wuwu Beast, don't get involved, this injury is nothing..."

Ye Yun knew that Wuwu Beast wanted to swallow the masked captain, and immediately comforted it with a few words, with a gloomy aura, but Wuwu Beast squatted pitifully on Ye Yun's shoulder, as if it was not asleep, and kept vigilant all the time.


The first wound was deep enough to show the bone.

Ye Yun was congealing his defense, but another sword energy just pierced this fragile defense, and once again, left a deep gash on Ye Yun's left arm!

"The law of the vortex!!!"

As the two hands formed seals, a vortex force surged out of the defense. Sure enough, as the vortex force gushed out, the defensive form changed, and the defense seemed to become a vortex, changing the aura, slowly rubbing against the sword energy, and letting the sword energy Shuttle away from around the vortex.


The masked captain was taken aback for a moment: "Before this kid killed my brothers, he thought it was a supernatural power of space... I didn't expect it to be a law. How could such a genius be born in the world, the immortal emperor, who can use the law so skillfully... Must kill This kid...Mahayana Yujianshu..."

He used the spell again!

"The Good Fortune Fist, the second form, ascend to heaven!"

The vortex law changed the defense so that the sword energy could not threaten Ye Yun at close range. However, due to the extreme consumption of power, Ye Yun finally had a chance to perform the Divine Fist of Good Fortune.

But this time, Ye Yun was like a frog, with his cheeks bulging, he suddenly entered the front of the dense sword formation and swung his arm to punch the sword formation.


A layer of sacred light erupted in the sword array in an instant, and countless sword qi were swallowed and destroyed, but the layer of light disappeared in an instant.

"The third style, domineering..."


Ye Yun punched again, and then took advantage of the hole in the sword formation before more sword energy was formed, and performed the third move, the domineering breath, which began to explode to form a dazzling and sacred layer of light, destroying a hole again.

"Fourth style, invincible!"

"Fifth form, breaking the sky!"

"The sixth form, the real me!"

Almost in one go.

Ye Yun is like an indestructible god of war, under the attack of countless sword qi, as the strength of the sword qi changes, the defense fused with the vortex law is also cut by the sword qi.

As a last resort, Ye Yun absorbed the majestic Taiyi Divine Light in his body, and he was like a trailblazer, performing six forms of the Good Fortune Fist one after another.

Birth, ascension, overbearing, invincible, breaking the sky, true self!

One move is more terrifying than the other, one punch after another, from the first form to the sixth form of true self, the six great good luck fists, like raindrops, falling on the long river of sword energy.

Boom! ! !

The long river of sword qi began to explode piece by piece, revealing layers of sacred light, and huge holes appeared in the long river of sword qi.

Looking at it from a high altitude, it was like deep water whirlpools appearing in the world of long rivers of sword energy, like the surface of the sea.


With the long river of sword qi, destroyed under the Divine Fist of Good Fortune, Ye Yun consumed more and more energy. Coupled with the oppressive force of the long river of sword qi, the vortex defense was finally cut by the large array of sword qi. There were streaks of blood.

Ye Yun's physical body is already considered to be a real demigod's body, but his cultivation base is too weak. Because of the divine blood, his physical body has become as strong as in nirvana.

Even so, the physical body was still cut open by the power of the nirvana period!

"You can't spend your energy on defense..."

Ye Yun almost became a blood man with scars all over his body. Fortunately, part of the sword energy was consumed by the physical defense, otherwise the power of the sword energy itself could cut off Ye Yun's arm.


Strength to strength, needlepoint to wheat awn!

"Six Forms of Creation!!!"

"Glazed phoenix wings!"

Trees move to death, people move to life

Ye Yun didn't want to use his physical body to collide with the sword qi, he was definitely not a match for the sharp weapon of the magic weapon, and he was injured in vain, so breathing stimulated the real qi, and the phoenix wings appeared.


As soon as the divine wings flapped, Ye Yun flew up against the sky from the depths of the long river of sword energy!

"What an extraordinary artifact... I have never seen such an artifact in my life, bring it here!!!"

Exhibiting the golden phoenix wings and flying away from the long river of sword energy, this scene was seen by the masked captain who ruled the long river of sword energy in the distance. .

And the long river of sword qi is like a dragon of sword qi. Just when Ye Yun was about to leave the long river of sword qi and fly to a higher deep space, the long river of sword qi began to roar, and countless sword qi at the front, like a flying dragon, charged forward towards Ye Yun. Yun surrounded him, and even though Ye Yun possessed phoenix wings, he was soon surrounded by the river of sword energy.

If you use the gilt phoenix wings to escape, the river of sword energy will naturally not be able to catch up. However, Ye Yun's purpose is to kill the pursuer in the nirvana stage, so he has to be restrained to a certain extent.

"Mountains and seas, sword towns through the ages!!!"

The masked captain turned his hands with sweat in his eyes, and the entire river of sword energy accelerated towards Ye Yun. This time, it was not a surge, but a hovering shuttle, forming a vortex. With Ye Yun as the center, a circle formed. There was a huge vortex of sword energy, and there were several layers of sword energy, which did not give Ye Yun a chance to fly away.

"This person is too powerful...control so much sword energy!!!"

Boom boom boom!

The six forms of Good Fortune Fist that had been prepared for a long time, finally let Ye Yun fly over the place where the sword energy is densest under the advantage of the extraordinary speed of the phoenix and divine wings, and punched out with one punch.

The sword vortex formation began to shatter!


During the process, Ye Yun groaned in pain, because when he was attacking, the sword energy was also attacking him, not an inch of his skin was good, it was all scars.

Because of too many scars, the muscles and bones have been injured. For Ye Yun, it is undoubtedly a serious injury. Many people can no longer hold on, or choose to escape, but Ye Yun endures the pain and is in adversity, constantly urging the defense , as much as possible to wear down the power of the sword energy, and then perform the six forms of Good Fortune Fist again and again.

"This little Immortal Emperor... Where does this endless energy come from? Moreover, it is still an endless divinity..."

Outside the huge vortex of sword qi, the masked captain was floating in a piece of sword qi, he was controlling Mahayana sword control and attacking Ye Yun, and during this process, the masked captain was always puzzled, his energy was almost exhausted , but he was surprised to find that Ye Yun is a tenacious weed, no matter how it is burned, it will not stop burning.

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