The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 1158 Achievement of the Void

Gradually, the sacred and entrusting voice gradually faded away.

In the end, under the silence of Ye Yun and Wanhai, and at the moment when Xiaoqian was crying with tears in his eyes, Old Man Tianji's voice disappeared forever.

Nothing remained, except for three long silver-white hairs.

I haven't even seen what old man Tianji looks like.

Things are always impermanent, accompanied by regret.

"Old Man Tianji, don't worry, Xiaoqian will follow me, and you will definitely fulfill your old unfulfilled wish, draw the coordinates of the fairy world, draw the mysterious god world, and there is a future!"

For some reason, Ye Yun couldn't help saying this sentence from the bottom of his heart.

It seems to be a promise to an old man on his deathbed.

"Void, I will not let you down..."

Ye Yun walked towards the seal slowly. According to the old man Tianji's words, Ye Yun was looking forward to it, and he was very sure. The average person who absorbs three hairs of the old man Tianji can only have [-]% of the void inheritance of the old man Tianji at most.

But how powerful Ye Yun's life force is, coupled with various supernatural powers, as long as a trace of blood can have a very high inheritance, let alone three long hairs.

Ye Yun is sure that after fusion, he will reach one-tenth of the void power of old man Tianji, and become an existence with the blood of the void.

From now on, Ye Yun will also have a special physique.

Until Ye Yun entered the seal, Wan Hai and Xiao Qian entered the center of the treasure hall and continued to watch some strange treasures.

"Old Man Tianji is really strong. If it weren't for my connection with Xiaoqian, I'm afraid it would be impossible to enter the seal, unless it is a giant of the supernatural age who can break the seal, and the inheritance of the seal and the old man Tianji is the same. Break the seal, and the inheritance power will also be destroyed!"

After entering the seal, Ye Yun felt as if he was surrounded by the huge energy of Old Man Tianji, and the three long hairs automatically fluctuated with the power of the seal, and slowly flew towards Ye Yun.

"Come on, void man, after I become a super emperor, become a strong man, and now I can become a void man, from now on, who can stop my steps, the future of the fairy world, just like the legend I created in the mortal world, the future is true Can't wait!"

Ye Yun slowly released all the defenses of the physical body, from the mysterious shield of heaven and earth to the defenses in the body, everything disappeared, and the divine blood rolled in from the seal of the golden elixir of the sky, and the inherited will from Shenluo and Dark Thunder God also came together. Released, there are 33 wonderful life force of the vine.

This is the real Ye Yun!


The power of the seal suddenly ignited the three hairs like flames.

After a few boo chi bo chi, the three long hairs turned into three red hairs, existing like blood veins, and all the sealing power continued to flow to the three blood veins.

Such a miraculous inheritance of supernatural powers instantly convinced Ye Yun.

The three blood veins absorbed all the power of the seal, and the seal disappeared, and the three blood veins flew directly to the center of Ye Yun's eyebrows. Ye Yun slightly closed his eyes, feeling three icy sharp thorns piercing the center of the eyebrows.

Suddenly, a cold breath spread throughout the body.

This icy feeling seems to have returned to the endless deep space. The terrible cold breath can make the immortal emperor freeze instantly, even the super emperor of the Vientiane period, it is also difficult to move an inch.

A cold feeling swept over the whole body, and the divine blood and true qi released in the body also automatically inhaled this force, especially the life force contained in the 33-day vine, combined with the chaotic true qi of Taiyi, both the true qi and the divine blood were permeated with this force Cold, and then the heart, too cold to lose feeling.

Ice cold, that is the energy deep in the chaotic universe.

The coldness comes from the darkness, and in the darkness is the endless icy breath.

Suddenly, Ye Yun felt a strange existence. He found that his divine way of the sky was ultimately pursuing the power of chaos, while the God of the Infinity Sun and Moon represented darkness, and the Void was born in the void, and the void has light. and darkness, but the strength of old man Tianji comes from darkness.

As a result, the Sky Yinyue Golden Pill in the dantian began to function, absorbing the cold power from Old Man Tianji more quickly than the Shenri Golden Pill.

"It seems that my confidence and conjecture have been confirmed. My physical body and my strength can just merge the power of the void. Darkness and light represent the deep space. The void is only the existence of the deep space, and it naturally belongs to the difference between darkness and light." In the dark, the Void who gave birth to the dark power, just happened to be absorbed by my Yinyue Jindan of the Heavenly Dao of the Sky!"

Ye Yun was overwhelmed by the sudden fusion, and almost forgot about the cold breath.

The icy breath is not only fused with Yinyue Jindan, but also with all parts of the physical body. Taiyi's chaotic true energy also contains an aura that harmonizes with space. From laws to domains, from Jindan to Yuanshen, almost everything Absorbed this special void breath.

And the cold air in the void is still wandering around, merging with the body, from the top of the head to the soles of the feet, the cold air is everywhere, and then, Ye Yun felt that the Daqian Shen Tu seemed to be a part of the body, because of this feeling, Ye Yun With uniform pupils, a long-distance warship suddenly appeared.

That is the king of battleships that he owns, and even giants can be seen appearing from time to time.

Then, Ye Yun was amazed not only to see the long-distance warship inside the Great Thousand Gods Map through the Nine Dragons God Ring, but even the surrounding deep space.

Actually, it's not 'seeing', but perception!

This perception already exists in Ye Yun's consciousness and unconsciousness, no matter what kind of environment he is in, he will always have this wonderful perception.

"I didn't expect the perception of the Void to be so terrifying..."

Naturally feel everything in the space, and any matter and energy in the space, even if Ye Yun is promoted to the super emperor, he does not have this kind of induction.

The Kowloon God Ring and Ye Yun are fused, and Ye Yun can naturally perceive the outside world through the God Ring, but he can go beyond the God Ring and the Great Thousand God Map, and with this kind of induction, Ye Yun's heart is not only shocked, but also shocked. In the natural space, wouldn't the induction be more terrifying?

Just by fusing three hairs, there is such a sense. Then, as the representative of the Void, isn't the sense of Old Man Tianji more terrifying than Ye Yun?

This is the special ability possessed by the Void. Once the induction is released, any enemy, different energy fluctuations, and special substances can be sensed. How can this be used to fear the enemy's sneak attack?

The inheritance from the Void has not yet ended, Ye Yun is still absorbing the cold breath, and it permeates the whole body, from the golden core to the skin, from the blood to the true energy, it is this cold force, Ye Yun just stimulates the true energy and Divine blood absorbs this cold power, and the rest is automatically fused with the flesh and soul.

Gradually, Ye Yun felt the cold breath of space in the blood and bones, from flesh and blood to skin, hair and even hair, it was also the coldness of space, and the physical body seemed to lose weight, in space, it was like a feather , unlike immortals who are oppressed by space.

It seems that the body has no temperature, but the Shenri Golden Elixir released an incomparably bright power, which just merged with the cold breath, and the two different Golden Elixirs formed a wonderful state of repulsion and fusion.


I don't know how long he has been immersed in this state. When Ye Yun felt that the cold breath disappeared, in exchange for a sense of emptiness and reality, he slowly opened his eyes and took a deep breath. In an instant, he found By breathing by yourself, you can absorb many subtle energies in the space.

Everything the eyes see floats in a layer of energy, or world of air.

The air layer and energy are the existence of deep space, and the substances in the air layer and energy, including any treasures, as well as true qi and itself are the substances in it.

"I can see through the existence of space!!!"

It is an incredible phenomenon. You must know that the deep space is nothingness, and the world is nothingness. Except for the enchantment, the immortal cannot see any form of the world.

But Ye Yun saw countless energies floating indistinctly, as well as the Daqian Shentu, even the Nine Dragon God Ring, and Wanhai and himself, all seemed to be tiny existences on the world's energy atmosphere.

"The ability of the Void, how much more shocks me!!!"

Ye Yun stood up slowly, his whole body felt completely different from before, only a part of the familiar smell was left, he could see everything as if he could see the world, everything he saw was a grain of matter, and with one breath, he could directly absorb Countless particles of energy in space.

"I believe that as the old man Tianji said, I have integrated one-tenth of his void power to become a real void figure. One-tenth of the power has made me different from ordinary people and become the owner of a special physique!"

All the changes convinced Ye Yun that he had become a void person, and everything was the ability of the void person. Otherwise, normal people would not have such perception.

At this time, Wanhai and Xiaoqian walked over quickly, and Wanhai showed surprise eyes just when he saw Ye Yun for the first time: "It's such a deep breath of deep air, it feels like there is a space in your body. It's cold and deep, and it also has a hint of the Nine Layers of Immortal Origin!"

Xiaoqian couldn't help but said cutely: "Brother, there is the breath and strength of the old master, so close to the taste of the old master, very close!!!"

"It seems that I have successfully become a void person, integrated with the inheritance of the old man Tianji, and possessed one-tenth of his power, Wanwan, from now on in the fairy world, no one can stop my pace, and I will go to the gods in the future to use the void person Once my traits devour the essence of the God Realm, no one can do anything to me in the God Realm!"

Ye Yun said ambitiously, what he saw was not the present, but the future.

The future, God Realm is the future.

Shinra and Dark Thor are the real targets.

"Little Qian, keep these treasures well, they will be of great use in the future, especially the six copies of the Nine Layers of Immortal Sources. In the future, my brother will try his best to collect more Nine Layers of Immortal Sources through robbing, buying, and trading!" Ye Yun stroked Xiaoqian's head and said.

Xiaoqian nodded again and again: "No problem, Xiaoyi, brother can also put the treasures of the storage ring in one after another, Xiaoqian can put many substances in, as long as Xiaoqian's body is not destroyed, all substances are safe!"

"Okay, let's go back to the Nine Dragons space now. During this period of time, I have comprehended the divine way of the sky, promoted to super emperor, obtained the map of the great thousand gods, and become a void person again. I still have a long time to practice and comprehend!" Ye Yun was still nervous. Stretched, got too much, takes more time and energy to digest.

A huge transformation appeared on Ye Yun.

Xiaoqian immediately released a mysterious light, a burst of star power, and immediately sent Ye Yun and Wanhai back to the familiar divine world.

Wan Hai returned to the heart of the ocean, continued to practice, or studied the divine shell, while Ye Yun sat cross-legged above the altar, breathing slowly, still not recovering from the surprise of becoming a void person.

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