"What? I am a young master of the Ye family?"

In Scarlet Cloud City, in the meeting hall of the Ye Mansion, the white-haired Ye Yuan and the great elder Ye Wentian sat facing each other, and Ye Yu sat below, followed by several Ye family masters.

A [-]-year-old man at the bottom folded his hands and said, "This is absolutely true. The spies from Yinsha Town saw it with their own eyes. It's a pity that the young man is wearing a bamboo hat, so he can't see his face clearly."

"Now in Scarlet Cloud City, who knows that there is a young member of our Ye family who beat the elders of Yang's family to death with the three layers of meat immortals, and they are all talking about who the young member is." Another person continued.

Immediately, Ye Yuan, Ye Wentian and the others all looked at Ye Yu.

Ye Yu was startled, very uncomfortable, and immediately shook his head to explain: "That person is not me, although I have that ability, but I will not take risks with my body casually."

"Send people to look around immediately." Ye Wentian looked at the people below, and everyone left the hall immediately, leaving only Ye Wentian and Ye Yuan.

The hall was silent, and occasionally heard the brisk footsteps of the servants. Ye Yuan pondered and said nothing, and suddenly raised his head to look at Ye Wentian: "Uncle Tian, ​​haven't the two old masters arrived yet?"

Ye Wentian's hair is also all pale, and there are a few more around his face. He looked at the gate: "It should still be on the way. As soon as they arrive, we can immediately deal with the two lackeys Ye He and Ye Xinghe. It seems that the Qin family doesn't dare to be hostile to the two old masters easily."

"The Qin family is in full swing, and even the Yan family is a bit afraid. They are worried that they will ambush the two old masters on the way. Although the two old masters are at the top of the tenth level, they are not opponents against the real monks of the Qin family."

"All the monks of the Baiyu Dynasty are brothers from the same sect. His Qin family has monks, and my Ye family also has Ye Yu and others. The Qin family probably won't let the monks take action. If it really comes to that point, they must leave."

"I hope the two old masters will arrive sooner."

Ye Yuan and Ye Wentian were full of sadness, and the hall was extremely oppressive.

Scarlet Cloud City, Chengbei Avenue.

"Everyone, come on, these spirit herbs must be taken away before dark."

In front of the gate of a three-story pavilion, a young man in his twenties was leading people out of large wooden boxes, and the multi-storey shelves in the pavilion had been emptied.


A black-robed man who couldn't see his face suddenly appeared behind the young man, so frightened that the young man almost pulled out the sword from his waist. The young man turned around and looked at the black-robed man full of doubts. He felt that the black-robed man's voice was very familiar, but suddenly I can't remember.

The man in black slowly pulled down the black robe with his hands, it was Ye Yun.

"Less..." Seeing Ye Yun's half-face, the young man suddenly shouted a word in shock, and Ye Yun covered his mouth. The young man understood his intentions, and walked towards the corner with Ye Yun.

When he came to the unoccupied corner, the young man looked at Ye Yun excitedly: "Master, you should be in Qingyang Town. When did you come back? Did the master ask you to come back?"

"I came back secretly, Ah Man, my father treats you well, you know how dangerous he is now, I hope you can help me!"

"Don't say help, you can die."

"It's like this..."

The two talked softly for a while, and Ye Yun and Ah Man came to the back of the corner.

In the blink of an eye, two "Aman" who looked exactly the same came out from the back, and the one in front told the latter: "Aman, you should go back to your hometown first, and don't come back without my notice. Things will be sure. I'll send someone to let you know."

"Master... Take care!" Ah Man put on Ye Yun's big black robe, said the last sentence, and immediately disappeared over the wall.

Uncle Han's ancient voice sounded: "Xiao Yun, you should kill him to really shut your mouth."

His eyes fell on the high wall, "Uncle Han, Ah Man is my book boy, he has grown up with me since childhood, and I love him like brothers... I hope he is still the loyal Ah Man, by the way, Uncle Han, this door' Will Yi Gu Gong' be discovered?"

"Bone-changing skill is a supernatural power only available at the level of a fairy, and you have practiced the invincible blood body, you can control the physical body at will, and you can also use this skill. Normally, the bone-changing skill is easy to be discovered by masters, but you are different, because in the body The surface and interior are full of blood energy, even ordinary angels can't detect it."

Ye Yun was sure, and immediately began to organize his clothes.

Aman's surname is Ye. He was an orphan since he was a child, and was later bought by the Ye family. Aman grew up with Ye Yun. Practicing martial arts since childhood, I can be regarded as a rare martial artist among Ye family's servants, and I am someone Ye Yun trusts very much.

Aman is of medium height, with ordinary appearance, thick eyebrows and small eyes, which makes people feel friendly.

Ye Yun dressed up as Ah Man, I'm afraid no one will find out the clues, Ye Yun is very confident in this point.

After finishing everything, 'Aman' appeared in the convoy at some point, and shouted, "Go home."

Ye Mansion, the back alley.

The servants were unloading the goods. Dozens of servants appeared at the back door and began to move the goods into the backyard. 'Yeman' was reconciling accounts with a servant in gray clothes who was about 40 years old. The servant in gray clothes suddenly pulled him to the corner: " Brother, have you figured it out?"

Ye Yun frowned and thought about it, he seemed to have understood it, looked around, and said cautiously: "If the chief executive and the other three insiders agree, then I will agree."

"Hey, brother is really seasoned, I admire you, don't worry, our people will secretly persuade the chief executive, as long as he agrees, then other internal affairs are not important, brother, is it not easy to want to die, hey!" The man said with a sarcastic smile, patted Ye Yun on the shoulder, turned around and left.

"The tree falls and the monkeys scatter. Even the servants dare to rebel and seize the medicinal herbs privately. Okay, you won't be long, hum!" Ye Yun sneered at the back of the servant in gray, thankful that Ah Man explained everything clearly, otherwise This person will definitely reveal his identity.

After checking the account, the quantity carriage was taken away by the servants.

Ah Man is one of the six major internal affairs of the Ye Mansion. He is under the command of the chief manager. He usually has no major responsibilities and is free most of the time. Check it out.

Ye Yun walked in the familiar courtyard of Ye Mansion, and the past scenes came to his mind, and he sighed deeply in his heart. If it wasn't for this internal change, he might never be able to come back here again.

In Beiyuan, the courtyard of the head of the Ye family, a figure was hiding in the high walls and bushes, looking at everything in the courtyard, suddenly his eyes lit up, and two maidservants appeared in the courtyard supporting Ye Yuan.

Ye Yuan's white hair fluttered slowly in the scorching summer wind, his face had a few more wrinkles, he was more than ten years older than before, and a wave of depression was released in his deep pupils.

"Father, the baby is back, don't worry, the baby will definitely not let the Ye family down." At this moment, Ye Yun seemed to read a lot of things from Ye Yuan's empty eyes, and tears glistened in his eyes.

Ye Yun left Beiyuan and returned to Nanyuan, which was specially prepared for servants.

When he came to Ah Man's room and closed the door, Ye Yun immediately began to practice the Unbeaten Blood Body.

The entire Ye family is in a dark situation, and only strength can turn the tide.

Ye Yun's body turned crimson from time to time, and the blood flowed through the bones, tendons, muscles, and cells, suddenly forming a huge sea of ​​blood, like a bloody whirlpool in his body.

Immediately, Ye Yun felt a sense of strength that was about to explode, but he was at a loss.

"Haha, good, great, Xiao Yun, you have already cultivated the Bleeding Mansion. With the Blood Mansion, you can cultivate the Bleeding Body. The Blood Mansion is a sign of coagulation of the blood body."

Uncle Han's hearty laughter appeared in Ye Yun's mind.

"Blood Palace?"

After thinking about it for a while, a lot of information about the unbeaten blood body flooded into his mind, and he was immediately pleasantly surprised.

Blood Essence Qi is the body's fresh blood, and it is the purest blood Qi. When the blood essence gas is fully fused with the body, there will be a sea of ​​blood in the body, a slowly rotating vortex, that is the Blood House.

With the vortex of the blood palace, the blood body can be formed.

Feeling the blood mansion in his body, Ye Yun said confidently: "The blood mansion is only formed, and when it is full, I can break through the blood and reach the blood body realm. Since then, my physical body has become the most powerful among the ten meat immortals. of."

"Xiao Yun, let the physical body break through the four levels of nourishment quickly, fuse and refine the power of the natal Lingzhu into Dantian Neiyuan, then you will have the Immortal Foundation."

"The fourth level of meat fairy... I never thought that there would be a day when I would reach the fourth level. Could it be that this is reincarnation?" Countless scenes appeared in Ye Yun's mind, especially the scene when he broke through the fourth level of meat fairy at the age of 15. At that time, he was proud of Chi Yun City, aspire to the pinnacle of the heart, who can match the sharpness?

And everything is a dream, a nightmare.

The nightmare made Ye Yun practice from scratch, starting with the basic practice of iron fighting skills, strengthening every part of the body step by step, then moves, and then practicing various martial arts, until he met Uncle Han and cultivated the invincible blood body. Finally, He also has the predestined relationship of a monk and immortality, and will step into the fourth level of flesh immortality.

The first level to the third level of meat fairy is a stage, which belongs to the basic body, and its strength is equal to that of ordinary warriors. Stepping into the fourth level of nourishment is equivalent to entering a new stage. Only with inner breath can one feel all spirits.

Suddenly, the Destiny Spirit Orb in his body shook slightly, and Ye Yun only felt a trance, he seemed to realize something, but he couldn't touch it.

"Why can't Uncle Han suddenly feel your breath? What happened just now?" When Ye Yun was puzzled, Uncle Han's surprised voice came.

Ye Yun was full of astonishment, after hearing the sound, he thought about it for a long time, then shook his head: "Uncle Han, I don't know, I just felt something suddenly, like having a dream suddenly, but I didn't dream of anything. strangeness."

"Hmm..." Uncle Han breathed a sigh of relief, and then fell silent, as if sleeping in a mysterious space again.

"Just now, there was a figure in a trance dream, but I couldn't see it clearly. It was strange. I always felt that it had something to do with the Destiny Spirit Orb that Uncle Han gave me, but the Destiny Spirit Orb was refined by Uncle Han. Why did Uncle Han Can't even tell..."

Mystery, to Ye Yun everything is a mystery.

Ye Yun began to quietly cultivate the Blood Mansion, so that the Blood Mansion continued to strengthen, and began to merge with the physical body. At the same time, the mysterious power absorbed from the Destiny Lingzhu melted with the inner energy of the physical body, turning into a unique inner energy.

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