The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 1686 Purple Bamboo Forest

There are many purple bamboo forests at the bottom of the valley, or mangroves formed by a strange mangrove.

In this kind of purple bamboo forest and mangrove forest, there are simple wooden buildings, either one-story high, or two-story high. In the center of the valley, there is a large lake that is as quiet as a mirror. the entire Great Lakes.

"Brother Guzhu, this is a new junior?"

The two had just landed, and from the purple bamboo forest on the left, several gods walked out to salute Wuhui Guzhu.

Although Ye Yun couldn't see through the cultivation of the highest gods, he could still see through the lower gods.

Among these people's golden elixirs, there are between five and seven gods, which are high-level lower gods, and they seem to be higher than Ye Yun's first-level gods by not a little bit.

"It seems that my cultivation level is the worst in the whole Huijing Valley..." After laughing at himself, Ye Yun immediately saluted several people: "I'm Ye Yun, I've just started, I hope that all senior brothers will take care of me in the future!"

"Junior Brother Ye, be polite!"

"Speaking of which, the Holy Land has not had any newcomers for a while. I didn't expect that this time, it was a first-rank lower god. As far as I can remember, there has never been a first-rank disciple, right?"

Several gods came striding forward, all of them looked polite, but on some faces, they couldn't hide their disregard and disdain for Ye Yun.

The first rank... is still a lower god!

In the God Realm, even ordinary residents are inferior.

It seems that several disciples don't understand that the threshold for such a person to join the majestic Six Paths Holy Land is too low, and there is a feeling of self-deprecation in an instant.

"You guys, tell everyone that when I go back to Jinggu, there is another disciple, his name is Ye Yun!" Wuhui Valley Master exhorted in front of several disciples with a serious expression.


Several people saluted and left.

Wu Huigu led Ye Yun around the right side of the big lake and entered a purple bamboo forest. There happened to be a two-story wooden building. Ye Yun took a closer look, and the wooden building said it was a wooden building, but the wood was from the God Realm In other words, without a certain strength, it is impossible to build this kind of wooden building.

At least Ye Yun couldn't do it. The link of the wooden building was fused with some god-level seals. Ye Yun hadn't started formally practicing god-level Qigong yet, so he could only feel that even a simple wooden building had the illusion of looking up at the starry sky.

Entering the wooden building, it can be seen that there are traces of life inside. Some tea cups are placed in a mess, but other items are neatly packed. It seems that someone often comes to clean the wooden building, but they just didn’t pay attention to the details.

Wuhui Guzhu motioned Ye Yun to sit down, while he sat at the wooden table, looked at the wooden building, and introduced: "The disciple here before is a genius who has reached the sixth level and is a lower god. It is a pity that he left the Holy Land once. I don't know why, he was beheaded and killed by people. The Holy Land has investigated this, but there has been no results. The Shifang Divine Kingdom looks calm, but it is actually extremely dangerous. When you go out for a walk in the future, pay more attention, don't rely on being a disciple of the Holy Land, be arrogant and unreasonable! "

"Disciple, remember!" Ye Yun nodded in response.

"Going back to Jinggu, you must reach the level of the central gods before you can leave. During this period, most of them are practicing basic magic arts, god seals, god formations, and simple qigong. Accumulate the foundation and solidify your divine body. I know your divine body is extraordinary and refined. If you can lay the foundation well, you will be the core of the Holy Land in the future!"

"Cultivation can't be too high-spirited. You first came to the God Realm, and with your talent, you must be in the Immortal Realm, calling the wind and calling the rain, right?"

Speaking of this, Master Wuhui paused for a while meaningfully, and then said: "The fairyland is also vast and boundless, and there are some peerless masters hidden, but most of them are a low-level world. Even if you are in the fairyland, you can become a peerless giant. What can you do if you come to the God Realm? The God Realm is vast and boundless, and it is difficult step by step to practice the ten major realms. From the lower gods, there are very few people who can become the main gods. From the holy gods to the supreme god, and It is a great difficulty, to reach the God of Creation, that is the real ruler, just like the ruler of the kingdom of gods in the ten directions, the owner of the ten directions, can sit on a piece of divine land and build the kingdom of gods, of course you have to know, ten thousand gods Among the gods, there are almost none who can finally reach the God of Creation. Only one god of creation can be born among millions of gods or hundreds of millions of gods, let alone the God of Yuanshi. Chaos God, it is rumored that they are all in the Great Zhou, of course they, the God of Creation, are not qualified to see them!"

"The world of immortals is more difficult than the world of ordinary people, and the world of gods is even more difficult than the world of immortals..." If you don't listen to it, let it go. After listening, Ye Yun really felt like being poured with cold water.

Naturally, in his heart, he had already prepared for it, and it was not easy to practice, but when he said it from Wuhui Guzhu, it was completely different from what he imagined.

"My ancestors in the Holy Land, with the highest level of cultivation, only gave birth to a holy god, or a low-level holy god. If a creator god can be born, then my holy land can monopolize a piece of sacred land and establish a holy land. As you can imagine, What a powerful scene that is?"


Wuhui Guzhu felt that saying this would hurt Ye Yun, but he felt that it would not be good not to say it, and said: "Let's talk about cultivation, the cultivation in the god world is similar to the cultivation in the fairy world, and even in the mortal world, it's just that you are standing God Realm, together with hell, is the time and space with the highest level of energy. Cultivation is one step at a time. The deeper the footprint, the higher your future achievements. With your current divine body, you must start with simple god-level qigong. Practice, change the imprints of your physical body, golden core, primordial spirit, etc., and transform into a god. With the extraordinaryness of your divine body, once the condensation is completed, your strength should be at the first level, and you can reach the height of the third level. For this process, you need at least dozens of years of effort, while ordinary gods need hundreds of years!"

"This is the Holy Land Disciple Token. You must wear it at any time. This can avoid a lot of trouble. Then this is the storage ring. I put everything a beginner disciple needs in it. There are a few magic pills. When practicing, you can Swallow, if there is any need for help, go to the middle of the valley and the great lake to find me!"

Wuhui Guzhu stood up, signaled Ye Yun that there was no need to see him off, and left the wooden building alone.

Ye Yun came to the door, watched Wu go back to Guzhu, and then went from the first floor to the second floor. The environment is very quiet, very suitable for cultivation, and then condensed a seal with a divine source, which slightly merged into the wooden building. Inside, if there is someone, he will sense it immediately.

Coupled with the ability of the Heavenly Hearer, he can sense most people approaching.

After a brief tidying up, I discarded many of the previous daily items and replaced them with the items brought by the fairy world one by one. Then I stood on the second floor, overlooking the entire Huijing Valley, and kept looking until half a day later, I came to the Surprise and mania disappeared one after another, and it was as still as still water.

Then he began to sit cross-legged on the bed in the side room on the second floor, urging the token of the disciples of the Six Paths Holy Land, and on the token, the four divine characters of the Six Paths Holy Land suddenly flashed, writhing like tadpoles, and then took out the storage ring, Mobilize the gods.

Spiritual consciousness entered the storage ring, and immediately found hundreds of books, divine jade pieces, and several treasure boxes floating inside.

Utilizing the powerful primordial spirit to read hundreds of books, Ye Yun finished reading all of them in just three days. If he was in the realm of an immortal, he would not be able to do it. any obstacle.

After reading it, he had a better understanding of the Ten Directions Divine Kingdom.

There are more than a dozen holy places, large and small, in Shifangshen's country. The Six Paths Holy Land is considered a first-class power, and the rest also have sects, empires, families and other forces.

He cared more about Hongdao Holy Land, Tianzang Holy Land and Tai'an Holy Land.

The three holy lands are only about a month away from the six-path holy land, but this speed can only be based on the strength of the middle gods and the upper gods. The lower gods may take several years of effort.

Ye Yun knew that it was impossible to go to the three holy places in a short time to meet Wanhai, Chiyun and Longlong.

"Fama, this guy should be hiding in the kingdom of gods in the ten directions. After the news of the four of us stepping into the gods is made public, he will surely scare the snake away. Once his strength increases greatly, he must go to find this person, find Tianshu, and rescue the elder sister , I have to rely on him for the time being!"

After being distracted, Ye Yun returned to the ocean of books. In countless divine text worlds, he found the divine map of the Ten Directions Divine Kingdom. Ten years is impossible, but for the main god, it only takes a few years.

And from the disciple token, find everything in detail about the Holy Land of the Six Paths.

There are only tens of thousands of disciples in the Holy Land of the Six Paths. They are divided into temporary disciples, registered disciples, formal disciples, elite disciples, core disciples, and supreme disciples.

Temporary disciples come to pay homage to the door. Holy Land thinks they have potential, so they will stay and observe for a few days, but most of these disciples will be eliminated, and registered disciples are most of the disciples who return to the Sutra Valley. Become an official disciple.

The elite disciples and core disciples are the main force in the Holy Land of the Six Paths. As for the Supreme Disciples, there are too few of them, and there is no record on the token.

After half a day's work, Ye Yun could clearly remember the faces and names of most of the disciples in the Holy Land of the Six Paths, and found that among the official disciples, his name was more common.

There are more than a dozen dojos in the Holy Land of the Six Paths, Huijing Valley is only part of it, and then there are the main avenues, the "Tianhui Dojo" where the official disciples are located, the elite dojo where the elite disciples are, the core dojo where the core disciples are, and the Supreme Disciple The Taishang Dojo where it is located.

There are so many things about the Holy Land of the Six Paths, and I can't figure it out for a while.

Then look at the information about cultivation, which is the most important thing for Ye Yun at present.

"Ten realms, nine ranks, the original nine ranks represent ninety-nine return to one..."

Ye Yun started to understand from the realm, and gradually raised his brows: "One divine source to nine divine sources, from one to nine, numbering nine, representing ninety-nine returning to one, the Dao returning to truth, the fusion of heaven and earth, the practice rules of the divine world, representing It is a kind of unity, all things are unified, the sky and the earth are boundless, and when they reach a fusion, they will reach a state of fullness and truth!"

"The lower level of the nine gods, after condensing the ninth lesson of the gods, there are nine gods in the golden core, and when the nine gods are full, they will merge and attract the gods. After the catastrophe, the lower gods will have nine The source of the gods will be fused into one, becoming the first-order god source of the central gods, and then continue to practice and cycle continuously, refining the body, practicing Qi and refining the gods, and finally the fusion of heaven, earth and man, once again reaching the ninety-nine return to one, stepping on Enter the upper god!!"

Unexpectedly, the principles of practice in the God Realm, the general outline contains such the essence of the Dao, the mysteries of heaven, the laws of the God Realm, and the ultimate pursuit of the laws of the God Realm is the ninety-nine return to one, and all things reach the state of harmony and complementarity.

"In this way, the top ten realms, isn't it difficult for nearly a hundred steps? The God Realm is originally a high-level time and space. The difficulty of cultivation is unimaginable, and so many difficulties have to be overcome!!!"

Seeing this, Ye Yun didn't want to read any more, it was indeed a bit of a blow to Dao Xin.

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