The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 1799 The Secret Road Network Under the Palace

Soon, the two sneaked into the palace where the emperor's uncle was.

Still the dead man jumped off the high wall, Ye Yun stayed on the top and waited, using the Heavenly Hearer, there was nothing abnormal in the palace.

About an hour later, the dead man came back.

"The side hall is still unguarded, why don't we go in and have a look?" the dead man said via voice transmission, full of caution.

Ye Yun immediately agreed, jumped down the high wall together, came to the corridor, used hidden magic powers, and waited for the guards to leave, the two of them approached the side hall behind the main hall again and again.

There is also a back garden behind the main hall, and the side hall just stands beside it. There are not many guards here. The two of them hid for a while, waited for the guards to leave, and immediately ran to the side hall.

The side hall is decorated with many jade stones, without lights, it looks bright and bright, after sensing it, the two pushed open the window and jumped into it.

Sure enough, as the dead man said, the side hall looks very ordinary, and there are no guards patrolling it. There are only some books and potted plants in the side hall, and there are no treasures.

The only difference in this side hall is that compared with other buildings in the palace garden, it seems to be older, which can be felt from the wood and some formations.

"As long as the emperor's dynasty is a palace, any building will be patrolled by guards, but this side hall is really confusing..." The dead man began to search, but it seemed to be fruitless.

Ye Yun also turned around, but he didn't understand the mystery of this side hall.

"You all go down, the emperor wants to be alone..."

A familiar voice suddenly entered Ye Yun's ears.

And the dead man immediately found out that the two of them shouted that it was not good. Obviously, the person who spoke was the owner of this palace, the current emperor's uncle.

The two immediately jumped out of the side hall and hid behind the potted plants at the foot of the wall.

Within ten breaths, an old man in his 60s with a royal aura all over his body, wearing a golden robe, stood with his hands behind his back, walked to the side hall alone, and more than a dozen guards were waiting outside.

After the old man entered the side hall, he closed the door, not knowing what to do inside.


Another half an hour passed, and Ye Yun suddenly heard the sound of a large object moving from the side hall. He immediately sensed it and found that there was no life on the side, that is to say....

The emperor's uncle disappeared in the side hall.

"There is indeed a mystery in this side hall, and there is a secret passage hidden in it..." The man disappeared out of thin air, and he did not leave the side hall. Needless to say, the uncle left the side hall through the secret passage.

The dead man also seemed to sense something: "Why did his breath disappear?"

"Really? Why did his aura suddenly disappear? Could it be that in the side hall, there is some secret channel..."

In front of him, Ye Yun made a look of astonishment and surprise, he didn't seem to sense anything strange at all, and the dead man said something in detail.

Finally decided, the two approached the side hall to have a look.

So each of them hid their breath, approached the side hall step by step silently, came to the window sill, poked their heads out to look through the gap, and sure enough the side hall was empty, there was nothing there.

People, as expected, disappeared!

"In this side hall, there is indeed a secret passage, we will wait here to see where this uncle emerges from..." Ye Yun said what was in his mind, and the dead man still did not object.

The two of them hid under the window sill and waited, while Ye Yun actually started to use his sensing power in secret, centering on the side hall, to sense the breath of life hidden in the secret passage.

Sure enough, he was sensed.

A total of seven people, about one kilometer away from the palace, gathered together in secret. Unfortunately, the Heavenly Listener could not hear them, unless there were no other people in the palace, only the seven of them.

It's just a secret way, Ye Yun really can't sense it, he can only wait for the emperor's uncle to come back.

Another half an hour later, a breath of life continued to approach the side hall, just below the side hall.


Suddenly, the throne above the side hall moved to the right. Uncle Huang looked around vigilantly, then walked out, patted the throne three times, and clicked again, and the throne returned to its original position.

This scene was really seen by Ye Yun and the dead man.

Uncle Huang didn't leave the side hall immediately, but stayed for a while, deliberately showing fatigue, and then left the side hall.

The two immediately entered the side hall, and couldn't wait to come to the throne. They drew a ladle on a gourd and patted it three times. Sure enough, the throne moved to the right, revealing a dimly lit secret passage. The two immediately entered the secret passage and let the throne go back. to the original position.

After walking about ten meters away, five secret passages suddenly appeared in front of him. It felt like there were secret passages everywhere under the entire palace. Ye Yun still took out the map of the palace to compare the five secret passages with the emperor's uncle's palace as the center. It turns out that the central one of the five secret passages leads to the imperial palace, and the left and right four lead to the four directions of the imperial palace.

It is very possible that these secret passages have penetrated the entire palace of the general.

Ye Yun looked at the dead man: "I didn't expect such an unexpected harvest. It seems that in the palace, many palaces have secret passage entrances like the side halls above. The side halls are just covering up, and the secret passages are so densely packed. It will be made by the emperor's uncle alone, and it seems that it was built in the early years of the emperor's dynasty when he was building the palace!"

"It will be easier to enter other palaces in the palace in the future..." The dead man also showed an excited expression.

After Ye Yun discussed with the dead man, the two decided to act separately, explore the five passages one by one, and then come back here to rendezvous after an hour.

Without the dead men following, Ye Yun could more easily use his supernatural powers, release his induction power and the ability of the Heavenly Hearer, and sense that there was no breath in the secret path, so he would speed up and fly to the center of the secret path. Along the way, there would be some secret paths and the main path. Combined, the closer to the palace, the more secret passages.

Fortunately, there is a main road, which leads directly to all directions, otherwise, in this underground world full of dark passages, it is very easy to get lost, and it can't leave any breath or mark. Once it is discovered, it will be even more troublesome.

An hour later, Ye Yun came back, and the dead men also arrived. He went to the east of the palace, along the way there were some princes and concubines living in the palace, and Ye Yun went to the west, and the information he got was similar.

The two decided to leave the secret passage for the time being, and come back to find out next time.

After returning to the Forbidden Courtyard, the four of them discussed for a while, and Ye Yun was the one who decided what to say.

In the next few days, Ye Yun and the dead man were groping in the secret way!

"Our goal today is to go to more than a dozen princes' palaces. If we don't get anything, we will go directly to the center of the palace to see if there are any harvests in the emperor's palace!"

This time, the two no longer entered the secret passage from the emperor's uncle's palace, but chose a concubine's palace.

The concubine didn't know that the palace where she lived for many years actually had a secret passage, and she had the opportunity to be watched every day.

In the secret passage, Ye Yun and the dead man only communicated for a moment, and the two immediately entered a main passage respectively.

According to the map comparison, Ye Yun quickly came to the bottom of a prince's palace, came to the entrance of the secret passage, cast the heavenly listener, sensed that there was no movement outside, and immediately opened the moving object that was like a wall in front of him. The side hall, but the entrance is not a throne, but a tall monster statue on the right side of the throne.

After moving the statue back, Ye Yun came outside the side hall. This palace is the palace of the fifth prince of the General Emperor's Dynasty. This person is also a disciple of Zhenyang Holy Land, but he is not anymore.

There are not many guards in the prince's palace, although there are also high-ranking gods and strong men, Ye Yun urged Wuwuzhidao, no one sensed that he was constantly approaching the main hall.

Soon, a few breathing sounds came from the main hall.

"Fifth Master, no way, your cultivation base has been abolished, and a large amount of memory has been erased. With our cultivation base, it is absolutely impossible to recondense the golden core for Fifth Master..."


A young, but exhausted voice sounded out, with great resentment: "The elders of Zhenyang Holy Land personally shot, shattered my golden core, and stripped my primordial spirit... Damn, hate!!!"

"The elders of Zhenyang Holy Land are existences at the level of the Holy God. We are all high-level gods or main gods. How can we shake the power of the Holy God?"

"Fifth Lord, you can only ask the emperor for orders, and ask him to join hands with a few ancient antiques from the dynasty to reshape the golden core for you, only then will you have a chance..."

"Hmph, in his eyes now, there is the prince... The prince is similar to me. To the dynasty, the prince is more important than any prince. They are going all out to reshape the golden core for the prince. What am I?"


Several people sighed in the hall.

Ye Yun approached immediately, hid in the void, and looked towards the hall.

I saw a total of five people inside, a young man sitting on the top, it seems to be the fifth prince of the emperor, and four old men standing below, each of them is a high-ranking god, and one of them is a middle god , it seems that they are all the guests of the fifth prince, the elites under his command.

After sweeping the fifth prince, his cultivation had disappeared, and the spirit in his body was only one-thousandth of normal. There was no golden elixir in the key dantian, which made him even worse than an ordinary person in the God Realm.

"Zhenyang Sacred Land is acting resolutely, and it treats the emperor's dynasty with such cruelty, the cultivation bases of all the princes... I am afraid they are all abolished... and there is still hope for the crown prince to recover?"

It is also considered a big news, if it is passed on to the Eighth Prince, it will definitely have a great effect, and after a few days, there will be some gains at last.

At this moment, the Fifth Prince Jiang Huang couldn't suppress his desire for power, and swept away the four of them: "What else can you do?"

Among them, the only master god bowed and said: "Fifth Master, there may be a way, but I don't know if Fifth Master is willing!"

"Up to now, if there is anything I don't want, just tell me!"

"I don't know if Lord Wu still remembers that 100 years ago, his subordinates recommended to Lord Wu a person named 'Jifeng Zhenren'?"

"Real person Jifeng? Remember, you said that this person is a master. If the emperor has the intention to seize the throne, you can go to him. What did you say to seize the throne back then? What can I do with the crown prince's cultivation? Jifeng Daoist...does this person have the ability to recover my golden core?"

"Not long ago, I met the real Jifeng by chance. The real person happened to be traveling here. He told his subordinates that there would be a catastrophe in the Emperor's Dynasty, but he didn't say what it was. Judging from the current situation, everything may be destroyed by the extreme. Master Feng hit the mark!"

"This person…"

The Fifth Prince Jianghuang was stunned for a moment, then shocked.

"Master Jifeng? What kind of power is he really capable of? Can he predict the future? Calculate what will happen to the emperor's dynasty?"

Ye Yun, who was outside, was also full of shock. Foretelling the future is not a supernatural power, but a kind of nihilistic ability. Throughout the ages, no one can prove whether there is anyone who can predict the future.

"Okay, okay, you go and invite this real Jifeng, I want to see what he is capable of!" The fifth prince pretended to be calm, with a princely arrogance, but in his heart, he had already given up hope and let go. On Ji Feng's real person, it seems that he has grasped the life-saving straw.

"Subordinates, let's invite the Daoist!" The old man turned around and left.

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