The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 1815 Underground Treasure Site

"It's easy to get on a pirate ship, but if you want to get off the ship..."

You don't need to imagine to know how complicated the fifth prince Jiang's mood is at this moment, conflicts, fears, guilt, despair, killing...

It really was a good show.

Jifeng Zhenren is the director of this scene, and Ye Yun is the audience of the whole scene.

As a director, Jifeng Zhenren kept making things develop from beginning to end, and in his hands, the fifth prince was finally forced into a dilemma, with no way out in the end.

He can only make the choice of killing his father and brother. Even if he still has a little bit of conscience and family affection in his heart, it will eventually disappear completely under the director of Jifeng Zhenren and become just a tool in his hands.

"Poor fifth prince... no, poor people must have something to hate. If the fifth prince had come to this situation, if he had no selfish desires and greed in his heart, he would not have been taken advantage of by Master Jifeng, so In the end, the Fifth Prince is not worthy of sympathy!"

As a spectator, Ye Yun can see clearly, the fifth prince is incompetent, and he meets the old fox Ji Feng.

Of course, there are many other factors, such as the choice of the emperor, the rejection of the crown prince, etc... Of course, there is also the fact that he became a useless person.

Perhaps the mood of the Fifth Prince General, only he himself knows what it feels like.


He raised his brows, turned around immediately, and sensed many breaths of life. From all directions, hidden breaths chased him up, and he was only a few kilometers away from Master Jifeng and the Fifth Prince.

In the breath, Ye Yun not only felt the Eighth Prince, but also the Seventh Prince of the Dali Dynasty, and some existences with the aura of emperors. It seems that the princes of the Dali Dynasty are almost here.

Ye Yun immediately asked Tong Xinti to continue to follow the real Jifeng to follow the prince and the others, while he activated the Daqian Shentu, and after a slight flash, he came to midair.

There are a total of five auras in the wet forest below. The eighth prince led hundreds of people, flying in the air at high speed in the center. The surrounding four auras are several kilometers away, and the auras are perfectly hidden. The eighth prince and others did not Discover.

It's not that he didn't find out, it's just that the Eighth Prince pretended not to know.

Immediately, Ye Yun heard the voice of an old man, and said to the eighth prince in a low voice: "Prince, third prince, fourth prince, and seventh prince are following us on both sides, Daojun, they are indeed here!"

"Yeah, originally they had extravagant expectations. They only sent their strong men to snatch the treasures. They didn't expect to come here in disguise, so don't blame me for being ruthless. The Liangyi Brahma Dragon Sword is what my father wanted wholeheartedly. All brothers , only I don't want to possess this treasure, of course I also want to possess this treasure in my heart, but not under this premise!"

The eighth prince looked at the old man in black robes to one side, with awe.

"Sure enough, as I expected, all of this was planned by the Eighth Prince long ago..."

Hearing the conversation between the old man and the eighth prince, which just confirmed Ye Yun's conjecture, he was not surprised. The eighth prince is for the throne and power, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The emperor's dynasty is the same as the world of monks. It is full of intrigues and deceptions everywhere. If you want to survive, you must make yourself stronger. The Eighth Prince did this only to gain a foothold and survive.

"Ba Ye, it's not good, there seems to be no trace of the remnant soldiers of the Emperor's Dynasty anymore!!!"

Suddenly, several masters flew from the front.

"It doesn't matter, everyone can move on!"

The eighth prince is not in a hurry, because the strong man he sent before has long been following the crown prince secretly, and this Wangkong Wet Forest is the place where the eighth prince rises.

"The crown prince and others seem to be entering the treasure area..."

Ye Yun, who was hiding in the air, immediately activated the Daqian Shentu, and in an instant, he traveled several kilometers and came to Tongxinti. Below were swampy lakes. With Tongxinti's finger, Ye Yun saw I saw a monster, emerging from a swampy lake, like a huge crocodile.

The monster beast opened its mouth, and the emperor brought the crown prince and others into the monster beast's mouth.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun thought it was too incredible, and then activated his sensory force, he found that this monster was a thousand meters long, swallowed hundreds of people in one breath, and its body was also huge.

With a grunt, the monster submerged into the swamp lake. Ye Yun sensed it, and the phantom of a huge life suddenly turned back, then dived into the depths of the swamp, and continued to swim southeast.

Soon, Jiang Gu flew to the marsh lake with four masters, and suddenly found that the breath of hundreds of people disappeared out of thin air, leaving nothing behind, without a sound.

"Wonderful, this mechanism is ingeniously set up, there is no special sensory power, no one can find out where they went..."

Surprised, Ye Yun continued to sense, and found that the monsters kept swimming to the southeast, several kilometers away, and went to a larger area of ​​swamps and lakes.

"Uncle Gu!"

Soon, Jiang Huang's fifth prince, Ji Feng Zhenren and others also came to the marsh lake, and met Jiang Gu and the other five by the lake.

Jiang Guji explained helplessly: "There are hundreds of people alive. We had been following them secretly, but we couldn't follow them too closely. It was about five breaths before and after. When we chased here, we found that hundreds of people disappeared out of thin air!"

"Disappear out of thin air?" The five princes were shocked, and an unbelievable expression appeared, and suddenly thought of something: "By the way, the father once gave each of our brothers a natal talisman. With this talisman, we can sense the prince's heart. breath!"

"Fifth Master, let's not push the natal talisman, leave this swampy lake, and get rid of the group of people from the Dali Dynasty!"

Master Jifeng is very cautious, just a reminder.

The fifth prince nodded repeatedly, and everyone flew forward.

After crossing a few swampy lakes, the real Jifeng suggested that the fifth prince, with some inner guards, could start to act, urging the natal magic weapon, and rush to the direction of the prince.

The five princes immediately followed suit, leading a dozen of inner guards, making a distressed appearance. In fact, they looked extremely embarrassed, and then flew to the southeast.

"Brother Qing, we should also follow!" Jiang Gu looked at Master Jifeng.

"There is a nine-turn thunderbolt. The fifth prince wants to kill the emperor's old son. He is very confident. Even if the latter does not die, he will be seriously injured. Brother Gu, from now on, the general family will usher in a new life, let's go!"

After Master Jifeng finished speaking, with an expression of great ambition, he and Jiang Gu flew up secretly with dozens of experts.

At this moment, Ye Yun himself, following the life breath of the sensed monster, came to tens of kilometers away, in a rolling mountain range, one of the mountain peaks looks very ordinary, but the monster is right here Staying under the giant mountain.

After Ye Yun's induction, he also found hundreds of breaths of life, which began to appear under the giant mountain.

The mountain range in front of him seems to be where the treasure of Jiang's family is located.

Looking at the entire Wangkong Wet Forest, how many mountains, valleys, valleys, swamp ponds, swamp lakes, and wet forests, etc., if you don't know it, you must know the treasure of the general family, it is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack, unless it is It is possible to find the treasure place only after reaching the terrifying existence of the Supreme God, who can activate some great supernatural powers.

After all, the treasure land also has an enchantment atmosphere, although it is weak, it cannot escape the induction of the Supreme God.

As for the Holy Spirit, it is not impossible to find the treasure, but the possibility is too slim.

Concentrate on it, sensing the general situation under the mountains.

This feeling completely surprised Ye Yun.

Under this mountain range with hundreds of peaks, there are actually hundreds of monsters, and the main gods have dozens of them. The boundary, the breath is very faint, and it is integrated with this mountain range. If Ye Yun didn't sense the breath of life, he would not be able to sense the existence of this enchantment.

One hundred percent, this enchantment is the place where the general's treasure is hidden, the Liangyi Brahma Dragon Sword, a treasure from the Dragon Clan, just under the Pian Mountain Range.

"The strength of the general family united with the monsters is very powerful. It is not easy for the Eighth Prince to obtain the Liangyi Fanlong Sword. The Liangyi Fanlong Sword is none of my business. As well as Master Jifeng, I must get these three people, and the corpse is also fine..."

After finding out the exact location, Ye Yun began to wait while trying to figure out a way.

If the Eighth Prince and the others really can't find a way, he will deliberately expose this mountain range. The Dali Dynasty can consume it, but he can't continue to consume it. He must get everything as soon as possible.

Furthermore, the masters of the general family will also use the monsters again to leave this mountain range and even the Wangkong Wet Forest from the depths of the ground silently.

After waiting for half an hour, Ye Yun sensed that the generals and masters had all entered the barrier, and some monsters began to hide underground, turning a mountain range into a big trap area.

Another hour passed.

Ye Yun sensed the aura of the Fifth Prince, and he kept approaching the mountain range, but unfortunately, it was too deep under the mountain range, even if he used the Heavenly Listener, he couldn't hear the movement below.

I don't know if the emperor general and the crown prince have sensed the arrival of the fifth prince.

As soon as he had this thought, he suddenly sensed that more than a dozen breaths entered the body of a monster, leaving the ground continuously and coming towards the surface.

It is very possible that they came for the fifth prince, and some monsters approached quietly.

After about a dozen breaths, the fifth prince, General Huang, followed the protection of the inner guards and flew over in embarrassment. When he arrived in the middle of the mountain range, he was at a loss and could not see hope.

"Fifth Prince!!!"

Suddenly, Jiang Wang's voice came from somewhere underground, with a sense of coldness.

Hearing the voice, the five princes of the general emperor burst into tears of joy, not like a prince: "Uncle Wang, it's Uncle Wang, I want to see my father, I want to see my father, I brought my confidants, and entered the palace with a strong army in the Dali Dynasty At that time, I managed to break out, Uncle Wang, please take me to see my father, Wangkong Wet Forest is surrounded by masters from the Dali dynasty, my father can't just leave me alone!"

"The emperor is injured, so it's inconvenient to see you now, but he has issued an order to let a monster take you out of here and go to a safe place!" Jiang Wang still didn't show up, and he didn't agree to the fifth prince's request.

"Uncle Wang, I'm surrounded by people from the Dali Dynasty. Where can I go? I want to see my father. If my father doesn't see me, I won't go anywhere. I'll just kneel here until my father sees me!"


The Fifth Prince Jiang knelt down excitedly, crying like a hooligan, pestering him endlessly.

Now, it seems that even Jiang Wang didn't expect the fifth prince to use such a method. He is a majestic prince. I am afraid that even the experts around Jiang Gu couldn't bear it, and he really felt sympathy for the fifth prince.

"Prince... wait a moment, I'll see what the emperor means!"

Jiang Wang was also touched in the end, he couldn't just leave him dead, and he was still a prince, the emperor's own son.

"At a time like this, the bitter trick is really the only coup. Anyone who uses it will probably succeed. It's hard to guard against..."

Seeing all this in mid-air, Ye Yun already knew that the emperor would agree. Under such circumstances, as the emperor, it was impossible for him to refuse to save his son in front of so many people. .

This will lose prestige, and... people's hearts.

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