Nine dragon heads coiled around this floating figure, as if nine divine dragons were guarding the figure, but in a flash, the figure pierced the night sky like a shooting star, and disappeared and burned up.

"That's it? Could it be that this son is protected by a big man behind him?"

"Or the reincarnation of a certain ancient power?"

Yang Danhou and Yang Yun looked at each other, and the same murderous intent burst out in their eyes.

"What a man... In the past, Yun'er was the future of the Ye family, but now, Ah Man may be the real hope of the Ye family."

Seeing this scene, Ye Yuan's heart stirred up a thousand layers of waves. Ye Yun's strange scene proved that there is indeed a peerless powerhouse behind him, otherwise there would be no floating shadow appearing.

"You go down to the funeral too!"

Abolishing Yang Hu's dantian, Ye Yun focused on the man in black from the Yang family. This man's cultivation level is not inferior to Yang Hu's, and his status in the Yang family should be comparable to that of Yang Yun. If he can be beheaded again, it will be The morale of the Yang family was greatly reduced, and the prestige of the Ye family was revived.

"Boy, I personally took you down!"

Just as he was about to kill the man in black, Yang Yun, the head of the Yang family, flew out like a cloud shadow and landed in front of Ye Yun, while the man in black helped the dying Yang Hu to leave.

"Six levels of flesh immortality, one realm of heaven..."

Staring at Yang Yun, Ye Yun could only use four words to describe it as unfathomable.

"Based on your third level of flesh immortality, you can kill a fifth-level strongman. It stands to reason that you should be able to kill a sixth-level strong man by breaking through your fourth level. Boy, I want to see what you can do." Yang Yun was about to make a move, and Shen Tong released a shot All of a sudden, in the eyeballs, there seemed to be electric currents flashing.

"Aman, the sixth level and the fifth level are completely different realms. If you persist for a while, I will be able to help you!"

On one side, Ye Wentian was sitting cross-legged and concentrating, with beads of sweat floating on his face.


Ye Yu and the man in black faced each other in mid-air, and they took three steps back at the same time. They each had different injuries, and it seemed that they were both seriously injured, so they didn't dare to attack at will.

The night sky was filled with a murderous aura, which was shocking.

"Xiao Yun, this person's cultivation is not bad, his true energy has already been achieved, and his skill is several times higher than that of Yang Hu. With your current skill, at most you can only fight to a tie, unless you burst out with the strongest power of the undefeated blood body." It is possible to kill him, but once they are fully activated and release the Invincible Blood Body, this miraculous skill will be discovered by everyone, and then..."


Hearing Uncle Han's words, Ye Yun's breathing was abnormally heavy, and he had a new understanding of Yang Yun in front of him.

Yang Yun, usually a low-key person, especially under the prestige of the Ye family, this person's dormant ability is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and he finally showed up when the Ye family was most vulnerable, and wanted to beat the Ye family forever.

"I want you to know what Tianwei is!"


A majestic zhenqi exploded from Yang Yun's body at once, and rushed towards Ye Yun with lightning speed. Above his body, the zhenqi was like an angry bull monster, extremely domineering.

"Be careful, the Yang family's unique knowledge, the Mang Niu Jing!"

Seeing the zhenqi bull monster released by Yang Yunyun, his face darkened, and he immediately warned Ye Yun.

Ye Yun's body flickered and disappeared suddenly.

"It's so fast. The speed of the physical body alone is so ridiculously fast. If this kid has cultivated to the eighth or ninth level, he will not be able to kill the tenth level powerhouse."

Yang Yun shot out instantly with the bull monster's true energy, and the huge true energy was like a huge mountain pressing down on Ye Yun. Who would have thought that Ye Yun would disappear in place and dodge the domineering attack in an instant.

Yang Yun could see Ye Yun's huge potential threat just by using his instant movement.

"Eat my punch!"

Ye Yun stepped out in seven steps, the dust piled up, and his whole body suddenly pressed against Yang Yun.


The two confronted each other in mid-air, and Ye Yun took several steps back before stopping, while Yang Yun only took a step back, but he was already shocked, and looked at Ye Yun like a monster: "Good boy, not only the physical body You are outstanding, and your internal strength is also very good. With the level [-] cultivation of the Meat Immortal, you can match a move against this old man. You are considered the number one genius in the world, and maybe only Qin Qing from the Qin family can stand by your side."

"Qin Qing? What is she? Sooner or later, I will surpass her. Yang Yun, your Yang family and my Ye family are not sworn enemies. If you are willing to submit to my Ye family, when my Ye family unifies the world, I will definitely give you a hero in the Yang family." Earth, how is it?"

Ye Yun actually gathered Yang Yun and the entire Yang family together.

Yang Yunyun laughed wildly: "Haha! Boy, you are indeed a character, but you are too popular, and you don't know how to restrain yourself. The sky and the earth are big, and you dare to unify the world and speak boldly. But you, if you join the Yang family now, the old man will not only let you go How about letting you be the Patriarch of the Yang Family after passing you on?"

"I sincerely turn to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch, Yang Yun, one of you and me must fall today." Ye Yun partially activated his physical body again, facing the sixth-level powerhouse, he dared not be careless.

call out!

In the direction of the Yang family, Yang Danhou suddenly burst out a large pillar of true energy, which condensed in the palm of his hand.

"This is troublesome, and I am going to partially activate it. Now I have to activate my whole body to hold Yang Danhou and others!" Ye Yun broke out in a cold sweat.

"You actually recovered your true energy so quickly, ready to release the poisonous giant!" At this moment, Ye Yuan suddenly understood that Yang Danhou's true energy was so powerful that no one in the entire Ye family could be against him, Ye Wentian couldn't do it, Ye Yu was too tender, and As for 'Aman', he has done a good job, but he can't resist Yang Danhou, a giant.

The warriors of the Black Flag Battalion rushed forward immediately.

Yang Danhou was full of murderous intent, and he was going to destroy the Black Flag Camp first: "Haha, can a mere drug tycoon deal with this old man?"

"Yang Danhou, you are dying today!"

Suddenly, a burst of strong true energy and a smile resounded in the night sky.

Yang Danhou's face darkened, and he heard the sound and said in shock: "The ninth-level meat immortal...?"

"The overlord raises the tripod!"

A purple shadow suddenly jumped down from the night sky, and above his arms, was actually dragging a huge qi cauldron condensed with true qi.

Transforming true energy into form is the same kind of supernatural power as vacuum sword energy, which can only be used by the Ninth Layer of the Meat Immortal.

Seeing someone coming, Ye Yuan's heart beat fast: "One of my Ye family's three great skills, Overlord Fist, who is it?"

"Break it for me!"

Yang Danhou roared, a two-foot-long vacuum sword energy hung above his head, his true energy rose suddenly, and collided with the huge aura.

I saw the atmospheric cauldron entangled with the vacuum sword aura a few times, the vacuum sword aura began to disperse, turning into sword blades and scattered, and the atmospheric cauldron was a little weaker, but still slammed towards Yang Danhou domineeringly.

"Not reconciled..."


The atmospheric cauldron instantly smashed Yang Danhou into a pulp, and a deep pit was smashed on the ground. The sky was scattered with pieces of meat, and a silver light shot out from the blood mist.


"Haha, the true art of the Frost Sword!"

The man in purple robe grabbed the silver light in his hand.

"Old... Patriarch is also finished!"

"Our Yang family..."

Yang Danhou died, and everyone in the Yang family lost their backbone and lost their fighting spirit as if a pillar had collapsed.

"This person has practiced Bawang Fist so well. Bawang lifts a tripod. That's a supernatural power. It seems that the higher the level, the greater the power of Bawang Fist." The power of Bawang Fist just now flashed in his mind, and Ye Yun was secretly surprised.

"'s you!"

Ye Yuan looked at the purple-robed man, his body was shocked, and there was a glint of solemnity in his eyes.

Ye Xun unceremoniously put the secret book into his arms, turned around and said: "I didn't expect the patriarch of the dignified Ye family to remember me as a traitor, Ye Yuan, I haven't seen you for many years, seeing that your life is not as comfortable as I imagined. "


Yang Yun's face was gloomy, his greatest support had already fallen, and now he began to regret the plan to kill the Ye family, and led the Yang family back into the darkness.


Bows and arrows shot out from the darkness, like a storm sweeping through the Yang family. For a while, the Yang family suffered numerous casualties and blood flowed like rivers. Only Yang Yun and dozens of strong men were still resisting.

"A mere Yang family, how dare you offend me, Ye Jiajiawei, Flame God Palm!"

A sound of anger erupted in the darkness, the night sky suddenly burned, and a huge palm of burning true energy swept towards Yang Yun and others ferociously.

"Ten heavy meat immortals!"

"The Yang family is finished!"

Boom boom boom!

Although Yang Yun exploded his whole life's skills to resist the terrifying burning qi, after all, the power of one person is too small to help at all. He himself, including the entire Yang family's masters, turned into skeletons for a while.

"Fire palm! Ten heavy...greetings to the old master!"

Ye Yuan bowed towards the night sky to salute, then Ye Wentian, Ye Yu and others bowed one after another, even Ye Yun had to lower his head temporarily.Nine dragon heads coiled around this floating figure, as if nine divine dragons were guarding the figure, but in a flash, the figure pierced the night sky like a shooting star, and disappeared and burned up.

"That's it? Could it be that this son is protected by a big man behind him?"

"Or the reincarnation of a certain ancient power?"

Yang Danhou and Yang Yun looked at each other, and the same murderous intent burst out in their eyes.

"What a man... In the past, Yun'er was the future of the Ye family, but now, Ah Man may be the real hope of the Ye family."

Seeing this scene, Ye Yuan's heart stirred up a thousand layers of waves. Ye Yun's strange scene proved that there is indeed a peerless powerhouse behind him, otherwise there would be no floating shadow appearing.

"You go down to the funeral too!"

Abolishing Yang Hu's dantian, Ye Yun focused on the man in black from the Yang family. This man's cultivation level is not inferior to Yang Hu's, and his status in the Yang family should be comparable to that of Yang Yun. If he can be beheaded again, it will be The morale of the Yang family was greatly reduced, and the prestige of the Ye family was revived.

"Boy, I personally took you down!"

Just as he was about to kill the man in black, Yang Yun, the head of the Yang family, flew out like a cloud shadow and landed in front of Ye Yun, while the man in black helped the dying Yang Hu to leave.

"Six levels of flesh immortality, one realm of heaven..."

Staring at Yang Yun, Ye Yun could only use four words to describe it as unfathomable.

"Based on your third level of flesh immortality, you can kill a fifth-level strongman. It stands to reason that you should be able to kill a sixth-level strong man by breaking through your fourth level. Boy, I want to see what you can do." Yang Yun was about to make a move, and Shen Tong released a shot All of a sudden, in the eyeballs, there seemed to be electric currents flashing.

"Aman, the sixth level and the fifth level are completely different realms. If you persist for a while, I will be able to help you!"

On one side, Ye Wentian was sitting cross-legged and concentrating, with beads of sweat floating on his face.


Ye Yu and the man in black faced each other in mid-air, and they took three steps back at the same time. They each had different injuries, and it seemed that they were both seriously injured, so they didn't dare to attack at will.

The night sky was filled with a murderous aura, which was shocking.

"Xiao Yun, this person's cultivation is not bad, his true energy has already been achieved, and his skill is several times higher than that of Yang Hu. With your current skill, at most you can only fight to a tie, unless you burst out with the strongest power of the undefeated blood body." It is possible to kill him, but once they are fully activated and release the Invincible Blood Body, this miraculous skill will be discovered by everyone, and then..."


Hearing Uncle Han's words, Ye Yun's breathing was abnormally heavy, and he had a new understanding of Yang Yun in front of him.

Yang Yun, usually a low-key person, especially under the prestige of the Ye family, this person's dormant ability is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and he finally showed up when the Ye family was most vulnerable, and wanted to beat the Ye family forever.

"I want you to know what Tianwei is!"


A majestic zhenqi exploded from Yang Yun's body at once, and rushed towards Ye Yun with lightning speed. Above his body, the zhenqi was like an angry bull monster, extremely domineering.

"Be careful, the Yang family's unique knowledge, the Mang Niu Jing!"

Seeing the zhenqi bull monster released by Yang Yunyun, his face darkened, and he immediately warned Ye Yun.

Ye Yun's body flickered and disappeared suddenly.

"It's so fast. The speed of the physical body alone is so ridiculously fast. If this kid has cultivated to the eighth or ninth level, he will not be able to kill the tenth level powerhouse."

Yang Yun shot out instantly with the bull monster's true energy, and the huge true energy was like a huge mountain pressing down on Ye Yun. Who would have thought that Ye Yun would disappear in place and dodge the domineering attack in an instant.

Yang Yun could see Ye Yun's huge potential threat just by using his instant movement.

"Eat my punch!"

Ye Yun stepped out in seven steps, the dust piled up, and his whole body suddenly pressed against Yang Yun.


The two confronted each other in mid-air, and Ye Yun took several steps back before stopping, while Yang Yun only took a step back, but he was already shocked, and looked at Ye Yun like a monster: "Good boy, not only the physical body You are outstanding, and your internal strength is also very good. With the level [-] cultivation of the Meat Immortal, you can match a move against this old man. You are considered the number one genius in the world, and maybe only Qin Qing from the Qin family can stand by your side."

"Qin Qing? What is she? Sooner or later, I will surpass her. Yang Yun, your Yang family and my Ye family are not sworn enemies. If you are willing to submit to my Ye family, when my Ye family unifies the world, I will definitely give you a hero in the Yang family." Earth, how is it?"

Ye Yun actually gathered Yang Yun and the entire Yang family together.

Yang Yunyun laughed wildly: "Haha! Boy, you are indeed a character, but you are too popular, and you don't know how to restrain yourself. The sky and the earth are big, and you dare to unify the world and speak boldly. But you, if you join the Yang family now, the old man will not only let you go How about letting you be the Patriarch of the Yang Family after passing you on?"

"I sincerely turn to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch, Yang Yun, one of you and me must fall today." Ye Yun partially activated his physical body again, facing the sixth-level powerhouse, he dared not be careless.

call out!

In the direction of the Yang family, Yang Danhou suddenly burst out a large pillar of true energy, which condensed in the palm of his hand.

"This is troublesome, and I am going to partially activate it. Now I have to activate my whole body to hold Yang Danhou and others!" Ye Yun broke out in a cold sweat.

"You actually recovered your true energy so quickly, ready to release the poisonous giant!" At this moment, Ye Yuan suddenly understood that Yang Danhou's true energy was so powerful that no one in the entire Ye family could be against him, Ye Wentian couldn't do it, Ye Yu was too tender, and As for 'Aman', he has done a good job, but he can't resist Yang Danhou, a giant.

The warriors of the Black Flag Battalion rushed forward immediately.

Yang Danhou was full of murderous intent, and he was going to destroy the Black Flag Camp first: "Haha, can a mere drug tycoon deal with this old man?"

"Yang Danhou, you are dying today!"

Suddenly, a burst of strong true energy and a smile resounded in the night sky.

Yang Danhou's face darkened, and he heard the sound and said in shock: "The ninth-level meat immortal...?"

"The overlord raises the tripod!"

A purple shadow suddenly jumped down from the night sky, and above his arms, was actually dragging a huge qi cauldron condensed with true qi.

Transforming true energy into form is the same kind of supernatural power as vacuum sword energy, which can only be used by the Ninth Layer of the Meat Immortal.

Seeing someone coming, Ye Yuan's heart beat fast: "One of my Ye family's three great skills, Overlord Fist, who is it?"

"Break it for me!"

Yang Danhou roared, a two-foot-long vacuum sword energy hung above his head, his true energy rose suddenly, and collided with the huge aura.

I saw the atmospheric cauldron entangled with the vacuum sword aura a few times, the vacuum sword aura began to disperse, turning into sword blades and scattered, and the atmospheric cauldron was a little weaker, but still slammed towards Yang Danhou domineeringly.

"Not reconciled..."


The atmospheric cauldron instantly smashed Yang Danhou into a pulp, and a deep pit was smashed on the ground. The sky was scattered with pieces of meat, and a silver light shot out from the blood mist.


"Haha, the true art of the Frost Sword!"

The man in purple robe grabbed the silver light in his hand.

"Old... Patriarch is also finished!"

"Our Yang family..."

Yang Danhou died, and everyone in the Yang family lost their backbone and lost their fighting spirit as if a pillar had collapsed.

"This person has practiced Bawang Fist so well. Bawang lifts a tripod. That's a supernatural power. It seems that the higher the level, the greater the power of Bawang Fist." The power of Bawang Fist just now flashed in his mind, and Ye Yun was secretly surprised.

"'s you!"

Ye Yuan looked at the purple-robed man, his body was shocked, and there was a glint of solemnity in his eyes.

Ye Xun unceremoniously put the secret book into his arms, turned around and said: "I didn't expect the patriarch of the dignified Ye family to remember me as a traitor, Ye Yuan, I haven't seen you for many years, seeing that your life is not as comfortable as I imagined. "


Yang Yun's face was gloomy, his greatest support had already fallen, and now he began to regret the plan to kill the Ye family, and led the Yang family back into the darkness.


Bows and arrows shot out from the darkness, like a storm sweeping through the Yang family. For a while, the Yang family suffered numerous casualties and blood flowed like rivers. Only Yang Yun and dozens of strong men were still resisting.

"A mere Yang family, how dare you offend me, Ye Jiajiawei, Flame God Palm!"

A sound of anger erupted in the darkness, the night sky suddenly burned, and a huge palm of burning true energy swept towards Yang Yun and others ferociously.

"Ten heavy meat immortals!"

"The Yang family is finished!"

Boom boom boom!

Although Yang Yun exploded his whole life's skills to resist the terrifying burning qi, after all, the power of one person is too small to help at all. He himself, including the entire Yang family's masters, turned into skeletons for a while.

"Fire palm! Ten heavy...greetings to the old master!"

Ye Yuan bowed towards the night sky to salute, then Ye Wentian, Ye Yu and others bowed one after another, even Ye Yun had to lower his head temporarily.

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