The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 1938 Spirit Net Again

There are fights everywhere in the poison gas space, and the Eighth Prince's side has the magic pill refined by Ye Yun, which obviously has great advantages in terms of speed and strength.

Ye Yun only dealt with two strong men who had reached the high level of gods. After half a day, the space became dead silent, and there were several swishing sounds, and the eight princes and four came to the top of the poisonous gas space.

"In this space, the poisonous gas is extremely strong, what's the secret?"

A master looked at the crowd.

Others were also full of curiosity.

"There seems to be a brilliant sealing formation inside this poisonous gas space. What seems to be sealed inside?" Among them, Ye Yun, the weakest, surpassed anyone else. Through secret induction, he discovered that the poisonous gas space is It is an enchantment that reaches the height of the Holy Spirit.

This means that there must be something in the enchantment.

"Everyone, don't worry, go and look around!"

The eighth prince showed a calm mind, and after a few instructions, several masters scattered around.

Judging from the traces of the poison gas space ruins, it is very likely that this place used to be a large palace, but unfortunately everything was destroyed. Everyone searched, but found nothing special.

It seems that there is only a central poison gas space, only secrets.

The eighth prince and everyone came to the top of the space again: "The poisonous gas below is extremely strong, let's work together to see if we can seal the poisonous gas!"

Everyone had no objection, several masters immediately took a few steps back and shot out a ray of mysterious light together, which fell into the sky above the poisonous gas ray, and along with the old man with the highest cultivation level, a series of magic seals were condensed in the void.


All the mysterious light condensed into a layer of terrifying palm prints, vigorously grabbing towards the poisonous gas space.


Ju Li grabbed above the poisonous gas, but the poisonous gas layer was extremely strong, and the people were shocked so that they took a few steps back.

"Let them come in before doing it!"

At this moment, Ye Yun heard a cold voice coming from a certain depth in this poison gas space from the hearing of the Heavenly Hearer.

Ye Yun's whole body was shaken by the sound, and he was taken aback. Looking around, he couldn't determine the location of the sound source: "Is there someone? How could there be monks in the depths of the ruins from the last era?"

In the last era, the True Poison Sect has been buried in ruins. In this world like a tomb, are there still living people?Could it be other treasure hunters?Through other passages, came to a ruin space not far from this poison gas space?

Not only that, Ye Yun is also thinking about whether to tell the Eighth Prince the news, the other party seems to be quite strong, and there is a possibility that they have the power of the Holy God level, if this is the case, these people may all die here.

"Come again!"

The crowd gathered together again, gathering strength again, this time the gathered strength had reached the height of the Holy Spirit, and as the crowd formed seals in the air, a huge palm slapped fiercely on the top of the barrier.


This time, the poisonous gas barrier suddenly shattered, and a large amount of poisonous gas, blood-red in color, suddenly rolled out. Everyone hurriedly dodged in fright, and under the blood-red blood gas, an altar was exposed. In the center of the altar, there was a dark passage.

"Oops, I'm afraid I want to reveal the danger to them now, but I can't stop them!!!"

Ye Yun didn't expect that there is a passage under the altar. It is not obvious that people know that the passage can lead to a space of the True Poison Sect ruins that no one seems to have visited.

Originally, Ye Yun thought about revealing the danger signal to everyone, but now that this scene happened, isn't it obvious that there must be a secret under this passage?

Sure enough, the Eighth Prince didn't even think about it, and with a wave of his hand, he brought a few people into the tunnel. Just at this time, the blood-red poisonous gas had already scattered in the sky, and everyone only needed to suppress part of the poisonous gas to enter the tunnel.

There was no other way, Ye Yun also followed, and he himself wanted to obtain the True Poison Sect, that peculiar stone poison power.

After entering the passage, it was found that the entire passage did not have any signs of damage, and it was very wide, but there were also some stone figures on the passage ground.

The stone man was highly poisonous, and everyone dared not touch it, so they sped up and flew forward.


Flying about a kilometer, suddenly, the stone walls of the passages on both sides emitted a huge force, like a terrifying wall of mysterious light, which appeared impressively.


Almost at the same time, two men in black appeared from both ends of the passage.

With sword energy in hand, he quickly killed.

"High-ranking master god, be careful!!!"

The old man was on one side, and he glanced at the two men in black, and he could see their cultivation.

"What a strong murderous aura!!!"

As the weakest one, Ye Yun was indispensable, so he was naturally protected by everyone in the center, and he sensed that the two men in black had extremely strong murderous aura.

This murderous aura seemed to be innate, not just the murderous aura released at this time when they wanted to kill everyone, but a killing intent that came from their hearts and wills.

"It seems that they are professional killers, and they are comparable to the spirit nets they encountered before!!!" Ye Yun secretly exclaimed, these two men in black are not easy to deal with, but fortunately, they are all masters here.


The eighth prince stayed behind with a master, and the old man and other masters immediately went up to meet them. For a moment, there were bursts of metal clashing sounds in the passages at both ends, and dazzling sparks flashed from time to time.

After about a stick of incense, under the powerful strength of the old man, he finally killed the two mysterious men in black.

"It seems that we are not the first ones. Those who discovered this passage, everyone, be careful, these people are all powerful characters!" The Eighth Prince exchanged a few words with the old man, and then warned them.


Everyone continued to move forward, and when they passed by one of the corpses of the men in black, Ye Yun was deeply attracted by the men in black's attire. He found that these men in black were very similar to the killers in the spirit net, but it was a pity There are no items of identity on him.

Could it be the real spirit net?

Ye Yun was stunned secretly: "The organization of Lingwang is very mysterious. They also search for all kinds of treasures in private. It seems that they have always wanted to get the treasures of the True Poison Sect, so they came here?"

If it is really the spirit net, then this time it will be dangerous. He has seen the power of the spirit net before. Even if he has the power of the master god, he is still afraid of the spirit net and dare not be careless.

As long as you don't encounter it, the Holy Spirit level powerhouse should still have a chance.

"I was thinking too much. How could it be possible to meet such a coincidence and meet a master of the spirit net?" Shaking his head secretly, he would rather believe that the previous analysis was all guesswork.

The passage has been extending continuously, it seems to be a straight road.


Everyone thought that at the end of the passage without any signs of damage, there must be a perfectly preserved ruins of the True Poison Sect. Unexpectedly, what greeted us was a collapsed ruin space wrapped in poisonous gas.

Moreover, this space seems to be a mountainside, with a large area and almost no edge, and the poisonous gas here is even stronger.

"It seems that this is the dojo of the True Poison Sect, but it's not the main altar, but you should be able to find treasures!"

The eighth prince walked out of the passage, and the world was full of ruins, and the poisonous gas was lingering, which was very scary. Looking down at the ruins, there were some terrible stone figures, half of their bodies buried in the ruins, or with an arm exposed.

Similar to the previous guess, these stone men are all disciples of the True Poison Sect. Unfortunately, the power of the ruins came too suddenly, and the huge force fell, creating a destructive gravity. All the disciples of the True Poison Sect died in this gravity. The strange stone poison of the Poison Sect erupted again, which made these disciples turn into stone men even after death.

This is simply a big tomb.

Everyone couldn't help trembling, and the eighth prince warned: "The two people I met before should not be the only ones. Be careful, everyone, while hunting for treasures, you can sense the movement around you at the same time!"

"There should be something to discover here!"

The others seemed to have treasures in their hearts, and the danger was only second. With the Eighth Prince waving, they began to run towards different ruins.

The Eighth Prince's expression was fixed, and he stretched out his hand to stop Ye Yun who was about to leave: "Brother Huang, this place is too dangerous. With your cultivation level, it's not suitable to stay here. You quickly go back the same way, return to the ground and wait for me!"

"Your Highness, there are still a few pills here, keep them in case of accidents!"

This is a step down for himself, Ye Yun just wanted to find a way to find the source of the stone poison secretly, since the eighth prince asked him to leave, he didn't say no, took out a few magic pills, turned back to the passage immediately, and disappeared.

The eighth prince put away the magic pill, and immediately walked to the depths.

Half an hour later, Ye Yun left the crack, came to the poisonous gas space outside, and immediately separated the Tongxin body, let him go back to the ground first, and himself, changed his appearance, activated the Nine Profound God Clothes, and turned into a black Robe, turn back immediately.

When he came to the deep space of the ruins, he urged Wuwuzhidao. Now that he has reached the strength of the main god, he does not need the Great Thousand Gods Map, and the Void One, to use Wuwuzhidao. Even ordinary holy gods can hardly sense his existence. .

"The Divine Wheel of Confusion and Purification!"

Naturally, it is impossible to have only two men in black in this huge ruined space.

Through the induction, first the eighth prince and others, and then the induction continued to extend, and suddenly in front of the ruins on the left, he sensed the lurking breath of more than a dozen statues.

And each of them is a master god, although they are extremely hidden, they all contain a terrifying and murderous aura.

"These killers are secretly staring at this ruin...I have to check their identities..."

Ye Yun went back to the front, in front of the two black-clothed men's corpses, activated the law of suction, grasped the corpses, and sensed if there was something on them or inside them.

Suddenly, a storage ring appeared on their right hands at the same time.

After erasing the restriction, Ye Yun was shocked when his thoughts entered it, because it was easy to see a familiar token with two ancient characters of "Spirit Net" on it.

"Is it really a spirit net?"

All of a sudden, Ye Yun felt his whole body was cold and cold, is it really a spiritual net?How can it be such a coincidence that they came here to hunt for treasure, and the spirit net also came?

Since it is a spiritual net, he will not show mercy. These people kill people without blinking an eye.

Putting down the corpse and returning to the ruined space, the hidden breath immediately approached to the front left. When passing by the Eighth Prince and others, no one noticed anything unusual.

Looking down from mid-air, the entire ruins space, although the poisonous gas is very strong, has not reached a terrifying height after a long period of natural corrosion, and the whole ruins look like a resting place for disciples, and there are about hundreds of ruins.

But at the height of the ruins, the poisonous gas is several times stronger, and even the ninth-level master god can hardly resist the poisonous gas.

"There are more than a dozen killers in the spirit net, hidden in it?"

Coming to the edge, Ye Yun saw a statue, not a human being, but a strange beast, and more than a dozen life breaths were coming from behind the beast's body.

If it wasn't the spirit net killer, who else could it be?

As expected of a killer, he hides so perfectly, and if it wasn't for Ye Yun's extraordinary sense of life breath, ordinary people wouldn't be able to sense it at all.

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