The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2002: Escape from Despair

At the beginning when he thought of this strategy to resolve Mr. Bufeng's danger, Ye Yun had already considered the overall situation, and it turned out to develop as he planned.

They finally stayed to offer sacrifices to the water king, causing Lei Yunjie and the river demon to return empty-handed.

Of course, the loss of Fengling Island cannot be estimated.

More than 2000 monks alone fell, and even the corpses could not be found. It seems that they were swept into the Kami River by the waves and became food for the river monsters. In addition, Fengling Island was almost in ruins.

Calm down for a while, floating above the waters, this position has almost left the waters of the sea, facing deeper waters.

"Go back to the tributaries of the ocean first, practice for a while, and wait for the wind and waves on Fengling Island to pass, and then go back to see Mr. Bufeng!"

After calculating how much, Ye Yun turned around and wanted to fly towards the tributary of the ocean.

Suddenly, in Ye Yun's mind, a God Wheel of Chaos and Purification suddenly appeared, which contained a faint breath of life.

"Nine Profound God Clothes!"

Around here, there are strong people!

Ye Yun exclaimed, and hurriedly activated the Jiuxuan Divine Clothes!


In the blink of an eye, a red shadow flashed out from the water below, and the space shook, causing Ye Yun to subconsciously urge the Nine Profound God Clothes to form a defense. Before he sensed the enemy's position, a huge force swept over him, and his whole body exploded. You have to fly in mid-air.

Hong Ying immediately became clear that with one move, he had destroyed the mighty King Ray on Fengling Island.

He stared at Ye Yun who was still flying in front of him with a lot of domineering aura, and walked up step by step: "You dare to snatch the emperor's things, you want to die!"

"King Ray!"

How can it be?Stimulating the supernatural powers and stabilizing the figure, I suddenly felt as if I had lost the connection with the physical body. I was numb and had no feeling. Even the Jiuxuan Divine Clothes had lost the connection.

Looking at the King Ray who suddenly shot out, Ye Yun's face was full of disbelief. He was confident in his speed, strength, and magical powers. He should have thrown off King Ray long ago, but the latter was able to track him down Come.

Make him unstoppable!

"You have to understand that in this water area, there are no human beings who can challenge the emperor. Therefore, after today, you will always be the most humble slave at the emperor's feet. Only humans like you are eligible to become the emperor's favorite Taste!"

The King Ray approached step by step, and then waved his hand, a water-light enchantment filled with astonishing monster aura. In an instant, Ye Yun could not be allowed to react, so he enveloped Ye Yun in it.


Ye Yun was startled secretly, and shouted that it was not good, Emperor Ray was too powerful, and he had reached such an astonishing speed in a short while when he used his domain, and the induction between his physical body and the Nine Profound Divine Clothes was recovering, never imagined that the crisis came Such swiftness made him hard to guard against, and he was unprepared.

As far as King Ray was concerned, it was because of his negligence that someone snatched away the King of Jishui before his eyes, but now, his action is in the domain, and it will not allow it to happen again.

"My strength has only reached the third-order holy god at most, and his strength is close to the peak of the holy god..."

How to fight?

Impossible, Ye Yun is very aware of the gap between him and the King Ray, thinking of this, it seems that the only way to deal with the King Ray is with speed and space magic power.

"There is no way!"

Seeing the Emperor Ray approaching step by step, Ye Yun turned around and flashed, releasing countless figures, lifelike, flying in all directions.

"Blindfolded? But it's quite clever, even so, you can't escape from this king's domain, unless you also reach the power close to the peak of the Holy Spirit!"

Emperor Ray shouted abruptly, seeing a figure, it was not easy for him to distinguish the location of Ye Yun himself for a while.

"The Law of Devouring!"

At this time, Ye Yun wanted to take advantage of Emperor Ray's complacency and despise him as an ant, and use this unique opportunity to urge the Way of Nothing to merge with the Law of Devouring, and immediately merge with Emperor Ray's domain.

At the same time, Ye Yun activated his supernatural power again, and countless figures released a large amount of Wu Wu sword energy, attacking the Ray King from all around.

"Clap clap clap!"

Facing Ye Yun's extraordinary supernatural powers, Emperor Ray didn't dodge or make a move, but only urged the defense, despite Wuwu's sword aura, attacking the defense, but Wuwu's sword aura pierced the defense, the defense didn't move at all, but Wuwu sword Qi, he was shaken to pieces.

Even so, countless figures still released Wuwu Sword Qi, fighting for every second of Ye Yun's time.

"A horde of nasty mosquitoes!"

The King Ray made a move, his eyes flashed with blood.

The entire field suddenly sent out a vibrating air wave. This air wave is everywhere and extends the entire field. As a result, any power and matter in the field will be attacked by the air wave.

Sure enough, a personal figure was immediately covered by the shocking air wave, and then exploded. The figure from Ye Yun at least had the strength of the Holy God, but unfortunately it was only around the first level, and it was not an opponent of the peak power of the Holy God at all. , After an explosion, no one was left behind.


Similarly, the vibrating air wave also made Ye Yun unable to dodge. He could only resist and mobilize the strongest force. Combined with the Nine Profound Divine Clothes, he felt the power of the King Ray and his irresistible aura, reaching the eighth or even ninth rank of the Holy God. The vibrating air waves of the ranks made him feel too small.

The vibrating air wave rolled over Ye Yun, and the Jiuxuan Divine Clothes trembled for a while, part of the power was dissolved by the Jiuxuan Divine Clothes, while the rest of the power poured into Ye Yun's body.

The body leaned forward, spurting out a mouthful of hot blood, and once again felt numb, without any feeling, only endless chill, as if the body was like ice.

Although the strength reaches the third-order Holy God, it is an attack force. Ye Yun's physical defense, and his physical body, are still only the main god. If it weren't for the Jiuxuan Divine Clothes to dissolve most of the power, this vibration wave would be enough. It took Ye Yun's life.

"Your strength is too weak, and the only advantage is speed, so from the beginning, I used the domain to make you invisible. As long as you are in my domain, no matter how fast you are, it is useless. Do you still want to struggle?" ? You are too weak, and at most you only have the strength of a fifth-order holy god!"

The King Ray got closer, less than [-] meters away, and he was not in a hurry, looking at the dying prey in front of him, he seemed not at all worried that the cooked duck would fly away.

However, at this moment, after urging the Way of Wuwu combined with the Law of Devouring, and continuously merging the realm of King Ray, it finally succeeded.

Ye Yun smiled mysteriously, only to hear a crash, and Ye Yun disappeared from the barrier.

"how is this possible?"

The King Ray stared straight at him. With his strength, the domain was difficult for any Holy God to crack, especially the fifth-level Holy God, which made him unbelievable.

Opening his mouth and inhaling, the entire field disappeared. Ten thousand meters ahead, he saw the phantom of Ye Yun, trying to escape.

"You are seriously injured, how much speed can you increase?"


The void disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, Emperor Ray actually appeared on Ye Yun's left, almost at a balanced height.

Ye Yun was startled, and seemed to have guessed that the other party had such a speed, so he immediately activated the Daqian Shentu and stopped flying at his own speed.

This time, Ye Yun's speed increased several times, and in another breath, he left the King Ray behind tens of thousands of meters, but this was on the premise that the King Ray hadn't activated his speed yet.

The latter seemed to have expected that Ye Yun still had an advantage in speed, so he was not surprised, and calmly chased after him. In the blink of an eye, King Ray was about to catch up with Ye Yun, but the distance was less than a kilometer.

In this way, the two kept a very short distance, one after the other flew to the depths of the water, competing in mid-air.

Ray King jumped under the Shenhe River from time to time, and his speed under the water was faster than that on the water surface, but when Ye Yun saw him entering the Shenhe River, he deliberately changed his direction, such as using a tributary of the ocean to stop his speed.

At such a short distance, Ye Yun could no longer get rid of the Emperor Ray, so he could only use the Daqian Shentu and the magical powers of space to keep at this distance, galloping with the Emperor Ray in the endless waters without knowing how far he had leaped. A large area of ​​water like the Ya of How Many Seas has come to Ye Yun, who does not know the location of the water.

"This person's speed is so against the sky? I have consumed a lot, but his speed has not weakened at all. No wonder he dares to fight against the emperor. And in the sea, which king is he?"

The Emperor Ray was also extremely puzzled at this time, with the existence of his high-ranking holy god, he couldn't do anything to a weak person who was much weaker. How could this make him feel uncomfortable?

Xinyou are also guessing Ye Yun's identity, and Ye Yun has always been dressed in black, and his appearance has also changed, so King Ray can't figure out why.

"Continuing like this is not a solution. This is the water area. Once the King Ray is consumed, he can get replenished in time from the River of God. Although I have plenty of energy, it is not a solution to keep consuming it. It is impossible. I have always been In this way, to confront him in the waters, what if the river demon sends a stronger river demon than him?"

Looking back, Ye Yun could clearly see King Ray's grinning ferocious expression, and immediately looked at the surrounding ocean tributaries: "Even if I escape into the ocean, I'm afraid it won't change anything, and King Ray won't let me fly into the ocean easily." Among..."

The last way left is to use the ocean to restrain the King Ray.

He thought about it before, but because of King Ray's strength, he kept giving up. Now he has no choice but to take a gamble, and...

"Puppet clone!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun turned sideways in mid-air, and flew down the ocean tributary to the left.

When King Ray saw it, an astonishing burst of blood energy immediately burned out. He actually did not hesitate to consume his life force, but with the assistance of life force burning power, his speed doubled.

The moment Ye Yun was about to enter the ocean, he flew up in front of Ye Yun, and slapped Ye Yun mercilessly, with the look of being furious and eating people.


Ye Yun couldn't dodge, in front of such a distance, it was only a few meters.

The whole person was hit, and Ye Yun was smashed to pieces with the big hand of King Ray.

But how could a living person be torn apart?No trace of flesh and blood?


And another 'Ye Yun' took the opportunity to jump into the ocean from one side.

It turned out that Ye Yun did not hesitate to consume one of the four puppet clones to attract the attention of the King Ray, which also meant that the puppet clones would definitely be destroyed. Suppressed, quickly flew to the depths of the ocean.

He also turned his head to look at the sea, but he didn't see the shadow of Emperor Ray. Could it be that he is afraid of the sea?


As a result, a spray of water fell directly above, and King Ray released a defensive bubble all over his body, which was strongly corroded by the sea water. He desperately chased after Ye Yun, and his speed was also greatly restricted.

Ye Yun is also restricted, this is the ocean, his flying ability and space control ability are not as good as on land, and the speed of the two is at a stalemate.

But Ye Yun still has an advantage, he is corroded by the ocean, far inferior to King Ray, King Ray has a painful face, it can be seen that as long as he consumes for a long time, he will definitely shake off King Ray.

However, who knows what magical powers the Ray Emperor will display.

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