The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2217 Ancient Teleportation Formation

The Daqianshentu has reached the Supreme God, which means that Ye Yun's speed has leapfrogged qualitatively compared to before.

With his sixth-order Supreme God cultivation base, he can probably reach the strength of a fifth-order Creator God, but his speed is even more astonishing, at least reaching the peak of the Creator God. If he cooperates with the Void, his speed is no longer comparable to the Creator God.

"If Chi Yun can step into the God of Creation in a short period of time, without using the power of the blood ancestor, combined with Chi Yun's strength, my speed can already reach the height of the God of Yuanshi..."

After gradually merging, Ye Yun brought not only speed, but also strength.

There are many abilities in the Great Thousand Gods Map, and space travel is only one. If you use attacks, Ye Yun can transfer the attacks of any creator god through the Great Thousand Gods Map. The principle is similar to that of the Small Gods. Ye Yun is the sixth-level Supreme God, but he can dissolve the power of the Creator God, what an unimaginable height.

"Mu Yunxuan is on his way to Sword Void God Land..."

Longlong suddenly transmitted voice to the two of them.

The three of them stopped practicing immediately, counting the time, more than [-] years have passed.

After more than 1000 years, if Mu Yunxuan can step from the God of Creation to the God of Yuanshi, it will be a very terrifying number, and it also proves that Mu Yunxuan is the core disciple of Canjian Temple.

Ye Yun immediately sent all the ascended people back to the Divine Mansion, while the sword slaves and giants entered the Nine Dragon God Ring to continue their cultivation.

A few days later, a piercing shadow leaped from the sky.

The three of them also flew out from Lin Hai, and immediately saw Mu Yunxuan, who was completely different from before, coming from the sky. She is now wearing a cloud-white Taoist robe with many sword patterns on it, which looks more noble than before. And her breath really reached Yuanshi God, because the three of them couldn't feel the obvious coercion of creation.

These are all signs of Yuanshi God.

A Yuanshi god was born in this way. If it were placed in the three great kingdoms of God, Mu Yunxuan would be the ancestor among the ancestors. Who would dare to provoke him?

The three of them congratulated immediately. Stepping into the Yuanshi God is such a proud event. Mu Yunxuan is only one step away from the Supreme God. Let alone the Supreme God, the Yuanshi God is the king anywhere in the God Realm The presence.

"This time I was able to successfully step into Yuanshi God, mainly because I met you. It seems that you are the 'nobles' in my path. Secondly, if it weren't for the shrine, regardless of the cost, to condense the Dao foundation for me and help me become Lord Yuan, it is really far away for me to step into the God of Yuanshi, you must know that I have been imprisoned in the ninth-level God of Creation for almost two eras!"

After the two sides chatted, Mu Yunxuan obviously regarded the three of them as friends.

At the same time, she used the height of the Yuanshi God to look at the three of Ye Yun again, only to realize that it was no accident that they came to the waters of the dead, and then they were able to escape from the same sect of the Creator God. It can be seen that the three of them are the sixth-level and seventh-level supreme gods, and there are secrets in the three of them that cannot be seen through.

Yuanzhu can't see through?

The touch this brought to Mu Yunxuan's heart was too astonishing, as if he felt that his sharpness would be surpassed by these three people.

Mu Yunxuan quickly calmed down, and asked in front of the three of them: "Are you in a hurry to go to the Divine Land where the teleportation array is located? There is still a distance, not very far, just below my Divine Palace Dojo, the central Divine Land, the scale Much bigger than this Void God Continent Sword!"

"It's bigger than Jianxu Continent?" The three were startled.

"The central land of the gods was jointly created by several supreme gods in the shrine. The core of the land of the gods is as strong as the supreme god. A land of the gods is actually a huge defensive magic weapon, as well as an offensive magic weapon!"

"It's amazing, it seems that the background of the great forces in the God Realm is something people like me can't imagine!"

"Then I'll show you around along the way!"

Mu Yunxuan seemed to have no airs of Yuanzhu, showing an approachable smile, and then flew away from Jianxu Continent with the three of them.

After flying over the Jianxu Continent, the three of them saw the approximate territory of time and space under the control of the entire Canjian Divine Palace.

One can vaguely see the distant end of the world, floating several divine lands, some of which are too far away to be seen, but in the middle of all the divine lands, there is indeed an astonishing divine land ten times larger than the Sword Void Continent.

When they first saw the Yulu Divine Land, it was already a huge monster for Ye Yun and the others. Then they saw more divine lands such as Xingji Divine Land, Yuntu Divine Land, etc. Now they come to Canjian Divine Palace. They were all giants, which finally opened the eyes of the three of them, and they also had a general understanding of the God Realm.

Along the way, Mu Yunxuan continued to introduce the surrounding Shenlu and the history of Canjian Divine Palace to the three of them. After listening to her, she realized that the first generation of Palace Master of Canjian Divine Palace was a very powerful existence among the supreme gods. It is also one of the Chaos Gods who have been to the Great Zhou.

And the masters of the Canjian Divine Palace in the past are all powerful people, either mastering great supernatural powers, or beings with special physiques.

Special physique!

Ye Yun has a deep understanding of how powerful Daoists are. Chi Yun and Longlong are also very familiar with it. It seems that the Canjian Divine Palace does have a profound background, and the disciples of the Canjian Divine Palace have spread across countless time and space in the God Realm, even the distant ones. In the Central God Realm, there are also many disciples of Canjian Divine Palace.

If one word were used to describe the power of the Canjian Shrine, it would be luxuriant.

"Look, everyone, this is the Central God Land, and the teleportation array is the treasure of the Divine Palace, directly controlled by the Great Elder of the Divine Palace, and the controllers are all Chaos Gods!"

Three months have passed.

The four people came to the Central Divine Land, and Mu Yunxuan gave a general introduction, and then brought the three of them to the central barrier of the Divine Land. After entering the Divine Land, the four of them were in the clouds.

And in the depths of the clouds, a huge floating mountain suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

The teleportation array is located in the giant mountain.

"The teleportation array is left over from ancient times. In the modern era, it seems that there are only very few giants who can create a teleportation array, so this teleportation array is the most important resource of the shrine. The Jingu condenses a lot of resources, making it easier for disciples to go out and practice!"

Mu Yunxuan looked at the huge mountain in the sky, and continued to introduce it to everyone, as if muttering to himself: "I heard from the elders that there are only more than a hundred teleportation formations in the God Realm today, and the number is very small. Once destroyed , It is almost impossible to rebuild, it needs giants, and it also needs countless resources. As for the principle of this teleportation array, it is very simple. The original power brewed by Lu for countless epochs is the source of the teleportation array, and the holy mountain above is just the transmission channel of the teleportation array, but in fact, this central land of the gods is the real teleportation array!"


The three of them could only sigh, the civilization of the God Realm was beyond imagination.

Another burst of flying, gradually approaching the high-altitude giant mountain.

"Senior Sister Mu, I heard that you have become a Shengyuan disciple, congratulations!"

Getting closer and closer to the giant mountain, at this time, from the surrounding void, dozens of disciples of the Canjian Palace appeared, all of which were the existence of the Creator God.

They hurriedly saluted Mu Yunxuan with great respect.

Mu Yunxuan gathered with everyone for a while, then turned to tell the three of them: "Let's leave here for a while, I wish you all the best, you have my talisman, if you need it in the future, just ask!"

"There will be a period later!"

The three of them clasped their fists deeply, and then followed a few disciples of the Canjian Palace, and flew into the barrier of the giant mountain.

Mu Yunxuan kept floating, watching the three of them leave.

As soon as the screen turned, as the barrier flickered, the three of them came to the front of a huge mountain. There were only a few ancient altars around the mountain, and there were hundreds of them. In the center of the countless altars was an oval square. .

Immediately, disciples from Canjian Divine Palace came up to inquire, and the disciples who led the way seemed to be instructed by Mu Yunxuan, and introduced to their fellow disciples: "These three are acquaintances of Senior Sister Mu!"

"Do not worry!"

After the opponent nodded, he continued to lead the three of them to the high square.

When approaching the square, it landed in front of a barrier on the mountainside.

A tycoon who had reached Yuanshi God's cultivation came over, stared at the three of them, and asked, "Although you were introduced by Junior Sister Mu, you still have to follow the rules. Where are you three going?"

Ye Yun saluted and said, "Lingmang Divine Land!"

"Lingmang Divine Land?"

The other party was startled, thought for a moment and said: "That's in the Central God Realm, it's a huge power of the God Land, and it will take a thousand years to teleport from my Canjian Divine Palace. The teleportation formations of several other forces have transitioned, so the price is amazing!"

Ye Yun asked again: "The three of us, how much do we need?"

"Ten trillion top-grade divine stones for one person!" The other party stretched out a finger indifferently.

That is 30 trillion top grade god stones?

"My darling..." After Chi Yun heard this, let alone how distressed he was, even if the resources of the ten Three Great God Kingdoms were accumulated, it would probably not be able to reach this figure.

It’s amazing!

Yuan Shishen was also quite touched: "The price is indeed very high, there is no way, because the shrine is not responsible for the dozens of teleportation arrays on the way, and we are also responsible for your safety along the way, so that you can reach the spiritual light unscathed. Shenlu, of course, if you are my disciples, you can perform some ultra-high missions, so that you can be sent to the Central God Realm for free!"

"Okay, let's start to count the sacred stones!" No way, even if you go bankrupt, you have to go.

"There are still ten years before the next teleportation. You rest in this enchantment first. There are all fellow Taoists who are going to enter the teleportation formation. It is best not to have conflicts with them!"

After the giant of Yuanshi God explained, he asked someone to lead the three of them into the enchantment.

"These three are all supreme gods, and I don't know which young master they are from a big family. They are so generous!" He smiled, turned around and left without taking it seriously.

in the boundary.

As soon as the three of them entered, there was a palace in front of them, even more resplendent than the imperial palace. There were about a hundred gods scattered in the surrounding pavilions or gardens, and almost all of them were creator gods. There were very few supreme gods, and there were also some Yuanshi gods.

"There is no one in this palace for the time being. You can rest here. If you need anything, just ask!" The disciple leading the way introduced a palace, and then flew away alone.

The three of them entered the palace, turned around in no mood, and immediately sat down cross-legged, while Ye Yun counted the divine stones, and Chi Yun and Longlong continued to absorb energy.

While waiting, Ye Yun released the Heavenly Listener, and heard clearly the conversations of those strong men outside, and soon learned that most of these strong men were going to practice in distant time and space, or buy refining materials, etc. The gods want to return to their cultivation country.

Among them, no one went to the Central God Realm, and the farthest destination of the teleportation was only one-tenth of the three people's shuttle to the Central God Realm.

Ten years passed with a snap of the fingers.

Dozens of disciples of the Canjian Divine Palace appeared in the barrier, summoned everyone in an instant, and then began to check the destination and the sacred stone. After Ye Yun handed over the accurate sacred stone, after waiting for a while, the three followed more than 100 divine stones. As soon as they left the barrier, in the blink of an eye, everyone floated in front of the teleportation square.

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