The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2230 Evil Soul Chasing and Killing

Longlong sized it up, her eyes sparkled with curiosity: "Maybe the magic ax is still intact?"

Ye Yun nodded and said: "If any one of us gets a magic weapon of Chaos God, our strength will increase greatly. Now that we have encountered it, let's try it!"


Unexpectedly, Chi Yun couldn't wait any longer, this is a treasure of the God of Chaos, no matter where it is, it is a treasure that the gods are crazily snatching. As soon as Chi Yun flew out, it continuously released its divine light, and huge handprints were condensing, Ye Yun , Longlong also followed closely, a magic weapon of Chaos God, it is not easy to surrender.

Once he has this divine axe, it is possible to deal with a Yuanshi god like Mo Xieyu.

The ax that is as long as [-] zhang is surrounded by debris of ruins. I don’t know how many years it has been weathered. When the three of them flew over, it seemed to be just a cold weapon. A blood-red light.

After the blood light rose, a series of blood shadows separated directly from the blood light, and the blood shadows flashed out in the form of a series of transparent blood-red axe.

Although these blood axes are transparent, they seem to have consciousness. There are about dozens of them, only about ten feet long. Launching an attack towards Chiyun, the speed was so fast that it reached the level of appalling.

"Dare to block the way?"

Chi Yun has always been defiant and daring, he is not afraid of that divine axe, so is he afraid of a mere energy blood axe?

It was too late to say that, Chi Yun released the condensed palm prints before, and directly and fiercely grabbed the blood ax that struck, the palm prints were domineering and sharp.


Breaking through the God of Creation, it seems that Chi Yun's confidence has greatly increased. When he was looking forward to destroying more blood axes behind him, he suddenly saw his own palm prints, which were directly broken by the blood axe, and he couldn't resist it even for a moment.


Behind, Ye Yun and Longlong were also taken aback by the sudden change. With Chi Yun's strength, they were no match for the blood axe, so the blood ax must be extremely terrifying.

"Your grandpa's, get out!"

Chi Yun was Chi Yun, knowing that he was no match for the blood axe, but he refused to give up and did not dodge. He grabbed a divine light and blasted towards the blood ax that was coming.


This time the result was the same, Shenmang touched the blood axe, and was instantly shattered by the blood axe, and the power of the blood axe seemed to be affected, but it still slashed towards Chi Yun's head, it seemed that the only target of the blood axe was the head.

Ye Yun hastily urged the reincarnation supernatural power, and grabbed at the void: "Little divine movement!"


In the blink of an eye, Chi Yun, a living strong man, disappeared in front of the blood ax blade, and the blood ax smashed into Chi Yun's disappearing space, and it shattered in all directions.

The three of them gathered together. Seeing that Chi Yun was fine, Longlong immediately exclaimed: "No wonder no one has obtained such a supreme divine weapon. It turns out that the weapon spirit of the divine weapon was also fused, swallowed, and transformed by the evil soul. As an evil tool spirit, his strength has reached the peak of the Yuanshi God, and even the height of the Supreme God!"

"The evil weapon spirit is coming, run away!"

Chi Yun's recklessness, as well as the three people's ignorance, had already aroused the evil spirit of the divine axe. I don't know whether it came from the divine axe or the weathered head. In short, dozens of divine axes struck all over the sky at an astonishing speed.

Whoosh whoosh!

The three of them hurriedly flew towards the sky on the right, just in front of them was an open water area, just after flying away, dozens of evil weapons chased after them.

What's even more incredible is that the seemingly weathered ax and the head are slowly moving at this moment, and they are also moving sideways at high altitude. This is because they don't want to let go of the three humans who stimulated its murderous aura.

"Strange, weird! What's your luck today?"

Looking back, the evil weapon spirit and the divine ax itself were chasing after them. The three of them were so scared that they broke into cold sweats. Now they finally understood Yue Qingchuan's repeated warnings that the War Soul Cave was too dangerous.

Fortunately, the three of them have the advantage of speed, and they haven't been caught up by the evil weapon spirit yet, but the other party has no intention of giving up on chasing and killing the three of them. Dozens of blood axes hum continuously, as if the evil spirits inside are screaming and killing. Just like the ancient war, the battle between hell and the gods, there is only killing.

Fleeing and fleeing, the three of them felt that they were back when Mo Xieyu and Meng Lingyuan were chasing and killing them. Strange, experienced too many times.


Originally thought that if this stalemate continued, Shen Fu would be able to completely make Shen Fu give up hunting.

More than 100 years have passed, and the three of them have been running away to the depths of the Soul of War Cave, ignoring everything, while the evil spirits have been chasing and killing them from behind, unable to get rid of them, forming a tug-of-war state. When the three of them were trying to deal with it, they finally Fortunately, borrowing the power of the blood ancestor again to urge Daqian Shentu to escape, this is a method that will try everything.

Unexpectedly, from the depths of the unfamiliar time and space in front of him, and from the surroundings, there were suddenly many empty and evil humming sounds.

Boom boom boom!

Next, the sky in all directions was broken, and it felt like thousands of troops were coming.

The subsequent sudden changes made Ye Yun, Chi Yun, and Long Long not aware of what happened. Could it be that some kind of restriction was triggered?When he was stunned and puzzled, a large number of evil weapon spirits came from shattering the void. These evil weapon spirits were either in the shape of swords, or swords, guns, swords and sticks, in various shapes.

It seems that the three of them came to the world of artifacts and spirits.

"It's over now, these weapon spirits are either Creator Gods or Yuanshi Gods, and there are also existences at the level of Chaos Gods!" The three gasped, and they really didn't understand why this happened.

"Try to hide your breath, Void One!"

At present, there is no way to escape, and there is no way to retreat. The only way is to completely hide the breath, so that the evil spirit can't sense the three people, and thus start killing.

Sure enough, with Ye Yun fully urging the void man, and using the divine way of the sky, the three of them immediately merged deeply with the deep space of the War Soul Cave, and their breath became more and more void.

At the same time, countless evil weapon spirits are still attacking with great momentum, not only the weapon spirits, but the three of them also saw many human-shaped evil spirits, and they also killed them together. This scene scared the three of them constantly, feeling like they were trapped among.

"Kill kill kill!"

"Kill the army of hell!"

"Kill the army of the God Realm, kill kill kill!"

Some rustling and evil ancient voices were released from countless evil souls and evil weapon spirits, like countless bees flying. The sound did not come from one dead soul, but countless dead souls.


At the same time, the dozens of divine axes suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the surrounding weapon spirits and evil souls.

The evil spirits and evil weapon spirits from all directions also rushed towards the divine axe, and some remaining evil spirits were looking for the whereabouts of the three of them in the sky where the three of Ye Yun disappeared.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless evil weapon spirits and evil souls are actually fighting each other. They are all Gods of Creation, Gods of Primordial Beginning, and Gods of Chaos. With an astonishing number, it is conceivable that they launched attacks one after another, and the destructive momentum formed by fighting each other is astonishing. So broken.

"I understand!"

Among the three of them in astonished expressions, Longlong's divine light suddenly condensed: "These evil souls and evil weapon spirits seem to inherit the war consciousness of those who fought in ancient times and died after the fall. Because hell enters the God Realm, only killing and destruction , The same is true for the monks of the gods, so these evil souls inherit the only consciousness when those strong men fell, and merge these evil tool spirits, they... They thought it was the time of the ancient war, so they killed each other, and the war was fought here, the war The soul cave used to be a battlefield for the living, but now it has become a battlefield for artifacts, powerful weapon spirits, and evil spirits!"

"No wonder, I'm really unlucky today, this kind of thing can happen to me!" Chi Yun wiped off his cold sweat, he doesn't have that arrogant look of being fearless now.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

Soon, more evil souls and evil weapon spirits joined the battle. The scene of the ancient battle in the past seemed to be staged in front of the three of them. It was too cruel. Shattered space, shredded many fragmented continents.

Not only that, but the surrounding gloomy water surface also set off turbulent waves, and the water waves rolled over and over again, and the power reached Yuanshi Shen.

There is destruction everywhere, and there is power beyond the Supreme God and the low-level Creator God everywhere, and this is an ancient battlefield, and the power of those evil ideas is naturally terrifying.

At this moment, the three people really understood what Yue Qingchuan said.


All kinds of destructive forces kept shredding the space, and these shredding powers also began to cover the space controlled by Ye Yun. As a result, the barrier of the three people was attacked by the shredding power. The streaks of blood almost instantly reached serious injuries.


Therefore, the enchantment disappeared, and the three of them appeared in the sky again.

"Kill kill kill!"

It seems that evil spirits and evil weapon spirits are the most sensitive, and what they want to kill the most is the breath of life. As the three of them were forced out of the space, hundreds of evil spirits and evil weapon spirits came to kill them.

Caught in the siege, the three of them were almost powerless to fight back, and Chi Yun suddenly flashed a fierce light: "Boss, it seems that we can't do it in the sky, we still go underwater, you activate the five elements, and I will provide the power of the blood ancestor! "

"Yes, escape into the water!" Ye Yun and Longlong nodded hastily, Ye Yun immediately ignored the serious injury, and urged the five elements spirit infant, the invisible force and the water force as the main force, turned into a silver-white enchantment, covering the three of them.


Chi Yun activated the astonishing blood-colored light, and then merged with the silver-white enchantment, and the three of them immediately fell into the gloomy underwater world.

Puff puff!

Unexpectedly, those evil tool spirits and evil souls also chased and killed them into the water regardless of everything.

The groggy underwater world is dark.

The silver-white enchantment is like a luminous pearl, floating in the water, Longlong exclaimed: "The waters here are so complicated, it is a thousand times stronger than the oppressive force of Shenhe, and the water quality is also different. I feel that the oppressive force makes us unable to move forward! "

"They actually came here, let's go!"

Chi Yun looked at the top, and more than 100 evil souls and evil weapon spirits came chasing and killing them again. He simply didn't let them go. Chi Yun mobilized the power of the blood ancestors. Under the fusion of the five elements, the silver barrier continued to fly towards the water world .

As a result, it took another hundred years to escape. Ye Yun and the three of them were too weak, and Ye Yun's five-element supernatural powers had not reached great success, so the flying speed was not too amazing, but flying in this kind of water was already a Yuan Shishen couldn't even do it. When Yuan Shishen came to this underwater world, it was almost impossible for him to move an inch.

Because of the waters of the War Soul Cave, because of the ancient war, countless dust fell into it, and the amount of dust was more than the ordinary rivers and oceans, which caused a huge change in the water world. The dust almost merged with the water quality, forming a viscous state. In this state and under pressure, Yuanshi God has nothing to do, even Chaos God.

And under the power of the Five Elements, the three of them can fly at the speed of the Holy God, which has already achieved an incredible miracle. Fortunately, the evil soul and the evil weapon spirit must be suppressed, otherwise they are really finished.

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