The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2244 Luofu Shengjun and Yue Qingchuan's strength

At the same time, let the statue of Shenluo return to Yuanshen Ocean, and then swallow the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification above in one gulp. The three of them stood up hurriedly, turned around and saw a giant shadow of an evil soul with a height of one hundred feet in front of them.

The giant shadow is full of hell power and evil breath, it is simply a demon from hell. I don't know how powerful the Yuanshen is. When the three of them took a look, Yuanshen Haiyang was trembling uneasy.

Moreover, the giant shadow controlled many magic weapons of hell and began to move. With one step, the battlefield was shaking, and with the next step, it swept towards the battlefield where the three of them were located like a black evil waterfall.


They had to leave here, although there was still a lot of energy that could not be absorbed, but facing such a powerful evil spirit, the three of them could not resist at all, and the evil spirit was getting bigger and bigger, it seemed to be an aggregation of evil forces.


Urging the enchantment of the god wheel of chaos and purification, the three of them combined their amazing strengths to reach the high-level creator gods, and began to flee to the vast world of ruins.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

The astonishing evil giant shadow immediately caught up, and the speed was getting faster and faster, only a few hundred meters away from the three of them. Fortunately, the evil giant shadow could not activate the amazing supernatural powers, otherwise at this distance, the evil giant with the power of the chaos god A shadow attack is enough to instantly kill three people.

"His grandfather, chasing us like this, how can he still have the time to continue to win treasures in this battlefield?"

Chi Yun looked back and was surprised to find that the gathering of evil thoughts, as long as they pass through the battlefield with evil forces, they will absorb more evil forces, and the giant shadow will become bigger and bigger. Not to mention the three of them, I am afraid that Chaos God is here , and can't deal with such a terrifying evil force.

Longlong was startled, and immediately admired Chi Yun, and said with a wry smile: "The evil souls and evil weapon spirits before were all individuals, but the monster behind them is a fusion of a large number of evil forces. We have no chance of staying here to seize treasures." !"

"Well, it's a pity to miss this opportunity!" Ye Yun began to urge the Void, mainly the magic talisman left by Emperor Yejun, since he couldn't continue the treasure hunt, he simply left quickly to avoid being entangled by the monster.

Yejun Emperor's power really has an unimaginable effect. After being stimulated, it seems that this space is coordinating with Ye Yun, and the speed of the three of them controlling the space is getting more and more amazing.

"The power of Yejun Emperor's fellow... abominable..."

The monster was thrown away, and Dangkong let out a roar of incomparable resentment, which shocked the three of them into a cold sweat, subconsciously increasing their speed to the limit again.

Decades later, with the help of Yejun Emperor's talisman, the three finally entered the world of white mist, then gradually moved away from this battlefield, and soon came to the world of water.

Looking back, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief. It was impossible for the monster to break through the space seal left by Emperor Yejun, but it was a pity that there were still so many treasures and powers in it, so they missed it.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The three of them flew out of the water and came to the familiar space of the War Soul Cave. There were no evil spirits around, and with the three of them's current strength, ordinary evil spirits could no longer pose a threat to them.

At this moment, the three of them felt that they had walked through the gate of hell, and they still couldn't recover all at once.

Chi Yun licked his lips: "Boss, our strength has almost improved. Even the high-ranking Yuan Shishen can't threaten our lives. We should go to Xuanmeng Mountain to find Meng Lingyuan, or that crazy woman Mo Xieyu Has it settled?"

Longlong also agreed: "Yes, the combined strength of the three of us can fight against ordinary high-ranking Yuan Shishen, and in terms of speed, Meng Lingyuan and Mo Xieyu can no longer pose a threat to us!"


Only Ye Yun shook his head resolutely, stared at Longlong and said: "I have not forgotten the exhortation of Senior Linglong Da Luotian, and you will not forget it. For us now, saving people and improving our strength are equally important. If the three of us devote our energy and time to saving people, then our overall strength will not be improved!"

"What should I do?"

"Remember what senior Da Luotian told you, you still need to find seven clan members with different exquisite hearts to become the ninth-rank supreme sage, and now we are not very sure about rescuing Wanwan with our strength, so... Longlong You should hurry to find your clansmen, the best way is to enter an ancient battlefield like the Soul of War Cave, and this kind of place is extremely dangerous, it is too difficult for you to deal with it alone, let Chi Yun go with you, so we Only then can you rest assured, as for me, I have to get close to Xuanmeng Mountain, and find a way to deal with Mo Xieyu and Meng Lingyuan, and when you come back from the battlefield, we will join hands again, Meng Lingyuan and Mo Xieyu have only a dead end?"

"Alright, we can continue to gain strength in one place and one place in the battlefield, and when the time comes, we will fight side by side!"

Longlong nodded immediately.

"I listen to the boss!" Chi Yun had no objection.

"Go back to the Immortal Temple and rest well before setting off!"

After there were basically no problems, Ye Yun began to activate the Great Thousand God Map. At this time, Ye Yun, who had reached the seventh-level Creator God, already had the strength of the fifth-level Primordial God. With this strength, the speed of the Great Thousand God Map was already overwhelming Compared with the peak of Yuanshi God.


The three of them were enveloped by a ray of star light, and immediately flew towards the edge of the War Soul Cave.

The outer space of the Battle Soul Cave.

At this time, there are more than a dozen strong men floating.

In the front is the Yueqing River from the Immortal Kingdom of Eternal Immortals, and next to it is the giant Lord Luo Fu in the main hall.

Shengjun Luofu is urging the mysterious power, his pupils release a faint blue light, which merges with the golden light, and continuously penetrates into the depths of the War Soul Cave, and then asked Yue Qingchuan: "Ye Yun, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, The three of Longlong really entered the central time and space?"

Yue Qingchuan replied with a solemn expression: "It's probably not far from ten, Shengjun, you are a 'blue-eyed person', in the whole world, no one can see farther and deeper than you, even a high-ranking Chaos God I can’t compare to you, I have to rely on you this time, otherwise I will not be able to explain to the Immortal Nine Emperors when I return to Immortal Kingdom!”

"Brother Qingchuan, you should have come to me earlier, the three of you have been in for nearly ten thousand years..."

Shengjun Luo Fu was also extremely worried, and once again formed a seal, the golden light of his pupils became more intense.

Deep time and space.


The three of them, who were driving the Daqian Shentu and quickly avoiding many evil spirits and dangerous spaces, suddenly found a golden pupil in front of them, sweeping towards them.

"It's so familiar... By the way, it's Lord Luo Fu!"

The three of them were stunned. In such a dangerous world, there was such an unbelievable scene. At the same time, the three of them thought of the scene when they came to the time and space of Taixu at the same time, and immediately thought of who was mobilizing the inconceivable peerless magic power.

Lord Rover!

"Our strength breakthrough is too fast, we have to hide it..."

While breathing, the three of them communicated for a while, and then they began to release the breath of life, and then, a large number of evil souls and evil weapon spirits poured out from behind.

"My lord, we are here!"

Deliberately attracting the evil power, the three of them immediately rushed to the divine light with twin pupils, and shouted for help, and more and more evil spirits came from behind, overwhelming the sky.

"Finally found you, don't worry!"

Amidst the blue eyes and golden light, came the male voice of Luofu Shengjun.

As a result, the blue-eyed golden light instantly shrouded the three of them, and a steady stream of energy poured into the three of them.

Longlong sighed deeply: "There is still a long distance from the edge of the War Soul Cave. This Lord Luo Fu can not only find here, but also transmit energy!"

"He should have a special physique, otherwise he couldn't do it!" Ye Yun was also very surprised. He used to think that Lord Luofu was not simple, but now it seems that he has been confirmed.

Special physique, this is the supreme existence beyond the public gods.

"Wuhuaqing robs the sword!"

Under the shroud of golden and green pupils, the flying speed of the three continued to increase, but they still couldn't get rid of the countless evil souls and various artifacts and evil spirits behind them, and the evil power came like an overwhelming mountain.

In the blink of an eye, a familiar figure flashed behind the three of them at a silent speed.

It is the giant of Yongxian Immortal Kingdom, Yue Qingchuan.

He faced countless evil souls alone with his aloof body. At this moment, it was the first time for Ye Yun and the others to see a strong man from the Immortal Temple make a move.

A special sharp sword aura is as cold and silent as the aura of this war soul cave. With his five fingers grasping, a distorted ancient sword light with a sense of consciousness bombarded countless people in an instant. The space where the evil spirits reside.

All of a sudden, the space was shattered, and the strength was amazing. I don't know how many evil souls were sucked into the shattered space. go away.

Longlong couldn't help secretly marveling at the strength from Yueqingchuan: "It's amazing, it's amazing, this is the power of the Chaos God, and this is the strength of the ascendant!"

Ye Yun also sighed and said: "This person is a wizard of swordsmanship, what a genius, his sword energy has self-awareness, it is really unimaginable how to cultivate it, if this person continues to grow, I am afraid that he will become the master of the Immortal Temple in the future Giants! Coupled with Luo Fu Shengjun, the Immortal Temple is indeed a forest of strong people, and this is the palace of the strong!"

At this moment, they understood that the reason why the God Realm rejected Ascendants was because the potential of Ascendants was unpredictable, surpassing the original gods of the God Realm.

After about a dozen breaths!


The aura of heaven and earth changed suddenly, and there was no evil divine power to suppress them. Their eyes lit up, and the three of them immediately released an aura along with Yue Qingchuan, and appeared in front of Lord Luo Fu and a dozen strong men.

Shengjun Luofu and the surrounding Ascendants saw the three of them for a moment, everyone's expression was serious, Shengjun Luofu reprimanded: "You three are really newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, but you know how many strong people there are in my fairy temple, It is because I was eager to improve my strength, I underestimated this Soul Cave, and ended up staying here forever, and this Soul Cave seems to be a very important battlefield in the ancient war, so even the giants of my Immortal Temple cannot enter it!"

"We were indeed careless, and this situation will not happen again in the future!" Following Ye Yun's signal, Chi Yun and Longlong saluted everyone together.

"It's good that you're fine, Qingchuan, I'll take my leave first!"

Shengjun Luofu nodded lightly, accepting the apologies from the three of them, then glanced at Yue Qingchuan, and immediately left through the air with a dozen masters.

The speed was unmatched by the three of Ye Yun, because it was the speed of Chaos God.

Yue Qingchuan also immediately cast a spell, releasing the power of the Chaos God, controlling the three of them to fly away at the same time, not entering deep space, but a kind of deep space movement, the speed is incredible, but compared to shuttling in deep space, There are still some disadvantages.

After half a stick of incense, the three of them returned to the Immortal Kingdom of Eternal Immortals again.

"These are some magical pills and spirit objects that the emperor bestowed on you!" When he came to the cliff where the cave was located, Yue Qingchuan didn't say much, handed the three of them a storage ring, and left after a few words.

The three watched Yue Qingchuan leave, turned around and flew into the cave.

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