The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2252 The shore of the dead, goodbye Ling'er

"Master, we have passed through countless hell barriers. These barriers were arranged by the great ancient underworld god who led countless hell giants. If it weren't for the old slave who has the power of the old master and some supernatural powers to control the laws of hell, it would be impossible It is impossible to come here!"

Nu stared at the lifeless dark enchantment below, and couldn't help showing a bit of astonishment: "Even now, if some giants in hell find out that we have entered here privately, they will never let us go, even if this old slave is the follower of the old master. Those who cannot transcend the laws of hell."

"Go ahead and wait for me outside!" The avatar didn't care at all, and there was an icy air in those pupils.

"Master, be careful everywhere!"

The slave really had no choice but to see that the body and mind of the branch had been determined and could not be changed, so he turned around and flew to the layer upon layer of solid hell barriers high in the sky.

The avatar walked towards the dark barrier below step by step. At this time, the terrifying power of ice was overwhelmingly oppressing the avatar, and the avatar activated a wonderful hellish light, merging these ice powers one after another.

It feels that even in the eighteenth floor of hell, there is no energy that can stop the clone's pace.

Before coming to the dark barrier, give the avatar the first feeling that this is the end of hell, he cannot pass through this barrier, and the end of hell cannot be stepped on by any god.

"The laws of heaven and earth are all under my feet. Hell has an end, but the sacred tree will never end..."

After waiting for a long time, the avatar slowly formed seals, using the palms of the avatar to use a lot of pure mysterious light from hell, I saw black roots growing from the fingertips of the avatar's palms, the roots seem to have life and consciousness, Automatically touch the dark enchantment, and then easily absorb the power of the enchantment. In this way, the body of the avatar is full of the power of the dark enchantment.


One step in, the dark enchantment seemed to lose its solid defense, and the avatar stepped into the enchantment easily.

The scene changed again, it was also dark, but the avatar was already in a world completely frozen and sealed by dark ice blocks. The breath in the ice blocks was the purest power in hell.

At this moment, the avatar could not move or breathe, because the world was completely occupied by ice, he seemed to be frozen inside.

"Primeval Mysterious Ice Art!"

A few attempts didn't work. He wanted to stimulate the power of the 33-day vine, but he thought of something again. In an instant, gushes of the ancient hell's icy breath gushed out from his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the breath of ice is roughly the same as the breath of the frozen world in front of him. After the streams of cold air gushed out, the avatar began to control the surrounding ice, and poured the fused cold air into the depths of the frozen world. The sealed world was gradually controlled by him, and he gradually walked into the depths of the frozen world step by step.

"Where is..."

The world is too cold, dull, and lifeless, but for the clone, he has long been used to everything in hell, so there are not many unsuitable behaviors. After a long time, he doesn't know where he has entered this world. In the frozen world, there is a frozen altar.

The altar was also made of ice, and on top of the altar was an ancient god's tomb. In front of the god's tomb stood a tombstone, with a line of indelible divine inscriptions left on it in vigorous and powerful characters.

Sacrificial to the greatest leader of hell, the 'Immortal Warlord'.

"The Immortal Warlord!"

The brows of the avatar frowned instantly, and horror immediately appeared on the face: "This is one of the ancient rulers of hell, the Immortal War Lord. His existence surpassed the Dark Thunder God, and he was almost the king of the time of the ancient Pluto. There are legends about him in almost every level of hell, and it is unexpected that the giants of the past are buried here after their fall!"

"Immortal Warlord, you have followed in the footsteps of the ancient Pluto to protect hell and build hell..." Facing the tomb of the god, the avatar nodded slightly to show respect for the ancient giant.

"Hell, the God Realm... I don't know how many times there have been fights and god battles since ancient times... But these have nothing to do with me, the Holy King of Black Thunder. I am me, and the deity is in the God Realm, representing the will of the God Realm. He also Integrating the power of hell, I believe I will not want to see it, and one day hell and the world of gods will start another battle of gods!"

With a sigh of relief, the clone continued to walk towards the world ahead, and secretly sighed: "The shore of the dead, is this shore of the dead also the resting place of the ancient giants of hell?"

As a result, not long after, another tomb of a god that was frozen appeared.

"Lord of the Five Abysses!"

It seems that the avatar also knows about this fallen god, he nodded again, and secretly sighed: "Wuyuan is an ancient time and space far away from the eighteenth hell, and the creator of the past is the Lord of Wuyuan. here……"

Next, the avatar saw more tombs of gods. Each of the tombs of gods was buried with ancient powers from hell, but there were also some unknown tombstones, but to be buried here must be the powerhouses of hell.


When it came to a time and space where there was nothing, the avatar was about to release its induction, but the surrounding space suddenly changed, and an undead creature transformed from ice directly slashed at the avatar.

"The Throne of Dark Thunder God!"

The attack was too sudden and powerful, the avatar subconsciously activated his supernatural powers, and a throne appeared. As he raised his arms high, the throne faced the giant palm of the undead creature. There was a dull impact and explosion in an instant, and the avatar Immediately shocked to save a stream of blood.

Looking up, the huge undead creature had no intention of attacking again. Its power was unimaginable. If it really wanted to do something, the avatar could not resist at all.

Could it be the guardian of this shore of death!

At this moment, a girl's voice slowly came from among the undead creatures: "Ye Yun, you are finally here, and you have grown to such a height that even the defensive barrier of hell cannot stop you!"

A look of cold astonishment appeared on the clone's face: "Is that you? Ling'er!"

"Can you sense my existence in the shore of the dead?" The girl was obviously surprised.

The avatar raised a domineering aura: "Don't forget, I am the inheritor chosen by the 33-day vine. The 33-day vine grew in years, which is older than the establishment of the eighteenth hell. It can be said that it is the same as the ancient gods of the ancient Hades. The existence of this era, hell is like my original place, as long as I activate the 33 vines, no one can kill me even if I am now the God of Yuanshi!"

"Ye Yun, you have the heart of a strong man!"

"Also, I am not the deity, so don't call me the deity. I am the Holy King of Black Thunder now, and I can also be the king of hell in the future, replacing the ancient Hades!"

"I haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years. Your real deity is not as arrogant as you. You are a clone, and you want to replace the ancient Pluto? If you don't show your color, you really don't know the heights of heaven and earth..."

The undead beast suddenly slapped it down again.

But this time, the avatar didn't appear to be ready to make a move, it was floating there, watching the giant palm want to destroy him.


But the giant palm also stopped abruptly, and then the undead beast was sucked into the palm by a jade palm, and on the other side, a girl in green clothes appeared.

She is the girl who followed Qing Ming back then, Ling'er, after tens of thousands of years, she still has that naughty and lively appearance.


Ling'er gradually fell down, came to the clone, glanced at the pouting mouth and hummed: "I really don't understand why I, the number one god in hell, chose you. From the first time I saw you, I didn't understand... It didn’t even pick my lady!”

The avatar's expression returned to his usual stern expression, but his tone showed concern: "Miss, how are you?"

"From the last time until now, I have been in a deep sleep. There is no way. There is no place for us in hell, mortal world, fairy world, or god world. There is only this shore of the dead, the forbidden space created by the ruler of the ancient god of the underworld. Only in this way can the giants in hell be restrained, otherwise they would have come here a long time ago, making the lady so noisy that she will never be able to find peace!"

"Since the lady is sleeping, why do I get the imprinted breath of the soul from the lady from the deity, and as I continue to improve my cultivation, it seems that I can talk to the lady in nothingness?"

"Don't forget the identity of Miss. This hell was established by the ruler of the ancient Hades, and the lady is the only blood left by the ruler of the ancient Hades. It means that she is the real ruler of this hell. Apart from the fallen ancient Hades, Miss You are the well-deserved master of the second hell, as long as you are in hell, the lady can sense you all the time, and the lady injected the imprint into the power of you and Ye Yun, so in a sense, you , The souls of the deity and the lady have been entangled forever, as long as you are in hell, you can sense the existence of the lady!"

"Then what's going on with the Primordial Mysterious Ice Art? This is the peerless qigong left by the Primordial Hades, why did it suddenly appear in my mind?"

"It should be that the young lady subconsciously wants you to master this supernatural power. If you don't master the ancient Xuanbing Art, how can you escape the prying eyes of today's hell giants and come here? I know you have 33 days of vines, but 33 days If the vine wants to enter here, there will be some movement. After all, you have not really mastered the 33-day vine, and it has not completely integrated the origin of hell as it did back then. You are very lucky. None of us in the Qing family have How many people can master the Primordial Mysterious Ice Art, you outsider..."

"Do you think that my fusion of 33 vines is equivalent to being recognized by the will of hell? Is it still an outsider? Miss is also an inheritor, and I am also an inheritor in a sense!"

"Hmph, I haven't seen you for a while, and I've become so eloquent!"

Ling'er stuck out her tongue, but her expression suddenly became condensed: "I would like to ask you, are you now Ye Yun's clone 'Black Thunder Sacred King', or the 'Black Thunder Sacred King' swallowed by the will of 33 days of vines? "

"Is there a difference between the two?" The clone didn't want to answer this question.

"Of course there is a difference. Since ancient times, the giants of hell have wanted to control the 33-day vine, let it grow in hell forever, and prevent it from entering the mortal world, fairy world, and god world. Unfortunately, the 33-day vine is too powerful. It is impossible to control it. If it can be controlled, the hell that the ancient Pluto built back then is at least not what it is now, but deeper, stronger, and bigger, and it can build 33 layers of immortal hell worlds on top of 33 vines. For This point, the will of 33 Tianvine must know, since it is not controlled by hell, then its will may control you again, making you a host that can reconnect the world in the future, do you understand? You become its puppet!"

"It's not that serious, you think too much!" The clone shook his head, seemingly thinking it was a joke, but there was always something hidden in his smile.

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