Muscles and bones, blood veins, cells, and even blood essence are exploding one by one. Taiyi divine light talismans continue to take shape, blending into blood vessels and true energy, breaking through the five layers of heavenly immortals, not only the physical body is changing, but the golden core is also Continuously absorbing the essence, the Shenluo domain is also changing, and even the primordial spirit absorbs a large amount of essence, full of substance.

Once a breakthrough is made, the changes in the physical body are endless, and even all aspects of qigong are also evolving. After breaking through the fifth level of the celestial being, Ye Yun slightly opened his eyes. Like a fairy sword, it reveals a power that does not belong to the mortal world.

"The fifth level of the Celestial Immortal, this is the bottleneck of the Celestial Immortal Realm. It is the same for everyone, including me. It seems that it is impossible to break through the sixth level of the Immortal. , with my means, even the strongest of the Tongtianjing, don't even think about killing me!"

"The sky is big and the earth is big, and the mainland of China is just a pond for me. I want to go to the broader Taixing plane, and go to the infinite star field to practice, so that I can achieve extraordinary strength!"

With the breakthrough, Ye Yun Fangfo already felt a feeling of self-admiration and loneliness. The small mainland of China has no challenges for Ye Yun. The Haoyue League is just a small ant. Tai Dayan opened Ye Yun's eyes, words such as spirit veins and breaking fairyland came one by one.

"To make the Taiyi Empire a true cultivating empire, I need to obtain spiritual veins, and then bury them in the depths of the mainland and make offerings, like a sect, so that the spiritual energy will last forever. Let these first-class sects contend!"

At this moment, Ye Yun decided to open the mainland of China and go to the Taixing plane to experience. Now that the Taiyi Empire is vigorously developing, and the power of the beast ancestors can shake China, I wonder if there will be any crisis in the Taiyi Empire. During this period, it happened to be the best opportunity for Ye Yun to go out to practice and improve his cultivation base. Once he cultivated to the fairyland, he would be able to completely traverse the mainland of China. Not to mention the Lanfeng Sect, even the Shenzhou Gate, Ye Yun can also destroy it at will. Of.

In the human fairyland, only by breaking through the human fairyland can Ye Yun become a weak person, who can be manipulated at will. The heavenly fairyland is really weak. I don't know how terrifying Ye Yun's strength will be if he breaks through the human fairyland.

"Taiyi's true energy has been consumed again..."

After a good examination of the physical body, Ye Yun began to consolidate his cultivation, and at the same time practiced the Shenluo Domain and the Beast Sacred Scepter to continuously improve his strength and change, and finally began to practice the Good Fortune Fist, constantly evolving, deducing, and truly comprehending the true meaning of birth, The Divine Fist of Good Fortune is Ye Yun's strongest means. Without the Sacred Beast Scepter and Turing, Ye Yun can only rely on the Divine Fist of Good Fortune.


On the coast of the North Sea, Lan Fengzong.


In a secret void, in a floating luxurious cave, Lan Tiandong sat cross-legged to practice, suddenly, he spit out a stream of blood, so angry that he slapped the gemstone table with his palm, and shouted fiercely: "Ye Yun... I must kill you!" You, take your qigong, everything about you, just wait!"

Lan Tiandong was really full of resentment, he never thought that he would stumble at the hands of a weak celestial being, which made him really hateful and hard to calm down, even if he resumed his cultivation, he couldn't help but get angry and spit out a mouthful of blood.

No matter who it is, if it is Lan Tiandong, they will explode their internal organs with anger, and some people will even be angered to death. Who is Ye Yun, and who is Lan Tiandong? There are high-level giants, one is above, one is on the ground, one is the emperor, and the other is a beggar.

The emperor was humiliated by a beggar, which moved Lan Tian, ​​who had always been proud and conceited. How could he calm down? When he thought that he almost died at Ye Yun's hands, he felt uncomfortable and couldn't get out of his anger.


Suddenly, the void in the main hall of the cave burst open, and a middle-aged man in a blue robe appeared. He was about forty years old, with a square face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, a high nose bridge, jade-like skin, and a goatee. One side's overlord momentum can destroy a continent with a single gesture.

The middle-aged man in the blue robe is the suzerain of Lanfeng Sect, Lan Yi, who is famous as the top powerhouse in the mainland of China. His cultivation has reached the realm of reaching the sky.

"My son, please see my father!" Lan Tiandong immediately bowed and was rude, with resentment still on his face, as if he hated Ye Yun to the bone.

Lan Yi appeared in the void like a projection, and he said slowly, "Dong'er, Protector Kong's injuries have recovered, you should speed up your cultivation!"

"Father, I just don't want to be reconciled, I'm just an earthly immortal, I..." Lan Tiandong said here, and Fangfo himself was too embarrassed to continue.

Lan Yi is majestic and motionless, like an ancient sacred mountain, suppressing the eternity, overlooking Lan Tiandong: "Guardian Kong has told me the whole story, indeed, no one thought that a celestial being would have such a means, his strength is not as good as You only rely on Hengjing Immortal Jade, but this person does have some tricks, sooner or later he will be killed, otherwise it will be a serious problem for the sect, just like Xuantianzu!"

Lan Tiandong made a strong oath and said with confidence: "Dad, don't worry, the child will break through to the seventh level soon, wait for the opportunity, and definitely kill Ye Yun, but there is an invincible strong man behind him, otherwise, I will kill you on the Ziyu Continent." , smash it to ashes, and take back the Hengjing Immortal Jade!"

"The person behind him is indeed an invincible powerhouse. His cultivation base is bottomless, and even I can't sense its existence. It may be a high-level powerhouse, so he can't act rashly. And the underground ghost city is almost completely wiped out. I believe that the three major forces will definitely not let Ye Yun go. Without our help, someone will take care of him. For a while, as a father, I will use the spiritual veins to cut your hair and wash your marrow, once you succeed, your cultivation will increase, and it will not be difficult to join Shenzhou Xianyuan!" Lan Yi said slowly.

"Xuanpin Spirit Vein...Thank you, Dad!"

Lan Tiandong was overjoyed. A mysterious spiritual vein could allow him to break through again and again. This is the treasure he dreamed of. He secretly said with hatred: "Ye Yun, wait for me to refine the spiritual vein and wash the marrow successfully. Once I enter the Shenzhou Immortal The court will use various means to deal with you, just wait, you'd better hide in Ziyu Continent forever, otherwise, someone will definitely deal with you!"

A few months later, the Purple Jade Continent became a holy place for cultivation, and the number of monks reached two-thirds of the total population, nearly [-] million. This number is really astonishing. With the help, at least a hundred years, or at least a few decades, they will all become experts in the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Think about it, it is unbelievable that a small island continent has hundreds of millions of angels.

Now Ye Yuan has become the lord of the Taiyi Empire, controlling the mainland, hundreds of millions of monks, and he has cultivated himself to the Heavenly Immortal Realm. The others have all cultivated to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and now they can easily break through the once aloof Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Under the laws of the Taiyi Empire with clear rewards and punishments, heavenly wonderlands appear frequently, even in the streets, where you can see them at will. Ziyu Continent is united and thriving, and has already become the embryonic form of a holy land of cultivation. The mainland will produce a large number of powerful people in the fairyland. At that time, it will become a true holy land of cultivation, directly competing with the first-class sects such as Shenzhoumen, Lanfengzong, and Daoistzong.

"It's a pity that Uncle Han didn't witness the fall of the Baiyu Dynasty and the birth of the Taiyi Empire..."

In the deep palace, Ye Yun stood at the end of the vast corridor, overlooking the majestic Taiyi City, feeling how time flies, and everything is unbelievable. Back then, a small Ye family, a young man who insisted on practicing because of his dantian, now , one side became the master of a continent, and the boy became a peerless powerhouse.

Ye Yun most wanted to share this joy with Uncle Han, but since that time when he entered the miracle, Uncle Han has never woken up. Ye Yun's cultivation base has increased greatly now, and he has already felt that in the depths of the primordial spirit, there is Uncle Han A wisp of weak primordial spirit exists, but it may disappear at any time. In order to let Uncle Han see this scene, Ye Yun even helped Uncle Han wake up and provided a lot of primordial power. He only hoped that Uncle Han would wake up sooner.


At this time, Yuan Haiteng, accompanied by a pair of soldiers, came to Ye Yun's side.

Ye Yun asked indifferently: "Not long ago, I heard that Zhai Xingyuan, the first disciple of Mantuo Island, Xue Mengyao, was going to participate in the hospital admission ceremony. Do the math and see if the time has passed!"


Yuan Haiteng didn't dare to be negligent, now he is completely convinced of Ye Yun, immediately counted his fingers, bowed and replied: "Master, it will be in the next three days!"

"It seems that everything is God's will"!

Ye Yun was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, just came out of the retreat, and accidentally thought of Xue Mengyao, so he called Yuan Haiteng to ask, but just a few days later, in Ye Yun's view, this was predestined, Tell him to go see Xue Mengyao.

"By the way, I went to see the demeanor of the disciples of Shenzhou Xianyuan. Maybe I will join Shenzhou Xianyuan in the future!"

Ye Yun thought about it carefully, then waved Yuan Hai to go down, and turned to look at the Shenzhou Continent: "There is not much time, I greeted Zhang Kun and General Huangfu, and then set off for Mantuo Island, I owe a great favor to the ancestor of the beast , but Xue Mengyao stole the Beast Ancestor Hengjing Immortal Jade, this point cannot be justified, Xue Mengyao must give an explanation!"


After talking to himself, Ye Yun walked away directly.


In the plane of Taixing, there is a planet with a sound that shakes all directions. It is called Diwangxing. It is the first disciple of Shenzhou Xianyuan, and Ditian personally built it.

Ditian, the number one disciple of the three great fairy courtyards on the Taixing plane, has cultivated the sky-reaching mirror from the human fairyland in just a thousand years, and his strength is bottomless.

At this moment, on the suspended continent of Emperor Star, in an ethereal fairyland, there are several human immortal masters, one of them is a middle-aged giant who exudes infinite monster aura. Tong Tong, exuding golden light, and the masters beside him all had very strange auras.

Someone came to the middle-aged man and whispered: "King Peng, the seven brothers of Utona couldn't die in vain. I found out everything. The seven brothers were killed by a monk named Ye Yun. , must be killed, otherwise in the mainland of China, how will our ghost city gain a foothold."

This middle-aged man is the Supreme King of the Ghost City, King Peng, the supreme powerhouse who is famous in the mainland of China. He possesses demonic skills and makes everyone terrified. However, he has already joined Ditian, which makes him famous in the mainland of China even more. No one dares to provoke.

When King Peng heard this, his whole body was murderous, his muscles were bulging, and he was about to explode. He said coldly: "Ye Yun... such a small person dares to provoke this king, but behind him there is a powerful man with a sky-reaching mirror!" Back up, don't move him for the time being, wait until you find out who is behind Ye Yun, then it won't be too late!"

"What do you want from me?"

Suddenly, a vortex appeared in the void, and Di Tian's misty figure appeared. His whole body was somewhere in the space, releasing a sense of emptiness and mistyness.

"Join the Emperor!"

Seeing the appearance of the Ditian projection, King Peng and others hurriedly saluted. King Peng said: "My lord, do you still remember Utona? Not long ago, Utona was driven into the boundless dark void. The emperor can save Utona!"

"Oh, something happened to Utona!"

Ditian suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes filled the space with the breath of silence and death, and then he closed his eyes suddenly, as if he was in a deep sleep, and he seemed to be displaying a supernatural power. Peng Wang and others waited quietly, not daring to say anything. Know who Ditian is and how strong his cultivation is.

"Utona has fallen and was swallowed by an evil space, and many disciples of the Haoyue League, Daoist School, and Lanfeng School have all been demonized, but don't worry, the ins and outs of the matter, I have learned everything through the collection of souls , I just happen to be going to the mainland of China. Don't worry, Utona's soul has been mastered by me, and I will reshape his real body, and that kid named Ye Yun must be dead, anyone who dares to touch me! "

After a long time, Ditian opened his eyes and let the Buddha go to the edge of the world. His eyes released bursts of cold light, and after saying a few words, he disappeared from the void.

"Okay, that's great. This king just wants to use Ditian to make a move, so that everyone in the mainland of China will know that behind me, King Peng, is Ditian. Who dares to offend me!"

An evil light flashed across the pupils of King Peng's eyes, and it was released in a strange and unpredictable way, making the people around him tremble secretly, their hairs stood on end, and their whole body felt cold.

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