The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2313 Giant Tusk Golem

As the flying winged undead monster came through the air, the time and space of the frozen battlefield suddenly lost its calm, and the shock wave spread to all directions.


There were noises from the surrounding ruins, and undead monsters rushed to kill them, and there were about twenty undead monsters.

"Uwu Beast!"

After exhorting Chi Yun and Long Long, Ye Yun had already attacked the undead monster with flying wings in the front, and also made the Wu Wu Beast pay attention to all directions. For Wu Wu Beast, this was simply a game. With a swipe, Wuwu Beast entered the space, which was much more powerful than monsters.

"Boom boom boom!"

When the Wuwu Beast reappeared, in the blink of an eye, an undead monster on the left was hit by the Wuwu Beast and immediately set off an explosion. A large number of skeletons and flesh and blood scattered on the ruins. Attack other culled undead monsters.

Chi Yun and Longlong were stunned by this scene: "Boss, when did Wu Wu Beast become so powerful?"

"Its current strength surpasses me by a lot, especially its space ability. I am far behind. With it, I have the confidence to deal with the high-level Supreme God. Let's move on!"

Following Ye Yun's palm slap in the air, killing the flying winged undead monster with a force of destruction, the three of them passed under the falling skeleton, and many undead monsters appeared around them.

The Wuwu Beast quickly killed more than a dozen undead monsters, and with a slam, it disappeared into the space again, and reappeared on Ye Yun's shoulder.

Three people and one beast, under the state of Ye Yun urging the Void, releasing the law of devouring, and controlling the energy of hell, flying forward at the speed of the Creator God, crossing the battlefields, and the sound of undead monsters chasing and killing can always be heard behind .

After half a stick of incense, the three of them flew over a ruined mountain, and Longlong said impressively: "Look, the ball of time and space ahead is full of hell energy, and it's not ordinary hell energy. Let the remaining violent aura make it a forbidden place!"

"Fang Hong and the six giants are in that group of space. It is no longer a pure hell energy space. The energy is very complicated. Whether it is hell or the gods of the gods, it is difficult to compete, but for me, any energy is important. I can't stop my steps!"

After Ye Yun finished speaking, he continued to fly to the time and space ahead with Chi Yun and Long Long.

"Jie Jie..."

Keeping approaching, it turned out that there were more than [-] undead monsters around the time and space, and their strength exceeded the fifth-order Supreme God.

This is already a power that Ye Yun can't overcome. No wonder Fang Hong and other giants disappeared, and Chi Yun and Longlong have nothing to do for the time being, because there are too many terrifying undead monsters here. If the two of them have the same cultivation base as Ye Yun, maybe It can still be dealt with, but with the cultivation base of the seventh-level Yuanshi, it can't be dealt with at all.

"Wuwu Beast, go and entangle them!"

Following Ye Yun's thought, the Wuwu Beast entered the space again and disappeared.

Immediately, Wuwu Beast appeared around those undead monsters, smashed one monster first, and then led the other undead monsters aside.

Ye Yun seized the opportunity to approach the time and space ahead, and just outside the time and space, the three of them were amazed to find that a large number of ruins covered the time and space, forming a natural barrier, which was very strong, but some places were broken, which was not considered broken. Formed, but not yet completely covered by ruins.


The three of them passed through it without hesitation, and in an instant they were in a space that was almost completely dark and dominated by the power of hell. This should be the center of the time and space of the death prison.

After entering the moment, almost all three of them were unable to move a single step. Only after each of them used their great supernatural powers could they move their bodies. They began to look around and found that this place was also a battlefield, but the energy atmosphere here was more than ten times that of the surrounding area. It was obvious that they had fought here before. The strong man is the most powerful existence in this battlefield, so he can leave such an amazing space after his fall.

After activating the chakra of chaotic world purification, Ye Yun smiled pleasantly in the blink of an eye: "Fang Hong and the others' auras are right in come there are still a few giant auras?"

Longlong calmly said: "It seems that this battlefield used to be dominated by giants, that is, giant soldiers. Those giant breaths should be giants who once fell!"

"Fang Hong and the others may or may not have come here by accident..." Chi Yun also responded.

"Everyone, be careful, besides the breath of Fang Hong and others, I also sense a terrible breath remaining here..." Activate the law of suction, and change the breath of the aura, focusing on the chaotic true energy of Taiyi, and wantonly absorb the surrounding At the same time, the breath also urged the Dark Throne to assimilate the space.

Soon, the three of Ye Yun began to weaken under the pressure of space, and finally reached the point where they could fly at the speed of the Holy Spirit, and slowly flew towards the center.


Unexpectedly, advancing a thousand meters, a violent explosion suddenly rose from the central time and space, illuminating the entire space for a while, and suddenly, a huge tall shadow flashed in front of the three of them in an elongated and twisted shape.

Longlong sighed anxiously: "It looks like an elephant!"

Chi Yun also had a serious face: "I don't know what it is, but it's attacking a barrier!"

The three swallowed their saliva together, and the turbulent force formed by the explosion also swept towards the three of them. It was too terrifying. Ye Yun wanted to move and dodge the space, but he couldn't do it, because this space surpassed his strength. height of control.

Hastily activated the little divine movement technique, trying to divert the sweeping turbulent power, minimizing the impact.


In the end, the explosion wave still caught the three of them, but Ye Yun stood at the front, and his aura is dominated by him, so he bears most of the force. He spewed out a mouthful of blood first, and then Chi Yun, Long Long also spat out a mouthful of blood foam.

The extremely terrifying power, just the momentum severely injured the three of them.

"Master, is it the master?"

Suddenly, Fang Hong's thoughts came tremblingly from the space in front of him.

"It's me, that's great, Fang Hong, are you seven all right?"

Ye Yun was overjoyed, his mood was indescribable, and he hurriedly communicated with Fang Hong.

"We're fine, but we've all been hit hard. Master, you have to be careful. This is the ancient war. The senior of my Giant God Soldiers will drive the 'Giant Tusk Golem' to fight against the King of Hell!"

"Really? The evil spirit formed by the king of hell is attacking you just now?"

"No, those hell kings have long since fallen with our giant god soldiers. During the long years, there was a part of the consciousness of a giant tusked golem, and it was controlled by evil consciousness!"

"What is a giant tusk golem?"

Ye Yun's pupils were shining with infinite curiosity, and he did not inform Chi Yun and Longlong of the news for the time being.

Fang Hong’s voice came weakly, and it seemed that he was also injured: "The giant tusk golem is an ancient alien beast. We learned that the giant tusk golem is an ancient beast after we deciphered the divine text left by the senior giant soldier. In this era, one of the most powerful alien beasts is the mount of our giant soldiers. With our giant soldiers feeding them, giant tusk golems can enter hell at will, step on hell, kill hell monks, and any demon power. Except for a few protoss such as the Dragon Clan, the Tusk Golem is invincible!"

"It turned out to be your mount..."

Finally figured out what happened, with shock, Ye Yun couldn't forget the huge shadow that flashed just now, what Longlong said was right, it was indeed an elephant, but it was not an ordinary elephant, but an ancient strange beast.

Fang Hong said again: "Master, this giant tusk golem is controlled by evil consciousness and has become a demon. You have to be careful, the seven of us are now hiding in the enchantment formed by the consciousness of the senior giant soldier. Can hold on!"

"Don't worry, I'll figure it out!"

Now that he has figured out the origin of his opponent, he can find a way to deal with the giant tusked golem.

Tusk Golem.

The ancient beast, the mount of the giant god soldier, how powerful it is.

Ye Yun immediately told Chi Yun and Longlong what he had learned, and the two of them were shocked at the same time, and Longlong had never heard of the giant tusk golem, but among the seven ancient peerless powerhouses controlled by Chi Yun, there was someone Know Tusk Golem.

The Black Wuling King, the Desolate Mang King, the Great Emperor Yunxuan, the Tomb King, the Burning Heaven King, Gu, the Blood Ancestor... among them Gu, unexpectedly knows the Tusk Golem.

Chi Yun immediately activated his supernatural powers to communicate with Gu, a celestial light flashed between his eyebrows, and he saw the extremely terrifying Gu, sitting quietly on the throne, with countless big mouths floating on his back, feeling like the old snake spirit Wang Yougu has a bit of a shadow.

Seeing the terrifying Gu, Ye Yun looked very unaccustomed at first, as if thinking of the scene when he entered the Eye of Heaven's Punishment and was finally attacked by a monster comparable to Gu's ability: "Chi Yun, it seems that you can use the power of the sky Do your eyes have more power?"

"Hey, that's natural, our strength is constantly improving!"

After curling his lips, Chi Yun looked proud again, and then communicated with Gu: "Do you understand the giant tusk golem?"

Between the eyebrows and the heavenly eyes, Gu heard a low and hoarse voice: "Master, when I was still on the side of the God Realm, I was chased and killed by the Giant God Soldiers sent by the Great Zhou, and I fought with one of the Giant God Soldiers. Having fought against each other, I have also seen the power of the tusked golem. The subordinates had a head-on confrontation with the tusked golem, but one of the tusks smashed through the flesh, forcing the subordinates to flee. The tusked golem is indeed terrifying , this subordinate and it both belong to ancient beasts, but this subordinate cannot compare with the Tusk Golem in every respect, not only this subordinate, but also the other six brothers are not its opponents!"

These words immediately made Ye Yun, Chi Yun, and Long Long show shocked expressions again.

Ye Yun immediately asked a question: "The Giant Divine Soldier came from the Great Zhou?"

Gu Dao: "It is heard that the giant god soldiers are the ancient guardians of the Great Zhou, and they are also the most powerful fighting force in the Great Zhou. They have always belonged to rumors. That time, because they caused a catastrophe and destroyed a big force, they finally angered Zhou Tian. My lord, I finally dispatched the Giant God Soldiers, but fortunately I only encountered one of them..."

As a result, Chi Yun put his hands on his hips immediately after hearing this, laughed loudly, and shouted with contempt for the world: "It seems that the Giant God Soldiers are still not as powerful as me. They can't suppress you, but I suppressed you, and I can't accept it!"

"Go, go..." Longlong forcibly squeezed him aside.

Ye Yun looked at Longlong: "Unexpectedly, even Gu is not the opponent of the giant tusk golem... Fortunately, this is a giant tusk golem that fell on the battlefield, but it was controlled by evil consciousness. It should be in the seventh rank of Supreme God!"

"Then we don't have a chance?" Longlong was helpless.

Chi Yun happily patted Longlong on the shoulder, and came to the center of the two: "Hey, don't forget, the boss has the Great Zhou Tian Hunyuan Pillar, and I still can't fully activate the Heavenly Eye Battle, your Holy Body Only started fusion practice, only the boss can deal with giant tusk golem!"

Seeing Chi Yun's expression, it seems that everything is trivial to him, not worth mentioning.

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