The Taixing plane is a low-end plane among the low-level planes. Above the Taixing plane, there is a more advanced plane. Among the mortal planes, the Taixing plane is also at the lowest end. For other high-level mortal planes, in the vast universe, the Taixing plane is as small as Hengsha.

However, one plane is very huge, and only immortals can travel between planes. Otherwise, the ancient teleportation array can connect the planes. For the Taixing plane, it has rarely been harassed by other planes since ancient times.

There are tens of thousands of planets and countless floating continents in the Taixing plane. Some continents are larger than the planets, while some planets are smaller than ordinary continents. The Taixing plane is almost controlled by the three immortals, but except for the three , there are still many overlords with a large number of powerhouses dormant. For example, some powerhouses who break through the fairyland are not sure about breaking through the catastrophe, so they simply seal the weather of the catastrophe and stay in the Taixing plane forever. Being the overlord of one side, this kind of strong Even the Three Immortals would not dare to offend them.

Shenzhou, Tianjun, and Gutuo, the three major fairy houses, respectively control the three star fields of the Taixing plane. They are all located in the central star field of the plane, and they control a large number of planets and continents with sufficient resources. But secretly, there is an open and secret struggle, who wants to destroy the opposition, become the first fairy house, and finally unify the plane.

In this mutual squeezing situation, many overlords were born. They either established empires or established sects, standing on one side, surviving in the cracks of the three great fairy courtyards, and striving to flourish for a day. For example, the Luoshen Empire is a good example. , One side pleases the Shenzhou Xianyuan, and the other side secretly builds and expands its own strength, establishes an immortal central kingship, and becomes the overlord of one side.

At the border of Shenzhou Xianyuan and Gutuo Xianyuan, there is a large killing star field. Because this star field is between the two great fairy courtyards, the disciples of the two courtyards often fight each other, forming a killing star field without kingly law. Behind the star field, there are more remote star fields, which are gradually separated from the center of the plane, and there are some remote star fields. Among them, there are many wild and undeveloped primitive star fields, most of which have become star fields ruled by demons.

The three great fairy houses have also established three star fields, the Shenzhou Star Field, the Tianjun Star Field, and the Gutuo Star Field, which occupy the central star field of the plane. In addition, many Piaoyuan Star Fields have also established kingships. To become the largest fairy house in Shenzhou, it is necessary to truly unify tens of thousands of planets in the ten directions of the plane. Since ancient times, only Taihuang has achieved it.

The three great fairy houses are secretly expanding the barbaric star field, fighting and competing with each other, competing for territory and power.

The Troll Star, a savage planet located in the remote star field behind the Shenzhou Star Field, is a medium-sized planet that is a hundred times as large as the Shenzhou Continent, and has a large number of undeveloped resources. For countless years, I don't know how many forces have been born, but they have not been unified by the Shenzhou Xianyuan.

There are good and evil on the troll star, there are demons and demons, and various forces sit on one side. It is about hundreds of millions of light-years away from the Shenzhou star field controlled by Shenzhou Xianyuan. If you use the teleportation array to teleport without interruption, it will take a year. In order to reach the central star field of the plane, the troll star is not considered a primitive star field, and there are endless planets in the deeper side.

Fumo Mountain Range, an ancient mountain range, possesses ancient magic properties, and has brewed a large number of demonic powerhouses. Fumo Mountain Range is the land commanded by the troll star "Fumo King", with hundreds of thousands of demon monks, and Fumo Mountain Range is considered a troll. One of the most powerful forces of the star.

The Fumo Mountain Range is very large, several times larger than the mainland of China. There are many cities in it, which are controlled by the King Fumo. Most of them are demon cultivators. Of course, there are righteous monks, but righteous monks are very dangerous here. If you have strong strength, you will be caught as slaves, hard labor, etc., and your fate will be very miserable.

At a glance, there is no end in sight. The ancient magic mountains are inserted into the sky, like demon gods, guarding the Fumo Mountain Range.

"Damn it, if you dare to be lazy, call me!"

In an excavated mountain range, there are many bottomless mines, and there are countless avenues in all directions. At this moment, a large number of monsters are dragging carts of spirit stones, gems and various ores, and they are slowly driving on the road. On the dusty road, there are also rickshaws, each of which is composed of dozens of monks, wrapped in a strange long rope, pulling the cart towards the end step by step.

Suddenly there was a naked young man of eighteen or nineteen years old, his body was covered with scars, his skin was like yellow paper, as if his life energy had been drained, his face was sallow and emaciated, he couldn't hold on any longer, he fell to the ground and moaned in pain. The black-armored man, with strange black patterns and a large black cloak, waved a long whip and whipped the young man.

The rickshaw didn't stop at all, and the other slaves knew that the young man would not survive. They were whipped and continued to move forward. No one cared about the young man's life or death.

"elder sister……!"

The young man looked at the sky helplessly, despite the two reckless men whipping vigorously, the whip was actually a spiritual weapon, and each whip was filled with true energy. In the sky, suddenly, he frowned and stared blankly at a crack in the void, and a figure fell towards him from the crack in the space in embarrassment.


The figure hit the ground heavily, creating a big hole, and the figure lay motionless in the ruins, as if life had been lost.

"what happened?"

The two giant men who released the demonic energy witnessed this scene, and they also looked dazed. They glanced at each other, flashed murderous intent, carefully drew out the magic knife in their waists, and walked towards the giant pit step by step.


Suddenly, the figure in Dakeng jumped up directly, turned into a long rainbow and flew over the center of the two giant men. Immediately, the two heads fell to the ground, and the figure finally stopped. He was covered in injuries, and slowly raised his head. Ye Yun.

Ye Yun heaved a sigh of relief, his complexion was extremely pale, and he sighed fiercely: "What a Ditian, to have such extraordinary supernatural powers, followed me all the way in the space, and almost died in his hands, but no matter how supernatural Ditian is, he can't compete with him." Compared with Turing, the great thousand gods, he finally escaped, where is this?"

"It's so devilish, the whole planet is full of devilishness..."

When Ye Yun came back to his senses, he felt that the aura was unusual. With a movement of his divine sense, he felt a powerful aura everywhere. Even the two people who had just been beheaded by him were also third-order human immortals. Ye Yun suddenly discovered that the The young man who was too scared to speak: "Where is this?"

"This is, yes, it's the troll star!" The young man was frightened by the sudden stranger in front of him and hurriedly replied. The other party could kill even the demon soldiers of the demon king, so he must be a master.


Ye Yun immediately took out a map of the star field of the Thai star plane. This map was obtained from the ring of the strong woman in Tianjun Xianyuan with Xue Mengyao, and it finally came in handy today. On the plane, if there is no map, the coordinates and directions cannot be found at all, and you will get lost in the star field, drifting farther and farther, and may be lost forever.

"It turned out to be flying directly from the Shenzhou Xianyuan. The troll star is too far away from the Shenzhou mainland. If there is no power of the Great Thousand Gods Map, it will take at least a year or even a few years to fly the whole distance! You, let me go!"

Putting away the map, Ye Yun's intuition told Ye Yun that this place is a very dangerous place, so he immediately released his power to sweep the young man away and disappeared into the void.

A piece of green mountains and green waters, in the depths of the mountains that seemed particularly quiet, two figures directly fell to the ground, it was Ye Yun and the young man. Ye Yun put down the young man, looked around, and sensed all directions with his spiritual thoughts, and finally his expression relaxed: "This place is safe for the time being. What's your name? Tell me about the troll star!"

"I, I, my name is Qi Qinfeng, I..." The young man was still terrified, disturbed, and seriously injured, he faltered when he spoke.

"Take this pill!"

Ye Yun found a few extraordinary pills from Da Luo Jie, which were left by those immortals who died in their hands, and now they are also in use. Ye Yun took a few pills himself, and put one of them Into the mouth of 'Qi Qinfeng', soon, he looked much better, and began to absorb, absorb spiritual energy, and turned into true energy to occupy the dantian.

After about a few hours, Qi Qinfeng stopped practicing, and his whole body was completely reborn, and he was still a second-level human immortal. He hurriedly came to Ye Yun's side, cupped his hands and said: "Thank you for saving my life, Qin Feng. I will keep it in my heart for the rest of my life, and I will tell my seniors everything I want to know!"

"Very good, let's talk about the troll star first, and then tell me about the star field around the troll star!"

Ye Yun sat cross-legged on the ground, while absorbing it, while releasing the Taiyi Divine Furnace, throwing in dozens of immortal stones, he must quickly recover his strength in the shortest possible time, and he still had lingering fears in his heart: "This time it's not the Daqian Shentu, I will definitely die in the hands of Ditian!" Come on, Ditian, you are indeed tyrannical!"

Qi Qinfeng was honest, stood aside, and told Ye Yun the situation of the troll star thoroughly, and Ye Yun knew that the troll star was not controlled by the three great immortals. He thought that the entire Taixing plane was unified by the three great immortals. Who would have thought that the three great fairy houses only control the central star field of the Thai star plane.

And this troll star has countless powers, and the King Fumo is one of the overlords. With his cultivation base, he has actually reached the Immortal Realm, and his generals also have countless powerhouses in the Heaven Realm. This makes Ye Yun unbelievable, a remote planet, quite ancient In the star field, after leaving the three great fairy courtyards, there will be legendary monsters who break the fairyland, and the high-ranking powerhouses in the sky-reaching realm are very common in the troll star. Weak, let alone a fairy.

In the plane of Taixing, only the heaven-reaching realm can survive. A low-level monk like Qi Qinfeng is like a mortal. If he is not careful, he will be caught by human traffickers and become a slave. Qi Qinfeng is just careless , went to a place to practice, was caught by a caravan, and was sold to the troll star several times. It lasted ten years. If he hadn't met Ye Yun, his life would have been completely over.

There are many star fields and a large number of planets in the direction of Troll Star towards Shenzhou Xianyuan. The closer it is to Shenzhou Xianyuan, the planets are controlled by righteous monks, unlike the barbaric planets like Troll Star.

"This troll star is really in danger. Fortunately, I met Qi Qinfeng. Otherwise, I will be caught by the strong men under the demon king..."

"You practice first, and after my strength recovers, you take me to find the teleportation array and leave the troll star together. As long as you do things well for me, you will not treat you badly, and you will be protected!" Ye Yun heard everything , Having a general understanding of the troll star, he directly took out a few pills and handed them to Qi Qinfeng.

"Thank you senior, thank you for saving Qin Feng, Qin Feng will definitely stand up for you!" Qi Qinfeng caught the pill, and couldn't help being excited. With these pills, he could recover his strength. Even, he immediately turned around and sat cross-legged under a forest a hundred meters away to practice.

"Clone, go back to Taiyi City immediately, I want to know the situation in Ziyu Continent immediately, if Long Haoyue makes a move, who can stop it!"

Ye Yun couldn't let go of his heart. At this time, he was afraid for a while. If Taiyi City suffered annihilation because he offended Long Haoyue head-on, Ye Yun would never let him go. All the Taiyi divine light in the body penetrates into the clone body, and once the clone encounters a strong enemy, it can compete against the eighth-level human immortal.

"If Taiyi City is safe and sound, bring Tai Dayan here immediately!" Ye Yun said the last sentence, and the avatar immediately released Taiyi's divine light to activate the great thousand god Turing, and went away in an instant, across the space.

Ye Yun established the coordinates in Taiyi City long ago, even if Ye Yun got lost in the star field, as long as he had the Great Thousand God Map Turing, plus infinite power, he could return to the place where the coordinates of Taiyi City were located.

"Okay, set up coordinates here too, and wait for the avatar to cross over directly!"

Call out a large number of spirit stones, inject Taiyi divine light, build an altar composed of spirit stones, and hide them in the forest.


Taixing plane, Shenzhou star field, in a planet.

"Damn it, that made the kid escape!"

On the top of a Cangshan Mountain, the void was suddenly divided by a powerful force. Di Tian came out with a majestic look. The powerful force shook the space to shatter. Even a trace of true energy, but to track his breath, it takes a long time to refine and arrange the soul-chasing method!"

"Ye Yun..."

"The fifth level of the Celestial Immortal actually possesses such means. The ability to control space is even superior to mine. It is impossible for him to do so in his realm. There must be a magic weapon of space in his body. It must be a rare magic weapon. No wonder Long Haoyue also Go look for that kid, you must guess that he has extraordinary treasures on him!"

Ditian was pinching his fingers to calculate, and said in a mysterious and unpredictable way: "If I can get the space treasure on him, who can stop me in the Taixing plane!"

"Ye Yun... came to the Taixing plane. With your cultivation base, I will see where you can escape. I will order the Emperor Star powerhouses to search for you everywhere. Before I find you, I will revive Utona first!"


Di Tian seemed to have figured out the secret, with a mysterious smile on his face, he turned around and stepped into the void.

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