The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2353 Tianshu and the 5 Miracles


Is that the land of the Linglong clan?

Is it the place where Longlong was born?

Following Mu Zhaoji's guidance, the four of them immediately took advantage of the situation to look over, but at present, apart from the void, there is still void, except for the energy that fills the sky, there are a lot of dust and ruins.

Longlong trembled slightly with the wind, wandered for countless epochs, and his parents sacrificed their lives to ensure his survival. Today, accompanied by Ye Yun and Chi Yun, he finally came here, to the place where he was born.

"Be proud, when I use you to obtain the miracle of Linglong, it will be your death time, you never imagined it? Your father died at the hands of my ancestors, and you will also die at the hands of this palace. The fate of the Linglong Protoss, I will freeze the footsteps of history on that day forever!"

Secretly noticing the change in Longlong's expression, Mu Zhaoji concluded that Longlong would not discover her plot, otherwise Longlong would not have shown her true feelings.

This is about to indicate that the miracle of Linglong will be obtained by her.

What a scene it will be once a woman who doesn't even believe her own parents becomes the Lord of the Zhou Dynasty.

Mu Zhao quickly speeded up her flight. Even with her astonishing cultivation, it would be difficult to fly in the sky unless she was flying alone.

Under the 'protection' of more than 30 strong men, everyone traveled through the time and space of ruins, and gradually, fragments of continents appeared in the cold sky.

These are fragments of the continent, not the ruins of the Great Zhou.

It means that there used to be a continent here, and it was amazing. Otherwise, it would have been broken and destroyed for so many epochs, but some fragments could still be preserved.


Everyone entered the void of the ruined continent fragments, Ye Yun released his induction, and immediately sensed traces of exquisite breath from the depths of the continent fragments.

Sure enough, this is the former Taoist place of the Linglong Protoss.

Looking at Longlong again, his eye sockets are already moist. Even though he was still very young at that time, he still has many memories of his childhood. There are scenes and scenes of his growth here, which will never fade.

Mu Zhaoji controlled the space and kept going deep into the ruined space. Mu Zhaoji introduced to the public: "This place has been deserted for a long time. Until now, monks still step here from time to time. With the mentality of chance encounters, they hope to find the treasures left by the Linglong Protoss here. , or information about the inheritance of Linglong's miracle, after all, he is the Lord of Heaven, and he also wants to get a miracle!"

Longlong choked with sobs and asked: "In the Great Zhou, isn't there a clansman who survived like me?"

"As far as I know, you are the only one. Don't be sad. The past is gone. As long as you get the Linglong Miracle and merge with it, it will not be difficult to recreate the Linglong Protoss!"

"Rebuild the Linglong Protoss?"

"You are a descendant of the Linglong God Clan, and you have noble blood flowing through your body. This world belongs to you, and you will be the king when you come, so I firmly believe that you will recreate the miracle of Linglong!"

No matter how much he went against his will, Mu Zhaoji still acted as a flawless 'good guy' in front of everyone, and seemed to have integrated into their big family, not treating himself as an outsider.

There are more and more fragments of the continent. To build such a continent in the Great Zhou, the Linglong Protoss at that time was so powerful, but in the end they still could not escape the fate of extinction.

Several hours later, Mu Zhaoji controlled the space and slowed down the flying speed: "There is no value here, let's feel the disappearing miracle from here!"

"Trouble princess!"

The four of them took a step back.

Mu Zhaoji asked the guards to leave a distance of tens of thousands of meters. It seemed that she didn't want people to know what she was doing, and she didn't want people to know Longlong's identity. The son of prophecy, that is the future Lord of Zhou.

Facing the sky, one after another divine light was released, enveloping several people immediately, and then a divine light altar appeared in front of Longlong: "Upon the law of heaven and earth, the way of mind has no boundaries!"

Then she looked at Longlong: "Three drops of blood essence!"


Without hesitation, Longlong flicked her fingers, and three drops of blood fell on the center of the altar.

"The Unbounded?"

Ye Yun secretly paid attention to Mu Zhaoji's ability. As a special physique, although the Unbounded One is not strong in terms of attack, it is invincible in terms of induction.

From another point of view, if the unbounded person can infiltrate or control any enchantment silently, or shuttle through any enchantment, it is actually more terrifying than attacking.

The altar began to burn the divine light, and everyone waited like this. Mu Zhaoji remained motionless, clasped his hands together, and merged with the heaven and the earth as the divine light burned.

"Fantastic, powerful, release the induction slightly, and you will find that the world is full of Mu Zhaoji's induction power. It is worthy of being an unbounded person. If there were not so many masters present in the Qiankun Imperial City, Mu Zhaoji is very likely to see our four. Human beings are extraordinary..."

Ye Yun can be said to be very good at teaching the Unbounded, but fortunately, he also has a special physique, and there are more than one.

All things have always been mutual generation and mutual restraint.


Possessing the ability to control the energy of the heaven and earth, Ye Yun only needs to release the induction slightly, and gradually control the energy in nature, and he can run with the energy without anyone noticing, feeling Mu Zhaoji's induction force and induction range.

"The Unbounded One... If I have it, then if I go back to the God Realm to sense the Great Zhoutian Hunyuan Pillar, wouldn't it be easier to cooperate with the Sky Patterned One!"

Mu Zhaoji was plotting to steal Longlong's miracle, while Ye Yun was already plotting against her Unbounded One.

Day by day passed.


Suddenly there was a slight noise in the sky, and everyone looked over immediately, all shocked and surprised, it seemed that the miracle of Linglong was in that direction.

As expected of the Unbounded, at least the four of them couldn't do it.

"My lord, there is already an approximate location of the miracle, let's hurry there!"

It seems that Mu Zhaoji's desire to obtain Linglong's miracle is becoming more and more obvious, and she is more anxious than anyone else.

The four obeyed immediately, and with her, under the protection of a group of masters, they flew to the sky of the ruins together.

"The descendants of the Emperor Qiankun?"

Just after everyone left, a giant shadow appeared from the ruins.

A tall, mighty and mysterious dragon man.

He stared in that direction and sighed slightly: "It seems that when the Linglong God Clan was destroyed, Qiankun Jihuang also participated in it, otherwise, how could his descendants have Linglong aura, Qiankun Jihuang, you are so ambitious, one miracle is not enough for you Are you arrogant? You still want to get the miracle of Linglong, but fortunately the descendants of Linglong have not appeared in the Great Zhou, otherwise the characters of the Emperor of Heaven and Kun will really control the miracle of Linglong!"

"Son of light, you are among all the children of prophecy, the one who can really bring hope to the four worlds, quickly use your own strength to come to the miracle of light, and I will wait for you there, the big week is running out , all the ancient Lords of the Zhou Dynasty fell because of this, who is next? The high priest? At least not a selfish guy like Qiankun Emperor!"

Shortly after the dragon man appeared, he disappeared into nothingness.


Another piece of time and space in the Great Weekend.

A very distant time and space, and the world is a thick accumulation of ruins.


Amidst the ruins, a divine light suddenly rose, and Fu Ji, with the strength of one person, supported Tianshu and Huangxian Taishi and rushed out of the ruins.

"Brother Fu, you are worthy of being the inheritor of the 'Miracle of Eternal Silence', so that you can cross layers of ruins. If it weren't for you, I, Tianshu, would never be able to come to the time and space where the miracle of the Five Elements is located!"

Shenmang slowed down slightly, Tianshu was excited, and kept thanking Fuji.

The miracle of eternal death!

The son of prophecy, no, Fu Ji is no longer the son of prophecy, but the "Lord of the Heavens" who has truly obtained miracles.

Fu Ji continued to control the divine light space, advancing towards the void of the ruins.

This piece of time and space is very ancient, and it does not know how many epochs exist.

Fu Ji said again: "Once you and Huangxian Taishi get the miracle of the five elements and the miracle of reincarnation, they will also become the new Lord of the Zhou Dynasty, and I, Fu Ji, have only become the new Lord not long ago. Among the masters of the Great Zhou Heaven, I am the most No status, if there are two more brothers, then the three of us will unite and will no longer be despised by those Lords of Heaven!"

"Palace Master..."

Huangxian Taishi showed a forced smile, and after dealing with it, he communicated with Tianshu in secret: "This Fuji is unexpectedly the Lord of Zhoutian. During this period of time, we have experienced many forces, and the Palace Master and I are both the sons of prophecy... in the God Realm Among them, everyone wants to be unfavorable to the Son of Prophecy, but this Fu Ji has no intention of peeping at us?"

"Taishi, my palace has experienced two lives. In the first life, I started to cultivate from the mortal world, and came to the God Realm. I experienced the most glorious period of the Immortal Temple and met many people. This Fuji, with his identity and strength, is basically You don't need to deal with us or use any schemes. When you saw our abilities in the ruins, you could directly suppress them. Why bother? In addition, Fuji makes me feel that he is a very magnanimous character, and his vision In the long run, at present he really needs a strong support to gain a firm foothold in the Great Zhou, at least for now he thinks this way!"

"What about after that?"

"Who will tell clearly whether it is an enemy or a friend in the future? But I can be sure of one thing. At that time, you and I were already the powerful Lords of the Zhou Dynasty, so we still need to be afraid of Fuji?"

"Palace Master, you are sure of everything you do every time, but this time... it seems to be a gamble!"

"In the past, in the fairy world and the god world, almost all recovered step by step according to my previous life plan, and reached the current height, and the Great Zhoutian... I didn't take a step in my last life. This strange world is controlled by the master. In this world, sometimes, life requires a fight, just like in the last life, I chose to be reborn, so today in this life, I can surpass the previous life and become the Lord of the Zhou Dynasty, and then look at the strong men of the same period as this palace, Shen Tianjun, the Nine Emperors of Immortality, the Daoist Mother Jingyu, and the current Lord Xianmeng, who of them has become the Lord of Zhoutian? None of them, so looking back now, sometimes let go Fighting will also bring unexpected gains!"

Tianshu secretly sighed proudly.

When the two communicated, they crossed a large amount of time and space, and Fu Ji's eyes were fixed slightly: "Both of you, the space where the Five Elements Miracle is located should be coming soon!"

Tianshu couldn't wait to stare at the front, and sure enough, a crystal light appeared in the high sky, faintly visible, Tianshu asked curiously: "Brother Fu, is it so easy to find the miracle of the five elements? Is there no barrier protection? In this way, Isn't everyone able to get close to the miracle of the Five Elements?"

Fu Ji explained: "It's easy to get close to the miracle, but except for the inheritors, no one can enter the miracle, that is, the same Lord of the Heavens, no one can enter the five-element miracle, so even if the five-element miracle exists in the God Realm, it is impossible for anyone to enter the miracle. No one can shake it, I heard that the 108 miracles were indeed at the top of the Great Circus before, but it is a pity that they keep moving away from the sky, and even the miracle of eternal silence that I merged is about the same height as the miracle of the Five Elements!"

Huangxian Taishi suddenly looked up at the sky: "The miracle of the five elements, it really is a miracle of the five elements, I have already sensed a strong breath of the five elements..."

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