The meteorite, Black Dou Islands.

This is a magical world. The bamboo shoot-shaped mountains form countless mountains and forests, all over the land of black sand. The land is covered with a layer of black glaze, and it is conical with the mountains, forests and oceans to form the endless Heidou Islands. The island has no water, but when viewed from the sky, countless conical mountains seem to be floating on the thick black sand ocean.

Heidou Islands is rich in a kind of 'black stone' and is famous for Huameteorite. In the hinterland of Huameteostar's southern border, there are many strange landforms, and there are a lot of blackstone spiritual veins in the ground. This spiritual vein can exercise various magic weapons, especially containing rare softness In recent years, a large number of caravans are entrenched in the Black Dou Islands, controlling slaves to dig black stones.

The army of the Hualong Empire controls the Black Dou Islands. Any caravan and slaves must go through the army to monitor the flow of Wushi output. , I don't know where they are entrenched, they often appear and disappear, and they seize Wushi from the caravan, which makes the army and the caravan very difficult.

Among them is a sand bandit whose leader is called 'Remnant Shadow'. He really lives up to his name. Although he is not the most powerful and has the largest number of people among the sand bandits, his whereabouts are mysterious and his methods are clever. He is the caravan's treasure house when he strikes. , made the caravan frightened, and spent money to hire a mercenary group to deal with After Shadow, but no one had caught After Shadow, which made the leader of After Shadow even more famous.

As one of the most powerful sand bandits in the Black Dou Islands, Remnant Shadow was on the Most Wanted List of the Dragon Empire early on, offering a reward of up to 100 million top-quality spirit stones. Strong people from all directions attracted many strong people to hunt and kill Remnant Shadow, but none of them There is no return, or there is no trace of the afterimage.

"Who is coming!

In the void of the Black Dou Islands, there are cavalrymen of the Hualong Empire who control the flying-winged giant beasts. These cavalry are masters. A team of 100 people patrols the most important and largest mines in the Black Dou Islands to protect the caravan. Prevent sand bandits from sneaking attacks.

At this moment, a figure was like a comet passing through the sea of ​​fog, galloping towards the Black Dou Islands. This speed immediately touched the defense induction layer of the army's array. A group of flying wing cavalry, with huge black axes on their backs, one by one Like a god of war in hell, he quickly surrounded the people who came.


The figure of the visitor stopped suddenly, and the invisible aura shook the entire sea of ​​fog instantly. Ye Yun's slender figure appeared under layers of sunlight, just like a visitor from a foreign domain. He took out his token, and suddenly a genuine military order appeared in front of him. In front of all the soldiers, he said politely, "I'm here to hunt down the ghosts of Sand Bandits!"

"Just you?"


The soldiers burst out laughing, feeling as if this sentence came from a child, the soldiers completely took Ye Yun as a laughing stock, a weak person at the fifth level of the Heavenly Immortal, dared to come to the Black Dou Islands, and even came to hunt afterimages , Who is the afterimage, the top bandit among the sand bandits, the army and countless strong men can't do anything about him, a fairy boy in front of him, who is actually talking big.

"Sure enough, this afterimage is not simple. It seems that sand bandits are very rampant in the Black Dou Islands. This afterimage must be an extremely difficult person to deal with..."

Ye Yun remained calm, facing a lot of ridicule, he had the right to ignore it, but from the words and deeds of these soldiers, Ye Yun probably saw some clues, and he could be sure that the afterimage must be difficult to deal with, otherwise, the afterimage will make people immortal Third-level cultivation base, such a low-level cultivation base, how can he gain a foothold in the Black Dou Islands where there are so many masters.

A burly, sturdy and domineering general shouted at Ye Yun: "Boy, I don't care what your purpose is here, the token you hold is not under the jurisdiction of our 'Black Dou Camp', you want to enter the Black Dou Islands , is to get permission from Shangfeng, but as you, Shangfeng will naturally not see you, get out of here, or you will be thrown into a black prison!"

"I came here by edict, and if I go back like this, I will be punished. How about this, I have some good things here, I hope Shangfeng will allow it!"

Trapped in Hua Meteor, Ye Yun knew that he couldn't act recklessly. In the past, he would have killed all the flying wing soldiers. With a single grab, a storage ring flew directly to the burly general.

"You're still sensible, kid. When you enter the Black Dou Islands, you can't step into the mine veins at will. Otherwise, no matter who you are, the Black Dou Camp will imprison you and punish you as a slave. Let's go!"

The general swept the storage ring with his divine sense, and immediately raised his eyebrows and smiled, as if he was very satisfied. He nodded to the cavalry in all directions, and said a cruel word to Ye Yun, and then led the cavalry to fly away slowly.

"The Hualong Empire is indeed very powerful. Even in such a remote southern border, the soldiers are all high-ranking heavenly immortals, and the generals are all human immortals, and there are many powerful auras in the heaven-reaching realm!"

"What a strong special spiritual energy. It seems that this spiritual energy is the breath of Wushi. It is indeed very rare. It is used to refine magic weapons. It has magical and widespread effects. Get a Wushi spiritual vein, use it to refine altars or formations, at least you can kill high-level immortals, if used in the Ziyu Continent, then the defense will be as solid as gold!"

After the Winged Cavalry left, Ye Yun did not leave in a hurry, but released his divine sense, spent a few days to get a general idea of ​​the Black Dou Islands, and did not immediately search for the whereabouts of the bandits.

The Black Dou Islands are very huge, with huge mining farms everywhere, tens of millions of slaves are busy, and the aura of the underground is majestic. However, the black sand is very solid and requires various magic weapons to dig. It also takes several days to spend a lot of true energy underground, and there is a sensory layer not far from the deep underground, which should be the joint defense sensory layer arranged by the "Black Fighting Battalion" of the Hualong Empire.

"It's a good place, suitable for hiding!"

After a few breaths, Ye Yun passed through layers of cone-shaped mountains, and found a mountain that towered into the sky. There was a valley on the mountainside. Ye Yun immediately hid in the valley, and set up a large formation for gathering spirits, while crazily absorbing Heidou The archipelago's heaven and earth vitality, while tracking the true energy of the afterimage, and absorbing his spiritual thoughts into the world, as long as the afterimage appears, Ye Yun will find it.

But afterimages are really not easy. The huge Black Dou Islands can't find a place for afterimages to wash away.

"Brother Tai's cultivation base should have already completed the task, waiting for me in the barracks!"

Like a rock, sitting in the spirit-gathering array, Ye Yun is frantically absorbing the vitality of the Black Dou Islands and entering it into the Taiyi Divine Furnace. Among them, while cultivating, Ye Yun senses every plant and tree in the world. If afterimages appear, Ye Yun will notice immediately, and he will not think of Tai Dayan in his mind.

After Ye Yun and Tai Dayan signed up and discussed together, they separated to find the whereabouts of the wanted criminals. Ye Yun came to the Black Dou Islands, but Tai Dayan didn't know where to go. If he couldn't kill him, he might be able to kill a strong person in the Heaven-reaching Realm instead, so Tai Dayan hunted down any wanted criminals, and that was easy.


More than ten days later, Ye Yun, who was in the spirit gathering formation, suddenly opened his eyes, and his divine thoughts were withdrawn from all directions like sword light: "Finally, afterimage, let me see who you are! "

With a big hand raised, the spirit-gathering array turned into a ball of heaven and earth vitality, which was sucked into Ye Yun's mouth, and flew towards the void in front of the left in an instant, shuttled among the layers of clouds, the speed was so fast that even the giant flying winged beast It's less than one-third, and Ye Yun still hides most of his strength. If he goes all out, he will directly destroy the void.

"Huayunxing doesn't wait for the mainland of China. There are dangers everywhere. People like afterimages are definitely not easy to deal with. I need to be extremely cautious and not make any mistakes!"

The intent of killing Xiao flashed across his pupils, Ye Yun held his breath, controlled the clouds and mist, as if he could swallow the clouds and get the mist.


A golden banner fell into the void, and dozens of giant flying-winged beasts in the sky were beheaded one by one. Their corpses were floating in the void, making Buddha weightless. On the ground of the black sand wasteland, dozens of corpses in yellow clothes were scattered all over the place. Lying on it, the blood flowed like a river, and the blood went deep into the black sand.


One kilometer away, suddenly a sharp arrow pierced through the void, shooting towards more than a dozen bloody men in yellow clothes from all directions, and then bursts of poisonous gas swept in with the wind. Refined, once it enters the human body, it can poison the true energy, causing people to explode and die instantly.


Suddenly, a black shadow came across the sky like lightning. This black shadow was extremely fast and strange. It drilled out from the bottom of the sand. It turned out that it had been hidden underground a long time ago, ambush the caravan.

This caravan of more than 100 people was coming out of the mine on a giant flying wing beast. It looked like an ordinary caravan, but was robbed and killed by sand bandits on the way.

These sand bandits attacked the caravan with lightning speed and various poisonous gases. The members of these caravans are also low-level and high-level human immortals, and there are even a dozen people who are strong in the sky-reaching realm. Unexpectedly, he was beaten to pieces by sand bandits, and fled in all directions, even the strongest man in the Heaven-reaching realm, who had the strongest cultivation, also fled with his head in his arms.


Suddenly, a strange scene happened. Dozens of black shadows like giant eagles suddenly and fiercely flashed, came through the air, and appeared directly in front of a powerhouse of the heaven-reaching realm, frightening the powerhouses of the heaven-reaching realm to gather together , back to back facing dozens of shadows floating under the ghostly mountain.

"It's the afterimage of the Sand Bandit!"

Everyone was so frightened that they were sweating profusely. They had long heard that the afterimage's whereabouts were mysterious and his cultivation level was not high, but his ghostly and supernatural powers were earth-shattering.

"Everyone, don't panic, this is just a clone!"

A powerhouse of the fourth level of the Heaven-reaching Realm calmed down a little, as if he could see the clues of the black shadow, flicked his fingers, and made a few sounds, and a few bursts of true energy instantly killed the seven black shadows. Under the strength of the Heaven-reaching Realm, the seven shadows were too strong Insignificant, like the light of a grain of rice, it is destroyed and burned in an instant.

"Soul curse Dafa!"

Dozens of black shadows issued strange and icy orders, and the seven black shadows who had been burned by the powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm condensed again, and there was a strangely twisted black banner in their hands, and each black shadow silently muttered secrets at the same time. Immediately, a series of distorted human-shaped black shadows were released from the black banner, one after another, forming a large net all over the sky, and killed more than a dozen powerful men in the sky-reaching realm.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Several Heaven-reaching Realm powerhouses were no longer afraid, and turned into domineering powerhouses. Their aura was burning like flames, and they sacrificed magic weapons one after another. The entire space was completely controlled, and any repulsive substances were corroded in this instant.

"Haha, let everyone die!"

A strange long cry came from the void, and then I saw the big net formed by countless strange black shadows, which was not repelled by the power of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and slowly seeped into the joint defense of everyone like a cloud of smoke.

"not good……"

At the moment when the big net invaded, these powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm suddenly woke up, and found that this mysterious attack was not controlled by the power of control, which meant that the opponent's attack was an attack from the soul. , and exceptional means can only be done.

"I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

Just after the invasion of the Great Net, it seemed that there was not much movement, and they were not fierce, but one by one, the powerhouses of the sky-reaching realm, the eyes of the gods, the Buddhas were cursed, or possessed by some kind of power, and they even sacrificed magic weapons. Once he committed suicide, this scene was simply a hell of evil spirits, full of evil spirits.

More than a dozen powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm started committing suicide one by one. It only took one click to attack the heart and die. Their eyes regained their divine light at the moment after death. Unfortunately, they had lost their vitality. The strong also cannot avoid their fate, and they commit suicide in the same way, dying in their own hands inexplicably.

Just for a while, there was no big movement, and a strong man in the sky-reaching realm actually killed himself by suicide. This kind of killing method is really hard to guard against.

On the Black Glazed Land, dozens of sand bandits surrounded a caravan and slaughtered one by one, dismembering the corpses by five horses. The methods were extremely cruel. These sand bandits were all criminals who killed without batting an eyelid. haunted.

"Kill them all, leave no one behind!"

The black shadows disappeared like bubbles, and the huge black shadow in the sky landed in the air, and the black shadows gradually disappeared. A young man in black robes, eyes like torches, sharp like a falcon, and his hooked nose, It looks like a sharp claw that cannot be broken.

This is the lawless bandit in the Black Dou Islands, afterimage.

At the third level of Human Immortal, he was able to go beyond the tenth level and kill more than a dozen other powerful people of the fourth level of the Tongtian Realm. This kind of abnormal ability is probably not comparable to Ye Yun. It is extremely tyrannical. This is the afterimage in the rumors , Come without a trace, go without a trace.

"In this spirit town treasure box, there must be a Wushi spirit vein!"

Remnant waved his hand, and the storage rings on the fingers of the dozens of corpses in the heaven-reaching realm all detached from their fingers, and flew towards Remnant. Remnant's pupils shot sharp eyes, and finally took a fancy to a storage ring. With a flash, a black rectangular treasure box flew out from the storage ring.

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