The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 241 Shenzhou Immortal Courtyard

The meteorite, the central city.

The Shenzhou star field is like daytime every day, and the silver light is cast from the emptiness of the nine-day sky, making everything on the planet as mysterious as a fairyland. In front of the military camp in the city, Tai Dayan and Ye Yun are walking through the crowd.

After Ye Yun hunted and killed the afterimage, he immediately contacted Tai Dayan. Sure enough, Tai Dayan had already completed the task and was waiting for Ye Yun in a restaurant. After the two met, they rushed to the barracks immediately.

"The task is complete, please check!"

Entering the barracks, surrounded by burly giants, giving people a chilly look, Ye Yun and Tai Dayan grabbed the token and handed it to two officials.

"It is indeed the corpse of afterimage and Wang Tianhu!"

"I didn't expect afterimage to be a strong monster!"

After the two officials inspected the inner space of the token, they confirmed that it was correct and that the true qi was the same. This is impossible to cheat. The two officials seemed to have said something secretly. Did they glance at Ye Yun and Tai Dayan? The two said: "You should also hand over their storage rings. All their property is the property of the empire and must not be lost!"

"it is good!"

Ye Yun didn't even think about it, and directly took out a storage ring and handed it in with Tai Dayan. In fact, before that, Ye Yun and Tai Dayan had left all the valuable treasures, especially the storage ring of afterimage , which contains a large number of black stones, especially the three earth-grade spirit veins, which are priceless treasures. Ye Yun removed the spirit veins and a large number of black stones, leaving behind all treasure-seeking objects.

These officials are so greedy and hard to change their nature, if they don't keep their hands early, they will definitely be slaughtered like lambs.

"The two of you have successfully completed the mission, and you have the qualifications to go to the 'Piao Miao Star'. The timing is just right for you. Three days later, this batch of teleportation will be the limit. When the time comes, gather here, let's go!"

When the two officials got the storage ring, they saw a lot of treasures in it with their spiritual thoughts, and they made a fortune. They got benefits and directly gave Ye Yun and Tai Dayan the release slips.

Ye Yun and Tai Dayan are cunning and cunning, who can take advantage of them, they left the barracks immediately, and then found a restaurant in the next street to rest for three days.

Three days passed in no time. On this day, Ye Yun and Tai Dayan arrived at the barracks on time. After going through layers of inspections and exploitation by the soldiers, they finally came to the depths of the barracks. An altar stood in the center of the heavily guarded barracks, guarded by internal guards in all directions. , these inner guards are all in the Heaven-reaching Realm, and each of them is profound and incomprehensible.

The number of inner guards is nearly a hundred, and there are more inner guards and masters in the dark. The teleportation array is the most important thing in the military camp. It is not only an army transfer station and a transportation hub, but also a tool for profit. They have to go through the teleportation array and pay expensive fees.

The basic price for one teleportation is [-] top-grade spirit stones, or [-] top-grade spirit stones. Although the price is so expensive, it is a matter of course in the central star field of the Thai star plane. If it is in other fringe barbaric star fields, The delivery price is much lower.

"Oh, are these two people also going to Misty Star?"

As soon as Ye Yun and Tai Dayan arrived at the teleportation formation, there were more than a dozen people beside them, all of whom were highly cultivated. , TEDA's extended cultivation base, why he can easily complete the task, appears here.

The coordinates of this batch of transmissions are Piaomiaoxing, which is the first planet in the Shenzhou star field and also the Dojo of the Shenzhou Xianyuan. The best out of countless people.

"This teleportation array is incredible. The material, area, and depth are a hundred times more powerful than the Amans star teleportation array..."

The two came to the side and sat down silently. Ye Yun looked at the teleportation array and remembered that he and Xue Mengyao had seen the star field teleportation array when they were in Tianmang Star. Can reach the sky and the earth, go to the top of the sky.

"One person turns in [-] top-grade spirit stones, and then the transmission begins!"

Soon, a strong inner guard with a huge black ax on his back led a team of inner guards to the teleportation formation. With a big wave of his hand, all the inner guards began to move.

"[-], why has it doubled?"

A few strong men muttered secretly, very dissatisfied, but they didn't dare to vent loudly, they handed over 17 top-grade spirit stones to the inner guards before they could set foot on the teleportation formation, Ye Yun and Tai Dayan took out the spirit stones in a low-key manner, and quietly Silently joined the crowd, a total of [-] people, after the strong inner guard formed a series of mysterious seals, suddenly, the teleportation array made a piercing buzz, and circles of spiritual energy exploded like flying dragons in the sky, instantly engulfing everyone out of thin air Go, disappear.

In the blink of an eye, there is an endless starry sky, a teleportation channel like a giant python, shuttles through the starry sky, and directly reaches the most brilliant and largest planet in the Shenzhou star field, Misty Star.

Inside the transmission channel, there are several internal guards, including Ye Yun and Tai Dayan, a team of 17 people, calmly following the transmission channel to shuttle the galaxy, and gradually ushering in dazzling brilliance, everyone looked at Guanghua, envious, hoping, and looking forward to it .

The largest planet in the Shenzhou star field, Piaomiaoxing, the entire planet is the student dojo of Shenzhou Xianyuan. Piaomiaoxing is as huge as ten meteorites. Although it is not the largest planet in the vast Taixing plane, But in the central star field, it is almost the largest planet, and it is rich in resources. It was refined into a cultivation planet by the ancient powerhouses of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

The distribution of Misty Star is simple, and the vast territory is divided into four holy places from the outside to the inside, the Holy Land of the Outer Dao, the Holy Land of the Inner Dao, the Central Holy Land, and the Holy Land of Qiankun. The Holy Land of the Outer Dao is the most marginal territory of the entire planet and the largest area. Or the student ashram with an underground level, and the holy place of the inner way, that is the dojo for senior students, and the central holy place is different, it is incomparably wonderful. To pass the review of the fairy courtyard, ordinary students will never have the opportunity to enter it.

The students of the three major fairy schools in the Taixing plane are of the same level. The first to fifth ranks of human beings are holy students, the sixth to tenth ranks are royal students; Students; when you step into the broken fairyland, you become a fairy student, and the fairy student is just a legendary existence.

In the plane of Taixing, holy students and throne students have certain powers. Once they are promoted to emperor students, they can create an empire or an overlord in the ordinary star field. As for honored students, they can definitely become the overlord of a planet. It is easy to become a fairy student, become the master of a planet, and even become the master of a star field.


Dongsheng Daochang, the vast territory of Misty Star in the east, on the top of a giant mountain towering into the sea of ​​clouds, there is a magnificent palace, Jietian Temple, and the mountain peak is Jietian Peak.

Jietian Peak is one of the four peaks in charge of enrolling students in the Holy Land of Outer Ways. The Holy Land of Outer Ways is responsible for the daily affairs of Shenzhou Immortal Academy, and there are no big or small things up and down. However, recruiting students is a major event, the foundation of the college, and every time it recruits students, it is very strict.

In the Temple of Reaching Heaven, on a teleportation array ten times larger than the Huayunxing teleportation array, 17 people from Huayunxing appeared one by one, and an inner guard ordered something, and then an inner guard took out a list and handed it to The students wearing yellow robes around the teleportation formation, and Ye Yun and others walked down the teleportation formation one by one following the arrangement of the inner guards.

"It's so powerful, it's a hundred times stronger than Huayunxing. It's worthy of the Holy Land of Cultivation, Shenzhou Xianyuan!"

After a dozen or so people left the teleportation formation, they felt the unique vitality of heaven and earth. They could absorb a large amount of vitality simply by breathing casually. If they practiced here for tens of thousands of years, they would definitely have the confidence to become supreme immortals.

"Under this planet, there are a large number of heavenly spirit veins. In the future, we will deal with Yanjiao. We can get these spirit veins. The Shenzhou Xianyuan has some strength, but it is not worth mentioning with the ancestors of the Tai family!"

Tai Dayan quickly got a general idea of ​​Piao Miao Xing, and Ye Yun and everyone left the teleportation array, and came to a palace to wait. Tai Dayan released his divine sense, but he couldn't enter the center of Piao Miao Xing. It seems that the seal of Piao Miao Xing was confirmed. have to.

Ye Yun didn't dare to release his divine thoughts. If he touched the depths of the academy and was detected by a master, he would be wiped out. With Ye Yun's current cultivation, he couldn't penetrate the deep space of the fairy courtyard. Dao Holy Land did not dare to infiltrate at will.

Shenzhou Immortal Academy alone is astonishingly large, at least as huge as three meteorites. The territory of the Holy Land is vast, circular in shape, accounting for one-third of the entire Piaomiao Star, including countless mountains, lakes, oceans, deserts Wait, there are student dojos everywhere.

The total number of Shenzhou Immortal Academy students is as many as one billion, and one billion monks. This number is terrifying. Calculated in this way, even the vast Piao Miao Star actually has a very weak territory.

"Everyone, I am one of the persons in charge of Jietian Temple, Xuan Shaoming, a distinguished student!"

After a few days, seventeen strong men were waiting in the palace for meditation. These people were all gifted with supernatural powers. Among them, Ye Yun and Tai Dayan were not outstanding at all. But at noon on this day, suddenly there was a group of yellow The robed student followed a young man wearing a golden cloud robe to the palace. The young man in the golden cloud robe glanced at him, and the air was ignited.

Xuan Shaoming, who was wearing a golden cloud robe, turned out to be a respected student, and the honorable position was above the sixth level of Tongtian. It can be seen how high Xuan Shaoming's status is. Everyone is honest and dare not speak presumptuously.

Xuan Shaoming waved his hand lightly, and swallowed his strong momentum into his body, letting Buddha's body have supreme supernatural powers, he swept away coldly: "You have passed the first test and are eligible to join the real test, and you have come at just the right time, fairy The academy just sent a mission to go to the 'Phantom Mist Star' to get the 'Ice Holy Water', as long as one of you can get a pot back, you will complete the mission and become a disciple of the Immortal Academy."

"Ice holy water?"

Thoughts scattered, Ye Yun had no memory at all.

"Holy ice water is a spiritual treasure that contains vitality. It can only be brewed on a very cold planet. It is a supreme treasure for refining elixir and cultivating the soul. Ice holy water is very rare. It seems that this This task is not easy!"

Tai Dayan seemed to see Ye Yun's doubts, and immediately sent a voice transmission to Ye Yun, telling him all the information about the ice holy water verbatim.

Ye Yun nodded slightly towards Tai Dayan, and said via voice transmission: "Brother Tai, for this task, the ice holy water is helpful for my cultivation. Since it is a task, we can't work in vain!"

Xuan Shaoming glanced at everyone, and said: "The task of ice and holy water is very dangerous, and the danger is unpredictable, but none of the tasks in Xianyuan is easy. Someone has already signed up. You can freely choose whether to participate in this task or not. Bar!"

"I am willing!"

"I abstain..."

17 people chose one after another, ten people chose to participate, and seven people chose to give up, and then were taken away by those yellow robe students. Ye Yun and Tai Dayan became one of the ten people, and then several yellow robe students took out a piece printed with The two-character token of Shenzhou was handed over to ten people. Xuan Shaoming finally warned: "Life and death are fate, and this token is the symbol of my Shenzhou Xianyuan. With him, you can save a lot of trouble and take them down." Rest for a few days, then set off with the rest!"

Then, there was a yellow robe student leading the way: "You go for me!"

"Things are done in sevens and eighties, and it's up to you next!"

"Brother Shaoming, don't worry, I will benefit from waiting, at least I won't lose your share, haha!"

After Ye Yun and ten people left, Xuan Shaoming waved his hand towards the void, and a void tunnel appeared in an instant, in which came a voice of emptiness and vicissitudes. After talking with Xuan Shaoming for a few words, the voice disappeared, and Xuan Shaoming also left the palace indifferently.

Around the palace where the teleportation array is located, there are many side hall rooms. Ye Yun, Tai Dayan and others arranged a separate room one by one, so that Ye Yun and others could rest and practice.

"Holy ice water...contains the breath of life force. It is the will of God. The rotten wood in the dantian needs a lot of life force to support it. It's really good. I don't know what will happen if I soak the rotten wood with the holy water of ice. Practice has great benefits!"

In the room, Ye Yun sat cross-legged in the void, arranged a defensive formation, and began to use the Taiyi Divine Furnace to directly absorb the surging heaven and earth vitality of Piao Miao Xing. The capacity of the body has already reached its peak, and now it starts to compress and seal Taiyi's true energy, and when it is released in the future, it can only directly break through the human fairyland.

"Shenzhou Xianyuan is indeed a sacred place of cultivation. I practice here. Not only can I temporarily avoid the terrible enemy Ditian, but I can also practice hard here. I can kill two birds with one stone. When I reach the highest level, what kind of Shenzhou Xianyuan is for me. Meaningless!"

"I don't know how angry Ditian will be when he finds out that I am also a disciple of Shenzhou Xianyuan..."

While cultivating, Ye Yun thought about it. He really planned every step of the way, and he planned every step clearly. If he made a wrong step and made a slight mistake, he would be in danger of being buried.

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