"Fifth level of Tongtian Realm..."

"Wow, what a powerful strength, this is probably the most powerful student promoted by the Guardian Academy in the last few hundred thousand years!"

The test results, as expected, attracted a lot of surprises. A newly promoted student has the strength of the fifth level of the Tongtian Realm. This is indeed an existence that is against the sky. , reaching the third and fourth ranks is very rare, let alone the fifth rank.

The fifth rank, the pinnacle of the throne, is only one step away from the honorable position. If Tai Dayan breaks through the sixth rank soon, he will be able to step into the honorable student. If this is the case, then Tai Dayan has completely broken the rules.

"Sure enough, it's a character. At the fifth level of the Heaven-reaching Realm, when you and I were admitted to the hospital, we were only at the second or third level. For tens of thousands of years, there has never been such a character. Tai Dayan, he is indeed a character!"

"Okay, the test is over, Brother Hong, since you brought this group of juniors, you are still responsible for choosing the dojo for them, I will bid farewell!"

The nine high-ranking powerhouses stood up one by one, and one of them flicked his fingers at the Lingshi Tianbei, and the Lingshi Tianbei disappeared in mid-air immediately, while the eight high-ranking powerhouses left one after another. , Ye Yun kept in mind, these people are old men, and they can see that they are extraordinary.

With the departure of the eight great dignified powerhouses, there were more and more holy and throne students outside the hall who were watching people. The hall was full of excitement, everyone was talking about Tai Dayan, and a small number of people were talking about Ye Yun.

"Mang Ancient God Map!"

Hongsheng came in front of the six people, said something, then waved his hand slightly in front of the six people, and a pattern like a dragon appeared, with a detailed map of the Manggu Mountains on it, with countless coordinates, tens of thousands, Hongsheng said to Manggu Shentu: "The above shows that all the places present, except for the coordinates where the aura is shining, are no one's land. You can choose according to your own level!"

"The Manggu Mountains are really big, even bigger than the mainland of China..."

After seeing the map of Manggu God, Ye Yun was amazed. As expected of the Holy Land of Cultivation, this Shenzhou Xianyuan sits on Piaomiaoxing, a planet full of aura, no wonder it is the first of the three fairy courtyards.

"Junior Brother Ye and I chose the same dojo, Senior Brother Hong, why is this place dark and different?"

The other four quickly chose a dojo that matched their level. The four dojos were all good places, ranging from large to small. Naturally, the throne student dojo was several times larger than the throne student's, and the terrain was also in the central area. The throne student, however, was in A little remote, but the aura is also very sufficient.

Ye Yun and Tai Dayan were left. Tai Dayan pointed to a dark area in the Manggu God Map. Hiroshi.

Hongsheng was taken aback for a moment, and then explained clearly: "This is the Valley of Silence. A long time ago, it was rumored that a meteorite fell from the sky and landed here. Since then, no grass has grown, and the spiritual energy has been exhausted. , It took a lot of effort to get the meteorite away, but for nearly a million years, there is still no grass growing here, and the aura is thin, and it has become a place of silence, hence the name "Valley of Silence."

Tai Dayan and Ye Yun nodded, Tai Dayan sighed: "No wonder it's different!"

"Since the birth of Nitianyuan in the Manggu Mountains, the Valley of Silence has been ignored by no one. Just imagine, who would need such a place with exhausted resources as a dojo!" Hong Sheng laughed.

"Brother Hong, the Valley of Silence will be the dojo for me and Junior Brother Ye from now on!" After Hongsheng finished his introduction, Tai Dayan pointed to the Valley of Silence and said firmly without hesitation.


Hongsheng was very surprised, and the other four people were also stunned. Hongsheng said very clearly that the Valley of Silence cannot be used as a dojo at all. If you practice there, you may not make any progress for 1 years. Fan kindly persuaded: "Brother Tai, the Valley of Silence is not suitable for cultivation, you should choose another place. With your cultivation level, there are more places to choose from. Choosing the Valley of Silence will not benefit you at all!"

When Ye Yun heard this, he had a good impression of Hongsheng. Although the other eight powerhouses were also very united, Hongsheng was the most sincere. Ye Yun saluted and said, "Senior Brother Hong, thank you for your concern, but don't worry, Senior Brother Tai has one day. The secret method of the door, this Valley of Silence is nothing, right, Senior Brother Tai?"

Tai Dayan immediately nodded: "Junior Brother Ye is right, Senior Brother Hong, I do have a secret method that can create a spatial pattern and cut it. This Valley of Silence is very large and the terrain is not bad. As long as I use supernatural powers, I will definitely be able to Create a great dojo!"

"Okay, since you are so persistent, I won't say much!"

Hongsheng responded decisively, and waved away the Manggu God Map: "Congratulations to all juniors, you have become a member of the Shenzhou Xianyuan. From now on, you will practice hard and strive to have a place in the Shenzhou Xianyuan. Let's go to our respective dojos. Soon, we will I will send someone to give you the academy token and related information, Shenzhou Xianyuan is very big, it will take a long time to master, the key is the school rules, you must keep in mind, go! "

"Thank you, Brother Hong!"

The six people left the palace one after another and flew in different directions.

"This time is really lively. These six people have good potential, especially Tai Dayan and Ye Yun. They are quite mysterious, with clever means, and overcome obstacles all the way. These two juniors, I want to leave and report to the higher-ups!" Hong Sheng pondered. In a moment, it also turned into a shock and disappeared in the palace.

"Finally entered Shenzhou Xianyuan smoothly, brother Tai, now we can relax for a while, practice in seclusion and improve our strength!"

In the void, Ye Yun and Tai Dayan flew swiftly through the clouds, flying over pieces of spiritual land, and felt a lot of breath, but neither of them was hostile, and the two of them did not disturb the momentum, they flew past quietly, while Ye Yun was flying, while flying with Tai Dayan discussed.

Tai Dayan said: "Improving strength is indeed important. I have only recovered a level of strength now, and there is still a long way to go before breaking the fairyland. Moreover, it will not take a while to restore the breaking fairyland from the Tongtian Realm, so I can recover some strength. , I still have to go out to practice, and I need to find several spiritual objects to help me recover."

"Well, after retreating, I also want to go out, find a secluded place, set up a dharma altar, and welcome the tribulation of immortality, but Di Tian should know my whereabouts soon, so come to my door, let's get through this difficulty first. Come on, look, there is no aura in front, it should be the Valley of Silence!"

While speaking, Ye Yun glanced away, retracted his divine light, and saw a dead and silent place in front of him, it really didn't have the slightest aura, it simply didn't belong to Piao Miao Xing, like an abandoned corner.

After a few breaths, the two of them had come to the sky above a gray and black, lifeless huge basin. Looking in all directions, they were surrounded by mountains, and they were huge mountains towering into the clouds.

There was a look of surprise on Tai Dayan's face, and he spread his arms: "It's really great, I need the Qi of the Starfall to restore my strength, and I will be able to absorb all the Qi of the Starfall here in a short time. You can create a dojo!"

"Okay, you absorb the gas of the meteorite first, and I will meditate on the side!"

Ye Yun flew over alone, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared on the outskirts of the Valley of Silence, sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, and began to recharge his energy, release the Taiyi God Furnace, madly absorb the spiritual energy of the misty stars, and the Taiyi true energy in his body roared crazily stand up.

This time Ye Yun tested at Jiushi Peak, he did not use Taiyi True Qi, but the original True Qi, the sixth-level Human Immortal, and Ye Yun's strength is far more than that, it is comparable to the eighth or even ninth-level Human Immortal. The Holy Rod can fight against the Heaven-reaching Realm, and it can perform the Good Fortune Fist, and it can behead the ninth-level and ten-knowledge figures of the Immortal Immortal.

If encountering demons and heretics, Ye Yun can use the Divine Fist of Good Fortune, which can even kill the powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm, because Taiyi Shenguang is the nemesis of demons, such as afterimages. For others, it is extremely powerful, but for Ye Yun , with a flip of his hand, he can be suppressed and killed.

But Ye Yun is clear that in the human fairyland, on the Taixing plane, he is as weak as an ant, and he is too ethereal. If Di Tian tried his best to attack him, he might not be able to resist even a single move.

Now that Ye Yun has not received the information from Shenzhou Xianyuan, he does not know what level student Ditian is, but with his strength, he is at least a respected student, and Ye Yun feels that Ditian is not simple at all, and there is a void in his body. The breath, which cannot be captured, must be his real strength.

chi chi...

Suddenly, the entire Valley of Silence was surrounded by a layer of mist, and an imprisoning force completely controlled the Valley of Silence. Even Ye Yun couldn't step into it, because it was a seal arranged by Tai Dayan.

"Sure enough, this layer of seal is also the means of an immortal. Taidayan is indeed not simple. He can absorb the air of the meteorite. The air of the meteorite is a high-level existence. Only people like immortals can practice. Once a mortal touches a star, it will explode. The lower law cannot compete with the higher law!"

Ye Yun was once again overwhelmed by Tai Dayan's supernatural powers. Immortal, Ye Yun really can't wait. The immortal masters the universe and reverses the sky. What breaks the fairyland, sesame and mung beans are not considered.


The star-falling aura of the Valley of Silence is disappearing crazily, as if being sucked in by some giant beast. Ye Yun only feels such a huge star-falling aura, and it is disappearing at a faster rate with overwhelming momentum. God, all the starry air in the Valley of Silence might be sucked up by Tai Dayan.

Ye Yun is still absorbing the huge amount of Taiyi True Qi created by the Taiyi God Furnace, and countless powers are sealed in his dantian, increasing time after time, the speed is really terrifying.

"Nine cold spirit spirits are enough to revive many buds of rotten wood. When the time is right, we will change the texture of Taiyi's divine light and integrate the power of rotten wood to produce a will that can resist the will of gods, and can accommodate and devour gods." the power of……"

After a few days, just closing his eyes, Ye Yun was analyzing the dead wood. Suddenly, he felt that the Valley of Silence had completely disappeared. When he slowly opened his eyes, he found that the Valley of Silence was still there, but the trembling The air of death and silence disappeared completely, and there was nothing left, and the valley of death immediately began to gather spiritual energy, just like a dry rice field, when it encounters heavy rain, it is nourished and revitalized.

"Brother Ye, I'm almost done, now it's up to you!"

Suddenly, Tai Dayan appeared in front of Ye Yun, and his aura became restrained again. In just a few days, he has improved so terribly.

Leaving Taidayan for a while, Ye Yun fell into the land of the Valley of Silence in an instant, and found that there was nothing on the surface. Although there was no air of death, it still looked like a barren valley.

"The Spirit Gathering Array!"

Ye Yun flipped his hands and grabbed it, and countless spirit stones and gems fell into the land of the Valley of Silence. Suddenly, a wave of spiritual energy permeated from the soil, sitting cross-legged in the void, Ye Yun separated his hands and began to make a series of seals, In an instant, gusts of wind appeared in all directions in the Valley of Silence, gathering towards the Valley of Silence in unison.

"What's going on? Why is there spiritual energy released in the Valley of Silence?"

At this moment, there are countless dojos in all directions of the Valley of Silence, and the students who are practicing are awakened one by one. Most of these students are holy students. The student of the throne and the throne suddenly discovered that the terrifying aura of annihilation in the Valley of Silence disappeared.

At the same time, with the Valley of Silence as the center, massive auras are gathering. Countless spirit stones meander from the sky, the earth, and the void. Together with the four directions, the auras are completely changed and become surging.

"Who is this person who has such supernatural powers that not only make the deathly silence of the Valley of Silence disappear, but also gather such a large amount of spiritual energy to completely change the spiritual quality of the earth?"

"It's the Spirit Gathering Formation, it's such a profound Spirit Gathering Formation, and it cost countless spirit stones to set up. It's really a big deal, and it directly benefited us. Who is it that actually chooses the Valley of Silence as the dojo?"

"Everyone, what's the use of guessing here, let's not go to the Valley of Silence to visit and see who it is, maybe it's a powerful person, and join hands to create the Valley of Silence!"

"Okay, it's rare to encounter such a scene!"

All of a sudden, tens of thousands of disciples of the Holy Throne and the Throne, who were not practicing in seclusion, left the dojo one by one and flew towards the Valley of Silence. The scene was really spectacular, even attracting students from farther lands.

Changing the space and creating the spiritual matter of the earth, this method is definitely not a method of the fairyland, and it can dissolve the valley of extinction that has existed for many years in the misty star. This alone is enough to stand out from the crowd.

The Valley of Silence has existed for many years in the Manggu Mountains, and how many experts in the Nitian Academy have wanted to create it, but it is a pity that it cannot be done. One point, it is truly unprecedented.

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