The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2504 The gods start to act

Boom boom boom!

There are more and more double-headed monsters, it's too scary.

There are so many of them that they can't squeeze into the sky gap, so they can only bite the fragments of the gap around the gap, and the pieces of solid matter are swallowed by the two-headed monster.

All the masters below were shocked when they saw this scene.

Except for Old Antique, all other masters were shocked.

They may have imagined the scene of monsters rushing in, but no matter how they imagined it, they would never have imagined this scene. The two-headed monsters were used as the barrier of the Great Zhou, and they were actually used as food.

The Great Zhoutian barrier is the strongest substance and the foundation of the four realms, but now in front of the Anzu, it has become fat and food, so weak.

Human monks can't be compared with the barrier. When the two-headed monster enters the four realms, wouldn't it be a waste of life?


The Great God of the Guardian Realm uttered a heroic voice, making all the masters look at him: "If this continues for less than ten thousand years, the Great Circumstance Barrier will completely lose its defensive effect, and the Dark Race will also enter the Great Circumstance on a large scale, and then the Gods will Realm, Immortal Realm, Mortal Realm, even Hell may be unavoidable!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was undoubtedly worse.

The Great God of Guards ordered: "The master of our place is the last hope of human beings. Immediately release your will and let all the human monks, beasts, and creatures of the Great Zhoutian retreat to the God Realm, meet in the God Realm, and then return to the God Realm. The God Realm, the Immortal Realm, and the Mortal Realm convey ideas, so that all life can unite and fight against the dark race together!"

Emperor Hongmeng Yuan said again: "Not only that, except for immortals and mortals, all gods, regardless of their cultivation level, must prepare them to fight against the Dark Race and contribute their strength to the Four Realms!"

"Yes, let's go!"

The masters answered immediately, the high priest, the god of Luoshui and other masters flew to the heavens first, and the rest of the masters also disappeared instantly.

The thirteen masters looked at the gap above together.

"Tianjun, you recover first, leave it to us!" Xie Wang supported Nixiu Tianjun.

Nixiu Tianjun, with all his strength this time, although he was unable to fight against the Great Zhou Hunyuan Pillar and prevent the shattering of the Zhoutian gap, it still played a role, otherwise the Great Zhou Hunyuan Pillar would definitely smash more gap formations , Maybe the Dark Clan army has entered the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Everyone, Emperor Yuan and I are here to stop the Anzu from advancing!"

The Great God of Weijie said urgently: "All of you return to the energy space immediately, turn the space into energy spaces, don't leave a little energy, a little matter, even if there is energy space now, it can't stop the Anzu from killing them. Yes, let the miracle return to the master, the energy released by the miracle now has no effect!"

"Let the miracles return to the hands of the master?" Tiandao Taizun listened, full of dignity: "The energy space is an existence that we have only created for many years. Once it disappears, the Great Zhoutian will completely lose its defense ability, and there are miracles. Lost Miracle, the Great Zhou defense is useless!"

"Look, everyone, the Dark Race has already occupied the gap. Can we drive them away? We can only stop them from entering the Great Zhou. If we are not prepared, when they enter, all the energy will become their food!"

"Yeah, that's it!"

The rest of the old antiques agreed, and the remaining Great God of the Guarding Realm, Hongmeng Yuandi, and the other eleven masters broke through the sky and left at the same time.

"Great God, it's hard to stop the dark people with a formation alone, we have to release more magical powers to hold them back!"

Under the Zhoutian gap, now there are only two lonely figures left.

Emperor Hongmeng stared at the Great God of the Guarding Realm, and the aura on his body began to change.

"Well, this old man is here to absorb the substance of the Great Zhou, you come to form a seal, and we come to plug this gap!" The Great God of the Guarding Realm started to do it.

This peerless old antique controls the existence of the barriers of the four worlds, and its strength is unknown.


Originally, around the Great God of the Guarding Realm, there was an empty big Zhoutian sky.

But now, it seems that the great god of the guardian world has activated the supreme supernatural power, which seems to be very similar to the ability of the Five Elements.

In the sky above him, rocks with crystal light appeared, and soon became magnificent like mountains, and then flew towards the gap in the sky.

After Hongmeng Yuandi formed the seal, a large number of formations in Zhoutian Gap began to merge with the mountain, and after the fusion, they merged with the surrounding barriers.

In this way, the two ancient gods once again blocked the Zhoutian gap with matter.

It seemed that the dark race was blocked out at once.

Actually it is not.


The material that sealed the gap was bitten off by the double-headed monster, and a big hole was bitten out. The material condensed by the two gods was not hard enough to reach the height of the barrier. It is not difficult for the dark people to destroy it.

Fortunately, the two ancient gods can form seals at will and absorb matter and energy. The Great Zhoutian is the world they control. No matter how terrifying the dark race is, they can't even think about entering the Great Zhoutian at once.

Little Zhou Tianjie!

"Haha, I broke through, Hunyuan changed to Yuantian!"

Chi Yun turned into a phantom and appeared beside Ye Yun.

Ye Yun couldn't help but laugh: "Not long ago, the Anzu attacked Zhou Tian's gap and shattered the gap. Now, thanks to the Great God of the Guarding Realm and Emperor Hongmeng Yuandi, they prevented the Anzu from entering the gap!"

"Really? These two old guys are really powerful!" Chi Yun said with a sneer.

Ye Yun meditated for a while, and immediately warned: "Thanks to the two old antiques, who bought us time, Chi Yun, you also go out to help, and the miracle has returned again and has been integrated by us. The energy is sealed in the Sky Eye trace, more energy, once we officially start a war with the Anzu, energy will be our biggest problem!"

"Hehe, boss, I understand. It just so happens that my memory has completely recovered. I once saw the prophecy of the Creator God in a dream. I interpreted the divine person and the catastrophe of the fate of the heavens. The rest has not been interpreted. Wait until I come back Do a good job of studying the prophecy of that dream, many ancient gods helped to interpret it at that time, but only my heavenly eyes can see through some of the divine texts, it seems that the Creator God may have left us some prophecies against the catastrophe of heaven!" Chi After Yun finished speaking, he immediately left.

"is it?"

These words surprised Ye Yun.

The fate of the heavens, the catastrophe, the gods... It turned out that Chi Yun, who was the spokesperson, interpreted it from the prophecy of the dream.

Now he truly understood why Chi Yun would be the spokesperson.

Because God gave him an unusual sky eye, so that he can see the existence that humans cannot see, guide the gods, and become the spokesperson of the way of heaven and the god of creation.

"The Miracle of Light has returned to the body, it feels really comfortable!" Ye Yun feels very at ease now, because the Miracle of Light has returned.

"Master, is there a place for Ao Zhan to help?"

At this time, Ao Zhan appeared.

"Not for the time being, but you'd better absorb more energy from the Small Circumferential Realm now. Although the Miracle of Light has infinite space, it cannot create energy by itself. Once the Great Circumferential or the Four Realms are broken, the Miracle will not be able to create energy. How can we fight against the dark race!"


Ao Zhan disappeared again.

"The Five Elements Sword of the Great Dao, and the Great Thousand Gods Map!"

Ye Yun asked Tongxinti to help the Eleven Lords and continue to integrate the miracles.

His true self appeared, releasing the Daqian Shentu and the Dao Five Elements Sword.

With another flash, he left the small celestial circle and appeared in the void of the big celestial circle.

"The Sword of Judgment is restricted in every way, there is not much potential for advancement, the Great Zhoutian Hunyuan Pillar is still broken... nearly one-third of the fragments are left, unexpectedly in the hands of the Anzu, they also use the Hunyuan Pillar to attack the Zhoutian gap !"

At this moment, Ye Yun couldn't wait to increase his fighting power.

Strength is the foundation, the means must also be strong, to be able to stand alone.

All kinds of special physiques are already very powerful, especially the Five Elements is about to reach perfection, but he doesn't have a powerful magic weapon in his hand.

He needs to elevate the Dao Five Elements Sword and the Daqian Shentu to an even more astonishing height.

"Miracle fragments, Zhoutian barrier fragments..."

Release the boundless will, and the induction force extends to the infinitely large Zhoutian.

Suddenly, it seemed that at this moment, he finally roughly saw all the time and space of the Great Zhou, and could sense the positions of the rulers of the Great Zhou, as well as the positions of many human monks.

It seems that his strength, even if he has not reached the height of the God of Light, has already reached the height of the Great God of the Guardian Realm and Hongmeng Yuandi.

A few years passed.

Suddenly, some crystal light flew over the sky full of ruins.

These crystal lights seem to be rays of light, but they are actually particles.

When Hell attacked the Great Circumference, these crystal lights were used to break down the barriers, because they are fragments of miracles, possessing the same solid power as miracles, and some substances of the Great Circumferential barriers.


The blades of the 108 Dao Five Elements Swords immediately turned into a huge Dao Jiaohuang.

The Great Thousand Gods Map also burned, and a large number of restrictions, seals, and formations on it dispersed, turning into a starry sky.

Ye Yun released the Phoenix Divine Fire, the Five Elements Divine Fire, the Heavenly Dao Divine Fire, and the Bright Divine Fire, and began to inhale the miracle fragments, most of which were the substances of the Zhoutian barrier.

Because the dark tribes attack the barriers all the time, the Great Zhoutian has a lot of barrier substances, more than the miracles, and Ye Yun wants to improve the quality of the two magic weapons, mainly using the miracles to break the substances.

The Zhoutian barrier material surpasses the miraculous material. With Ye Yun's current strength, the miraculous material is easier to control.

After the miraculous fragments were fused in, combined with some barrier substances, they began to burn crazily under various flames, and the buzzing sound continued to appear, which was purifying impurities.

Gradually, some golden-yellow substances, as if turning into liquid, poured into the main body of the Daqian Shentu, and the Great Dao Jiaohuang himself took the initiative to absorb these substances.

After swallowing, the Dao Jiaohuang's whole body was burning with miraculous flames, and he gradually turned into swords, and in each sword, there was a phantom of the Dao Jiaohuang swimming.

The Daqianshentu also burned, releasing star-like burning flames, and Ye Yun immediately separated another Tongxin body, which was responsible for promoting the Daqianshentu.

Ye Yun started to advance to Dao Five Elements Sword.

The difficulty of the Five Elements Sword of the Great Dao is higher than that of the Daqian Shentu. Now he absorbs the purified miraculous substance to replace the body substance of the Five Elements Sword of the Great Dao. The miraculous substance is strong, just like the sword of judgment.

Once the Dao Five Elements Sword is completely transformed into a body with miraculous substances, it will at least be a magic weapon like the Judgment Sword, and it will also incorporate the Zhoutian Barrier substance, Ye Yun's will and various abilities, the power of the Dao Five Elements Sword, It will surpass the Sword of Judgment and become the most powerful artifact in the Four Realms. Even many magic weapons of miracles cannot be compared with the Five Elements Sword of the Great Dao.

The Daqian Shentu is still in a state of nothingness. After absorbing the miraculous substance, the main body has begun to completely breathe the miraculous breath. It is not difficult for Ye Yun to control the miraculous.

Now he first let the two magic weapons absorb the miraculous substance and become powerful magic weapons.

In the future, when his strength reaches the peak, he can directly use the solid substance of the Great Circumferential Barrier to re-promote the two magic weapons. At that time, a magic weapon comparable to the Great Circumferential Hunyuan Pillar will be born in the world.

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