The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2507 Ancient Talisman

"We have seen the black bracelet you mentioned before, let's continue!"

Hearing this, Lord Chili and Ye Yun realized that there must have been little-known secrets in the Great Zhoutian.

Unprecedented respect!

This person actually has such a relationship with Jing Ling!

"After having the treasure given by Lord Potianhuang, we have a better relationship, and we can go in and out of the God Realm and the Great Zhoutian when we have nothing to do. During that time, my strength improved very quickly, and I soon reached the peak of the Hunyuan Transformation. The old master saw my strength. The big increase also gave me more power, and with power, I can freely enter and exit the domain that the old master once controlled, and control a world!"

"During that time, Potianhuangzun and I got closer. At that time, we were already brothers who talked about everything. At that time, Potianhuangzun was still relying on the mysterious magic weapon to go in and out of the Great Zhoutian and God Realm secretly. Originally, I wanted to put He recommended it to the old master, and then worked for the old master together, but the Potianhuang Zun didn't accept my kindness, anyway, since he didn't accept me, he would often take him into the different worlds of the Great Zhoutian!"

"Long time passed without knowing it, until one day it was suddenly rumored that Hell was going to launch a war against the God Realm. This news shocked the Great Zhou and the God Realm. Later, I got confirmation from the old master that Hell was indeed gathering an army. , send troops to the Three Realms through the ancient passage!"

"After the news came out, my task became even heavier, and Venerable Potianhuang often came to me, and he even took him to the world at the end of the Great Zhou. During that time, I was in charge of preparing for the war. One day not long after, not long after the army of hell entered the ancient tunnel, there was a huge earthquake that shook the sky and the earth. , At that moment, I realized that someone actually attacked the Great Zhoutian barrier and broke the barrier into a big hole!"

"This is the first time that such a major event has occurred in dozens of epochs since the birth of the Four Realms. When the incident happened suddenly, the old master rushed to the big anniversary sky with a dozen strong men. After that... unexpectedly saw The barrier of the Great Zhoutian was smashed into a gap, and a large number of disgusting double-headed monsters rushed in. The god of light, the master of the truth, the master of the truth, the master of the five elements, the master of reincarnation, the master of the sky, the high priest, etc. , also appeared at different times!"

"The old master led us to deal with the monsters without saying a word. Those monsters entered the Great Zhou through the gap, and were intercepted by the old antique rulers from all sides in the space around the gap. Matter and energy are completely devoured!"

"After fighting for several years, several of us have already fallen, and even Old Antique was injured. At that time, Old Antique's strength was boundless. He killed so many monsters. With one person's power, he blocked the monsters from entering the God Realm in one sky. At that time, Lord Potianhuang suddenly came to support with a few strong men, I was very touched when I saw that Potianhuang Zun could come to help at such a time, so I let him join the battle!"

"As a result... I don't know that when they approached the old master, they unexpectedly attacked the master together with Po Tian Huang Zun, and some of the strong men were transformed from monsters. I don't know where they came from. They are too powerful. A few people sneaked up and severely injured the owner. We rushed to help, and I only knew the true identity of Po Tian Huang Zun. He had already planned all this from the very beginning when he contacted me. His goal seemed to be to smash the big Zhou Tian. The old master..."

"We can't even get into the old master's side. Dozens of monsters have surrounded the old master. I was also seriously injured by the monsters and lost consciousness. I thought I was dead. Everyone else became the food of the monsters. When I woke up... no longer in the Great Zhou, and appeared in the God Realm. When I rushed back, the breath and will of the old master had disappeared without a trace. Only then did I know... The old master fell, and I killed him! "

Jing Ling looked up to the sky and wept bitterly, hysterical: "I'm guilty, I killed the old master and killed so many strong men, the old master is like my father!"

The ancient myths and the sinking of the years are finally submerged in the long river of history. Although it is the past, for some people, it will always be an indelible curse.

"Now I finally understand why Lord Potianhuang had to die under the sword of King Abixiu..."

At this moment, Ye Yun's heart suddenly brightened, even so, it was still like a huge stone pressing down on his heart.

The secret is solved, but the mood is even more heavy.

Chili-Jun looked at Jing Ling indifferently: "You are indeed guilty, and now that the Dark Clan has entered the Great Zhou Dynasty again, Jing Ling...go, you do what you should do, and end the past and the future together!"

"I'm guilty!"

Jing Ling frantically flew towards the sky of the Great Zhou.

He knew that no one in this world could forgive him, only he could end it all by himself.

"It seems that all of this was planned by the Anzu long ago. The ancient war, it turned out that the Anzu first united with the human traitors such as Po Tianhuangzun to sneak attack and smash the Great Zhoutian barrier. In the Great War, Hell seized the opportunity to enter the God Realm!" Chili Jun sighed: "No wonder with the strength of the God Realm at that time, how could it be possible for both Hell and Hell to lose in the ancient war? After destroying most of the ancient masters, the gods have to deal with hell and the dark race at the same time..."

"Yeah, fortunately this time the end-time war is not the ancient war. The gods only deal with hell, and now they are dealing with the dark race. If they suffer from the ancient war again, this time it will not be the retreat of hell, but the fall of the gods!" Ye Yun also understood the ancient war in an instant.


Wanhai and Longlong flew over.

"Brother Ye, the three of us go to the Zhoutian Gap first!" Lord Chili joined the two masters.

Ye Yun said cautiously: "You have to be careful, since the monsters have been preparing for dozens of epochs before entering the Great Circumstance, they are here with the will to destroy the four worlds. Just go to the Zhoutian Gap!"

"it is good!"

The three immediately broke through the air and left.

"Everyone, wake up!"

Ye Yun released his will, and the boundless will began to flow towards more than 2000 ascenders.

The giant and the sword slave also woke up together, like a killing machine coming to the top.

Wu Wudao took Jiang Taixu, Blazing Huo Punishment Tianjun, Snake Spirit King, Donghua Dongjun and other ascendants, and soon came to the midair.

"I want to tell you some bad news. The last moment has finally come. The Dark Race has reopened the gap in the sky and entered the Great Circle. The masters are bringing all the strong men of the Great Circle to fight against the Dark Race in the gap. Try your best to fight the Anzu in the Great Zhoutian, but this time the Anzu is coming aggressively, no one has the confidence to stop the Anzu in the Great Zhoutian, and there is a high possibility that they will still enter the God Realm, so Your task is not to go to the Great Zhou to participate in the battle, but to go to the God Realm, prepare for war with the giants and old antiques in the God Realm, and lead the gods in the God Realm to fight against the Dark Clan!"

Ye Yun looked at the familiar faces with a serious gaze that he had never seen before, and with a solemn tone. There were relatives and friends who grew up with him in the mortal world, the fairy world, and the god world.

He continued: "This war will be fought for all beings, for ourselves. Most of us may perish in the battle with the dark race, but please firmly believe that even if we perish, Your will will exist forever, and when this catastrophe passes, your will will be passed down in the new era and continue to write myths!"

"Master, we will not disappoint you!"

Zhang Zhenzhu, Hua Tianzun, Ten Fang Owner, Meng Yu, Ye Man, Zhou Qing, Pang Xuan...all of them bowed to Ye Yun at this moment.

They have fought against the dark race with the determination to die, not only for themselves, but also for all sentient beings.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Everyone flew to the gap in the Xiaozhou Heaven Realm in an instant.

Ye Yun also came to the outside of the Small Circumferential Realm, waved his hands out, and the entire emptiness of the Small Circular Celestial Realm appeared, like a shining golden planet.

"Less than one-fifth of the energy left in the small celestial circle..." It was a bit regretful, but it was still a powerful energy that activated the miracle of light, and immediately sucked the huge small celestial realm into the miracle of light.


Ye Yun thought that if he absorbed the miracle of light into the small Zhoutian Realm, everything would be over, and then he would rush to the Zhoutian Gap.

But at the moment when the Little Zhou Tianjie disappeared, a chaotic light appeared in the void.


He almost missed this ray of light, but fortunately his sensitivity is boundless, and in that radiance, there is some aura similar to that of the Great Zhoutian Hunyuan Pillar.

He came to the front of the luster and took a closer look. It turned out that in the luster was a talisman, an ancient talisman transformed by chaotic light.

Immediately grasping it in my hand, I feel that the talisman does not have any great power, it does not seem to be a treasure.

"Small Zhou Tianjie... This talisman is hidden in the time and space where Xiao Zhou Tianjie is located. It must be something left by the Creator God!"

Looking around, this is the place where the Little Zhou Heavenly Realm exists. The God of Creation refined the Little Zhou Heavenly Realm, so the person who left this talisman must be the God of Creation.

"The God of Creation... Could it be that he exists? Ancient legends are true? He created the four worlds? Then how powerful is he?" He stroked the talisman and released the power sensor, but found no special energy inside.

It feels like an ordinary talisman left from ancient times.

"By the way, Ao Zhan once followed Shenluo, so he may know what this talisman is!"

He released a divine light.

Ao Zhan immediately appeared: "Master, what's the matter?"

"Look at this talisman!" Ye Yun handed the talisman to Ao Zhan.

Ao Zhan took it and looked it up and down, turned it over and took a closer look, and then drew a few tracks with his hands. Several mysterious symbols appeared in the tracks. The symbols seemed to have life. Not only did they transform, they looked very mysterious. But just can't see what it means.

"Master, this talisman is not simple. I have never seen it before, but I have a slight impression. When the old master deduced the supreme way of creation, he once felt something like this. If he really wants to unlock it, maybe only It is possible to be the master of the sky eye, because he is the spokesperson, and it is said that his sky eye can see through any power and matter!" Ao Zhan didn't gain much, but he finally knew something.

"What is the way of creation?" Ye Yun heard a new word.

"The way of creation is created by the masters in the process of pursuing the God of Creation. They believe that the next stage of the Hunyuan Transformation will be the God of Creation, so it is called the way of creation. Unfortunately, how many masters will die in their lifetime. I am looking for the way to create the world, but no one has succeeded, only the old master and the ancient Pluto have slightly comprehended it!"

"is it?"

"The old master was born from the light, created the light, and brought many bright time and space to the Three Realms, and the ancient Pluto had boundless mana, went to hell, and created eighteen layers of hell. These abilities all come from the way of creation. , As for the deeper things, only they know!"

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