The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2517 The master of all changes, the god of Taoism

"My deity!"

Facing the terrifying miraculous power of the Star God, the black-robed youth also felt the threat of death.

A large number of black holes were ejected again and again, just to shatter the two sword qi, but unfortunately the black holes and the suction released were cut whole.

The human body of the black-robed young man suddenly swelled, and then a huge demon body burst out from the swelling, fusing the dozen or so monsters together to become an extremely huge king of monsters.

The monster spread out vertically and horizontally, and the two sections of the head opened their mouths, respectively biting the two sword qi released by the star god.

Pom Pom!

In the contest that reached the pinnacle of the world, the sword energy from the star god and the miracle of the star tomb shook the giant monster's two heads almost to pieces, but the monster's hard teeth finally crushed the two sword energy.

The monster stared proudly at the miracle of the star tomb, and looked up to the sky: "Star God, how about it? So what if you and the power of the miracle are released? You are still no match for this deity!"

"That's not necessarily the case, I still don't know who will win!" The Star God yelled angrily.

"Your star tomb miracle, can you forcibly overcome the Zhoutian barrier? But watch this deity tear it apart!" The monsters suddenly poured into the black hole.

In an instant, a huge black hole hundreds of miles above the Star Miracle appeared. The unbelievable black hole came oppressively, biting towards the Star Tomb Miracle with a big mouth.


The star god swung his sword, and it was burning star sword energy, which was still infinitely powerful, but he was bitten by the monster as soon as it was struck, and it was crushed forcefully with a bang.


The Miracle of the Star Tomb suddenly moved upwards, before the monster launched an attack, the Miracle of the Star Tomb collided with the monster's body, knocking the monster into the air, the space behind the monster was immediately shattered, and it was immediately sucked into the deep space.


A suction force strangely wraps the space where the miracle of the star tomb is located.

It turned out that the other head of the monster launched an attack, as if it wanted to swallow the miracle of the star tomb and the space, but the sword of the star god pierced out, extending between the sky and the earth, making the suction unable to absorb the miracle.

"Star God!"

Suddenly, a void figure appeared behind the miracle of the star tomb.

"Brother Dao Qi, why are you here?" Star God was startled, and immediately looked back in surprise, where there were only faint afterimages.

The figure said: "The monsters I dealt with are not powerful, and they have been handed over to the gods to deal with them. Just now, they sensed the burst of divine light from the miracle of the star tomb, so they rushed over!"

"Good job, this monster is too difficult to deal with. If you fuse more than a dozen monsters, you may be able to crush all the miracles!"

"I'll attack it from behind, and then work together to kill the monster!"

"Without your help, it would be difficult for me to kill the monster. I can only consume the power of the miracle again. How about now, you and I attack back and forth!"

Star God looked extremely excited.

It turned out that the master who came to support him was the master of Taoist miracles, but he was a majestic old antique.

Suddenly!In the shattered deep space ahead, a big black hole immediately appeared, and the monster appeared again, and there was some blood on his body, which seemed to be injured by the miracle of the star tomb.

The monster opened its mouth wide, and immediately spewed out astonishing space debris.


The Star God swung the Blazing Star Sword, and struck out one sword after another. Although the space debris was powerful, it was still shattered by the sword energy. However, the energy of monsters is endless, so the miracle of the star tomb will be obviously lost in a short time. Advantage.

At this moment, a figure suddenly turned into a pagoda.


The pagoda fell from above the monster without a sound, and the monster couldn't feel the breath of the pagoda. This time it suffered a big loss, and was shaken by the pagoda so that the flesh and blood demons were blurred, especially the central monster body, which was almost broken.

"Sword of the Blazing Star!" The Star God seized the opportunity and unleashed a sword that was thousands of miles long.


The monster was seriously injured, but it still bit the Excalibur with its big mouth.


The pagoda turned into a divine sword again, and when the monster fought against the blazing star sword with all its strength, it immediately slashed on a head.

It is worthy of being a god of Taoism, with ever-changing changes, and the divine sword it transformed into was extremely fierce and cut off the monster's head.


The monster quickly turned into nothingness in pain, and escaped into the deep space.

"Where to escape!"

The god of Taoism and the star god who flew out from the miracle of the star tomb escaped into the deep space.

This is the best time to kill the monster, and the monster is too powerful, it is the venerable of the dark race, once it is killed, it will also wear down the fighting power of the dark race.

When the two old antiques entered the deep space, they saw the monster that had lost a head and began to escape into a deeper space. The two immediately chased and killed them, and each released a sealing light.

Buzzing, the sealing light didn't give the monster a chance, it entangled its other head, and it spewed out a few fragments, which also hit the two masters.

Without the power of miracles, it is really difficult for the two old antiques to deal with such a powerful monster.

"Shenjun, trap it!" The star god spurted blood, and at this moment, the flame of life was burning.

The Taoist god seems to be fine, and he turned into a big tripod, which seems to be able to defend part of the power.

"Block Town Eight Directions!"

The Taoist god suddenly turned into an infinite phantom.

He is not a human being, but he is a human being. He is the spirit of all magic weapons, the most powerful weapon spirit among magic weapons, and finally merges with humans to become a peerless existence that can transform any magic weapon.

He can come and go freely in the void, because he is not a human being, so the Dark Race cannot detect his aura.


The monster struggled to enter the deep space, but at this moment a golden bell appeared above it, suppressing it under the bell with lightning speed.

"Miracle, fusion!"

The Star God suddenly turned into a starburst!The starlight began to cut through the deep space, like the only light in this deep space.

puff!Under the full suppression of the Taoist god, the monster couldn't struggle out for a while. The key point was that it was seriously injured before. If it was intact, the Taoist god alone would not be able to suppress it.

But now, the attack transformed by the Star God himself, combined with the power of the miracle of the Star Tomb, cut off the monster's other head in one fell swoop.


The big bell transformed by the Taoist god erupted bursts of divine fire, sucked the monster's corpse into it, and began to incinerate.

The star god stepped out of the divine light, and his central aura disappeared, and his hair turned out to be quite grey. It seemed that he had burned his life force before.

Come to the big bell transformed by the Taoist god: "Shenjun, leave the energy of the monster's corpse. Before the lord of light asked Ao Zhan to bring us the energy seeds from the monster. We can give him such a powerful monster's corpse to refine it. , How many energy seeds do you need to refine?"

"That's right, the Lord of Light is omnipotent. He could subdue a monster before, and now he can refine the monster into an energy seed. I also took one before. It indeed contains unimaginable vitality!" Dao Qi Shenjun agreed with this suggestion , he let the Star God contact the Lord of Light.

Then he controlled the corpse of the monster, flew out from the deep space, and appeared on the Great Zhoutian battlefield.

"You suppress the monster first, and I will help the gods deal with the monster!"

Appearing in the sky, the god of Taoism still maintains the form of a big bell. As for the star god, he summoned the miracle of the star tomb, appeared above the gods, urged the sword of the blazing star, and severely wounded monsters.

After about half an hour.

"Senior Taoist!"

Ye Yun came from deep space, followed by giants and sword slaves.

From the big bell came the voice of the Taoist god: "Master of light, this is the strong man of the dark race that we killed together. It is really powerful. Our two old antiques, with the power of two great miracles, are able to do it." Kill him!"

"Leave it to the juniors!"

Unleashing a law of suction, Ye Yun absorbed the corpse of the monster from the aura of the Taoist god, and then handed over thousands of energy seeds to the Taoist god who transformed into a human form.

The latter wanted to rush back, and then left through the air after nodding his head.

"The Dao Artifact God Lord is formed by the fusion of countless Artifact Spirits, and finally fused with human blood to become the current form. The Dao Five Elements Sword is similar!"

Seeing the elegant demeanor of the old antique, Ye Yun immediately began to refine the corpse of the monster, and then gave an order to the giant and the sword slave: "Help the Star God kill the monster!"

"Yes, Master!"

The giant and the sword slave flew away together.


The chaotic god wheel for purifying the world appeared, and a heavenly furnace wrapped the corpse of the monster. Combined with the chaotic god wheel for purifying the world, it was such a powerful monster corpse that Ye Yun could refine it within a period of time.

"This monster has merged with more than a dozen monsters, no wonder it is so powerful..."

He felt the astonishing energy in the monster's body, which was unbelievable. He had killed such a powerful monster before, and he knew its horror and preciousness deeply.

As long as this kind of monster can be killed, it can bring amazing energy to the gods.

But among the entire gods, only Ye Yun can refine the energy of monsters, how can anyone else refine it?The poison in the monster's body alone can keep people away thousands of miles away.

"Giant magic!"

In the battlefield of the gods, thousands of people surrounded the monsters to attack.

The star god who released the miracle of the star tomb saw 25 giants rushing in, with a relaxed smile on his face, he knew how powerful the giant soldiers were.

Sure enough, when the Giant God Soldier came in, the other gods began to retreat. They were too consumed to help at all, but the Giant God Soldier came in and dealt with a monster one by one. It seemed that there was not much pressure. Kill the monsters, but completely prevent the monsters from harming the gods.

"Boss, my sister-in-law and I are going to see Dao Zhizun and the others!"

At this time, the shadows of Chi Yun and Wan Hai appeared in Ye Yun's mind.

They have brought the gods to kill the monsters in their respective time and space, and then rushed to support the new masters such as Dao Zhizun. It seems that they, like Ye Yun, are worried about the powerhouses who have just been promoted to masters.

Linglong and Lord Chili are still dealing with monsters. Among their opponents, there are also monsters that have turned into human forms. Fortunately, the number of monsters fused is not many, and they will also win.

"The energy seeds are almost ready!"

After Ye Yun waved his hand, tens of thousands of energy seeds appeared, and then Ao Zhan appeared: "Give these energy seeds to each master, let them collect as many monster corpses as possible!"

Ao Zhan turned into a dragon shadow with the energy seeds, and immediately broke through the air.

Ye Yun continued to refine the monsters, but it didn't take long for him to refine most of the energy. At this time, the battle ahead was coming to an end.

The star god flew over with the gods: "Master of light!"

"Senior Star God, this is an energy seed, let's fuse it with everyone!" Just in time, Ye Yun waved his hand, and a large piece of energy seed flew towards Star God.

"I'm going to reinforce other old antiques!" With energy seeds, the star god and the gods flew to the other side of the sky.

Ye Yun sucked the last energy into his body, and immediately came to the top of the giant and the sword slave. They had killed half of the monsters, and the other monsters were struggling.

He immediately sucked the corpses of other monsters into the furnace of the sky, and then handed them over to the Tongxin body to start refining, where a large number of seeds could be born.

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