The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2534 Transformation of the Daojiao Emperor

Ye Yun and Dao Zhizun came to this battlefield, and after feeling it for a while, following Ye Yun's release of a divine light, a dozen curse puppets flew out from it.

"Absorb evil power!"

Sending thoughts to the cursed puppets, more than a dozen puppets immediately flew to the ancient battlefield ahead.

The Supreme Daoist continued to release the power of the Daoist, went to the top of the ancient sealed god formation, and controlled the entire god formation with his strength and ability.

Inside the battlefield space!

After Ye Yun appeared, he immediately released the breath of life.


In an instant, trembling cries of evil souls appeared in all directions, and more and more, some powerful evil souls were the first to discover Ye Yun's location.

Ye Yun grabbed some flesh and blood from the Lord of Beichen, and then released the ability of the Void to capture the powerful evil soul first, fuse with the flesh and blood, and released the Dao Jiaohuang, and let him continue to search for the evil spirit.

This time refining the entire battlefield space, the speed will be even faster!

The main reason is the strength of Dao Zhizun and Ye Yun. As they refine a battlefield, their strength will increase a little. The so-called practice makes perfect, and it will be easy to refine battlefields one after another.

The Daoist Supreme has collected many treasures, some of which are very powerful artifacts. If these artifacts fall into the hands of the gods, they will definitely hit the Dark Race head-on.

"Tongxinti, go to the passage to see the situation!"

Ye Yun also thought about the migration of the gods in the mortal world and the mortal world, and immediately separated a Tongxin body.

The whole body broke through the air and went away.

After a while, the Dao Jiaohuang came back.

"Go into the Miracle of Light!"

Another Tongxin body was stripped out and appeared in the miracle of light.

Dao Jiaohuang entered Ye Yun's body, swam in the energy world of the ocean, and instantly entered the light god realm.

"Master!" Seeing Tong Xin Ti, Dao Jiao Huang saluted.

Tongxin said: "The ancient battlefields in the mortal world have been almost suppressed. I will help you refine the imprisoned evil weapon spirits first. There are too many weapon spirits, and it will be difficult for you to fuse them!"


The Dao Jiaohuang immediately turned into its body, and the 108 swords floated out. As the existence of the weapon spirit, the Dao Jiaohuang became a terrifying dragon, hovering above the 108 swords.

Every Dao Five Elements Sword is full of sharp-edged momentum, and now it is almost the same as the Judgment Sword overall, and the Dao Five Elements Sword has a numerical advantage, surpassing the Judgment Sword as a whole, and surpassing the Great Gods Part of the magic weapon.

"Release the evil weapon spirit!" The Tongxin body condensed a chaotic and pure world god wheel, and immediately looked at the Dao Jiaohuang.

"Jie Jie!"

The Dao Jiaohuang opened his mouth and sprayed, and many weapon spirits in the form of magic weapons appeared, including swords, guns, swords and halberds, and other various forms of weapon spirits. It is estimated that there are more than 200.

After the evil weapon spirits appeared, and there were so many of them, they immediately began to look for life and host bodies, but here is a miracle of light, and there is such a powerful existence of the Tongxin body, how can they be allowed to be presumptuous?

A god wheel of chaos and world purification appeared above the Dao Jiaohuang, and the mysterious light ability descended. The ferocious weapon spirit felt threatened and began to flee.

Pom Pom!

In the midair where there was nothing, they had just flown out when they were shaken back by an invisible force, one after another, unable to escape the space above the Dao Five Elements Sword.

"The Great Dao Flood Emperor, integrate your consciousness!"

The god wheel of chaos and world purification slowly rotated, and those weapon spirits began to be honest. In the space of light and miracles, can they still make waves?

At the same time, the Flood Emperor of the Dao Dao above turned into a phantom and descended, flying towards those weapon spirits.

The evil aura on Qi Ling's body was purified by the Chaos Purification God Wheel one after another, so he lost his evil consciousness, and Qi Ling calmed down, as if he couldn't wake up.

The phantom of the Dao Jiaohuang began to merge with the tool spirit, and the tool spirit was unable to resist and struggle under the divine power of the Chaos Purification God Wheel, watching the Dao Jiaohuang's thoughts merge with them in vain.

All kinds of different weapon spirits were easily devoured by the Dao Jiaohuang.

After a long time, the Phantom of the Dao Jiaohuang who absorbed the spirit began to enter his real body, and the Tongxin body also released the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification to help the Dao Jiaohuang fuse the power of a large number of weapon spirits.

"The Great Dao Flood Emperor absorbs these weapon spirits, and his strength will increase a lot..."

In the sky of the battlefield, after Ye Yun stared at the miracle of light, a smile appeared on his face.

At this time, the huge Chaos Purification God Wheel in front of him continuously purified the energy of the battlefield space, and at the same time poured all the energy into the Beichen Miracle and the Barbaric Miracle.

The two miracles have returned to normal. If they absorb the battlefield energy of the fairy world and the god world, the two miracles will store unbelievable energy.

At this time, in the independent space ahead, several new cursed puppets are growing rapidly.

Years later!


The Dao Supreme released the ability of the Daoist, sucking all the magic formations into his palm, and Ye Yun sucked the cursed puppet into his palm.

"Lord Ye, we only got a dozen or so spell puppets in the entire mortal world..." Coming to Ye Yun, the Daoist Master seemed a little downcast.

"The battlefields of the mortal world are not as good as the fairy world and the god world. That is the place where the ancient battles are held, especially in the god world. I don't know how many ancient and powerful giants have fallen in each battlefield, so there are a large number of Hunyuan Evil Souls , I reckon... at least we can get thousands of powerful curse puppets in the end!"

"However, it is still a bit difficult to deal with the dark race!"

"At that time, I will think about it again, see if I can integrate more abilities into the cursed puppet, so that the combat power can directly fight against the dark race!"

Dao Zhizun's worries are not unreasonable.

Thousands of cursed puppets, possessing the ability to cast spells, plus the primordial spirit of Hunyuanchang level, are reborn as puppets in this way, and their strength is also at the height of Hunyuanchang, and finally reached the extreme of Hunyuanchang.

In front of the Dark Clan, as long as it is not the Lord of the Zhou Dynasty, any Hunyuan powerhouse will not pose much threat to them. Unless it is a capable powerhouse, either with a special physique or a special qigong practice, otherwise, in the face of There is no advantage against the dark race.

Although the cursed puppets were reborn by merging the flesh and blood of Lord Beichen, they could not reach the level of directly threatening the monsters. If they didn't think of a way, in the end, as the Supreme Dao said, these puppets would not be of much importance.


"There are not many immortals in the central time and space of the first layer of immortal world!"

Ye Yun and Dao Zhizun appeared in the first layer of fairyland.

After Dao Supreme released the induction, he immediately sensed the situation of most of the fairy world, and then looked at the sky, and there was even a little dust falling: "Even the laws and defenses of the nine-fold fairy world have begun to loosen? The dark people have not yet entered the gods. , Unexpectedly, the defense of the Four Realms has been affected in this way!"

"The Great Zhoutian is also part of the Four Realms, but it is at the highest level. Even if it has an independent defense with the God Realm, once it is broken, the Four Realms as a whole will be affected. In this way, the immortals in the Nine Layers of Immortal Realm will truly see the way of heaven. A sign of catastrophe coming, follow the messengers of the gods into hell!"

"I hope more immortals can come, otherwise, if the dark race comes in, who can resist in this immortal world?"

"I just hope that Old Antique, who is under the Zhoutian Gap, can buy time for the Four Realms as much as possible!"

After calming down, Ye Yun immediately released his sensory power, merged with the will to control, and the origin of the immortal way he had mastered in the fairy world before, and immediately dispersed to different time and space in the nine-layer fairy world.

It took a full ten years for Ye Yun's will and senses to return.

Daoist Supreme asked urgently: "Have all the ancient battlefields in the Nine Layers Immortal Realm been sensed?"

"There are more than 40 battlefield spaces in total. It seems that it will take thousands of years to refine all the battlefields this time!" Ye Yun stood up, and the surrounding space suddenly turned into the light of stars, and this space disappeared instantly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, as Ye Yun and Daozhizun walked out of the starlight, the familiar dark and evil space was in front of them.

The Great Dao sensed for a while: "There are indeed many powerful evil souls in this ancient battlefield. Lord Ye, you have the laws and will of hell, and you can also condense some undecomposed bones of divine beasts into undead creatures!"

"Undead creatures need years of growth to become stronger, and they need to be in hell, where there is a steady stream of dark power!"

Undead creatures!

It was indeed a good idea, but it was rejected by Ye Yun. Although undead creatures can be created easily, it takes a lot of time to grow.

This takes time and effort.

The Great Dao swished and came to the time and space of the battlefield. Under his control, the ancient sealing formation of the battlefield appeared, which was obviously several times stronger than the seal of the mortal battlefield, and there were many layers of other formations.

Ye Yun then came into the battlefield space, released the control power, the whole battlefield space was gradually sensed by him, and every corner could be seen clearly.

"Bright breath?"

In the induction, a familiar breath appeared first.

Discovering this aura, Ye Yun raised his brows unexpectedly and flew away in the air.

In the ruins deep in the battlefield, Ye Yun stopped, and there were a few rotten bones sitting in the ruins below, among them were powerful evil spirits who were cultivating.

Although they are evil, there is a bright breath in the bones of these gods: "Legion of Light, these strong men should come from the Legion of Light..."

Looking at the skeletons, Ye Yun felt uncomfortable. The majestic and powerful members of the Legion of Light finally fell in the ancient war.

He looked at the other side again, and in a flash again, a divine fire appeared in front of him. This divine fire was like a flying phoenix, becoming the only scenery in the ruined world.

"A strong man from the Phoenix clan?"

He sucked the divine fire into his palm, and it immediately became his power. In the ruins, lay a skeleton, a huge skeleton, which could be seen to be the corpse of the divine beast Phoenix.

The powerhouse of the Phoenix God Clan!

It's no wonder that Shenhuo has an aura that Ye Yun is familiar with. Unfortunately, most of the strong men of the Feng clan eventually died, and Ye Yun only came into contact with a small number of strong men of the Feng clan, such as Feng Xueyin and Feng Leizhen.

The breath of life was released immediately, and a large number of evil souls flooded into the quiet ruined sky around.

Among these evil souls, there may be the primordial spirit of the strong Feng clan, or the remnant souls of the strong members of the Light Legion, but they are all useless... swallowed by evil, their consciousness has disappeared.

The same is true for the evil soul transformed by the strong man in hell. Although it is still dark, it does not have independent consciousness.

"There are more than a dozen Hunyuan Evil Souls, and dozens of Chaos God's Ultimate Evil Souls. Great, this time we can create dozens of talisman puppets!"

After sensing for a while, the supernatural powers were released, imprisoning all the evil souls, and then released streaks of blood, all of which came from the flesh and blood of the Lord Beichen.


A powerful sword energy rushed out of Ye Yun's body.

Dao Flood Emperor!

At this time, the aura of the Dao Jiaohuang is almost twice as strong as before, it's too scary, I'm afraid his strength is almost the same as that of Old Antique.

This is just the beginning, and then he will devour more evil weapon spirits, and by then he will definitely surpass any magic weapon and become the number one artifact in the Four Realms.

Dao Jiaohuang flashed vertically and horizontally, and immediately transformed into 108 dragon-shaped sword qi, roaming in the void of the battlefield.

It seems that there is already a taste of transforming into a dragon.

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