The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2541 The Fall of Evil Kings and Miracles

Xie Wang said: "Two options. First, I leave the miracle, abandon the miracle, and let the miracle be crushed by the monsters. Second, I go out and find a way to kill the monster, so that the miracle can be saved!"

"Master..." the guardian said sternly: "Master was injured just now, how do you go out and kill monsters?"

"If I don't go out, if the two masters can't help in time, then both I and the miracle will disappear and be destroyed by monsters. I have to make a choice!"

Xie Wang stared at the miracle resolutely, seeing the cracks, he felt very uncomfortable.

Miracles, but his hard work.

"Brother Xie Wang, I'm coming!"

When the evil king wanted to make the last choice.

The voice of the Lord of All Souls erupted from the high-altitude black hole!

Chu Chu Chu!

A large amount of matter fell from above the black hole. The matter was fragments of the Great Circumferential barrier, or the broken matter inside the Great Circumferential Sky. In short, it seems to be under the control of the Lord of All Souls, falling from above.

Jue stared at the sky, his body was hit by a large amount of matter, and sharp and terrifying black tattoos began to stand on his skin.


Seeing the black tattooed armor on the monster, the evil king seemed to know how terrifying the tattooed armor was.


In the black hole on the other side, a large number of sealing chains drilled out. This time, the speed and timing were just right. Several chains formed a seal and intercepted above Jue.


The large black hole vortex suddenly erupted and disappeared.

The pursuit of Tiandao Taizun and Wanling Lord finally had an effect. One after the other, the black hole was smashed, and the miracles of the evil gods appeared in the Great Zhoutian World.

The two masters also appeared together, and a large number of chains flew out from the two miracles, all of which came from the power of the miracles.

"It's really troublesome!"

Jue Leng sneered, spewing out a mouthful of suction, which merged with the chains released by the two miracles, and used the supernatural power of space to pull the chains to another space through suction.

This is similar to Ye Yun's small divine movement technique.

"Destroy the miracles of the evil gods first, then it will be much easier to deal with them!"

The other end of his head looked at the Miracle of the Evil God again, and then his body began to turn around the Miracle of the Evil God, and the black tattooed armor on his body swam with the Miracle of the Evil God, drawing the Miracle out of the sparks.


The evil gods and the guardians mobilize the miraculous power together.

A large amount of material inside poured into the miracle, which is the original power of the miracle. If it disappears a little, the power of the miracle will also weaken a little.

How can the evil king care about this now, he wants to preserve the miracles of the evil god as much as possible regardless of the cost.

Chi Chi!

Jue's body was entwined with the miracle of the evil god, and his rotation speed increased. The sharp black armor cut through the layers of defense on the surface of the miracle.

Just like that, the defensive power from the evil god's miracle was broken piece by piece.

The evil king continued to cooperate with the guardian, and the substances within the miracle continued to fly out, turning into defenses against the monster's black armor.

"Brother Xie Wang, hold on, the spatial ability of this monster is really hard to deal with!"

The Lord of All Spirits controlled the Miracle of All Spirits, and did not dare to approach Jue easily, because there were also cracks in the Miracle of All Spirits before, and it could no longer withstand several attacks.

And the attack he released was transferred to other spaces by Jue's suction and space magic power.

Tiandao Taizun became the main attacking firepower. His strength is powerful and his supernatural powers are boundless. At this time, he actually absorbed countless substances from the space around the Great Zhoutian.

"Tai Zun, we must rescue the evil god's miracle before we can launch the original attack!" The Lord of All Souls knew how terrible the next attack would be when he saw countless substances.

Tiandao Taizun showed embarrassment: "It's not easy, that absolute power is too terrifying. Before that, he devoured two Zun-level monsters, and his body is entangled with the evil god's miracle, and he will not let go!"

"You two... don't think about me, just wait a moment, I must try my best to preserve the evil god's miracle!" The evil king's voice appeared.

"Brother Xie Wang, we will find a way!" Wan Ling Lord worried.

"Time is running out. The energy inside the evil god's miracle is very high. The armor on the monster's body can cut the miracle. I have to leave the miracle and try my best to get into the monster's belly and attack it from the inside!"

"Into the belly of the monster? This is absolutely impossible!"

"But I can't just watch the evil god's miracles be destroyed like this. I can still do it while I still have the power. If the miracles are broken, I will not be able to fight against monsters at all if I am left. That's it. I will take Part of the miraculous power, and the sealing power from the energy space!"

Xie Wang was very determined. After he finished speaking, he did not listen to the dissuasion of Tiandao Taizun and Wanling Lord, but still started to seal.

His body absorbed countless miraculous powers.

"Master!" The guardian stared at the evil king reluctantly.

"We have worked together for so many years, I have to think about miracles, I am no longer here, but miracles can be passed on!"

"But what if miracles can't fight monsters?"

"Then you... merge with the miracle, and finally decide the outcome with the monster!"

After the evil king confessed, it turned into a ray of light, and suddenly flew out the miracle of the evil god.

"Want to escape?"

Never saw the evil king flying out, thinking that he was going to escape.

The other head immediately bit the evil king.

Although he was injured, the evil king was still the master, and his speed was still astonishing. If he flashed a blow, he would fly out of the range of Jue's control.


Jue seemed not to want the cooked duck to fly away, shrank his body, and suddenly released a mouthful of suction. This suction was so terrifying that the evil king struggled a bit, and was sucked into the monster's mouth.

"Brother Xie Wang!"

Tiandao Taizun and Wan Lingzhu couldn't stop it even if they wanted to stop it.

Absolutely powerful, indescribable.

"Haha, you are the only ones left now, let me see the emperor destroy this evil god's miracle, and then deal with you!" Jue let out a long and triumphant roar, and began to attack the evil god's miracle.

The evil god's miracle is controlled by the guardian. He still releases substances, condenses them into defense, and fights against monsters, but the defense is always cut by the black armor.


This is a dark world, and it is filled with dark blood.

Chi Chi!

The evil king released his divine light and was quickly sucked into the depths, while the bloody aura began to corrode his defense.

It's too scary. The dark blood power can easily corrode the evil king's aura. No wonder monsters dare to eat anything. It turns out that they will be swallowed up by the dark blood and eventually become the energy of monsters.

"My will will be passed on..."

The evil king watched the energy disappear horribly. He was afraid that he would not be able to persist in half of the disappearance, and would eventually be melted alive.

He immediately formed a mudra, clasped his hands together, and a smile appeared on his face.

The body began to burn, and the power of life was blooming like a flower.

A large amount of miraculous substance gushed out from his mouth, and after his life force was burned, the evil king's body gradually turned into blood and merged with the miraculous substance.

The whole body is full of miraculous power.


A divine sword appeared, but the evil king disappeared.

At this moment, he merged himself with the miraculous power, combined his life's power with the miraculous substance, making him reach the most powerful state in his life.


The divine sword seemed to be alive, and it seemed that it was controlled by the will of the evil king, stabbing towards the monster's flesh and blood barrier.

outside world!

Jue was trying his best to deal with the evil god's miracle, and the other head spewed out suction to deal with the attacks launched by the two old antiques.


One side of his upper body was pierced by a divine sword.


Jue let out a heart-piercing scream, and the other head no longer stared at the evil god's miracle, but bit the divine sword, and the divine sword began to cut through Jue's body, such a hard body, under the miracle, Cut it inch by inch.

Tiandao Taizun and Wan Lingzhu were heartbroken: "Brother Xie Wang, your sacrifice will not be in vain!"

"Stop it!"

The two old antiques grabbed a large number of chains and attacked the two heads of the monster. At the same time, the other chain was grabbed towards the evil spirit, which was to rescue the evil spirit.

Jue went crazy at this time, and once again swung his body unscrupulously into the air and somersaulted. Any chains that came over him would be forcibly shattered or sent flying by him.

The divine sword transformed by the evil king was fully on Jue's body, leaving a ten-foot-deep sword mark, cutting through his body, revealing a shocking bloody mouth.


Excalibur light disappeared!

Excalibur disappeared but the evil king appeared.

He hit with all his strength and almost cut through Jue's body. At this time, his body was surrounded by corrosive power and was disappearing.


In the end, he pressed hard on his dantian.


Surrounded by corruption, the evil king suddenly experienced an unparalleled explosion.

This explosion was caused by the evil king sacrificing everything he had, and it was so powerful that the monster's wound was extended again. There was still a third of the wound left, and Jue's demon body was almost broken again.

It's a pity, Jue's body is too strong, with the power of the evil king's self-destruct, he was almost beheaded in the end.

Although Jue was not killed, Jue was seriously injured, and the blood from the evil king's self-destruct power almost accounted for a quarter of his body.


With the fall of the evil king!

The seriously injured was absolutely unable to lock the evil god's miracle again, so the guardian took the opportunity to struggle out and urged the miracle to fly towards the Supreme Venerable of the Heavenly Dao and the Lord of All Souls.


However, Jue, who was seriously injured, suddenly spewed out a black sword energy from his big mouth behind him.

The guardian of the Heretic God's Miracle did not notice this sword energy, and with a sword from behind, he forcibly pierced into the Heretic God's Miracle, and the dark flames began to pour into the Miracle.


Tiandao Taizun and Wan Lingzhu didn't expect that there would be such a backhand, and hurriedly flew towards the evil god's miracle.


Among the miracles of the evil gods!

The guardian's chest also burned with black flames. The terrifying power belonging to the dark race, especially the destructive power of the flame and sword energy, has pierced the barrier of miracles.

The guardian trembled a few times, and the evil god's miracle was almost completely broken at this moment.

"The source of miracles!"

The evil god's miracle was on the verge of falling, and the guardian suddenly turned into the light of the supreme miracle, and with a bang, a miracle sphere flew out from the center of the miracle.

The guardian's aura merged with the sphere, and instantly became the evil king.

Do not!

This is not the real evil king, but the guardian who merged with miracles, finally appeared in the form of the evil king, and then turned into a miraculous light, flying towards the absolute front.

Chu Chu Chu!

As for the miracle of the evil god, at this moment, it began to shatter with a destructive momentum.

The miracle of the evil god has also fallen!


Jue looked at the miraculous light flying towards him, opened his big mouth and bit it.


The miraculous divine light was bitten by him, but the power of the divine light began to explode, turning into infinite explosive force, and spreading out in Jue's big mouth.

Jue's fangs, big mouth, and flesh and blood turned into blood foam one by one during the process of spreading the divine light.

The final power of the miracle exploded with a bang, blowing the monster's big mouth upside down, and it looked like a piece of rotten meat stuck to Jue Duan Yao's body.

"Evil King, you and the miracle of the Evil God will not disappear in vain..."

Tiandao Taizun and Wan Lingzhu came to kill them. Seeing the disappearing aura, the two felt extremely sad. An old antique finally disappeared in such a heroic way.

No, the will of the evil king and the miracle of the evil god is still there. Their bodies are gone, but their will is still there.

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