The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2563 Against Extreme Emperor

Not only Jian and Zhantian are fighting fiercely with the emperor-level monsters, but the other masters are also in a difficult battle.

"Master of Light, let's have a good fight today!"

In deep space!

I don't know how far they are involved in the deep space. At this time, Ye Yun and Jihuang followed the deep air flow, after a fight, neither of them could do anything to each other.

Jihuang looked at the cold and silent deep space, and his human form suddenly turned into a demon body!

He is trying his best to destroy the Miracle of Light.

"Four Qiao Linglong Hearts, urging!"

Ye Yun also broke out with all his strength, even if there was a miracle of light, I didn't dare to be careless. After urging the Linglong body, Ao Zhan appeared in the miracle.

"Master!" Ao Zhan knew how dangerous this battle was.

"You control the Miracle of Light to stay here and be ready to support me at all times. Although I have the confidence to kill the monsters, I must be prepared!"

Ye Yun unexpectedly flew out the miracle of light by himself.

He wants to use his own strength to fight the emperor!

Ao Zhan controls the miracle of light, and suddenly hides a bright breath left by Ye Yun in the miracle.


The emperor made a move, using that huge demon body, spread out pieces of sharp black tattooed armor more than ten feet long, like a giant python sweeping towards Ye Yun.

The deep space is almost about to be shattered by the monster body of the emperor, and the earth comes from the sky.

Pom Pom!

The fists formed by the lights of reincarnation, carrying the mysterious aura of Taiyi's chaotic true energy, made Ye Yun's fists extremely domineering, and one punch at a time could fight against the black armor of the Emperor.

The emperor's demon body couldn't sweep Ye Yun away, because Ye Yun was also extremely powerful, and the emperor spewed out a lot of flames: "It seems that you are the strongest human being, let's see how this emperor will tear you apart!"

"Small teleportation technique!"

It seems that only the dark people can cast the black flame. Ye Yun already knew the power of this flame, so he immediately activated the small divine movement technique to transfer the large black flame.

"The Great Dao Divine Fist!"

A fish, followed by several fishes, gathered into a fist seal, and rushed towards the emperor with a vast and concussive momentum, just like the law of the great way.

This is the boxing method created by Ye Yun with the principles of the Dao. It has never been used, but today, combined with the Daoist, Ye Yun's whole body's combat power has soared to the extreme.

After urging the Daoist, the Daoist Fist is naturally displayed, with infinite power.

Bang bang bang!

The fish-shaped boxing technique is everywhere, coupled with the extremely emperor's demon body sweeping in, the sharp black tattooed armor even tore apart the space, allowing the Daoist fist to fall and be directly torn apart by the black tattooed armor.


After some attacks, Ye Yun used the Void Zerg, combined with the Sky Pattern Zerg and Unbounded Zerg, in the deep space, like a monster to be omnipotent, so the attacks are also varied, and the overall strength is comparable to that of the Extreme Emperor.

Chu Chu Chu!

After the samsara was activated again, for Ye Yun, he felt that his body had reached a state of endless life and self-operation. In this way, his energy would never be exhausted.

When fighting the Emperor, strength comes first, and strength depends on energy. In this mortal world that is about to disappear, if there is not enough energy, who can consume monsters.


The Extreme Emperor was blocked by Ye Yun forcefully!

In his rage, the Extreme Emperor seemed to see how terrifying Ye Yun's true strength was, he sprayed out huge pieces of space fragments, and rushed directly at Ye Yun.

"Such a large space debris, it is impossible to hide!"

Like the space fragments coming from the mainland, they are too domineering. If Ye Yun activates the small teleportation technique, it will be impossible to move away immediately, and there are so many fragments.

Holy Spear of Light!

A radiant Holy Spear of Light appeared in his hand, just like practicing martial arts in the mortal world in the past, his body unfolded like a big bow, and suddenly the tiger jumped out, stabbing out the indestructible Holy Spear of Brightness.

In the dark deep space, the holy spear of light released a divine light aura like the light of Taiyi, piercing the space fragments with a single shot, and several fragments were crushed by the holy spear of light.


Jihuang took the opportunity to display a black sword energy more than three feet long, with billowing dark fire burning inside, as if forming a sword array, covering Ye Yun's figure with overwhelming momentum.

"The law of the road!"

The Emperor's attack was too fast, and the black sword array came so suddenly that Ye Yun could not react. If it was an ordinary master, he would have been killed by the black sword array.

clap clap clap!

With Ye Yun as the center, the law of the great way suddenly erupted. The moment the vortex appeared, countless black sword qi were rolled out of balance, and then changed direction with the law of the great way, losing the direction of the previous attack. In this way, Ye Yun used his great supernatural power to resolve the attack. The threat posed by the black sword array.


Ye Yun's ability emerges endlessly, which is the capital for him to fight against the most terrifying monster like the Extreme Emperor.


Unexpectedly, the attack from the emperor also appeared from the sky at the same time, and the comprehensive ability of the emperor-level monsters was also extremely terrifying. In an instant, a large black hole descended from the sky above Ye Yun, and then wrapped the entire Dao law.

"Master of Light, this Emperor will tear you apart!"

This is no ordinary black hole!

The black hole vortex first covered the Dao law released by Ye Yun with lightning speed, and used it to deal with the black sword array. After being covered by the big black hole, the emperor did not enter the black hole space, and used his own superior ability to deal with Ye Yun , but he appeared outside the black hole.

Jihuang walked along the big black hole, one end of his head absorbed the power of the black hole, and the other end of his head began to wrap around the big black hole, and began to wrap around the black hole and rotate rapidly.

The speed of monsters in the deep space is the advantage, which is unmatched by human beings. Coupled with the space ability and the ability to survive in the deep space, these three points are the weaknesses of human beings. How many masters have fallen, in fact, it is in these three points. sacrificed under the big drop.

The Emperor is wrapped in a black hole, like a black lightning, rolling up a big tornado in the deep space, the black hole entangled by the Emperor, the rotation speed is really terrifying.

The rotation of the black hole is accelerating, and Ye Yun, who is inside, can imagine how much tearing force he will face.


The Law of the Great Dao was originally very advantageous, just restraining all the black sword energy, but at this time Ye Yun realized that he seemed to be caught in the terrifying attack of the Emperor. Just after sensing, the Law of the Great Way was torn apart piece by piece by the rapid black hole vortex like an earthen jar.

"The law of the road, reverse rotation!"

Horror, it's too scary. In the middle of the black hole tearing apart, looking around from Ye Yun's perspective, he is already in the center of a big storm, and any matter will be torn apart by the black hole.

He released the law of the great way again, combining the main ability of the reincarnation. In an instant, a reverse-rotating law of the great way rose inside, and it contained the even more terrifying supernatural power of the reincarnation. Reincarnation is not only punishment, but also the power of heaven. A peerless ability to exert power to the extreme.

Chi Chi Chi!

The ability from the Anzu, and Ye Yun's Dao Law, attack each other positively and negatively in the black hole world. The force of friction and tearing can completely shatter a person's primordial spirit, will, and soul.

Ye Yun was in such a dangerous situation, facing such a domineering attack from the Emperor, let alone resisting, it would be difficult to survive inside.

The speed of the reverse rotation of the Dao Law was instantly suppressed by the big black hole. It is obvious that Ye Yun's comprehensive ability in deep space cannot compare with Jihuang.

"The exquisite body is activated again, broken!"

He could see that the Extreme Emperor used such a peerless attack to unleash all his strength to kill him in this black hole.

Once it can't get out, it will naturally be torn apart by the power of the black hole in the end, and the energy will be consumed, because in this black hole world, energy cannot be absorbed at all.

This is a world completely controlled by the Dark Clan, even Ye Yun has no obvious advantage.

At this moment, he must leave this black hole world with all his strength, and there is only one way!

Ye Yun raised his Linglong body to the extreme, and his strength increased a lot, and then activated the Dao Law again, and his speed became faster as expected.

"Master of light, the world of deep space is the world where my dark race lives. You humans will never be able to adapt. How can you defeat the attack of the emperor?"

The outside world!

The Emperor is still entangled with the big black hole, spinning rapidly, like a giant python trying to use its body to crush the engulfed food to death.


The emperor was only proud for three seconds!

Inside, the speed-increasing law of the avenue unexpectedly shattered itself in an instant, setting off a terrifying explosion.

"Curse bearer!"

As soon as the power of the explosion rose, Ye Yun activated another special physique.

Boom boom boom!

The Law of the Great Dao exploded, and from the center of the big black hole, a force that the black hole could not suppress was set off. The force of the explosion immediately shredded the big black hole, and instantly even the big black hole turned into the light of the big explosion.


The emperor who wrapped the big black hole was also shocked by this unexpected force and lost his balance and control, and he was also injured by the shock, with many bloody mouths on his body.

"Master of Light!"

Extreme Emperor was actually injured. When he saw the wound and felt the pain, he burned with endless killing intent. As the most supreme protector of the Dark Race, he was injured by a human being, which is a shame to him.

In a fit of rage, he immediately spewed out a large amount of space debris, hitting the exploding deep space black hole, no matter where Ye Yun was, he just wanted to destroy everything.


Amidst the massive attacks, the explosion of the big black hole was still going on, and a figure suddenly appeared in the side space, it was Ye Yun who was vomiting blood.

His face was pale, his divine robe was torn to pieces, and bloodstains were everywhere on his body, which was shocking.

"Master!" Ao Zhan saw this scene in the light miracle in the distance, and he wanted to rush up immediately, but he understood Ye Yun's intention to keep him here, so he could only watch Ye Yun get hurt in vain.


"The ability of the spell-hunter is indeed wonderful, but no matter how powerful the special physique is, it will not be effective under the absolute power..."

It turned out that Ye Yun ordered the law of the Dao to explode, so he knew that the force of the explosion was enough to kill him!

But he still did that, otherwise he would not be able to break out of the big black hole world. Fortunately, he has the ability of a spell caster, and in the state of a spell caster, he was instantly torn to pieces by the big bang. In an instant, his flesh and blood were not completely destroyed by the explosion.

He also activated the abilities of the Void One and the Samsara One, combined with the ability of the Curse-Burning One, to condense the real body again.

He did it, but unfortunately he was also severely injured!


Suddenly, the Emperor launched an attack again, this time he came out of nowhere, biting Ye Yun with one head, and ejected some black rocks from the other.


Ye Yun was seriously injured, and now he is too embarrassed, just dodged the attack with one head of the emperor, but the black rock ejected from the other head, he was powerless.


Can only release the Void to dodge.

Those black rocks are substances that can destroy even miracles.

As Ye Yun escaped into the deep space, some rocks also rolled over, and some black rocks disappeared with Ye Yun.

"Master of Light, accept your fate!" The Extreme Emperor looked at the direction where Ye Yun disappeared, he was also bleeding, and Ye Yun was almost a loser.

But he is a monster, the physical body is inherently talented, surpassing human beings, and the ability is just as terrifying after being seriously injured.

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