The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2574 The Fall of Mengtian Great Emperor and Invincible Heavenly Monarch

Seemingly hitting easily, the Wuwu Beast smashed the Invincible Miracle!

Such a strength is even more than half of the emperor-level monsters, and the Invincible Tianjun is the strongest among the rulers, and he cannot defeat the Wuwu Beast's attack.


Lost another master!

All the masters were sad and angry, wishing to chop the Wuwu beast into meat paste.

Zhantian shook his head in shock: "Wuwu can, how can it be?"

"Everyone be careful, the Wuwu Beast is no longer the Wuwu Beast we know, release the strongest defense, and wait for the return of the Lord of Light!" Zhou Tian's power.

A master pushed his power to the extreme, while facing the five emperor-level monsters, while guarding against the Wuwu beast, and the extremely powerful mother emperor.

With the sudden fall of the Invincible Heavenly Monarch, the gods looked too embarrassed.

"My son, go and kill all the humans below, and this emperor will deal with these human masters!"

In the high sky, the empress made a gloomy and cold voice, and issued orders to the Wuwu beast.

Wuwu Beast spread its wings, and this time it slowly flew over the high sky of the rulers, and flew down there.

"Uwu Beast..."

With Wuwu Beast's strength, if it were to attack the gods, who would still be its opponent?

When Wanhai saw the Wuwu Beast, he immediately wanted to fly out to stop it, but was stopped by Xin Wanling, who held her hand tightly, and signaled Wanhai not to approach it with complicated and regretful eyes.

The Wuwu Beast at this time is no longer the Wuwu Beast that everyone knew in the past. It is so terrifying and powerful. Once the master is separated, who can deal with Wuwu Beast?

Even though no one here wants to stop Wuwu Beast, can they go?

Not only is the Wuwu Beast too powerful, but there is also an approaching Queen Mother above. This Demon Emperor is a peerless monster, and it seems to be more terrifying than the Wuwu Beast. If the Demon Emperor is not killed, human beings have no hope.

"You humble human beings will all become food for the emperor!"

The Queen Mother came, and she just danced 33 demon bodies, opened her mouth wide, and stared ferociously at the 21 masters. Who can stop that evil and violent murderous aura?


All the masters formed their seals immediately, releasing bright rays of light. Under the urging of the masters, one by one miracles, coupled with the release of the power from the Great Zhou, immediately interweaved a defensive net above the gods.

"Little Power!"

The empress gradually approached the defensive net, 33 demon bodies, and suddenly opened her mouth towards the defensive net, like a surging tide, hitting the defensive net!


The defensive net suddenly lost its light.


Every master inside spewed out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

The 21 masters plus the miracles, and the power from the Great Zhou, were unable to block the attack of the Queen Mother, and the overall power was completely suppressed.

Their combined power, even the emperor-level monsters, could not be suppressed, but they were completely dominated by the empress.


The Queen Mother's 33 demon bodies suddenly sprayed out a mouthful of suction, which absorbed the entire defensive formation, and the Queen Mother took advantage of the situation and opened her mouth to spray again.

Boom boom boom!

The entire defensive formation was instantly shattered, and the masters inside were shaken out one by one with the force of the shock and the shattered space. Their miracles were destroyed again, and the masters were severely injured again.

The masters were powerless to fly, looking at the mighty Empress, they were invincible: "Are we human beings going to be destroyed like this?"

The empress majestic brought the five emperor-level monsters to kill.

"Be careful, Master Yaoye!"

A monster body of the empress suddenly traveled through the deep space, attacking the ruler at the front.

The Great Emperor Mengtian and the Miracle of Yaoye!

The God of Luoshui shouted nervously when he saw the Queen Mother suddenly attacking.


It's a pity that Emperor Mengtian and Yaoye Miracle were being attacked by the Queen Mother before, and they kept retreating, and the Great Emperor Mengtian was also seriously injured, so how could he react to the terrifying attack of the Queen Mother.

A big mouth of the queen mother quickly bit the miracle of Yaoye, and the miracle began to shatter!

"Bastard, I, the Great Mengtian, want to return here with you!"

Emperor Mengtian unleashed the power of his whole body, the human body disappeared, and suddenly burned with dazzling blood, turning into the real unicorn spirit beast, and then opened his mouth to spray, and a divine pill appeared.

This divine elixir is the essence of Emperor Mengtian's practice, and he sprayed it out, which is to explode himself.

"No!" Ye Han and Daozhizun stopped forcefully, and immediately flew towards Emperor Mengtian.


Emperor Mengtian immediately crushed the divine elixir and absorbed the power of Yaoye's miracle. A big explosion happened immediately and spread out in the shape of a vortex. Ye Han and Daozhizun who had rushed over were overturned and left.

The explosive force also submerged the empress and the five emperor-level monsters.

The other masters were once again blown away by the explosion, and watched helplessly as Emperor Mengtian and his mother died together!



A piece of divine light was released from the body, and he injected power into Qing Ming's body.

Qing Ming released streaks of talisman and mysterious light, enveloping the hell that was only [-] meters in size.

The boundless hell in the past has been absorbed into such an astonishing area by Qing Ming, it is about to suck the hell into the body and seal it in the body.


Qing Ming was able to inhale the entire eighteen layers of hell into his body, not to mention him, even other masters could not do it, only the ancient Pluto.

Among the eighteen layers of hell, how many monks from the hell, mortal world, and fairy world are there?

If it continues to exist in the Great Hell, its fate will be like the mortal world, the fairy world, and the god world. It will be gradually swallowed up by the cold and silent time and space, and finally destroyed by the dark race.

And once it is refined by Qingming and inhaled into the body, it means that Qingming will take the hell world away. As long as Qingming is fine, countless humans in hell will be fine.

Such a wonderful big world was created by the ancient Pluto!

"not good!"

A mark of the primordial spirit was broken from the body of the avatar, and the avatar looked up at the mortal world that had lost most of its light: "It has fallen, the great emperor Mengtian has fallen!"

"Emperor Mengtian..." Qing Ming was also very surprised, she knew who Emperor Mengtian was, and he was a powerful figure who accompanied Ye Yun all the way.

There was pain on her face, then she looked at the clone, nodded resolutely and said: "Go, I can seal hell in the dantian by myself!"

"I'll go to resist the Empress of the Dark Clan first!"

The avatar released the sensor again, only to know that not only the great emperor Mengtian had fallen, but also the Invincible Heavenly Sovereign, and at the same time the Queen Mother of the Dark Clan came to kill him, unstoppable, and all the rulers were seriously injured.

If you don't help the masters, a large number of masters will fall in a short time.


The avatar fled to the mortal world, leaving behind a big hell space. Qingming is sucking hell into his body. This is a vast project. Except for Qingming, no one can suck the [-]th floor of hell into his body in such a short time. seal.

All worlds!

Chu Chu Chu!

From hell to the deep space of the mortal world, a shattered light appeared.

A dark light immediately broke through the barriers of the mortal world and flew into the sky of the mortal world.

"Conferred God Ruler, be careful!"

With the power of Emperor Mengtian's self-explosion, the gods were shaken away again, and the gods could not gather at once.

The queen mother appeared again with the five emperor-level monsters, and Chi Yun held the sky-eye stick. Seeing the five emperor-level monsters, they even killed the master of the gods together, and immediately activated a sky-eye light.


With the tearing light of the sky eye, it swept across the mortal world, hit the surrounding of the Conferred God Master, blocked the five emperor-level monsters, bought time for the Conferred God Master, and made him fly towards the gods.

However, the great Emperor Mengtian gave his miraculous and everything to himself, and the self-detonation he released did not kill the five emperor-level monsters and the empress, they came chasing and killing them just as aggressively.

"The third eye... so familiar, it seems to be the power left by that old guy!"

The queen mother noticed the light of the sky eye, and then cast a sinister gaze on Chi Yun, as if Chi Yun possessed a power that she was familiar with and cared about.

"What are you looking at, I'm going to peel you alive today!"

Chi Yun was enraged, and at this time, the other masters had no power to fight against the empress, only he still possessed the most mysterious power of the sky eye.

"Great self-possession of Buddhism, no self, no emptiness!"

There was another master who killed him in time.

St. Ruxin!

He brought Master Wuya and Master Wuhui to Chi Yun's side. He and Chi Yun were also old friends. After appearing, Sheng Ruxin immediately summoned a miracle.

The miracle of the swastika!

Countless sacred Buddha lights were released from around Sheng Ruxin, surrounding the two masters, and then a sacred mountain appeared, and there were bald-headed Buddhist monks sitting cross-legged inside the sacred mountain.

They are not living people, but the existence after the fall, this is the Buddha, this is the Arhat, those Buddhist monks either sit cross-legged, or lie horizontally, or make some strange movements.

"Ru Xin, we skinned this beast!"

Chi Yun immediately activated the eyes of the sky, releasing a beam of light and heat from the eyes of the sky.

"Taishang Zhiguang!"

Sheng Ruxin controlled the miracle of the swastika and made a Buddha seal. Countless swastikas and Buddha seals were involved in the light of the sky eye, and then turned into an amazing light of the Buddha light of the sky eye and rolled towards the empress.

"Your practice is not enough!"

The 33 heads of the empress ejected a suction force at the same time, and immediately hit the light of that day's eyes, still with a peerless advantage, shaking the signs of the eyes of the sky and the miracle of the swastika to keep retreating.


Seeing that Chi Yun and Sheng Ruxin are gradually being suppressed, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Queen Mother if this continues, and the surrounding masters are also seriously injured, and no one can help.

At this critical moment, a figure appeared above the two, and then a mountain of matter condensed above the empress, blasting down towards the empress.

"Bang bang bang!"

Without the queen mother's action, the five emperor-level monsters leaped away, spraying out a large number of dark swords, smashing the mountain into pieces, but the shattered fragments turned into other attacks and swept towards the queen mother.

"You came just in time!"

The empress's attention was attracted by Dashan's attack, which made Chiyun and Shengruxin lose their threat, and immediately rose into the air to join the black shadow, just as the clone came back after killing them.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, a large number of self-destructs appeared on the battlefield of the gods below!

The three looked at it at the same time, and it turned out that a large number of old antiques blew themselves up in order to stop Wuwu Beast.

And so many human beings can't stop the Wuwu Beast. It has devoured millions or tens of millions of gods. Everywhere it goes, there are mourners, and even Old Antique is no match.

In the end, Jiuzhen and Zhendaoxin led the ascenders, giants, sword slaves, and the most powerful gods to activate the formation attack, intending to attack Wuwu Beast.

But how terrifying is Wuwu Beast's space ability?

Back then when he was with Ye Yun, he had already surpassed Ye Yun's space ability, but now he became a member of the Dark Race, and his natural ability was stimulated, how terrifying is it?

The combined attack of the gods launched attacks on Wuwu Beast again and again, but Wuwu Beast could always dodge at will, and reappeared, devouring thousands of gods in one bite.

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