The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2582 The Final Effort

"No matter who wins, it will be of no benefit to us. It would be better if we both lose!" Tianshu stared at the sky coldly and arrogantly, seeing that the fate of the day was catastrophic.

It seems that the fate of the day will be counted in a catastrophe, and the world will be completely destroyed. In this way, the world of the five elements he built can survive this catastrophe.

Then when the new era comes, he will be the supreme ruler of the God Realm, and all things will surrender under his feet!

"Everyone, work harder to absorb the power of the mortal world. When the catastrophe of the fate of heaven comes to the mortal world, we will enter hell and start fighting against the catastrophe!"

Tianshu issued a decree, and everyone began to fly into the world one by one.

But Emperor Yaochi, Emperor Penglai and others couldn't believe it when they saw the disappearing Three Realms.

The world they used to practice, the world they used to live in, will soon be turned into dust in the catastrophe of heaven and fate, and will become the past forever.

Big hell world!

The central time and space where the [-]-level hell world used to be is completely empty. Qing Ming led the gods of hell to open the way for the gods, and flew continuously into the depths of the great hell world.

Qing Ming communicated with Ye Yun in secret: "The world deep in this great hell is extremely terrifying. It is a special world formed by the precipitation of many substances and forces in the four worlds. Only 33 vines can survive, but this hateful demon The tree actually devoured your avatar, I once let the avatar pay attention to this problem!"

"This matter is related to the five levels of the avatar. I almost fell into the way of the demon tree. He first let the avatar practice the 33 Dao Divine Art. This kind of anti-weather skill, even at the beginning, I would not reject it. If I didn't create the sky by myself Shinto, you may have to practice the 33 Great Ways of God, and you will eventually become the fate of being taken away!"

The Great Hell is really scary, Ye Yun thought of the 33 Heavenly Vine, and couldn't help but his expression sank: "The avatar is already very careful, his success or failure lies in the 33 Dao God Art, not the 33 Heaven Vine, if there is no 33 Dao God Art, the demon tree will not It may be against the avatar and my will, but don't worry, as long as I become stronger, or unite with the power of the gods, I can still suppress the demon tree. After all, there is still a part of my mind that belongs to the demon tree's will seal , it is because of this that he has no will to completely obliterate the avatar!"

"Father... It's a pity that I didn't see my father for the last time!" Suddenly, Qing Ming heard the ancient Pluto.

It seems that she also learned the news that the ancient Pluto has not fallen in these countless epochs.

"It's better not to see..."

Ye Yun comforted, in fact, he hoped not to see the ancient Pluto and the God of Light again, if not, then they will always live in his heart and have countless fantasies.

It can be seen that they are alive, and they are burned and devoured, and everything changes in the end.

"Sister, are you feeling better?" Qing Ming came to Wan Hai's side again.

Wanhai looked much better, after nodding to Qingming, he couldn't speak more.

"Everyone, you are about to come to the abyss of the great hell, which is the deepest part of our four worlds. Only the master can bear the power below. I will use the power of light to purify a space. In this space, everyone can build a space to fight against heaven. Destiny and catastrophe defense!"

The speed slowed down, and all the gods were covered with ice clothes.

At this time, Ye Yun felt the power of the abyss of the great hell, and immediately sent an idea to the gods, and then released the Divine Fist of Creation, the most powerful light force, and began to penetrate into the abyss below.


When the power of light came to the depths, suddenly, some black shadows kept running away, they were afraid of the power of light!

Zijun Shenshi sighed: "Hell has countless epochs. It seems that some lives have formed under this abyss. It is a pity that these lives have not had time to grow in the future, and they will face catastrophe!"

"Look, there are a lot of matter in the abyss, and there are fallen planets!"

As the kingdom of good fortune completely fell into the entire abyss of hell, scenes of the abyss appeared in the sight of the gods, even the strong in hell, and it was the first time they saw the abyss of hell.

There is a sea of ​​ruins.

"Create light, purify darkness..."

Suddenly, Ye Yun thought of the birth of Shinra back then, and the powerful picture, and now he releases the Kingdom of Creation, making hell appear bright. In a sense, this is also reaching the height of Shinra, creating light. .

The light appeared in the dark abyss of hell, and the gods finally got used to it, and the light brought warmth, and the gods began to enter the world of light one after another.

The high priest led the dragon powerhouse, and the other masters also brought their miracle powerhouses under their command, and began to lead the gods separately, and began to condense the seal.

Qing Ming releases the will of the ruler of hell. Hell has not yet been destroyed by the dark race. There is still power in this world that can be controlled by her. The power of the gods is controlled by Qing Ming. Countless substances are pouring from the depths of hell. These substances combined with the divine seal gradually turned into pieces of defense.

Ye Yun came to the other side. He absorbed the power of the world of hell and separated the Tongxin body, which was mainly responsible for absorbing the power of the world of hell.

The deity began to check Wanhai's injuries, and after confirming that he was fine, he began to meditate, carefully thinking about what he was going to do, and what challenges the gods had next.

Several years later, he slowly opened his eyes and uttered a mighty holy voice: "Masters, leave the matter of condensing the defense to the rest of the gods, and we will repair the miracle!"

"Repair miracle?"

This sentence hit all the pain that lived in their hearts. Yes, their miracles were damaged to varying degrees, and the miracles could not release more power.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The masters flew over and also wrapped Ye Yun and Sheng Ruxin!

"Back then, miracles were destroyed in the ancient war. Fortunately, some fragments of the miracles fell into the abyss of the Great Hell, and are being absorbed by my Tongxin body!"

Looking at the gods, everyone followed Ye Yun and sat down cross-legged, and Ye Yun said again: "In the past, when I repaired the Miracle of Light, I was helped by countless masters of the Dragon Clan, but now my strength has reached the level of the ancient giant gods. , so it is not too difficult to help everyone repair the miracles. I only hope that the fate of the heavens will give me this time, and I have also withdrawn from the power of the world of hell. The energy absorbed by the battlefield is all condensed into energy seeds. While repairing the miracles, everyone fuses the energy seeds, and strives for the final period. Everyone's cultivation can reach the extreme of Hunyuan Transformation and step into the legendary creation way!"

Hunyuan changed to the extreme, that is the realm of old antiques.

The way of creation, especially the power that can only be comprehended when reaching the peak of Hunyuan Transformation, start to comprehend the way of creation, then each master will have the power of ancient gods.

Now, with Ye Yun's ability, he can help the gods to do this.

The most powerful ruler is him, then Qing Ming, even Chi Yun has not yet reached the peak of his previous life, and the high priest, the god of Luoshui and others are still growing, and everyone is far away from him. The old antiques of the past are still some distance away.

This is everyone's last chance, if they miss this chance, they will never be able to reach the peak again!

"Tongxin body!"

Over a long period of time, the penetrating body has absorbed an astonishing amount of energy.

Following Ye Yun's release of his mind, Tong Xin Ti grabbed countless miraculous rays of light and the power of the world, pouring towards the gods.

"Dragon Miracle!"

"Fengshen Miracle!"

"A Bi Miracle!"

"Miracle of Thunder!"

One master after another, immediately summoned the miracle of their control and fusion!

Every miracle has been broken to varying degrees. In addition to the Beichen miracle controlled by the Tongxin body, Ye Yun also released the miracle of light, and released the miracles in the center one by one with the gods.

Then the guardians of the miracle released their power inside the miracle, and Ye Yun released his supernatural power to release the power contained in his body from the power of the world that came in.

In an instant, energy seeds appeared one after another, flying towards each master in large numbers.

The masters immediately absorbed energy seeds one by one. Every moment, the energy seeds contained amazing energy, and it was the purest power in the world. After being devoured by the gods, they either began to recover or began to improve their cultivation.

Ye Yun turned a part of hell's world essence energy into hundreds of millions of energy seeds. After releasing his will, these energy seeds fell like a rainstorm of energy towards the gods below.

The gods excitedly began to absorb energy seeds, and they also began to recover or improve their strength.

In the battle with the Dark Clan, from the master to the gods, they have devoted their entire lives, and most of them have fallen. Those who can survive are not only strength, but also luck.

Now the energy created by Ye Yun continued to come, the gods began to recover, began to see hope again, and the power of faith began to erupt.

"Faith, it is good to have faith. In the future, the power of faith will be of great use!"

Ye Yun sensed the belief of the gods, and everyone wished and prayed for the arrival of the world tomorrow.

All worlds!

Doomsday-like darkness gradually covered the mortal world.

There was still some light in the past, but looking at it now, the light has disappeared, leaving a dark and endless time and space, and some dust fell from the sky. When these dust appeared, they immediately formed flames.

After the flame burns out, there is no more energy in the space, as if the dust can make the energy self-burn. In this way, when the dust falls on the mortal world, it will absorb all the energy in the mortal world. In this way, the mortal world becomes nothing. The cold space-time of energy.

"Palace Master, we have to leave. Although the catastrophe of the fate of heaven has not yet come to the mortal world, the power of the catastrophe has already descended on the mortal world. From the looks of it, all energy in the mortal world will disappear!"

Five Elements World.

Huangxian Taishi showed a will, followed by Tianshu and Dreamland Jade.

Tianshu sighed: "It's too fast. Once I enter hell, I can't absorb the power of the world of hell. I can only release part of the power of the five elements. Therefore, it is the last chance to absorb more power in the mortal world. It's a pity that we are not left with the slightest chance!"

"I can't control the power of darkness... This is the weakness of human beings, but the strength of the dark race, Palace Master, even so, we have to leave the mortal world as soon as possible!" Huangxian Taishi persuaded.

"Start preparing, let's go!"

Tianshu and Huangxian Taishi took the dream jade and officially flew out of the world of five elements, while the other masters were inside the world, releasing great energy to cooperate with the three of them.

Huhuhu, after the divine light released by the three majors merged with the world of the five elements, the entire world of the five elements slowly flew down to the mortal world.

Crossed the world!

When entering hell, the whole world ushered in infinite darkness.

Inside the five-element world, countless immortals and some gods saw the dark hell world, as if they could never return to the bright world, and sank in hell forever.

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