The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2588 Destruction of Miracles

"Can't I?" The demon asked back.

Ye Yun couldn't figure it out even more, how could the heart demon deal with the 33-day vine?

After contemplating for a while, he shook his head: "I just don't understand... How do you deal with the 33-day vine? His clone has been taken away by him, and his will is also imprisoned by him. How do you deal with him?"

"The clone is invisible, and I have practiced the 33 Dao Shen Jue. This qigong is incredible and has infinite power. You also found that the monsters of the Dark Race seem to be able to use this magical power. You have also thought about it. There may be some connection, but you don't think deeply about it. There must be a relationship between the two of them that we can't know. Under this ignorance and deception, the avatar fell into the poison of the 33-day vine, but the avatar will He has not been wiped out by the demon tree, he wants to use the will of the clone to deal with you, because in your primordial spirit, there is a will seal against the demon tree, and my method is to start with the will of the clone, and I have a whoever An advantage that I can't even have, I can enter the thoughts of others invisibly, and plant the power of inner demons unconsciously!"

"So that's how it is... Then will you also take away your clone in the future? Fuse with 33 Tianvines? Finally go out independently and kill me?"

"My lord, you are really worrying too much. Think about it. Now that I am no longer your opponent, how can I win the 33-day vine? He is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I can only help you to confuse his consciousness and weaken his strength." Combat power!"

After Ye Yun heard this, he immediately made a decision: "Okay, I will release you now, and help you gather a body of a spellcaster. You first come out to help the gods fight the catastrophe!"

The demon agreed: "No problem, if you let me come out, my strength is not as good as the clone, but among the gods, except for you, the most invincible existence, you really need me now!"


Ye Yun immediately separated the Tongxin body to temporarily support the defense layer against the catastrophic power.

The deity immediately formed a seal, condensed some blood from the body, and then used the 33 days of vine power as life force, and then stimulated the wood ability among the five elements.


A tree shadow appeared, which seemed to be the 33-day vine that had just grown in the past.

A shadow flew into the shadow of the tree, and then gradually transformed, under the curious stares of countless gods, a 'Ye Yun' wearing a black robe appeared on the back of the Dao Jiaohuang.

"What kind of magic is that?"

As soon as the dark demon came out, a powerful aura swept out, causing all the gods to sense it, and no one was shocked. If the Lord of Light can release this ability in large quantities, wouldn't they definitely be able to go to the new era.

Chi Yun explained: "This is not a supernatural power, but a demon. When he was in the fairy world, the boss had a demon, and then sealed him up in a dangerous way. Now he is released, and his flesh and blood are condensed. I am afraid that the demon will come out. help!"

Heart demon!

The gods suddenly realized that it was no wonder they were so powerful, they were actually demons.

However, the gods are even more puzzled, that is, the inner demon can leave the deity and become independent. This has never been possible, but why did it appear on Ye Yun.

Can't figure it out!

Although I can't figure it out, the gods have already believed in Ye Yun, he is omnipotent, he can help the gods to overcome this catastrophe, and can lead mankind to see hope.

"The power of the curse-hunter and the 33-day vine is really incredible, and with your five-element wood-type ability, it seems that I have also become a tree demon!"

The inner demon finally merged with the flesh and blood body.

He formed a seal in an instant, and some tentacles grew out of his body, feeling that he was the clone of the 33-day vine.

"This is what I did on purpose. I found that the demon tree can survive in any world. Before the hell is completely broken, you can absorb the dark power of the abyss and raise your strength to the highest point. But I want to warn you, if you continue If you have any thoughts, I will kill you without mercy!"

"My lord, I did this to keep myself alive, and besides, I also have my own way of practice, regain my goal, and stop thinking about coveting the power of outsiders!"

The inner demon rolled up, turned into a shadow, and flew to the depths of hell, the unbroken bottom.

As far as Ye Yun is concerned, he is also fighting for it. It is not difficult for him to suppress the demon now. What he wants to fight is to suppress the 33-day vine. If there is no demon, he really does not have much confidence in dealing with the 33-day vine. He is okay, but there is still the Queen Mother, so he has two major enemies.

He had to deal with one strong enemy first before he could suppress another strong enemy. Naturally, his first choice was to deal with the 33 Tianvine, and then deal with the Empress.

"Boom boom boom!"

After persisting for a while, the power of catastrophe completely crushed all the defense layers.

Ye Yun was so shocked that he immediately overturned. Fortunately, the Dao Jiaohuang caught Ye Yun in time, and then raced against the broken matter and catastrophic power, and flew to the hell world below.

When entering the hell world, a large number of defensive formations appeared on the entire surface of hell, which was stronger than the previous defensive substances!

The masters gathered together again, absorbed the power of the gods, and supported the only world.

The catastrophic power of the heavenly law is gradually sweeping through the depths of hell, and all the gods can clearly see that hell is one piece, and a large area is broken, and the surrounding and top are empty, cold and silent catastrophe voids, without the four realms, without any material, only The catastrophic force sweeping into the depths of time and space.

The gods seem to be exiled by heaven and earth, wandering in the void.

The storm and lightning gradually pressed downwards, the matter around hell began to shatter, and the entire great hell was about to disappear.

At this moment, the gods hold their breath, hit the energy, and release the defense above the world.

Chi Chi!


The storm and lightning brought by the catastrophe rolled over, and when they touched the defensive layer, layers of defensive formations were smashed. Fortunately, the power of the unity of the gods is too amazing, and there are always formations and defenses constantly fused, and Ye Yun Release various special physiques, focusing on the ability of reincarnation, so that the defense can be integrated into a huge reincarnation defense array.

Therefore, the defense layer is always broken, and it will always be integrated in time.

The gods didn't know how long the catastrophe would last, so they persisted like this, fighting against the power of the catastrophe.

Years passed!

The power of the catastrophe of heaven and law has not weakened, and the light of the defense layer above the entire hell is no longer dazzling.

Looking at the gods and masters in the hell world, almost all of them are exhausted. Because of the condensation defense, they gave all their energy, and now none of them have any energy.

If this continues, the hell world barrier will be dangerous.

Chi Chi!

A violent lightning bolt brought a dazzling white light to the dark and catastrophic sky.

The indestructible shattering defense of this lightning overturned, and with a bang, it shattered a big hole in the barrier of the hell world.

"not good!"

All the gods stared at the opening one after another, unexpectedly the world barrier was shattered at this time!

"There is no other way!"

Ye Yun then injected the energy he had collected into the world for the gods to absorb.

Then after the seal was formed, the miracle of Beichen suddenly rose.

The high priest looked at Ye Yun and asked nervously: "Master, what do you want?"

"We can't consume the power of this hell world. We can only use miracles to stop the catastrophe and protect the barriers of the world!"

Falling into a desperate situation again, he had to protect the hell world. There are countless humans in it, and now the gods are short of energy. After persisting all the way until now, except for the energy of the small Zhou Tianjie in Ye Yun's body, all other energies have been consumed.

The only thing available now... is a miracle!

So, he made the Beichen Miracle hard to break out of the barriers of the world, and went to the top of the world!

The Miracle of Beichen floats above the hell world, like the most loyal guard, the guardian of the Miracle stimulates the power of the Miracle inside, and the Miracle releases a bright light for a while.

"Miracle of light!"

A miracle couldn't last long, and he made up his mind again and released the miracle of light.

Why do miracles exist?

It is not the weapon in the hands of the ruler, nor the power in the hands of the ruler!

Ao Zhan resolutely controlled the Miracle of Light and flew out of the hell world.

"Dragon Miracle!"

"The Miracle of the Green Mountain!"

"The miracle of the Qing Emperor!"

"The Miracle of Eternal Silence!"

"Nine Profound Miracles!"

"The miracle of the black witch!"

"Zhenyuan Miracle!"

After that, all the masters released the miracle of their own fusion, just like Meng Yu and Mu Zhaoji who had just become masters, they all did so resolutely.

There are more than [-] miracles, which are the power left by human ancestors to protect the four worlds and human beings.

Finally, when human beings needed them most, they appeared in front of human beings, standing in the sky above the top of the world.

Seeing this scene, the countless gods below were deeply touched. In order to protect them, the gods finally released them without even caring about miracles.

The masters began to form seals, and the guardians within the miracles, cooperating with the power of the masters, stimulated the power of the miracles, and the miracles floated together, becoming the strongest miracle defense.

Chi Chi!


Storms and lightning, as well as various catastrophic powers, still swept the hell world, but this time, the catastrophic powers were stopped by the power of the miracles.

The Guardians insisted on unleashing their power, thus fighting against the cataclysm.


Persisted for countless years!

The gods waited in torment, and every day seemed like a year.

Suddenly, there was a broken sound from the miracle defense camp.

All the masters were so shocked that they almost vomited blood at the same time. They looked at the sky above the hell, and the fused miracles helped the hell world stop the catastrophic power for so long, and finally they couldn't hold on any longer.

The miracles were broken at the same time, and a large number of traces appeared again.

The masters were heartbroken, and some shed tears, crying silently.

Miracles are the heart and soul of everyone here, and now the miracles are broken under the power of the catastrophe, and they have no intention of tearing their bodies apart.

"Prepare for a new defense!"

Ye Yun was the first to come back to his senses and looked at the gods: "The miracle is about to be shattered, and it will be destroyed to protect human beings, but the catastrophe of heaven and destiny is still going on, we must also be prepared to sacrifice and release the last power!"

"En!" Everyone stood up again from their grief.


There were a lot of shattering sounds from the miracles, and the miracles were about to be completely broken.

Ye Yun suddenly looked down at the gods below, as well as countless human beings, as well as beings from hell, and released his infinite will: "All beings, you have all seen the power of catastrophe, we no longer have any confidence to fight against catastrophe, our ruler will sacrifice ourselves , and may not be able to resist the power of catastrophe. Now, we need your prayers and your will to be transformed into infinite faith. Use your faith and will, and your own will, to protect the last world, to protect yourself! "

This vast sound swept towards the vast world of hell and the world of light floating in it.

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