The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2594 33 Sky Vine Attacks the Empress

Yu Wei!

Just the remaining prestige can disperse the power of the four masters. If the Wuwu Beast does not appear to block the empress, and this power is completely concentrated on a part of the masters, wouldn't this part of the masters also fall?

It can be said... In the previous second, Wuwu Beast saved most of the masters regardless of its own safety!


At this moment, the aura of life appeared in the bloody vortex and the deep space where Wanhai disappeared.

Ye Yun looked around tremblingly, as if there were Wanhai's shadows everywhere, his hands couldn't help scratching around, wanting to grab Wanhai back from the darkness.

Do not!

Ye Yun didn't believe it, didn't believe it was true, he didn't accept all of this, Wanhai couldn't just die like this.


In the endless deep space, Ye Yun's heart-piercing moan came from.

Chi Yun and Long Long rushed over immediately, and seeing Ye Yun in pain, they were also angry and angry.

And Chi Yun suddenly discovered something, and immediately came to Ye Yun: "Boss, sister-in-law may be fine, I don't feel the slightest bit of blood!"

"That's right!" Longlong hurriedly sensed it, and from the grief, an unexpected smile appeared.

Ye Yun hurriedly rubbed his eyes, only to realize that he had lost his composure, and then released the chakra of chaotic world purification to sense the entire deep space.

Gradually, his expression gradually eased. Indeed, no blood was found.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The High Priest, Zijun Shenshi, Xin Shaohua, Ye Han, Chilijun, Jian, Zhantian, Daozhizun and other masters also flew over at this time.

Seeing Ye Yun calm down, all the gods were also very anxious, and the sword came to Ye Yun: "Brother, feel again!"


Ye Yun was quieter this time, releasing his various abilities, and then the God Wheel of Chaos and World Purification landed above the deep space where Wanhai disappeared, and it contained the aura of the Great Thousand Gods Map.


Xin Wanling was on one side, looking at the wounded Wuwu Beast.

Wuwu Beast actually shed tears, as if he had harmed Wanhai.


The God Wheel of Hunxu Jingshi above trembled suddenly, and the phantom of Wanhai appeared in it, which looked very real, but the gods didn't understand it, and there was a ray of stars.

Ye Yun put away the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification in surprise, and sighed to himself: "Wanwan is fine, indeed, her life breath and Daqian Shentu still exist, and they are connected with my breath, but I don't know her where..."

Fortunately, the Daqianshentu was handed over to Wanhai back then. Perhaps it was the Daqianshentu who finally protected Wanhai, shuttled and jumped to other deep space worlds together.

Seeing his master being so sad, Xin Shaohua's body trembled a few times, following the incomparably angry eyes of the masters, he stared at the empress: "Damn empress!"

"kill him!"

All the masters were murderous, wishing to tear the empress into pieces.


But at this moment, the Wuwu Beast appeared in front of the Empress, floating in the middle of the humans and the Empress. Regardless of its injuries, it looked at the gods with tears in its eyes.

It's hard for Wuwu Beast!

On the one hand, it is its mother, its only relative, and on the other hand, it is its friend and its relative.


Ye Yun came out, and it stared at the Wuwu Beast: "I just want the Empress to tell me where it has taken Wanwan!"

The queen mother was seriously injured, and she also saw that Wuwu Beast didn't seem to be able to fight humans. When she saw the angry eyes of humans, she was no longer as arrogant as before: "Humans, you ask me? I don't know, either. She should have been involved in the infinite universe, and she should be in a certain space now!"

"A certain space?" Everyone was startled.

The Queen Mother said coldly: "You humans are really ignorant. If it weren't for that old guy, you humans would not have existed. The universe is very vast and has infinite galaxies. Maybe that woman has been involved in a certain galaxy. Fortunately, it only bears part of the power of this seat, and it seems that it is not very far away, but it is difficult for you humans to go to those distant galaxies, and you humans do not have the ability to cross deep space!"

"You!" Chi Yun gritted his teeth.

The Empress continued: "You human beings look at the sky too much, because this galaxy is the end of the universe? The only world? Wrong, you are very wrong, your Creator God, my brother, has reached the Supreme Cultivation Because, after creating the world, I went alone to find those even more magnificent galaxy, and I still don’t know life and death!”

Dao Zhizun shouted: "Lord Ye, kill the Queen Mother! Get rid of this great disaster and avenge the lost human beings!"

After Ye Yun heard it, the ability from the gods made him feel the will and belief of the gods, and the voices of many of them were all about getting rid of the empress.

But Ye Yun stared at the Wuwu Beast, and then at the Queen Mother, and he immediately sent a message to the gods: "The Queen Mother is still very powerful, if we want to kill him, we have to pay an unimaginable price, is it worth it?"

The will appeared in the minds of all the gods, and Ye Yun continued: "The four worlds have been destroyed, and a new century is about to usher in. The grievances between humans and the dark race should also pass away, and we humans can live in the farther deep space." , to create a new world, and live in a different space from the dark race, so that there will be no more enmity, do we have to kill in the new era?"

"Master, we listen to you!" Dan Zu immediately agreed.

"We have no opinion either!"

In the end, the other masters also agreed with what Ye Yun said.

Ye Yun immediately looked at the Empress, "We killed many of your Anzu's kind, and you Anlan also destroyed the world we live in, Empress, for Wuwu's sake, I don't want to kill you any more. Wuwu, you are our family, relatives, even if you don't come, you will always be a part of us, now we human beings want to give up the grievances with the dark race, it depends on how the mother chooses!"

Whether it's war or peace, in the end it all depends on the Empress.

This is the choice of Ye Yun and all sentient beings.

"Woooo!" Wuwu Beast immediately looked at the Queen Mother, tears still glistening in those pupils.

The queen mother is seriously injured, and she is also considering what Ye Yun said, she secretly sneered and said: "Humans, human beings, okay, I will bear with you for a while... When my dark race develops again, It's time for you humans to perish!"

"Master of light, my emperor is willing to coexist peacefully with mankind!" Under the expectation of the humming beast and the gods, the mother empress condensed her demonic and murderous aura, and said something that made all human beings cheer in public.

Sure enough, all the beings below cheered.

The masters finally showed relaxed smiles. The empress chose peace. This is the most perfect ending. Even the Wuwu Beast looked at the gods again, and the blood in its pupils was no longer violent.


And something unexpected happened.

It was not easy for human beings to achieve peace with the dark race, but with 33 space chains suddenly appearing around the seriously injured empress, it changed completely.


The 33 space chains entangled the empress with lightning speed, and even Wuwu Beast didn't react, and the empress was sucked backward by the 33 chains.

"It's a demon tree!"

At this time, the gods saw that in the rear, the empress was swept away helplessly. It turned out that the 33 vines were in the deep space behind, releasing peerless supernatural powers, controlling 33 chains, and sucking the demon tree. In an instant, the countless tentacles of the 33 Heavenly Vine entangled the Queen Mother tightly.


Wu Wu Beast turned around, saw this scene, and rushed over immediately.

"Everyone stay here, the few of us are going to deal with the demon tree, this demon tree is even more terrifying by the empress!"

Ye Yun would not let the Wuwu Beast take risks, and he didn't care about the mother's life or death, so he gave Chi Yun and Longlong and immediately flew up with him.


Wuwu Beast was attacked by a large number of tentacles in the deep space, and there were some space chains, one after another, which affected the speed of Wuwu Beast. It could only watch the 33-day vine completely engulfing the Queen Mother, and the surviving extremely The monsters of the dark race are too afraid of the demon tree, and dare not approach it from a distance.

"Demon tree!"

The empress struggled, 33 heads, and kept attacking the tentacles, the tentacles were crushed by it, but the tentacles began to grow again. It turned out that the 33 vines surpassed the empress in all aspects of ability and space ability.

33 Tenten is the most terrifying peerless monster!

33 Tianteng released a lot of tentacles to prevent the Wuwu Beast from approaching, and then the face of the demon tree appeared on the trunk: "Mother, you are so stupid, I have been avoiding you, not because I am not your opponent, but because I I want to use the power of human beings to deal with you, and I will devour you in the end, then I will surpass the catastrophe and grow to a new height!"

The empress attacked the tentacles wantonly, but her body was already firmly entangled: "Demon tree, what good is it for you to kill me? You can deal with humans? You have also seen that the growth rate of humans has surpassed your grasp. With me here, I can help you kill humans!"

"Human beings are just an insignificant speck of dust in the galaxy. You and I both know the power of the 33 Dao Divine Art. In the galaxy, there are existences that are ten thousand times more powerful than humans. If this seat does not grow to that height, it will still be in the future." Being controlled by others, and your empress is the power I need!"

"You killed me... that old guy won't let you go!"

"Hey, when I devour you, my strength will reach his level. It's only because he has mutated and lost your dark blood killing heart. Otherwise, he wouldn't let me go back then, and only imprisoned me in hell , He could have killed me or refined me, but he gave me a way out!"

"Then you should thank me, the Dark Race!"

"Thank you? Are you kidding? If you let you go, you will definitely not let me go in the future, so why should I let you go? Empress, I'm not that kind of soft-hearted existence, die!"


33 Tenteng evilly released the devouring power, countless tentacles entangled with the Queen Mother pierced into the Queen Mother's flesh and blood, and the tentacles began to devour the Queen Mother's power in large quantities.

The queen mother couldn't get rid of it, and seeing her incomparably powerful strength, and began to be swallowed by the 33-day vine, she knew that her life had come to an end: "My son! I want to avenge my mother!"


Among the flying tentacles in front of it, there came the trembling cry of Wuwu Beast.

"Help Wuwu Beast, deal with 33 Sky Vine!"

Ye Yun, Chi Yun, and Long Long came to kill them.

Seeing that Wuwu Beast was so sad, and the Queen Mother was also Wuwu Beast's mother, the three masters immediately released their powerful power, turned into a majestic aura, and swept towards the 33 Heavenly Vine.

"Boom boom boom!"

Hongmang's power was too strong, and it suppressed and crushed a large number of tentacles of the 33-day vine.

"Ye Yun, I will let you be proud for a while. When I swallow the power of the Queen Mother, it will be your death. All your human lives will be my food!"

33 Tian Teng actually escaped, leaving behind a large number of tentacles, and continued to form a defensive offensive, blocking the three of Ye Yun and the powerful Wu Wu Beast, while he himself, devouring the Queen Mother, fled into the deep space.

"Demon tree, you can't escape!"

Ye Yun burned the power of the Void, and his whole body instantly turned into a majestic light. After passing through the vast void, he was about to catch up with the 33-day vine, but he was blocked by the 33-day vine's attack.

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