The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2598 Become God of Creation


Chaos galaxy!

How could this be?

The nine gods disappeared, respectively suppressed 33 Tianvine demon trees, nine parts of will, and then absorbed all kinds of special power flames in Ye Yun's body, plus the power of the new world, so that the nine gods disappeared and became a mass Chaos galaxy?

"The three major realms of Hunyuan Transformation have never allowed the nine gods to merge again. Could it be that they suddenly merged into a chaotic galaxy and reached a realm beyond Hunyuan Transformation? Nine and nine become one?"

Although there is no record or description about the Hunyuan Transformation Realm, after such a long time of practice, Ye Yun also saw something.

Human beings start to cultivate from the mortal body, and any practice is based on the nine characters, and it is the same for immortals and gods. Now that the nine gods have merged into a chaotic galaxy, it must surpass the chaos and reach a new realm.

But there is no record of this kind of realm, which means that no monk in the past four realms has reached this kind of realm.

At this time, with the arrival of the new world, countless energies descended into the deep space, and all living beings are celebrating.

Chi Yun flew over and said, "Boss, what should we do now? Has the will of the 33 Tianteng been dealt with?"

"Chi Yun, you lead the masters to absorb the power of the new world, build a simple world first, let all living beings recover slowly, and after my strength improves, I will dispose of the demon body of the demon tree and build a new world... and I am now I'm very worried about Wanwan, if I didn't want to build a new world, I would go find her now!"

"'s okay, my sister-in-law must be fine, didn't you sense it too? Hehe, after we settle all sentient beings, let's go find sister-in-law together!"

When Wanhai was mentioned, Chi Yun felt uncomfortable, and he didn't want to disturb Ye Yun's mood, so he immediately returned to the front of the demon tree, and started to act with the high priest, the god of Luoshui and other masters.

And the 33-day vine that lost its will was like an ordinary giant tree, floating in the chaotic void, it seemed to be breathing, but it no longer made any movements.

"33 Where is Tianvine's consciousness? Why can't it be sensed suddenly?"

The Will of the Demon Tree is gone?

Ye Yun immediately looked at his dantian, because the nine divine sources merged into a new chaotic galaxy, and the process was not over yet, so he didn't pay attention to the will of the 33-day vine.

Now I search carefully, but I can't find the will of 33 Tianvine, so it really disappeared like this?

He didn't believe it, so he had to confirm it, if 33 Tianvine had not used any powerful means, it would be a big trouble.

The primordial spirit entered the dantian, releasing its controlling power to sense the entire chaotic galaxy. The energy inside was something that Ye Yun had never seen before. It was completely the color of chaotic crystals, and some of the energy in it was also condensed into crystal particles. I don't know if it was energy. , will also be transformed into a material state in the future.

It is said to be a chaotic galaxy formed by energy, but it feels like it is already a world, a chaotic world, and the law is formed by energy inside. The law comes from the special physique cultivated by Ye Yun, which means that Ye Yun's body has already formed the law by itself.

Laws exist only in the world and space, but Ye Yun's body has no seals, and there are laws formed?Why?

And because the various chaotic physiques have reached perfection, and have merged into the power of the new world, the energy of the chaotic galaxy is now infinitely majestic, and the space is comparable to a layer of fairyland time and space, which is beyond description.

"The chaotic galaxy is still forming, where did the will of the 33-day rattan go?"

After searching for a while, Ye Yun still couldn't find the will of the 33-day vine.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

He had no choice but to continue to practice, let Chaos Galaxy absorb the power of the new world and continue to grow stronger.

I don't know when, there was a sudden movement in the chaotic galaxy, Ye Yun immediately looked down, and saw strands of chaotic aura intertwined into the shape of a big tree.

"Could it be the will of the 33-day vine?"

Ye Yun finally discovered the demon tree, the aura in the shape of a tree monster must be related to the 33-day vine, and then he focused his attention on this piece of chaotic aura.

The aura of chaos is intertwining into the shape of 33 sky vines. It is not very huge, it looks like an ordinary tree. In these auras of chaos, Ye Yun senses the Void One, the Reincarnation, the Daoist, the Hearer, and the Curse The breath of those who waited for it seemed to be the power released by various special physiques in Ye Yun's body.

Ever since various special physiques have been perfected, they have possessed all kinds of indescribable and wonderful auras, which have turned into strength and wandered within Ye Yun's body. The chaotic physique is the essence from the chaos, and the energy of the new world must also be full of it. Infinite Chaos Power.

Perhaps it is no longer the chaotic aura, but a brand new power.

Then look carefully at the various chaotic auras, which are constantly intertwined with the big tree. There is indeed the power and breath of the 33-day vine in it, but it is not conscious. If it is conscious, the 33-day vine will definitely start to struggle. Why is it so honest.

I do not know how long it has been!

The big tree formed by the aura of chaos began to transform into a human form.

This is incredible!

When Ye Yun saw this human figure, he suddenly felt a bit like his seven or eight-year-old appearance when he was young. He should be sure that this is what he looked like when he was young.

what happened?

Ye Yun was amazed. The appearance of the chaotic figure was not intentional, but formed by himself. Seeing this, Ye Yun was puzzled, why did he suddenly form a chaotic self?


The chaotic child opened his eyes, and all kinds of chaotic aura burst out of his body, and Ye Yun saw the aura of various special physiques, and there were many chaotic auras that he could not confirm. It seemed that there were more chaotic auras in his body Countless special physiques are the same.

How to explain?

I'm afraid it can't be explained, if the chaotic figure has so many auras of special physiques, doesn't that mean that Ye Yun's body also has more chaotic physiques?

It's a pity that he has never seen these chaotic special powers before, so he can't recognize them. Looking at the chaotic figure again, he opened his eyes and saw Ye Yun's primordial spirit, and suddenly said: "Ye Yun? You Is it Ye Yun? Then who am I?"

"Who are you? I don't know who you are either!" The chaotic figure suddenly spoke, which startled Ye Yun, but he was also speechless, the chaotic figure didn't know his origin.

"My memory, it seems that I am your clone, I am your Tongxin body, I am your 33-day vine, and I am the infinite chaos... Who am I?"

The Chaos Child talked to himself, and after a while, he stared at Ye Yun again: "It seems that I have become your spirit, your Chaos Spirit, with the power of your practice, the power you have, and the power of the outside world. All kinds of power finally created me, I was born of your power, or it can be said that I was born of the power of chaos!"

"Then what state am I in?"

The origin of the chaotic figure is so complicated, but Ye Yun can still get the general idea, but what is the chaotic galaxy he owns now?

The chaotic figure shook his head slightly: "Your state... I don't know, because I was born from your various powers, and most of the memories I have come from you, as well as the understanding of the power of chaos. Find someone with a higher level of cultivation to let you solve your doubts. By the way, I have sensed a power from your kingdom, and I also have your current power of chaos. Maybe you can get it from that power. Among them, find the answer you want!"

is it?

Could it be that there is power beyond the four realms in his body?

Ye Yun was also curious. Under the guidance of the chaotic child, he quickly found the existence he mentioned. He didn't look at it and thought it was nothing, but he was stunned when he saw it.

It turned out to be the talisman that was left behind when he absorbed the Little Zhou Heaven Realm.

In order to store energy, he absorbed the Little Zhou Heaven Realm, and when the Little Zhou Heaven Realm disappeared, he left behind this talisman. At that time, he couldn't see what it was, but he probably knew that it should be left by the God of Creation. s things.

The chaotic figure said: "This is the talisman. It contains the power of chaos that you can imagine, but without your power of chaos, it is more majestic and pure. Unfortunately, there are very special restrictions on it. I can't see through it. You Find a way to unlock the restriction, there should be something left by someone inside!"

Ye Yun took out the talisman and studied it carefully. Sure enough, there are many restrictions in it, especially this kind of restriction, which can't be found to untie the imprint. It seems to be a brand new seal restriction.

"Huh? Why is there an eye mark after the restriction is activated!"

After studying for a long time, he also tried to activate the restraint. Although he couldn't open the restraint, he found something. From the center of the restraint, he saw an eye mark, to be precise, it was an erect eye.

Seeing this eye, Ye Yun was delighted. Isn't this eye the same as Chi Yun's that day eye?

Ye Yun immediately transmitted the sound to Chi Yun, and after Chi Yun took a breath, he appeared in front of Ye Yun.

After the final battle with the demon tree, Chi Yun's hair is still blood-colored, and he looks even more evil: "Boss, what's the matter?"

Ye Yun handed the talisman to Chi Yun: "This is the talisman I left behind when I absorbed the Xiaozhou Heaven Realm. It should be left by the Creator God. Only you can unlock it!"

"No way? Boss, your current strength far surpasses mine. How could it be possible that you can't open it, but I can open the restriction?" Chi Yun was stunned, feeling that it was too fresh. In this case, he laughed Play with talismans.

It doesn't feel like a big deal to deal with.

And after a while, he also showed a horrified look: "It's so evil, grandpa's, there is my Tianyan imprint inside!"

"I heard the empress once said that your celestial eyes seem to be left from the Creator God. It seems that this is true. Only your celestial eyes can open this restriction!"

"Hey, let me give it a try!"

Chi Yun immediately released his celestial eyes and merged with the talisman restriction, especially the celestial eye imprint.


Sure enough, the sky eye and the sky eye imprint of the talisman merged, and then an ancient chaotic aura shot out from the talisman, and suddenly hit the red cloud, and the red cloud immediately released an extremely dazzling chaotic light.

It is because of this ray of light that it brought a bright light to the entire dark deep space, causing all human beings to look at the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable who released the radiance from above.

None of them knew what happened and why Chi Yun released such a powerful force.

The surrounding masters all appeared curiously, surrounded by them, and no one dared to approach the chaotic light easily, because at this time Chi Yun was stronger than they knew.


Chi Yun spoke suddenly, but now he looks extremely serious and domineering, it seems that he is no longer the evil Chi Yun Demon Venerable before, his eyes immediately looked at the deep space, and then at countless sentient beings, and finally landed on the On Ye Yun: "God, the power I left behind, you really helped mankind survive this peerless catastrophe, and if you can open the talisman I left behind, then it have reached my height and become the creator of the world." god!"

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