The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 26 Dress up as a pig and eat a tiger

"Brothers, in front of you is Broken Moon Valley, and the cold ginseng grass is in it."

In a canyon surrounded by triple giant peaks, Song Zhen, Yue Li, and Ye Yun, a total of eight people, crawled under the mossy rocks in front of the canyon. No one dared to move around at will. , it seems that it will be transformed into a human form in the near future. It is extremely precious, but unfortunately, the spirit treasures are usually taken by giant beasts. Not long ago, there was a golden-maned monster that often came in and out. By."

"Golden-maned monster, a low-level adult monster, comparable to a tenth-layer meat immortal..." Everyone gasped, adult monsters are the worst death for meat fairy monks, even if ten-layer meat immortals see When the monsters reach adulthood, they can only escape for their lives.

Low-level adult monsters start to have a very high IQ, which is not comparable to the stupid monsters in the growth period. Not only are they powerful and terrifying, but they also know how to analyze. It is equivalent to the IQ of a human child aged eight to ten. This level of intelligence is already very high for humans. horrible.

Even some low-level monsters not only have high intelligence, but also know how to cooperate in combat. For example, Ye Yun killed the three dragon beasts a few days ago. Although their IQ is not high, they know how to cooperate. Even Earth Immortals are not easy to deal with.

Of course, Ye Yun is an exception. What he cultivates is the invincible blood body of ancient times, and there are natal spirit beads left by heavenly level powerhouses in his body. Kill Ye Yun.

"There is only one way now!"

Seeing the silence of the crowd, Song Zhen looked embarrassed and thought for a long time before saying: "We need a brother to stand up as a bait, we just need to lure the golden-maned monster out of the valley, and when the golden-maned monster leaves, we will go into the valley to pick the cold ginseng Grass, get the cold ginseng grass out of the valley and then deal with the golden mane monster together, compared to the strength of the eight of us, even if we can't kill it, we can at least seriously injure it."

"Although the golden-maned monster is terrifying, it is nothing compared to the cold ginseng grass. Moreover, the golden-maned monster is slow, so as long as it is not caught, it is not in danger." A monk with cheeks glanced at the crowd with a strange light in his eyes.

"I agree with my brother. It is nothing to take risks for the cold ginseng grass. It may be more dangerous in the valley. I think brothers with high realms will go into the valley to snatch the cold ginseng grass. After all, no one knows what is going on inside. Monster beasts have no hope of life or death."

After the other middle-aged man finished speaking, his eyes fell on Ye Yun: "After much deliberation, I think little brother Ye is the most suitable to lead away the golden-maned monster. Throw it, and it will immediately emit mist, which can temporarily avoid danger."

"Scattering mist beads are treasures, little brother Ye, I can only wrong you because of the cold ginseng grass." Song Zhen had no choice but to speak when everyone looked at Ye Yun in unison.

Facing the crowd waiting densely, Ye Yun felt the air was heavy, if he didn't agree, he might be killed by them in an instant, thinking about it, Ye Yun pretended to be embarrassed: "The golden-maned monster is an adult, and I'm just a five-layer gas!" ..."

"Brother, entrusting it to you is to give you face and trust you!" The middle-aged man stared at Ye Yun like a hunter, with a covetous expression on his face.

"As long as you successfully get the cold ginseng grass, the benefits will naturally go without saying. There is no such thing as getting something for nothing in the world. Only by taking risks and paying can you get everything you want."

"What's more, everyone will come out to deal with the golden mane monster, so you can only be restrained for a while. I still have a few hidden weapons here, and I will leave them all to you. Don't worry."

All of a sudden, various faces and expressions appeared in front of Ye Yun one by one. There were many benefits, as well as the alluring cold ginseng grass, all of which were aimed at him.

"Brother Rong Ye, think about it carefully!"

There was a faint cold light in Song Zhen's eyes, and he and the few people secretly looked at each other, seeming to agree with each other.

"Brother Ye, since everyone agrees that it's you, then I have nothing to say. I think the golden mane monster is really scary. Although there are many dangers to go here, maybe the brother will be lucky and can save the day?"

Yue Li, who had not spoken all the time, looked at Ye Yun calmly, and stopped talking after only a few words.

"Use me as cannon fodder?"

Ye Yun couldn't stop laughing in his heart, and said to himself: "When I'm an idiot, I've heard of golden mane monsters. They are extremely fast. Ordinary nine-level meat fairy monks can only die if they encounter them. Even ten-level monks, they can only escape for their lives. Adulthood and growth are completely two realms, one heaven and one earth, and only the real tenth-fold powerhouse can fight against one of them."

"Everyone is high-sounding, and there is no reason to die. I am afraid that as soon as I get the cold ginseng grass, I will run out of smoke. Who will come back and risk their lives to save me?"

Ye Yun thought about it carefully, as if he was tasting a jar of old wine, the golden-maned monster was a formidable opponent for the tenth-level flesh immortal monks, let alone those nine-level and eighth-level monks, if they really encountered the golden-maned monster, there was only one end. A dead end.

"Okay, for the cold ginseng grass, I'll take a gamble."

Ye Yun stood up suddenly, summoned up his courage and shouted.

"Good brothers!" Everyone came up to hug Ye Yun one after another, they were so affectionate, outsiders didn't know, they thought they were really good friends.

"It's about time, brother Ye, going here is dangerous, you must be careful. If you are in danger, just run for your life. Compared with the safety of your brother, that mere cold ginseng is worthless."

When Ye Yun was about to leave, Song Zhen cared and warned him like an elder, and said a lot, they were all deceitful, Ye Yun didn't know, but pretended not to know, and slowly set off towards Broken Moon Valley.

"It's really despicable and despicable. How could I, the grandson of the Yue family, call such people brothers and sisters? It's a pity that Ye Yun...!"

Looking at Ye Yun's back as he walked away, Yue Li sighed, but he was helpless. After all, he only had the seventh level of the Meat Immortal, so how could he be the opponent of Song Zhen, the peak of the ninth level?

"This kid really doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. He will definitely die if he goes here. He must be delayed until the moment I get the cold ginseng grass. Brothers, get ready. Once the golden-maned monster comes out of the valley, we will kill it." Song Zhen rang out from the dense forest. The voice of greed, Fang Buddha is bound to win the cold ginseng grass.

"Golden mane monster, a low-level adult, has a bad temper, likes to live in hot areas, has golden manes all over its body, looks huge and strong, and its biggest weapon is the mane, which can be strengthened and indestructible."

At the entrance of Broken Moon Valley, the memory of the golden-maned monster appeared in Ye Yun's mind. After careful analysis, Ye Yun sneaked into the valley, and suddenly he felt a stench coming from the upper right.

Ye Yun looked up, and on the rock a few feet above the right, stood a golden monster that looked like a giant wolf, staring at Ye Yun with big fiery eyes.

"As expected of an adult monster, its sensitivity is similar to that of a human being. They want me to lure you away, so follow me!" Ye Yun waved his hand at the golden-maned monster, then turned around and rushed towards the outside of the valley. Running away, the speed is not only fast, but also like an agile hare.


The golden-maned monster slowly opened its big mouth and let out a terrifying breathing sound. It leaped high and ferociously like an eagle, it rushed towards Ye Yun's escape direction.

"Sure enough, let's go!"

Song Zhen's seven people flew out of the grass and galloped towards Duanyue Valley.


The golden-maned monster leaped in the forest and grass. When it flew over, the grass and trees seemed to be cut by machine gears, and they were broken one after another. The speed was as fast as thunder.

Seeing suddenly, the huge golden-maned monster was moving rapidly in the forest and wasteland facing the tiny Ye Yun. Compared with the astonishing speed of the golden-maned monster, Ye Yun also showed extraordinary speed. He exhaled straight, grinned his teeth, wishing to tear Ye Yun into pieces.

"Play with you first, and then..." Ye Yun had a plan in mind.

There are huge boulders in the Valley of Broken Moon, and there is a lot of humidity. The valley is full of all kinds of strange plants that cannot be named, as well as towering trees and huge vines. It seems that this is a huge plant world.

There is a cold pool in the center of the valley, in that cold pool there is actually a green blue grass, about a foot high, its roots submerged in the pool, it is alive and fresh, even the plants that grow around it are also Turismo is compelling.


The seven figures landed beside the cold pool, their eyes were completely attracted by the blue grass in the cold pool, and everyone felt that just smelling the fragrance made them feel comfortable all over.

"Cold Ginseng Grass is indeed a spiritual creature of heaven and earth. With you, this old man can break through the Tenth Layer of Meat Immortals, and even Earth Immortals have a slim hope, haha!"

Song Zhen stared at the cold ginseng grass greedily, seeming to forget the existence of other people, and cheered wildly.

"Brother Song, we discovered this thing together, and we should enjoy it together." The expressions of the other six people changed instantly when they heard this, and the cheeky man with eighth-level cultivation directly expressed his doubts.


Pfft, the cheeky man was blown away, and hit heavily on a rock ten feet away, which instantly turned into a pile of rubble. The cheeky man's face was pale, and he covered his chest with his hands in agony from the bursts of strange light.

Song Zhen slowly withdrew his hands, intimidating everyone: "If anyone dares to use cold ginseng grass again, don't blame me for being rude, hum."


Yue Li and the others had nothing to say, it wasn't that they didn't have anything, but they didn't dare to say it. If they failed, Song Zhenxin thought that they would end up like a big man with cheeks, and they might even be beheaded on the spot. "Brothers, in front of you is Broken Moon Valley, and the cold ginseng grass is in it."

In a canyon surrounded by triple giant peaks, Song Zhen, Yue Li, and Ye Yun, a total of eight people, crawled under the mossy rocks in front of the canyon. No one dared to move around at will. , it seems that it will be transformed into a human form in the near future. It is extremely precious, but unfortunately, the spirit treasures are usually taken by giant beasts. Not long ago, there was a golden-maned monster that often came in and out. By."

"Golden-maned monster, a low-level adult monster, comparable to a tenth-layer meat immortal..." Everyone gasped, adult monsters are the worst death for meat fairy monks, even if ten-layer meat immortals see When the monsters reach adulthood, they can only escape for their lives.

Low-level adult monsters start to have a very high IQ, which is not comparable to the stupid monsters in the growth period. Not only are they powerful and terrifying, but they also know how to analyze. It is equivalent to the IQ of a human child aged eight to ten. This level of intelligence is already very high for humans. horrible.

Even some low-level monsters not only have high intelligence, but also know how to cooperate in combat. For example, Ye Yun killed the three dragon beasts a few days ago. Although their IQ is not high, they know how to cooperate. Even Earth Immortals are not easy to deal with.

Of course, Ye Yun is an exception. What he cultivates is the invincible blood body of ancient times, and there are natal spirit beads left by heavenly level powerhouses in his body. Kill Ye Yun.

"There is only one way now!"

Seeing the silence of the crowd, Song Zhen looked embarrassed and thought for a long time before saying: "We need a brother to stand up as a bait, we just need to lure the golden-maned monster out of the valley, and when the golden-maned monster leaves, we will go into the valley to pick the cold ginseng Grass, get the cold ginseng grass out of the valley and then deal with the golden mane monster together, compared to the strength of the eight of us, even if we can't kill it, we can at least seriously injure it."

"Although the golden-maned monster is terrifying, it is nothing compared to the cold ginseng grass. Moreover, the golden-maned monster is slow, so as long as it is not caught, it is not in danger." A monk with cheeks glanced at the crowd with a strange light in his eyes.

"I agree with my brother. It is nothing to take risks for the cold ginseng grass. It may be more dangerous in the valley. I think brothers with high realms will go into the valley to snatch the cold ginseng grass. After all, no one knows what is going on inside. Monster beasts have no hope of life or death."

After the other middle-aged man finished speaking, his eyes fell on Ye Yun: "After much deliberation, I think little brother Ye is the most suitable to lead away the golden-maned monster. Throw it, and it will immediately emit mist, which can temporarily avoid danger."

"Scattering mist beads are treasures, little brother Ye, I can only wrong you because of the cold ginseng grass." Song Zhen had no choice but to speak when everyone looked at Ye Yun in unison.

Facing the crowd waiting densely, Ye Yun felt the air was heavy, if he didn't agree, he might be killed by them in an instant, thinking about it, Ye Yun pretended to be embarrassed: "The golden-maned monster is an adult, and I'm just a five-layer gas!" ..."

"Brother, entrusting it to you is to give you face and trust you!" The middle-aged man stared at Ye Yun like a hunter, with a covetous expression on his face.

"As long as you successfully get the cold ginseng grass, the benefits will naturally go without saying. There is no such thing as getting something for nothing in the world. Only by taking risks and paying can you get everything you want."

"What's more, everyone will come out to deal with the golden mane monster, so you can only be restrained for a while. I still have a few hidden weapons here, and I will leave them all to you. Don't worry."

All of a sudden, various faces and expressions appeared in front of Ye Yun one by one. There were many benefits, as well as the alluring cold ginseng grass, all of which were aimed at him.

"Brother Rong Ye, think about it carefully!"

There was a faint cold light in Song Zhen's eyes, and he and the few people secretly looked at each other, seeming to agree with each other.

"Brother Ye, since everyone agrees that it's you, then I have nothing to say. I think the golden mane monster is really scary. Although there are many dangers to go here, maybe the brother will be lucky and can save the day?"

Yue Li, who had not spoken all the time, looked at Ye Yun calmly, and stopped talking after only a few words.

"Use me as cannon fodder?"

Ye Yun couldn't stop laughing in his heart, and said to himself: "When I'm an idiot, I've heard of golden mane monsters. They are extremely fast. Ordinary nine-level meat fairy monks can only die if they encounter them. Even ten-level monks, they can only escape for their lives. Adulthood and growth are completely two realms, one heaven and one earth, and only the real tenth-fold powerhouse can fight against one of them."

"Everyone is high-sounding, and there is no reason to die. I am afraid that as soon as I get the cold ginseng grass, I will run out of smoke. Who will come back and risk their lives to save me?"

Ye Yun thought about it carefully, as if he was tasting a jar of old wine, the golden-maned monster was a formidable opponent for the tenth-level flesh immortal monks, let alone those nine-level and eighth-level monks, if they really encountered the golden-maned monster, there was only one end. A dead end.

"Okay, for the cold ginseng grass, I'll take a gamble."

Ye Yun stood up suddenly, summoned up his courage and shouted.

"Good brothers!" Everyone came up to hug Ye Yun one after another, they were so affectionate, outsiders didn't know, they thought they were really good friends.

"It's about time, brother Ye, going here is dangerous, you must be careful. If you are in danger, just run for your life. Compared with the safety of your brother, that mere cold ginseng is worthless."

When Ye Yun was about to leave, Song Zhen cared and warned him like an elder, and said a lot, they were all deceitful, Ye Yun didn't know, but pretended not to know, and slowly set off towards Broken Moon Valley.

"It's really despicable and despicable. How could I, the grandson of the Yue family, call such people brothers and sisters? It's a pity that Ye Yun...!"

Looking at Ye Yun's back as he walked away, Yue Li sighed, but he was helpless. After all, he only had the seventh level of the Meat Immortal, so how could he be the opponent of Song Zhen, the peak of the ninth level?

"This kid really doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. He will definitely die if he goes here. He must be delayed until the moment I get the cold ginseng grass. Brothers, get ready. Once the golden-maned monster comes out of the valley, we will kill it." Song Zhen rang out from the dense forest. The voice of greed, Fang Buddha is bound to win the cold ginseng grass.

"Golden mane monster, a low-level adult, has a bad temper, likes to live in hot areas, has golden manes all over its body, looks huge and strong, and its biggest weapon is the mane, which can be strengthened and indestructible."

At the entrance of Broken Moon Valley, the memory of the golden-maned monster appeared in Ye Yun's mind. After careful analysis, Ye Yun sneaked into the valley, and suddenly he felt a stench coming from the upper right.

Ye Yun looked up, and on the rock a few feet above the right, stood a golden monster that looked like a giant wolf, staring at Ye Yun with big fiery eyes.

"As expected of an adult monster, its sensitivity is similar to that of a human being. They want me to lure you away, so follow me!" Ye Yun waved his hand at the golden-maned monster, then turned around and rushed towards the outside of the valley. Running away, the speed is not only fast, but also like an agile hare.


The golden-maned monster slowly opened its big mouth and let out a terrifying breathing sound. It leaped high and ferociously like an eagle, it rushed towards Ye Yun's escape direction.

"Sure enough, let's go!"

Song Zhen's seven people flew out of the grass and galloped towards Duanyue Valley.


The golden-maned monster leaped in the forest and grass. When it flew over, the grass and trees seemed to be cut by machine gears, and they were broken one after another. The speed was as fast as thunder.

Seeing suddenly, the huge golden-maned monster was moving rapidly in the forest and wasteland facing the tiny Ye Yun. Compared with the astonishing speed of the golden-maned monster, Ye Yun also showed extraordinary speed. He exhaled straight, grinned his teeth, wishing to tear Ye Yun into pieces.

"Play with you first, and then..." Ye Yun had a plan in mind.

There are huge boulders in the Valley of Broken Moon, and there is a lot of humidity. The valley is full of all kinds of strange plants that cannot be named, as well as towering trees and huge vines. It seems that this is a huge plant world.

There is a cold pool in the center of the valley, in that cold pool there is actually a green blue grass, about a foot high, its roots submerged in the pool, it is alive and fresh, even the plants that grow around it are also Turismo is compelling.


The seven figures landed beside the cold pool, their eyes were completely attracted by the blue grass in the cold pool, and everyone felt that just smelling the fragrance made them feel comfortable all over.

"Cold Ginseng Grass is indeed a spiritual creature of heaven and earth. With you, this old man can break through the Tenth Layer of Meat Immortals, and even Earth Immortals have a slim hope, haha!"

Song Zhen stared at the cold ginseng grass greedily, seeming to forget the existence of other people, and cheered wildly.

"Brother Song, we discovered this thing together, and we should enjoy it together." The expressions of the other six people changed instantly when they heard this, and the cheeky man with eighth-level cultivation directly expressed his doubts.


Pfft, the cheeky man was blown away, and hit heavily on a rock ten feet away, which instantly turned into a pile of rubble. The cheeky man's face was pale, and he covered his chest with his hands in agony from the bursts of strange light.

Song Zhen slowly withdrew his hands, intimidating everyone: "If anyone dares to use cold ginseng grass again, don't blame me for being rude, hum."


Yue Li and the others had nothing to say, it wasn't that they didn't have anything, but they didn't dare to say it out loud. If it failed, Song Zhenxin thought, they would end up like a big man with cheeks, and they might even be beheaded on the spot.

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