The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2618 Thunder Star Realm

"Then you have to go to perform tasks, go to those natural dangers to perform tasks, you can get treasures in natural dangers, and you can get rewards after completing tasks, but natural dangers are very dangerous. It is the world of orcs, where all kinds of giant beasts and giant monsters are entrenched. Wherever the environment goes, it can only become food!"

In front of the three of them, Lei Xinwei said eloquently: "In Tianlei Star, or the entire Tiankui Starfield, most of the monks who are too high-level or Hunyuan-level can only practice within the planet. Only those who are strong in the world can leave the planet to hunt for treasures in places that are controlled by monsters, or have been controlled by giant monsters and demons. Of course, there are some natural dangers in Tianlei Star, but only members of the Lei family are allowed to enter. There is also a strict limit on the number of people, and you cannot apply to enter without the Star God Realm!"

Ye Yun is very decisive: "You are no longer a member of Lei's family, and look for a natural barrier that is closer to Tianlei star. In the name of a mission, we will go treasure hunting together. If we get resources, we don't need to go back to Tianlei's star." Xing, we need to find partners, and if we have the strength, we will go to the depths of the Tiankui star field, I believe that the star field controlled by your Lei family is just an ordinary force on the edge of the galaxy, right?"

"Of course, there is a prosperous cultivation civilization in the center of the Tiankui star field. There are many cultivation tribes and sects. Unlike this star field, they will be attacked by orcs all the time. Then I will go to the third floor and apply for a task from the high-level! "Lei Xinwei was about to leave.

Chi Yun also followed, according to Ye Yun's intention, try to choose a different place, another intention is to monitor Lei Xinwei.

After waiting for a few days, the two returned to the dojo.

"Boss has it. The Lei Family executives gave us three choices. They obviously looked down on our strength and didn't let us go to those real natural dangers. Fortunately, one of the three tasks is to go to the 'Lei Zhen Star Realm' ''s 'Journey to the Ruins'!"

Chi Yun hurriedly said: "I heard that at the end of the ruins, two powerful giants fought in the Lei Zhenxing Realm, causing a small number of places inside to be turned into ruins. It is still a forbidden place filled with death. The task is to find it around there. Mineral lode!"

Ye Yun focused his eyes, and after a while, nodded and said: "Okay, then we will go to the Yale of Return, that kind of dangerous place is interesting, but Lei Xinwei, do you know the origin of Yale of Return?"

"The Leizhen Star Realm was previously called the Crystal Blue Star Realm, and it was a relatively prosperous world of cultivation. Later, I heard that two peerless giants from the Star Master Realm who surpassed the Star God Realm suddenly descended on the Crystal Blue Star Realm. Tens of thousands of monks died along with the ruins, and no one knew the result. Since then, one-third of the world has been reduced to ruins. Later, the ancestor of my Lei family was conferred by the lord of Tiankui to control this star field and control the crystal blue star. The world was renamed the Lei Zhenxing Realm. Although the current Lei Zhenxing Realm is the property of my Lei family, there are also foreign monks who have experienced it, because many beast races live there, and there are even army of beast races killing monks there. The higher-ups didn't want to deal with the beast race, so they let it go until now, and it's already a place almost controlled by monsters!"

"It's the Lei Zhen Star Realm. We are ready to go. Ming'er and I will enter Chi Yun's body, and when we arrive at the Lei Zhen Star Realm, we will come out!"


After the results were obtained, everyone began to prepare.

Ye Yun and Qing Ming entered the battle of eyes, because this time they went to the Lei Zhen Star Realm through the teleportation array, and only those who performed the mission could pass through the teleportation array.

It takes an astonishing amount of energy to teleport once. The more people there are, the more resources will be consumed.

And the teleportation array is not built in Tianwai Tianlou, but in the central territory of Tianlei Star, a place that can be regarded as the real clan of the Lei family.

Chi Yun and Lei Xinwei stepped into the teleportation formation together, no one discovered Chi Yun's identity, who would have thought that an ordinary disciple of the Supreme Realm would have such a perfect ability to win.

After the teleportation array was opened, the two of them broke through the sky with a silver beam of light, and left Tianleixing in an instant.

Just a stick of incense!

When the power of shuttle was about to shatter in Chi Yun's eyes, suddenly there was a crystal blue planet in front of him.

Thunder Star Realm.


The beam of light escaped into the planetary barrier, opened his eyes again, and Chi Yun found that he was standing at an altar made of countless divine stones.

There are dozens of Lei family masters around, all of them are Star God Realm powerhouses who have surpassed the Supreme Realm. Their aura is indeed different, not to mention making a move, just a single aura can crush Chi Yun to death.

"You are on a mission, we have no obligation to rescue you, leaving this territory controlled by the family is tantamount to fending for ourselves!"

The two were taken out of the enchantment!

After passing through more barriers, it suddenly appeared above a mountain range.

Ahead is the haze-colored earth, and the sky is crystal blue, and the world is polarized.

The Lei family monk left indifferently, leaving the two of them in the strong wind, Lei Xinwei trembled, her cultivation level came to the Lei Zhenxing Realm, it was tantamount to death.

The two flew a certain distance and sneaked into the forest. Ye Yun, Qing Ming, and Wuwu Beast appeared together.

"Actually, the combined strength of the few of us can already deal with any cultivator in the Supreme Realm, but it is difficult to fight against the Star God Realm. Our current task is to go to the ruins, search for divine fruits and spiritual objects along the way, and kill special beasts. class for practice!"

"Boss, you have to prepare to cross the catastrophe and step into the Supreme Realm!"

"To cross the catastrophe, resources must be guaranteed first, and to cross the catastrophe, we will be discovered by monsters. We have to come one by one to cross the catastrophe. Mutual protection is the best strategy!"

Ye Yun made a careful agreement with everyone, and several people will set off together, and Wuwu Beast will explore the way.

Among them, Wuwu Beast is undoubtedly the most powerful. The key point is that its speed is too fast, it has surpassed the Supreme Realm, and its ability has surpassed the Star God Realm.

"What a ruin!"

Years later!

Flying at a normal speed, suddenly stepping into the vast and hazy land, the mountains and any plants in the land are gray and dark, as if they have not enjoyed the nourishment of the sun.

"This canyon is not bad. It can be used to cross the catastrophe. The canyon inside is vertical and horizontal. Even if you encounter monsters, it is easy to hide if you can't win!"

Several people were floating above a longitudinal bottomless canyon.

Everyone knows in their hearts that the canyon can not only avoid monsters, but also obtain some natural god fruits and spirit treasures in the long years.


After entering the canyon for a while, he passed through the huge layer of vines.

Wuwu Beast suddenly turned back from the front and whispered something in Ye Yun's ear.

"Hey, I found a few monks in front of me. Let's change the direction. Anyway, the canyon is so huge!"

It frightened Lei Xinwei quite a bit. It is not difficult to imagine that if there are monks here, they must all be in the Supreme Realm, most likely in the Star God Realm.

Once a woman falls into their hands, there is only one end, becoming a prostitute, or being directly treated as a slave and sold to those empires, what's more, directly doing business with the orcs and selling the woman to the orcs.

In the end, after several days of searching, after Wuwu Beast confirmed its safety, everyone found a place in a canyon deep in the Grand Canyon where there was no one and no giant monsters.


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