The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2652 I haven't had such a good time in a long time

Ye Yun's eyes were red with anxiety!

"The snow is frozen!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Qing Ming immediately cast Mingxue Frozen!

"I've noticed you a long time ago. You really look good, Lei Xinwei, it seems that you didn't lie to me. This kind of beauty is rare even in my huge holy land of heaven!" With Qing Ming!

To practice the Dao of Enchanting Love, he must first fall into the Dao of Love, and then cut off all desires before he can cultivate to perfection!

Lei Xinwei lowered her head, biting her lip firmly!

Ye Yun and Qing Ming were so kind to her, but she still betrayed them. She kept telling herself in her heart that people should not be destroyed for their own sake. When facing them seriously, she found that she couldn't meet their eyes. Afraid to see their disappointed eyes!

The black ice and snow condensed inch by inch, instantly freezing Jing Yuebai and his party, and the surrounding air suddenly froze. The flying cranes outside the Lingxu sky were caught up in a blast of cold air, and fell one by one to the ground, shattering into pieces. Every grain of ice slag will destroy both body and spirit!

Exercising this move, Qing Ming was exhausted, Jing Yuebai was a powerhouse who was a big realm higher than them, she almost drained all the divine power from her whole body to forcefully use this move!

"Crack clap clap..."

Jing Yuebai opened the frozen shackles in an instant. His red clothes were dazzling, and his gender-indistinguishable face was smiling prettily. I saw him flicking his long sleeves, and several exposed women who were frozen in ice recovered one after another. Once free, even Lei Xinwei can move immediately!

"Beauty, it's wrong to be so angry!"

Jing Yuebai walked towards Qingming step by step with leisurely steps!

Qing Ming turned his head and glanced at Ye Yun, his face was covered with frost.

Jing Yuebai followed Qing Ming's gaze and glanced at Ye Yun, "Beauty, are you looking at that trash? It's okay, I'll take care of him, and we will talk about love slowly!"

As he said that, his steps walked towards Ye Yun!


Wuwu Beast suddenly jumped out of the Daqian Shentu, and bumped into Jingyuebai's head!

Wuwu is not stupid, they failed the previous time because Jing Yuebai was wearing a defensive artifact, this time, it hit his head!

"Little beast!"

Jing Yuebai waved a red mysterious light with his big hand, blocking Wuwu's attack!

Wu Wu immediately turned her head and flew towards Ye Yun!

"No, Wanwan, Wanwan..."

In Ye Yun's eyes, Wanhai was surrounded by countless Galaxy Beast Clans. They laughed and stretched out their claws towards Wanwan!

Suddenly, the Shenluo statue in his mind suddenly emitted a circle of mysterious and mysterious light, and the circle of light enveloped Ye Yun.

Ye Yun's eyes gradually regained clarity, he saw Feng Yu beside him anxiously circling him, he also saw Wu Wu who bumped into him desperately, and Qing Ming who was angry on one side!

"Jing Yuebai!"

Ye Yun gritted his teeth, almost fell into his trap!

Everyone has their own way, but he, Ye Yun, has achieved today's achievement only by not giving up. He is different from Jing Yuebai, he cut off all emotions and six desires, but he, from family, friends and lover's affection, let him Step by step, go today!

It was because of their different ways that he almost caught Jing Yuebai's way!

"Small teleportation technique!"

"Six Paths Killing Without Sad Hands!"

After breaking away from Jing Yuebai's six-path fascination, Ye Yun rushed towards Jing Yuebai full of anger!

This person didn't take his life right away, but let him see that Wanhai, whom they had been looking for so long, was being bullied by countless Galaxy beasts. He was unforgivable!

Jing Yuebai successfully aroused the fear hidden in Ye Yun's heart. It took them thousands of years to come to the Great Chaos, but they still couldn't find Wanhai. He and Qing Ming kept motivating themselves for this.

Jing Yuebai used the Six Paths of Fascination, and he also used the Six Paths to kill without sorrow, it just depends on who is better!

"Boy, I didn't expect you to come out so soon!" Jing Yuebai's heart was shaken, his Six Paths of Fascination, anyone whose cultivation base was lower than his, would all suffer from this trick!

Seven emotions and six desires, who doesn't?Some are for wealth, some are for power, some are for... This is the first time that a little cultivator whose cultivation base is only in the Star God Realm has successfully escaped from his enchantment of the Six Paths!

"You didn't expect too much!"

Two moves in succession were resolved by Jing Yuebai!

"Chaos Ascendant? That's all!"

"Is it?"

"Eat me with a slap in the face!" Jing Yuebai crossed his hands and drew a mysterious gesture on his chest.

Immediately, seven identical Jingyuebai appeared from behind Jingyuebai. They were dressed in various clothes, red, orange, red, green, blue, blue, and purple. The cultivation base of each statue was in the star master realm.

Jing Yuebai's move reminded Ye Yun of the Qijue Xianzun he met in the fairy world under the command of Emperor Zhuxian. His unique move was similar to Jing Yuebai's!

It's just obvious that Jing Yuebai's move is much more powerful than that of Qijue Immortal Venerable back then!

"Chaos Ascendant? Let me see how powerful the legendary Chaos Ascendant is, to let the Holy Land pass down the Nine Revolutions Emperor Star Art!" Jing Yuebai's hands became faster and faster, until Later, I couldn't see his gestures clearly!

With the movement of his hand, the momentum of the seven Jing Yuebai behind him rose slowly, rising from the first change of the Star Master Realm to the seventh change of the Star Master Realm before stopping.


This move, Ye Yun only thinks that he can't beat it, and there is a big gap between them.

Wu Wu flashed past behind Jing Yuebai, Jing Yuebai's face suddenly became sullen, Qing Ming also wanted to step forward to help, but Ye Yun stopped him!

Now that his cultivation is at the peak of the Star God Realm, he also wants to test his abilities!

Ye Yun never does anything he is not sure of, this point, Qing Ming who knows him very well, thought of the giant python that Ye Yun mentioned earlier, she was relieved a little, but she still stared at the battle situation with her beautiful eyes!

The seven statues Jing Yuebai surrounded Ye Yun from all sides, "Boy, you killed my man, according to the rules of the Heavenly Secret Holy Land, I can challenge you like you, even if you die, you will only die on the challenge platform!"

"Who wins the game, isn't it too early to say now?"

"I don't know how to live or die!" Jing Yuebai completely looked down on Ye Yun, a kid in the Star God Realm, and he was arrogant!

"Exquisite divine body, full of sword energy!"

Exercising Wuwu Sword Qi, a long sword condensed in the void that no one except Ye Yun could see, and slashed towards Jing Yuebai in the middle!

At the same time, the seven Jing Yuebai surrounded Ye Yun together, including the real Jing Yuebai, there were a total of eight Star Master Realm experts.


The Xuan Guang that Jing Yuebai hit towards Ye Yun was swallowed by Wu Wu in one gulp!

Jingyue was extremely angry, and her subordinates' moves became more and more fierce!


The breath of nothingness stabbed one of them, Jing Yuebai!

"Little bastard, you actually hurt me!"

Jing Yuebai was furious, the fine clothes on his body fluttered in the wind, and gorgeous mysterious light rippled from his body round and round.

This trick again!

The strong fragrance filled the whole space in an instant, the people brought by Jing Yuebai and Lei Xinwei all made new moves, each of them looked confused and obsessed, some smirked, some mourned, some...

Fortunately, Ye Yun had already seen this trick before, so he secretly turned off his sense of smell!

"Wuwu, hold him in front, I'll go behind and give him a surprise!"

Ye Yun secretly communicated with Wuwu, this time, he must have Jing Yuebai drink a pot!

Wu Wu nodded, flashing past Jing Yuebai from time to time.

Wu Wu's speed was very fast, she was about to grab it and then disappeared, Jing Yuebai was so angry that she went crazy!

"Small teleportation technique!"

Using the small divine movement technique, Ye Yun flashed from space to behind Jing Yuebai!

Wu Wu in front of Jing Yuebai made full use of the advantages of the dark race, and got involved with Jing Yuebai!

"Avenue Pisces!"

"The Heavenly Fist!"

With the strength of the four-turn exquisite divine body, he has brought out the sky fist to the extreme!

Jing Yuebai is a strong man in the Star Master Realm, a sharp airflow rushed over from behind him, he turned sideways, and waved his hand to shoot out a red mysterious light!

"Bang bang bang!"

Xuanguang and the light of the Phoenix Feather Divine Armor collided together, making an explosion sound!

"Master, I will help you!"

Feng Yu turned into a blurred little phoenix, turned into Jinghong and rushed over!

Its figure passes through Jing Yuebai's beautiful red dress!


Jing Yuebai got angry, the red clothes outside of him suddenly caught fire, and the flames soaring into the sky burned all the clothes in a short while!

As for Jing Yuebai herself, her hair was pitch-black and stood upright, with a burst of thick blue smoke emitting from the top of her head.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

Regardless of the injuries on her body, Jing Yuebai rushed towards Ye Yun directly!

A thing like a seven-color palette emerged from his divine sea, mixed with his attack, and smashed towards Ye Yun's head!

"Boy, you're worth it even if you're dead. It's a character who can let me take out the Jing family's most precious seven-colored chakra to deal with you!"

In Ye Yun's eyes, the seven-colored chakra gradually enlarged, pressing towards him like a mountain!

Feng Yu's body suddenly became bigger, and her spread wings carried raging flames, flying towards the seven-colored divine wheel!


When it collided with the Seven-Colored God Wheel, Feng Yu's figure gradually blurred, and finally, it turned into a puff of green smoke and disappeared!

The shadow of the Seven Colors God Wheel also faded a lot, but it still attacked Ye Yun!

A ray of flame from the Phoenix Feather Divine Armor blocked Jing Yuebai's attack, and Ye Yun took the opportunity to stab the sword energy into Jing Yuebai's heart!

A sword energy mixed with phoenix flames rushed straight along the blood vessels of the heart, burning inch by inch!


Jing Yuebai's tragic cry resounded through the main film space!

Before Ye Yun could wipe the blood from the corner of his eyes, he raised his fist and swung towards Jing Yuebai's divine sea!


A spiritual thought rushed towards the sky without a sound, Ye Yun paused slightly, his body swayed slightly, he looked at the sky with a heavy expression on his face.

Jing Yuebai's body limply fell to the ground!

"Master Jing Xing is dead, Master Jing Xing is dead!"

The people brought by Jing Yuebai immediately fled in all directions, Lei Xinwei hesitated for a moment, then disappeared into a stream of light in an instant!

Ye Yun staggered and fell to the ground, Qing Ming came to him in a flash, and half hugged him in his arms, "Brother Yun, are you okay?"

Ye Yun grinned cheerfully, "Ming'er, this feels really cool, I can still fight someone at the peak of the Star Master Realm!"


After winning the battle, Wu Wu circled around Ye Yun and Qing Ming, greedily staring at the dead Jing Yuebai on the ground!

Patting Wu Wu's head, Wu Wu drooped his head aggrievedly, Ye Yun stood up, waved his big hand, and rolled Jing Yuebai's body into the Great Thousand Gods Picture.

Qingming helped Ye Yun back to Lingxutian.

"If we had known that Lei Xinwei was voluntary, we wouldn't have gone out!"

In fact, Ye Yun found out by searching Xin Dazhi's memory!

Lei Xinwei was really unwilling at the beginning, but when she knew that Jing Yuebai actually had a father who was the same as the Heavenly Demon Empress, she half-pushed and half-give him.Later, he was tortured to the point of fear, so he confessed Qing Ming!

Such a person, towards Qin Muchu, is not worth their trouble!

"It doesn't matter... It's just Jing Yuebai, this person dares to confuse me, he really deserves to die!" Thinking of the scenes he saw while being bewitched, Jing Yuebai would not die a hundred times!

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