The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2657 The Mysterious And Ordinary Master

If it weren't for the pain on his body reminding him at this moment, maybe he would have thought that time was turning back in this person's hands!

Looking back in time, how powerful should this person be?

After doing this, this person's unchanging expression was slightly moved. He looked around nostalgicly, and suddenly sighed, and said emotionally: "Time flies by like a flash, so many years have passed, but here, there is no Changed!"

This person is very familiar with Lingxutian?No, it should be said that you are very familiar with Xing Xiaoyao?

He suddenly looked at Ye Yun, his gaze was far away and full of nostalgia, it gave Ye Yun the feeling that he was looking at someone through him!

This feeling is not good, being regarded as someone else, very aggrieved!

The man's voice came out again: "You are quite alike, both of you are unyielding, you have the same 'daring' and the same...resolute!"

He has just successfully crossed the catastrophe, this person does not know whether it is an enemy or a friend, he has experienced too much Ye Yun looked at the person in front of him vigilantly.

Quietly mobilizing his divine power, his divine sense just wanted to test this person's cultivation. He is now in the Star Master Realm, and his divine sense is surging, but when he touches it tentatively, his divine sense is like a mud cow entering the sea, even waves, Didn't even move a bit!

Ye Yun was terrified!

Regardless of the divine power boiling in his body, and the excitement of being promoted to the Star Master Realm, he secretly communicated with Xiaoqian. This person's strength is unfathomable. He has consumed too much physical strength now, and he is not his opponent at all. If he can't beat him, he will run away. This is the best policy!

"Boy, you use your space artifact to deal with me, don't you feel that you have wronged me?"

His words clearly contained strong humor, but Ye Yun was even more afraid of this person!

Who is he? He just wanted to communicate with Xiaoqian, and he knew it!

"You must be wondering who I am right now?" The middle-aged man took a step forward, his feet didn't move at all, but he just took a small step closer to Ye Yun!

Rather than saying that he moved a step, it is better to say that the soil under the ground moved him!

Ye Yun himself is a member of the five elements in the special physique. If he cultivates to master, he can activate the metal, wood, water, fire, and earth in the five elements at will.

This man is the master!

The masters who can appear in the Tiankui Starfield, except for the masters of the Tiankui Starfield, don't think about it!

"It seems that you have guessed my identity?"

The man smiled slightly, tilted his head slightly, and looked at the sky of the Lingxu Heaven, "Your reactions are also the same. When he first came to our Tiankui Starfield, his talent surpassed many geniuses in my Tiankui Starfield. Compared with it, it has become the brightest star in my Tiankui star field."

"Leapfrog killing, fast cultivation speed and outstanding talent... Now that so many years have passed, he should be standing at the same height as me!"

"Let's go, you made such a big noise this time, it must have spread. I have a peerless genius in Tiankui Starfield, I'm afraid the orcs should be anxious!"

The man smiled slightly, waved his long sleeves, Ye Yun and him turned around and disappeared.

In less than a breath, everything in front of my eyes has changed!

This is a palace, a palace made of sacred stones.

The divinity around was almost stagnant into water. In the center of the hall, eight towering pillars were carved with mysterious patterns. Ye Yun noticed that each pattern was a war between human race and beast race.

The pattern closest to him is a human warrior holding a full moon scimitar. Opposite him are countless beast races, Shura, dark race...surrounding him, he raised the sword and landed on the ground. The ground was covered with layers of human heads, and the armor on his body was stained dark red by the blood. On his face, the blood slid down along the eyelids, but He never raised his hand to wipe it.

The orcs rushing from all directions submerged him like a tide...

"Boy, with your current cultivation, you still can't see this!"

Just when Ye Yun was immersed in the siege of countless beast clans, that kind of despair, that kind of tragic and tragic, suddenly he was patted on the shoulder, and then, this loud voice sounded in his head, pulling him back!

"so close!"

Ye Yun couldn't help wiping off a cold sweat. If this person hadn't pulled him back, he would have been immersed in it for the rest of his life. In the end, his divine sense would be imprisoned, and he would become a puppet in this life.

Right in front of the main hall, there is a simple stool floating in the void.

And at this moment, that man was sitting on that stool!

"Brother Yun?"

On the other side of the hall, Qingming rushed towards Ye Yun, and she looked Ye Yun up and down.

Just after the tribulation, he has not fully recovered, his body is bloody and bloody, Qingming's eye sockets are getting wet, but he pretends to be strong, "It's fine, it's fine!"

Such a violent catastrophe, even Elder Yin wanted to avoid it. She was in a hurry, but Elder Yin held her back!

Ye Yun took Qing Ming's hand, "Ming'er, I'm fine, don't worry, haven't you survived such catastrophes many times? Don't worry, don't worry!"

"I know you can do it, I'm not worried, I'm not worried!"


Elder Yin knew that everything in the Heavenly Secret Holy Land was kept from the master.

Therefore, when he sensed that different catastrophe, he dared to boldly activate the top-level defense of the Heavenly Mystery Holy Land.

"Thanks to you this time!"

The superior ruler said with great emotion.

Ye Yun and Qing Ming looked at him at the same time.

Ye Yun had already guessed his identity, but Qing Ming was startled when he heard Lao Yin's address.

Originally thought that the masters were all superior and powerful, but the middle-aged man in front of him looked like an ordinary person no matter what, but he did not expect that he was the master of the Tiankui Starfield.

"It's weird isn't it?"

His smile is very gentle, and his words make people can't help but relax.

He floated down from the void, and when Ye Yun saw that he became the master, he could really control everything, such as any element in the five elements, such as wind.

They didn't expect that they could see the true face of the ruler with their own eyes after crossing the catastrophe. Many people have never seen it in their entire lives.

"His crossing the tribulation this time triggered the legendary golden robbery cloud. I didn't expect that the legend would actually appear. He is more talented than Xing Xiaoyao. The prosperity of my human race must be on this son!"

"Old Yin, I know that he had a little conflict with Jing Tian of the Jing family. You are responsible for this matter. Ye Yun is the future of my human race. Tell Jing Tian, ​​don't have any other thoughts, otherwise, my seat He won't even give him the face of the Jing family!"

In the last sentence, the master changed his previous gentle and seemingly ordinary words, but formed a decree in the air, which continued to condense, and finally a mysterious light flashed, fell into the hands of the Pharaoh, and disappeared.

"This subordinate understands!" Elder Yin bowed, but looked at Ye Yun from the corner of his eye. Just because of a terrible catastrophe, this kid suddenly became the person that the ruler must protect. Other star fields are enough for him to walk sideways!

Ye Yun just pretended not to see the doubt in Pharaoh's eyes.

Afterwards, the master sent the pharaoh away, and said to Ye Yun: "You can perfectly integrate so many special physiques, no wonder the heavens don't tolerate you!"

Ye Yun himself was quite puzzled, he was only trying to comprehend the Jing family's Dao of Fascination, another road that was completely opposite to the one he took, but it could lead to the perfect fusion of several major physiques.

"Brother Yun?"

Qing Ming looked at Ye Yun in surprise!

"The golden robbery cloud, I have only seen it in the legend. It is rumored that in ancient times, only a peerless genius could arouse the golden robbery cloud!"

No wonder the ruler wanted to protect him, that's why.

At any time, people who have no use value will never have meaning in existence.

Ye Yun deeply understood this truth, so he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the ruler protecting him!

The master came to Ye Yun's side and looked at him meaningfully, "Nowadays, the human race is weak, and the orc race is tyrannical, slaughtering our human race. Every genius of the human race is the hope of the future, I hope you understand!"

Ye Yun secretly smiled, for him now, Sedum is a big problem, but it doesn't mean it will always be a problem, at least for him in the future, it won't be a problem.

"I taught you the Nine-Revolution Emperor Star Jue, I can see that you have also practiced it."

"The Juggernaut seems to be very familiar with Xing Xiaoyao?"

Ye Yun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke. He was more interested in Xing Xiaoyao than in the affairs of the Jing family.

From the time he appeared in Lingxutian, his admiration and familiarity with Xing Xiaoyao were revealed inside and outside his words.This person who came out of nowhere and claimed to be a senior brother, he himself possessed the chakra of chaotic world purification, and somehow sensed the fate between them, but he couldn't find anyone who was familiar with him to understand him.

The ruler suddenly looked at Ye Yun, caught off guard, he caught the world in his eyes at a glance, the chaotic turbulence of time and space, the passing planets, and countless meteorites attacking him, at that moment, Ye Yun thought Just like this, I will die in this starry sky.

Master, what is master?

He controls this vast and boundless star field, and has insight into the past and future. He is the supreme existence in this star field, and he controls countless creatures!

Xing Xiaoyao is a sensitive word in Tianji Holy Land, just like a forbidden place, no one mentions it!


The power of the ruler is strong, at that moment, he really felt like he was dead!

Standing on the main hall again, cold sweat oozes from the fuzzy flesh and blood, which wets his clothes!

Not knowing why, Qing Ming looked at Ye Yun suspiciously.

The ruler sighed faintly, "Xing Xiaoyao was once a peerless genius in my Heavenly Secret Holy Land, but it's a pity that he later went to the Shura clan, and there was no news about him in the tens of millions of years after that!"

No news?

"Ye Yun, you are a genius of my human race, I hope you can..."

Juggernaut suddenly fell silent, stretched out his hand to grab it in the void, and a talisman appeared in his hand!

After pondering for a moment, he looked at Ye Yun without hesitation, "The Empress Dowager was besieged by an army of 80 Galaxy Beasts in the Yuanzhi Starfield, and even the empress' mansion was captured by the Beasts!"


Ye Yun immediately thought of Ye Yun, the mansion of the Heavenly Demon Empress was captured by the orcs, so Chi Yun... "Master, we are going to the Yuanzhi Starfield!"

The master hesitated for a while, then nodded slowly: "I will send a war saint to go with you, and send another 50 troops to take back the Yuanzhi Starfield."

The warrior who followed Ye Yun and the others was named Emperor Mohui. He was a taciturn man with black clothes and black hair. Even his sword was black. He was like a black cloud!

The army of 50 people followed them, passed through the teleportation array, and arrived at Yuanzhi Star, the central planet of Yuanzhi Star Field, in just one stick of incense.

Ye Yun was very worried about Chi Yun, and Qing Ming also understood his feelings. As soon as they arrived at Yuan Zhixing, they proposed to go to the front line!

Before coming here, the ruler had rumored to him that Ye Yun was the hope of their human race, but he is still very weak now, and he needs constant training to grow up quickly, and the battlefield is the best choice!

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