The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2662 Brothers reunite

"Woo! Boss, I see Chi Yun, there is still a seal in his divine sea!" Wu Wu secretly told Ye Yun.

No wonder there was no response. It turned out that there was still a seal at his place of the Divine Sea, "Wu Wu, is there a way to undo the seal on Chi Yun's body?"

Wuwu nodded, "Woooo! Boss, you can rest assured and leave it to me!"

Ye Yun took Liu Jinhe and walked forward, but when Wu Wu came out of the Daqian Shentu, he was still discovered by Liu Jinhe!



As he spoke, he threw a ray of mysterious light towards the place where Wuwu flew past, and the place exploded in an instant, except for the good-looking prison cell, the ground was blasted into slag, and in an instant, Liu Jinhe appeared in the prison where Chiyun was imprisoned in front of the prison gate.

Seeing that Wuwu was discovered, Ye Yun was not hiding anymore.

"Exquisite Divine Body!"

"Samsara Sword Qi!"

"Who the hell are you?" When Liu Jinhe saw the sword energy swinging towards him, he was furious, and his body was full of mysterious light. Ye Yun, whose strength had increased by four times, collided with the sword energy of reincarnation and the mysterious light on his body. It dissipated, and the mysterious light on the gilt and body became much weaker in an instant!

"You must be the sharpie of the human race, and you have sneaked into our orc race. It is unforgivable. If you eat me, the blood will be overwhelming!" Liu Jinhe jumped angrily, and under his nose, the sharpie of the human race broke in. Well, the most important thing is that he personally brought the person into the dark prison. If the higher authorities investigate it, he can't shirk his responsibility!

"Avenue Pisces!"

"Wu Wu, I'm dragging him, you go and save Chi Yun!" Ye Yun hurriedly told Wu Wu.

The blood and flesh on Jin Jinhe's body rolled, Ye Yun's attack hit him, but only scattered the mysterious light on his body, but then, he flew towards Ye Yun, and a fiery red mysterious light flew out of his hand, hitting Ye Yun's body. Uniform body!

The cell where Chi Yun was imprisoned was densely packed with divine script, and Wu Wu sucked it when she opened her mouth, and the mysterious divine culture on the cell was a little bit of starlight, which was swallowed by Wu Wu.


Ye Yun was hit by Jin Jin and an attack and flew back backwards, hitting the cell with a dull sound.

The bones on his body were broken inch by inch, and Ye Yun suffered such a serious injury with just one move. Fortunately, there was still Phoenix Feather Armor blocking part of the attack, otherwise, it wouldn't be so easy!

"Good boy, it's really rare to have such a defensive artifact on him!" A defensive artifact that can withstand his blows is also a great treasure in the entire Great Chaos.

Liu Jinhe knew very well that under the power of his own blow, the person in front of him who pretended to be their young master could still die completely. A small star master could actually withstand his blow, except that he had defenses Treasure, don't do what he thinks.

Most of the orcs are simple-minded, so it is difficult for them to find a handy artifact. Therefore, most of their clansmen use their own bodies as weapons, that is, gold-plated and powerful star holy land. There is only one artifact, a boy in the Star Master Realm, who actually has a defensive artifact on his body, which can withstand his blow!

"Okay, okay, okay, when I take you down, I will definitely search everything on you!" Liu Jinhe sneered, and then made another move.

Wu Wu tried her best, and finally absorbed all the sealing power at the door, it passed through the prison door, suddenly there was a piercing sound outside, Ye Yun and Wu Wu cursed secretly at the same time.

Wuwu worked harder, and his body suddenly became several times larger. Its body instantly resembled a giant. In this cell, its huge body made the cell suddenly narrow.

"Bang bang bang!"

As Wuwu's suction suddenly increased, all the matter in the dark prison was swallowed by its big mouth, and the iron chains that bound Chiyun also made a squeak in the air.

"Dark Race?"

Wu Wu's existence finally caught Liu Jinhe's attention, he turned his head, with undisguised shock in his eyes!

Ye Yun's moves are from the human race no matter how you look at them, but this one in front of him is a genuine dark race!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Yun immediately gathered his supernatural power, "Those who are in the void, have no sword energy!"

The gap between them is too big, in order to achieve the goal, Ye Yun had no choice but to sneak attack.

The identity of the void person made his aura disappear in an instant, and Wu Wujian turned into a stream of light, piercing towards the golden and Shenhai dantian.

"It doesn't matter if you are from the dark race or not, if you dare to sneak into our orc prison, this general wants you to die!" Gilt and the blood on his body blocked Ye Yun's attack, but Ye Yun finally seized the opportunity to sneak attack, he A piece of flesh and blood was gouged out by him.

The bright red flesh and blood fell to the ground, wriggling slowly.

The flesh and blood of the strong in the Star Sacred Realm has the ability to regenerate, while the body of the beast race is generally a hundred times stronger than that of the human race, so cutting the flesh and regenerating it is nothing to them.

"Little ants, actually hurt me!" Liu Jinhe had never put Ye Yun and Wu Wu in his eyes, until just now, Wu Wu was from the dark race, and what he thought of as ants in front of him actually hurt him. He, he didn't care about Wuwu anymore, instead he focused on dealing with Ye Yun.

In Liu Jinhe, what if a kid from the Star Master Realm really rescued someone?In the territory of their beast race, can they still escape?

"Since I can hurt you once, I can hurt you a second time until I completely annihilate you!" Ye Yun wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, and the phoenix feather armor emerged, wrapping his body perfectly, holding With a divine sword, there is no fear at all!

Wuwu devoured all the power of the seal with the fastest speed, and finally absorbed all the power of the seal at Chiyun Shenhai!

The seal at Chiyun Shenhai was loose, and the orc strongman who was thousands of miles away knew it immediately. Wu Wu also felt a mysterious force drifting away, and hurriedly sent a message to Ye Yun.

Ye Yun and Liu Jinhe were fighting fiercely. Liu Jinhe never expected that a human race would have a body as strong as their beast race. His physical body could be compared with his... Star Saint Realm.

This shows what?This shows that the kid in front of him must be a genius among the human race, no, a peerless genius among the human race, once such a person grows up, it will be a disaster for their orc race!

Liu Jin and other things were estimated again, and he tried to kill Ye Yun here with all his strength.

"Wu Wu, don't worry about it, hurry up and save Chi Yun, I can't hold it anymore!"


With another blow, the light of the Phoenix Feather Divine Armor on Ye Yun's body dimmed. There were countless wounds on his body, large and small, visible and invisible, and blood fell to the ground.

"Cough cough!"

Ye Yun spit out the blood in his chest cavity, Star Saint Realm is indeed very powerful, but he has been fighting against Liu Jinhe alone in his stomach, and he has not been able to kill him, which also shows that his strength is still very good!

Liu Jinhe was furious, an ant in the Star Master Realm was only injured under his attack, but failed to kill him. This is simply a naked slap in the face, "Sura world!"

After gilding and casting Shura Tianxia, ​​the flesh and blood all over his body exploded in an instant, turning into a blood mist, leaving only a skeleton.

The hazy blood-colored mist quickly filled the space of the main film. Ye Yun had a phoenix-feathered armor on his body, but the blood-colored mist still penetrated into his flesh and blood little by little.

This feeling is like when you are drowning, water is coming from all directions, no matter how hard you struggle, you can't escape!

"Sky Eye Staff!"


Chi Yun's Sky Eye Wand was like a lighthouse shining into the mist, Wuwu opened his mouth wide, and all the bloody mist poured into his body, this dramatic scene caught him off guard!

First of all, he didn't believe that Wu Wu could break the seal of their orc powerhouse. Third, he felt that it must be easy for him to deal with Ye Yun.

"Boss, are you alright?"

I haven't seen him for thousands of years, but Chi Yun's cultivation is actually higher than him. He is at the peak of the Star Master Realm. The Divine Realm suddenly reached the peak of the Star Master Realm, which made him speechless!

He thought that Chi Yun's cultivation was at most the same as his, but he didn't expect it to be higher than him, which made him worry for nothing.

"This son of a bitch, actually made my boss look like this, look at me, Sky Eye Staff!"

Chi Yun took a look at Ye Yun, then angrily went to find Liu Jinhe desperately!

Ye Yun was speechless, he hadn't had time to say a word yet, this kid still has this temper.

Wu Wu was also angry, opened his mouth wide and sucked, the gilt and the bone frame made a "creaking" sound, and the huge suction vortex moved towards him, relying on his own cultivation base to be higher than Chi Yun and Wu Wu Liu Jinhe once again threw a ray of mysterious light, smashing Chi Yun's Tianyan staff, but Wuwu's suction force, he couldn't help it!

The Asura clan, the flesh and blood on their bodies are all essence, but now Wuwu sucked it away for nothing, he really feels sorry for him, if he still has flesh.

Ye Yun threw a handful of pills into his mouth as if he didn't want money, and then took out a bunch of top-grade divine stones, activated his special physique, and the rich spiritual energy penetrated him, and he recovered almost, Ye Yun also joined the battle!

With Wu Wu holding him back from time to time, and Chi Yun, Ye Yun felt much more relaxed.

"The Heavenly Fist!"


The huge fist shadow hit the gilt and head straight.

Gilt He's body suddenly fell to the ground, a huge bone frame, and the moment it fell to the ground, all the bones fell apart.

Wu Wu was very greedy, and he stepped forward and sucked at Liu Jin and Da Zui, before Chi Yun and Ye Yun had time to speak, it swallowed it all in one gulp, leaving the brothers behind, looking at each other in dismay.

After a long time, Chi Yun said to Ye Yun, "Boss, have you abused Wuwu? Look at it, it looks like a monster that has been hungry for hundreds of thousands of years!"

Being said to be a monster, Wu Wu was not happy, and slammed into Chi Yun fiercely!

Ye Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw the two of them playing, and quickly said: "Stop making trouble, if things get serious, none of us will be able to leave!"

Chi Yun quickly nodded, "It's such a boss, you don't know, he invaded the orc clan, and a big boss came, even the woman Empress Tianma, who can't beat him, let's go quickly, the seal on me, He did it, Wuwu moved the seal on my body, I guess he already knew about it, when he comes back, none of us will be able to leave!"

A group of people hurried back, while Chi Yun asked Ye Yun, "Boss, where is sister-in-law? Why didn't you see sister-in-law?"

When Qingming was mentioned, Ye Yun was silent for a while, and told him the whole story. After hearing this, Chi Yun jumped up angrily, shouting to seek revenge from Jingtian, "He fuck, wait, I will just go back when I go back." Chopped him up, dare to bully my boss, I want to chop him up and feed him to the dogs, no, feed him Wuwu..."

Wuwu listened and circled around Chiyun.

After all the fun, Chi Yun still knew what was going on, he suddenly pulled Ye Yun back, "Boss, my sister-in-law's Taoist heart is damaged, just right, I remember the last time I went to the old woman of the Heavenly Demon Empress, I happened to see something, looking at the whole sky Kuixingyu, these things are hard to come by, and they are used to repair Dao Xin!"

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