"sucker Punch!"

The golden-maned monster struggled in the pit, swinging its huge body ferociously, as if it wanted to shake Ye Yun into the air, but it no longer had the aura of swallowing everything just now, and instead it was extremely frightened.

"The grown-up monsters are really amazing. Just now, I spent a lot of energy outside to subdue one of them. To kill you, it needs to be partially activated!"

Ye Yun gave a domineering drink, and stared at the monster under his feet: "Break through the fifth stage of transforming qi, cultivated true qi, and have never tried to use the invincible blood body in the state of true qi, golden mane monster, I will make your debut today, let's see See how part of my activation strength is!"


The majestic zhenqi rushed out of the body, a bloody light flickered on both arms, and blood streaks like spider silk appeared on Ye Yun's arms, blood qi and zhenqi merged, at this moment, Ye Yun felt that his arms were invincible, even The tip of the knife can be cut off at once.


The bright red arm carried an extremely dazzling bloody light, like a blood-red spear piercing straight into the head of the golden-maned monster. At this moment, the monster's head seemed to be made of tofu, and it was smashed into minced meat by Ye Yun's punch. The bone cracked and cracked, but the back half of the monster was still releasing terrifying power, making a dying struggle.

"Overlord Fist!"

As Ye Yun roared, the Nine-Armed Overlord Fist appeared behind him, and it was also blood-red in color, just like blood, this blood-red color is the atmosphere produced by the perfect fusion of blood and true energy.

Boom boom boom!

The Nine-Armed Overlord Fist hammered the golden-maned monster continuously, one punch after another, and after more than a dozen punches, the golden-maned monster turned into a mass of fleshy paste, and the flesh and blood spread a thick layer several feet around, like hell.

"I thought I couldn't find the demon crystal core!"

Ye Yun found out from the muddy meat a demon crystal core that was the size of a fist and more seductive than the growth stage. Holding it in his hand, a terrifying demon power roared, like a dragon crossing the sky in a river, shaking the sky and shaking the earth. If it wasn't for Ye Yun's true energy Majestic, I am afraid that with the ordinary five-layer gasification state, even it cannot be held firmly.

"The adult demon core is really different, it is more pure than the four-armed demon bear, but the four-armed demon bear is very precious, it is still more precious than it!"

Ye Yun looked at the demon crystal core carefully, and said to himself: "With this demon crystal core, I'm afraid I have to change a lot of things. I'm afraid that the adult monsters will no longer pose a threat to me. The adult and meat immortals are ten times stronger. From now on, in the Flesh Wonderland, no one will be able to threaten me with life and death, once I finally activate the Invincible Blood Body, coupled with the sacred and powerful power of the natal Lingzhu, from now on, I can roam the Flesh Wonderland."

"What a domineering power. The feeling of true energy just now was too terrifying and creepy. What kind of technique did he cultivate? The fifth level of the flesh fairy is not weak, and the tenth level of the flesh immortal has a strong true energy capacity. I'm afraid... at first it really made people I underestimated it, but in the end I was saved by someone.”

Yue Li's heart was full of waves. He had heard of a genius who leapfrogged and killed the strong, but he had never heard of a genius with the fifth level of meat fairy who could kill the ninth level of meat immortal and adult monsters. The fifth level actually has the power of tenth level. , Who would believe this.

I have to believe that Yue Li knew that he was not dreaming. If it was a dream, he would rather it be a dream. Otherwise, after waking up from the dream, he would be worried that he would still be hunted down by the golden-maned monster.

"Brother Ye, I, Yue Li, have never admired anyone before. You killed a ninth-level strong man and an adult monster with a fifth-level low level. I am convinced, and thank you for your help."

Yue Li came to Ye Yun and thanked him sincerely.

Ye Yun said boldly: "Brother Yue treats younger brother sincerely. From the beginning, elder brother spoke for younger brother and kept younger brother away from fleeing for his life. At that time, younger brother was very grateful."

"Now that I think about it, it's true that I'm blind and don't know real people. My brother kept it a secret, but yes, it's not monsters that are the most terrifying in this vast mountain range. Blood Blade, you brother, I, Yue Li, recognize you, if you don't dislike me, would you be willing to become a brother of the opposite sex with me?" Yue Li said excitedly, and looked at Ye Yun eagerly after speaking.

"Okay, I have the same idea. I, Ye Yun, am 16 this year!"

"I, Yue Li, this year, I would like to become brothers of the opposite sex with Ye Yun!"

Ye Yun and Yue Li looked at each other, knelt down at the same time, and said with a heroic smile to the sky: "We two brothers will become brothers of the opposite sex from now on. We don't want the same year and the same day, but we want to die in the same year and the same day. If there is a violation, death will not enter the loess, and soul will not enter reincarnation."

"We share weal and woe, life and death are inseparable!"

The two held each other's hands and stayed together for a long time. The man's blood and pride are as high as the sky and the earth is far away. Let the blood surge with passion at this time.


"Big brother!"

Yue Li put his big hands on Ye Yun's shoulders, mouthing from ear to ear: "My brother's surname is Ye, and he must be the Ye family in Chiyun City. I heard that the Ye family has a long history. With a genius like brother, he must be very popular in Chiyun City." Characters? Unlike brothers, although my Yue family is powerful, I have no status in the family!"

"Brother, I didn't expect you and I to be in the same situation."

Hearing what Yue Li said, Ye Yun's heart was full of melancholy, and he seemed to feel pity for each other: "Brother was indeed a genius in Chiyun City in the Ye family, but unfortunately something happened halfway, and he was destroyed by the Qin family. , reduced to a useless person, fortunately, after hard training, he cultivated a whole body of skills."

"I didn't expect my brothers to go through such ups and downs. Although the eldest brother is not established in the family, he is still the number one figure. It's just that he has no power in the family, but he is respected wherever he goes. Hey, the Qin family... By the way, the Qin family There is a peerless genius, Qin Qing, this woman is really amazing, but now that I see my brother, I think that Qin Qing must not be as good as you."

"Eldest brother, have you heard of Qin Qing?" Ye Yun raised his eyebrows and looked at Yue Li curiously.

Yue Li blurted out: "Not only have I heard it, but I have seen it at Xuanwumen. By the way, my eldest brother is now a registered disciple of Xuanwumen. I think there are tens of thousands of disciples in Xuanwumen, and there are countless geniuses. Qin Qing is a genius among geniuses. He is a member of Xuanwumen." One of the three peerless geniuses, therefore, the status of the Qin family in the Baiyu Dynasty suddenly expanded, and the power of the Qin family in Xuanwumen also became stronger, and now, no one dares to face the Qin family directly, because of the existence of Qin Qing."

"Then how old is she?" Ye Yun asked.

"Just like my brother, he is 16 years old, but his cultivation is in the Earth Immortal Realm, but I don't know exactly what level of Earth Immortal it is, unless I am promoted to a formal disciple, which is about the same. Unfortunately, in Xuanwu Sect, only the Eighth Stage of the Meat Immortal can be promoted. Named disciple..."

"Brother, why should you be discouraged? Opportunities are different for everyone. It's just that big brother doesn't have the opportunity. Once it comes, he will definitely be a high-ranking person who leaps through the dragon's gate."

"Brothers encourage you more. By the way, my Yue family is not far from Chiyun City. Brother, have you heard of Tianyao City?" Yue Li's face softened, and when he heard Ye Yun's words, his heart was relieved.

Ye Yun nodded. Since he was a child, he naturally understood: "Tianyao City is located in the east of the Baiyu Dynasty, and it is one of the major central cities in the East, while Chiyun City is in the southeast, only one-tenth the size of Tianyao City. It is thousands of miles from Chiyun City to Tianyao City!"

"And my Yue family is the number one family in Tianyao City, and its status is only lower than that of the Bai family. If the Yue family was not defeated in the past, it may be the ruler of the Baiyu Dynasty."

After Yue Li finished speaking, he looked proud. With such a big background, he had enough confidence in his heart.

"Brother, I saw that you used an amazing weapon just now. What is that?" The black bracelet that Yue Li used to defend against the golden-maned monster suddenly appeared in Ye Yun's mind.

"Brother are you talking about this ice bracelet?"

A ray of spiritual light appeared in Yue Li's hand, and the black bracelet quietly floated on the palm of his hand, shining brightly. Ye Yun was stunned when he saw it. Yue Li explained: "The ice bracelet is a low-level holy grade repair tool. Possess the ability of ghost side change, mainly defensive ability, use it to resist the ten heavy attacks of meat immortals, but at most two times, three times can't withstand it, if a monk of the tenth level of flesh immortals gets this thing, can resist the earth immortals a few times This attack is a treasure only possessed by the strong in the Immortal Realm."

"It turns out that this is the repair tool!"

Ye Yun was shocked. He had naturally heard the legend of repairing tools. Repairing devices possessed unimaginable power. For example, the storage ring was not even considered a repairing device. Ye Yun only heard the rumors before, but he never thought that he would be lucky enough to see it now. Even the Ye family doesn't have a repair tool, but Yue Licai, the seventh-level meat fairy, actually has a repair tool, which shows how powerful the Yue family is.

"This is a gift from my mother and father. When I came out to practice this time, my mother was afraid that I would be in danger, so she used it for self-defense. I didn't expect it to be really useful." Touching the ice bracelet, Yue Li became sad .

"Then brother, pack it up quickly, brother, go collect the cold ginseng grass first!"

Ye Yun turned around and flew towards the cold pool, suspended in mid-air in an instant, released a vacuum palm-shaped zhenqi, and grabbed the cold ginseng grass from the cold pool out of thin air.

"The supernatural means that can only be found in the realm of the ninefold supernatural power, brother is really amazing!" Seeing that Ye Yun got the cold ginseng grass, Yue Li was not greedy or jealous, but happy.

"It's such a special breath. I feel that the real energy in the dantian can be released and the Buddha can feel its aura. It really is a spiritual treasure!"

Ye Yun held it in his hand, sized it up carefully, and immediately landed in front of Yue Li, embarrassedly said: "Brother, to be honest, this is what I came here for, my father was secretly beaten by the Heaven and Earth Gate, his dantian was shattered, and his cultivation base It is completely useless, it is necessary to keep this thing to keep the essence of the dantian, so as to reshape the dantian in the future."

When Yue Li heard it, he was full of worry: "It turns out that uncle needs it so much, brother just take it, if there is any help, just tell elder brother, my father-in-law has everything, as long as brother wants anything, I will do everything I can to get it." of."

"Thank you, big brother. If there is a need in the future, brother will definitely not be polite. Let's see what happens to Song Zhen now."


Yue Li and Ye Yun ran towards the center of the valley. In Yue Li's eyes, strong resentment shone. "sucker Punch!"

The golden-maned monster struggled in the pit, swinging its huge body ferociously, as if it wanted to shake Ye Yun into the air, but it no longer had the aura of swallowing everything just now, and instead it was extremely frightened.

"The grown-up monsters are really amazing. Just now, I spent a lot of energy outside to subdue one of them. To kill you, it needs to be partially activated!"

Ye Yun gave a domineering drink, and stared at the monster under his feet: "Break through the fifth stage of transforming qi, cultivated true qi, and have never tried to use the invincible blood body in the state of true qi, golden mane monster, I will make your debut today, let's see See how part of my activation strength is!"


The majestic zhenqi rushed out of the body, a bloody light flickered on both arms, and blood streaks like spider silk appeared on Ye Yun's arms, blood qi and zhenqi merged, at this moment, Ye Yun felt that his arms were invincible, even The tip of the knife can be cut off at once.


The bright red arm carried an extremely dazzling bloody light, like a blood-red spear piercing straight into the head of the golden-maned monster. At this moment, the monster's head seemed to be made of tofu, and it was smashed into minced meat by Ye Yun's punch. The bone cracked and cracked, but the back half of the monster was still releasing terrifying power, making a dying struggle.

"Overlord Fist!"

As Ye Yun roared, the Nine-Armed Overlord Fist appeared behind him, and it was also blood-red in color, just like blood, this blood-red color is the atmosphere produced by the perfect fusion of blood and true energy.

Boom boom boom!

The Nine-Armed Overlord Fist hammered the golden-maned monster continuously, one punch after another, and after more than a dozen punches, the golden-maned monster turned into a mass of fleshy paste, and the flesh and blood spread a thick layer several feet around, like hell.

"I thought I couldn't find the demon crystal core!"

Ye Yun found out from the muddy meat a demon crystal core that was the size of a fist and more seductive than the growth stage. Holding it in his hand, a terrifying demon power roared, like a dragon crossing the sky in a river, shaking the sky and shaking the earth. If it wasn't for Ye Yun's true energy Majestic, I am afraid that with the ordinary five-layer gasification state, even it cannot be held firmly.

"The adult demon core is really different, it is more pure than the four-armed demon bear, but the four-armed demon bear is very precious, it is still more precious than it!"

Ye Yun looked at the demon crystal core carefully, and said to himself: "With this demon crystal core, I'm afraid I have to change a lot of things. I'm afraid that the adult monsters will no longer pose a threat to me. The adult and meat immortals are ten times stronger. From now on, in the Flesh Wonderland, no one will be able to threaten me with life and death, once I finally activate the Invincible Blood Body, coupled with the sacred and powerful power of the natal Lingzhu, from now on, I can roam the Flesh Wonderland."

"What a domineering power. The feeling of true energy just now was too terrifying and creepy. What kind of technique did he cultivate? The fifth level of the flesh fairy is not weak, and the tenth level of the flesh immortal has a strong true energy capacity. I'm afraid... at first it really made people I underestimated it, but in the end I was saved by someone.”

Yue Li's heart was full of waves. He had heard of a genius who leapfrogged and killed the strong, but he had never heard of a genius with the fifth level of meat fairy who could kill the ninth level of meat immortal and adult monsters. The fifth level actually has the power of tenth level. , Who would believe this.

I have to believe that Yue Li knew that he was not dreaming. If it was a dream, he would rather it be a dream. Otherwise, after waking up from the dream, he would be worried that he would still be hunted down by the golden-maned monster.

"Brother Ye, I, Yue Li, have never admired anyone before. You killed a ninth-level strong man and an adult monster with a fifth-level low level. I am convinced, and thank you for your help."

Yue Li came to Ye Yun and thanked him sincerely.

Ye Yun said boldly: "Brother Yue treats younger brother sincerely. From the beginning, elder brother spoke for younger brother and kept younger brother away from fleeing for his life. At that time, younger brother was very grateful."

"Now that I think about it, it's true that I'm blind and don't know real people. My brother kept it a secret, but yes, it's not monsters that are the most terrifying in this vast mountain range. Blood Blade, you brother, I, Yue Li, recognize you, if you don't dislike me, would you be willing to become a brother of the opposite sex with me?" Yue Li said excitedly, and looked at Ye Yun eagerly after speaking.

"Okay, I have the same idea. I, Ye Yun, am 16 this year!"

"I, Yue Li, this year, I would like to become brothers of the opposite sex with Ye Yun!"

Ye Yun and Yue Li looked at each other, knelt down at the same time, and said with a heroic smile to the sky: "We two brothers will become brothers of the opposite sex from now on. We don't want the same year and the same day, but we want to die in the same year and the same day. If there is a violation, death will not enter the loess, and soul will not enter reincarnation."

"We share weal and woe, life and death are inseparable!"

The two held each other's hands and stayed together for a long time. The man's blood and pride are as high as the sky and the earth is far away. Let the blood surge with passion at this time.


"Big brother!"

Yue Li put his big hands on Ye Yun's shoulders, mouthing from ear to ear: "My brother's surname is Ye, and he must be the Ye family in Chiyun City. I heard that the Ye family has a long history. With a genius like brother, he must be very popular in Chiyun City." Characters? Unlike brothers, although my Yue family is powerful, I have no status in the family!"

"Brother, I didn't expect you and I to be in the same situation."

Hearing what Yue Li said, Ye Yun's heart was full of melancholy, and he seemed to feel pity for each other: "Brother was indeed a genius in Chiyun City in the Ye family, but unfortunately something happened halfway, and he was destroyed by the Qin family. , reduced to a useless person, fortunately, after hard training, he cultivated a whole body of skills."

"I didn't expect my brothers to go through such ups and downs. Although the eldest brother is not established in the family, he is still the number one figure. It's just that he has no power in the family, but he is respected wherever he goes. Hey, the Qin family... By the way, the Qin family There is a peerless genius, Qin Qing, this woman is really amazing, but now that I see my brother, I think that Qin Qing must not be as good as you."

"Eldest brother, have you heard of Qin Qing?" Ye Yun raised his eyebrows and looked at Yue Li curiously.

Yue Li blurted out: "Not only have I heard it, but I have seen it at Xuanwumen. By the way, my eldest brother is now a registered disciple of Xuanwumen. I think there are tens of thousands of disciples in Xuanwumen, and there are countless geniuses. Qin Qing is a genius among geniuses. He is a member of Xuanwumen." One of the three peerless geniuses, therefore, the status of the Qin family in the Baiyu Dynasty suddenly expanded, and the power of the Qin family in Xuanwumen also became stronger, and now, no one dares to face the Qin family directly, because of the existence of Qin Qing."

"Then how old is she?" Ye Yun asked.

"Just like my brother, he is 16 years old, but his cultivation is in the Earth Immortal Realm, but I don't know exactly what level of Earth Immortal it is, unless I am promoted to a formal disciple, which is about the same. Unfortunately, in Xuanwu Sect, only the Eighth Stage of the Meat Immortal can be promoted. Named disciple..."

"Brother, why should you be discouraged? Opportunities are different for everyone. It's just that big brother doesn't have the opportunity. Once it comes, he will definitely be a high-ranking person who leaps through the dragon's gate."

"Brothers encourage you more. By the way, my Yue family is not far from Chiyun City. Brother, have you heard of Tianyao City?" Yue Li's face softened, and when he heard Ye Yun's words, his heart was relieved.

Ye Yun nodded. Since he was a child, he naturally understood: "Tianyao City is located in the east of the Baiyu Dynasty, and it is one of the major central cities in the East, while Chiyun City is in the southeast, only one-tenth the size of Tianyao City. It is thousands of miles from Chiyun City to Tianyao City!"

"And my Yue family is the number one family in Tianyao City, and its status is only lower than that of the Bai family. If the Yue family was not defeated in the past, it may be the ruler of the Baiyu Dynasty."

After Yue Li finished speaking, he looked proud. With such a big background, he had enough confidence in his heart.

"Brother, I saw that you used an amazing weapon just now. What is that?" The black bracelet that Yue Li used to defend against the golden-maned monster suddenly appeared in Ye Yun's mind.

"Brother are you talking about this ice bracelet?"

A ray of spiritual light appeared in Yue Li's hand, and the black bracelet quietly floated on the palm of his hand, shining brightly. Ye Yun was stunned when he saw it. Yue Li explained: "The ice bracelet is a low-level holy grade repair tool. Possess the ability of ghost side change, mainly defensive ability, use it to resist the ten heavy attacks of meat immortals, but at most two times, three times can't withstand it, if a monk of the tenth level of flesh immortals gets this thing, can resist the earth immortals a few times This attack is a treasure only possessed by the strong in the Immortal Realm."

"It turns out that this is the repair tool!"

Ye Yun was shocked. He had naturally heard the legend of repairing tools. Repairing devices possessed unimaginable power. For example, the storage ring was not even considered a repairing device. Ye Yun only heard the rumors before, but he never thought that he would be lucky enough to see it now. Even the Ye family doesn't have a repair tool, but Yue Licai, the seventh-level meat fairy, actually has a repair tool, which shows how powerful the Yue family is.

"This is a gift from my mother and father. When I came out to practice this time, my mother was afraid that I would be in danger, so she used it for self-defense. I didn't expect it to be really useful." Touching the ice bracelet, Yue Li became sad .

"Then brother, pack it up quickly, brother, go collect the cold ginseng grass first!"

Ye Yun turned around and flew towards the cold pool, suspended in mid-air in an instant, released a vacuum palm-shaped zhenqi, and grabbed the cold ginseng grass from the cold pool out of thin air.

"The supernatural means that can only be found in the realm of the ninefold supernatural power, brother is really amazing!" Seeing that Ye Yun got the cold ginseng grass, Yue Li was not greedy or jealous, but happy.

"It's such a special breath. I feel that the real energy in the dantian can be released and the Buddha can feel its aura. It really is a spiritual treasure!"

Ye Yun held it in his hand, sized it up carefully, and immediately landed in front of Yue Li, embarrassedly said: "Brother, to be honest, this is what I came here for, my father was secretly beaten by the Heaven and Earth Gate, his dantian was shattered, and his cultivation base It is completely useless, it is necessary to keep this thing to keep the essence of the dantian, so as to reshape the dantian in the future."

When Yue Li heard it, he was full of worry: "It turns out that uncle needs it so much, brother just take it, if there is any help, just tell elder brother, my father-in-law has everything, as long as brother wants anything, I will do everything I can to get it." of."

"Thank you, big brother. If there is a need in the future, brother will definitely not be polite. Let's see what happens to Song Zhen now."


Yue Li and Ye Yun ran towards the center of the valley. In Yue Li's eyes, strong resentment shone.

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