Ye Yun and Yu Yunlan had changed their clothes long before coming to the teleportation formation, like ordinary people, they couldn't tell they were students of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

"Elder Sister, it seems that the Three Immortals are here, and they are not welcome!"

Looking at the street and the city, Ye Yun probably has a grasp of it, and he is still in a trace of true energy, sensing that the monster masters who are comparable to the powerful ones who break the fairyland, it seems that they really can't be arrogant.

"The Yaohuang Starfield is rumored to be the power of the Yaohuangshan Mountain. It was suppressed by the three great fairy courtyards several times, but it was lucky not to perish every time. In the Yaohuang Starfield, there are several record-breaking fairyland powerhouses. One hundred thousand monster monks, this force is not easy to eliminate!"

"The strength of the Yaohuang Starfield is not strong enough to threaten the three great fairy courtyards, so it has not been completely suppressed. If it is really necessary, it will be a bloody battle, and the Yaohuang Starfield will be destroyed!"

Yu Yunlan is very confident in the strength of the three great fairy courtyards, and she shows her demeanor as a master when she speaks and threatens, but Ye Yun also agrees with her words, even if the Shenzhou fairy courtyard is dispatched, the Yaohuang star field will also perish.

There are many reasons why the Yaohuang Starfield has not yet perished. You must know that the Yaohuang Starfield is not weak, and it is also connected with the high-level plane Yaohuangshan. A big price, this kind of price, in the current situation, it is not enough to pay.

If the Yaohuang Starfield really united with the Yaohuang Mountain, then the three great fairy houses would wipe out the Yaohuang Starfield in an instant without even thinking about it.

Ye Yun swept across the sky: "When I saw this Monster Desolate Star Territory, I thought of the Taiyi Empire. It seems that I have to return to the Shenzhou Continent as soon as possible, unify the mainland, and completely refine the mainland, so as to defend against any danger!"

"Junior Brother, let's stay here for a while. I will contact Seventh Junior Sister right away to see which planet she is in the Demon Desolate Star Region. Once we get in touch, we will rush there immediately!"

The two walked in the busy street, Yu Yunlan nodded towards Ye Yun, and then began to sacrifice the primordial spirit, sending out divine thoughts one after another through the Shenzhou token.

"The resources of the Yaohuang Starfield are good. I feel that although the energy of the entire starfield is not as good as the three major starfields, it is much higher than the average starfield. No wonder Yaohuangshan will choose this place. If necessary, use this Take a piece of star field, and send the mainland of China to build a holy land of comprehension that is comparable to or even surpasses the three major star fields!"

"If it can be realized, it will be able to avoid the situation of confronting Yanjiao head-on, secretly in this remote star field, create the Taiyi Empire, and promote the Shenzhou Continent. The Shenzhou Immortal Academy is definitely not the opponent of the Yanjiao. Being destroyed by the Yan Sect, and Tai Dayan, who knows if he will learn from his ancestors and unify the entire plane again, since he can't protect himself wisely, he can only create a powerful force and survive in the flames of war forever!"

Ye Yun was secretly thinking about the future. Any crisis is in his hands, so he must plan accordingly. For the future, the Monster Desolation Starfield has higher energy than other starfields and has a good resource base. It may not be impossible to build a holy land of cultivation on this basis. In addition, Ye Yun's cultivation base is constantly improving, and he also has an invincible Demon Lord as his helper.

However, it is really not easy to transfer the entire Divine Continent to the Yaohuang Starfield. With Ye Yun's current cultivation, it is difficult to do it. Even with Chiyun Mozun, the possibility is very small. Even if it can be successful, it will consume The price is also astonishing.

"When I melt the entire Shenzhou Continent, once it is merged at that time, it is possible. I don't know what the situation is in the Yaohuang Starfield. The Yaohuang Mountain... is not just a lower plane that is higher than the Taixing plane! "

Thinking of this, Ye Yun's self-confidence was ignited, and he was burning crazily. A bold plan slowly took shape in his mind, which made Ye Yun unable to hold back his excitement.

"Junior Brother, there is finally news from Seventh Junior Sister. She is now on a planet called 'Meng Yuan Xing'. Let's take a look at the map first!"

Suddenly, Yu Yunlan stopped, and came to an alley with Ye Yun. She grabbed it with her hands, and an interstellar map appeared. With a flick of Yu Yunlan's finger, the interstellar map kept changing. The map of the domain appeared, and Yu Yunlan pointed to the edge of more than 100 planets, a huge planet said: "This is the Mengyuan Star. Although it is not the center of the Yaohuang Star Domain, it is rumored that there are powerful monsters from the Yaozu who broke the fairyland. in!"

"Senior Sister, if the Yaohuang Starfield is really connected with the Yaohuang Mountain, then these masters of the Yaozu hidden in the Mengyuan Star must have broken the fairyland, so be careful..."

Seeing the inconspicuous but huge Meng Yuanxing on the edge, Ye Yun had a feeling that there must be very powerful masters in Meng Yuanxing, otherwise, even with a cultivation base as strong as the second senior sister, he would also fall into it , the danger can be imagined.

"Just now I entered the brain of a cultivator guarding the teleportation array. From his memory, I learned that the teleportation array leading to Meng Yuanxing has been temporarily sealed not long ago, and shuttling is prohibited. It seems that there must be something related to the second senior sister and the seventh senior sister. It doesn't matter, what should I do, with my cultivation base, it is impossible to travel through such a distance from the starry sky, the only way is to forcibly break into the teleportation array and enter Mengyuan Star through the tunnel!"

The eldest sister Yu Yunlan stared at the interstellar map eagerly, she couldn't do anything for a while, after much deliberation, she was very contradictory, and seemed unable to make up her mind.

The situation is extremely urgent, and no one knows the situation of the second senior sister Huo Yingying. If she enters Meng Yuanxing one step earlier, she will have more hope. But now, the seal of the teleportation array is closed, which just means that something happened to Meng Yuanxing, and it is almost inseparable. Second Senior Sister Huo Yingying and Seventh Senior Sister Li Qian'er are directly related, maybe, there are countless strong monster clansmen in Mengyuan Star, and they are chasing and killing them.

"Senior sister, if we force our way in, I'm afraid we will step into a trap once we arrive at Meng Yuan Xing, and be suppressed by the supreme masters of the monster clan. It's too risky!" Ye Yun analyzed.

Yu Yunlan waved her hand, put away the map resolutely, and looked at Ye Yun resolutely: "I can't just ignore death, I won't watch the two junior sisters fall here..."

"Junior brother has a plan!"

Seeing Yu Yunlan's decisiveness, Ye Yun knew that if Yu Yunlan didn't help and let Yu Yunlan break into the teleportation formation, she would definitely be beheaded by the monster master before reaching Meng Yuanxing, Ye Yun said in a deep voice: " Senior sister, you have the ability to travel through space, and the space fairy on me can also travel through space, and it is not difficult to travel to planets that are very close, but this Mengyuan star is not in the center of the star field. Cultivation base can't shuttle at all, Senior Sister and Junior Brother cooperate with you to drive the magic weapon, and it should not be a problem to enter Mengyuan Star!"

"Besides, even if we are discovered by the strong men of the Mengyuan star monster clan, it will not be easy to deal with us. As long as we find the two senior sisters, we can use the same method to leave Mengyuan star!"

"Okay, so far, only this method is feasible, let's start!"

When Yu Yunlan heard this, she said anxiously, and then her body momentum suddenly changed, a force dragged Ye Yun into the void, and came to the intersection of the planet crystal wall system and the star field.

"Senior sister, hurry up, inject your power into my body!"

Exerting the power of Daqian Shentu Turing, Ye Yun deliberately made a difficult and painful appearance, with beads of sweat on his face. In fact, with Ye Yun's strength, let alone Mengyuan Star, he reached the Shenzhou Star from the Monster Desolation Star Territory. Domain is also effortless, and it is even possible to reach other planes from Taixing plane.

The reason why he put on a face of strenuous effort is to confuse the big sister Yu Yunlan, making her look like Ye Yun is very capable, but still has a certain limit.

Of course, there was more than one reason why Ye Yun did this.


In an instant, Yu Yunlan didn't hold back, and injected Ye Yun's body with an astonishing, tyrannical, high-level true energy that surpassed the heaven-reaching realm and was comparable to immortality.

"Wonderful, it's really a second. This is the second-level energy of Poxian. It's really pure. It's not as good as immortality, but it's not much worse. This power has all entered my body, which is equivalent to empowerment, and my strength has increased crazily... Moreover, the impurities in the body are also beginning to be refined one by one!"

"It's a pity that you can't swallow too much energy from the elder sister, otherwise, if you really encounter a master of breaking the fairyland, you will only have to be beaten!"

Ye Yun immediately sealed the majestic second-order power of the elder sister Yu Yunlan, and then urged Turing, the great thousand god figure, to catch it with a wave of his hand. The mysterious plane power instantly activated, wrapped the two of them, and flew directly from the crystal wall system. When it came out, it didn't activate the large formation of the crystal wall system, and flew towards the depths like a smear of starlight.

"What kind of space magic weapon is this, so magical?"

Yu Yunlan looked at the starry sky receding, brushing past the stars one by one, she was dreaming, she was walking directly in the starry sky, the storm of the plane, the power of the starry sky, nothing at all.

As the supreme powerhouse of the second-order Poxian, standing at the peak of the mortal world, Yu Yunlan has never seen any magic weapon or fairy weapon, but she never expected that Ye Yun actually possessed such an unimaginable magical space magic weapon, directly Flying in the star river, moreover, there is no friction with the power of the star field, and there is no repulsion.

This is the most surprising thing, even if it is a space fairy, it will also rub against the star field, and when traveling through the star field, it will definitely rub against the starry sky, which is inevitable, but Yu Yulan can't feel any changes, which is really amazing.

But facing Ye Yun, Yu Yunlan was not moved at all on the surface. As a senior sister, she must maintain prestige and grace in front of the ninth junior brother.

To put it simply, it is to save face.

"Senior Sister, pay attention to the defense of the Mengyuan Star Crystal Wall, we are going in!"

Ye Yun was sweating profusely, he seemed to be on the verge of falling, as if he would fall down at any time, he gritted his teeth and persisted, of course, all this was an illusion to confuse Yu Yunlan.

A series of finger forces pierced into the void, and at the moment of entering the Mengyuan star crystal wall system, Yu Yunlan suddenly separated her hands, and a series of finger forces tore apart the crystal wall system, and the two of them escaped into the Mengyuan star system in an instant. The star, the gap, also healed instantly, and the crystal wall system did not vibrate at all.

"Sure enough, there is a breath of breaking the fairyland!"

As soon as she appeared in the sky of Meng Yuanxing, Yu Yunlan sealed her aura, and she and Ye Yun fell straight down from the sky to the ground, and soon entered an ancient forest.

In the deep forest, Yu Yunlan looked around, and the divine light shot out suddenly, then gathered the divine light, looked at Ye Yun who was still panting, and immediately took out a pill for Ye Yun to eat: "There are no masters in this forest." , Junior Brother, you need to rest for a while, I will contact the two Junior Sisters!"

"Yes, Senior Sister!"

After taking the elixir, a wave of energy with the aura of immortality spread comfortably throughout his body. In fact, Ye Yun was fine. Now he got another elixir of immortality. After eating it, his strength has not improved much. Young master, he secretly said happily: "The power that the elder sister just had is enough for me to break through to the fifth level of human immortality. As long as there is no one, I will break through to the fifth level of human immortality in one fell swoop."

It turned out that before Yu Yunlan was injected with power, it was for the purpose of breaking through. The second-level power of Poxian is so powerful and incomparably majestic, and Ye Yun's current true energy capacity cannot be compared at all.

"Not good, as expected, the second junior sister is not there, but the seventh junior sister is thousands of kilometers away to the right, and is being approached by monster monks into a dangerous forbidden area at this moment, junior brother, let's go for reinforcements!"

Less than a breath away, Yu Yunlan stood up suddenly, her eyes flashed with lightning, she looked to the right, pointed at that, and said to Ye Yun: "Not only the seventh junior sister, but also several immortals from the Gutuo Immortal Academy Strong!"

"Let's talk in the past!"

Ye Yun immediately stood up and came to Yu Yunlan's side. Yu Yunlan exerted the control of the immortal powerhouse, felt a sudden jump, and flew and jumped directly. After three breaths, Ye Yun and the two appeared in an ancient place. In front of the ruins.

The ruins of the Buddha is an ancient tomb, releasing a gloomy atmosphere, a gloom, released from the ancient tomb, the ancient tomb is very huge, dominated by a whole mountain range, and in the four directions, there are many monsters The aura of monks is everywhere, especially at the entrance of the ancient tomb, where the strong monsters are waiting in full force.

"Seventh Junior Sister is in the ancient tomb, and there are three strong immortals from Gutuo Xianyuan who are trapped. If the three strongmen can cooperate with us, they will be able to fight against the masters of the Mengyuan star demon clan, but Gutuo Xianyuan We have always been at odds with Shenzhou Xianyuan, there is no hope, and if they don’t attack us, it’s fine if they hit us!”

Frowning tightly, Yu Yunlan seemed to see the depths of the ancient tomb clearly.

"Senior Sister, since the Gutuo Immortal Academy does not agree with us, we don't need to ask them. Moreover, we can also lead the trouble to them and let the monster race deal with the three of them. Let's take this opportunity to escape and go to Second Senior Sister!"

Three strong immortals!

Ye Yun suddenly showed a greedy smile. If he could kill the three powerful immortals of Gutuo Immortal Academy and bring them into the Shenluo domain, how much Ye Yun's strength would increase. Even he himself didn't know. It's not a problem, and it's even possible to directly break through the Heaven-reaching Realm.

Normally, it would be unrealistic for Ye Yun to kill three strong immortals, but now, the three strong monsters are blocked in this ancient tomb, which is equivalent to an iron barrel array. Ye Yun has a way to deal with it. Although it is risky, it is also worth it.

"Among this group of monster clan powerhouses, there is only one powerhouse in the Immortal Realm, whose cultivation is at the first level of the Immortal World. Although it is comparable to the second level, it is still not as good as me. Junior brother, follow me to tear apart the space and enter the ancient tomb. middle!"

Yu Yunlan suddenly released a wave of sacred aura, wrapped Ye Yun, and then continuously made seals with her hands, and gradually began to tremble in the void in front of her.

"What a powerful force!" Ye Yun and Yu Yunlan had changed their clothes long before they descended on the teleportation formation, like ordinary people, they couldn't tell that they were students from Shenzhou Xianyuan.

"Elder Sister, it seems that the Three Immortals are here, and they are not welcome!"

Looking at the street and the city, Ye Yun probably has a grasp of it, and he is still in a trace of true energy, sensing that the monster masters who are comparable to the powerful ones who break the fairyland, it seems that they really can't be arrogant.

"The Yaohuang Starfield is rumored to be the power of the Yaohuangshan Mountain. It was suppressed by the three great fairy courtyards several times, but it was lucky not to perish every time. In the Yaohuang Starfield, there are several record-breaking fairyland powerhouses. One hundred thousand monster monks, this force is not easy to eliminate!"

"The strength of the Yaohuang Starfield is not strong enough to threaten the three great fairy courtyards, so it has not been completely suppressed. If it is really necessary, it will be a bloody battle, and the Yaohuang Starfield will be destroyed!"

Yu Yunlan is very confident in the strength of the three great fairy courtyards, and she shows her demeanor as a master when she speaks and threatens, but Ye Yun also agrees with her words, even if the Shenzhou fairy courtyard is dispatched, the Yaohuang star field will also perish.

There are many reasons why the Yaohuang Starfield has not yet perished. You must know that the Yaohuang Starfield is not weak, and it is also connected with the high-level plane Yaohuangshan. A big price, this kind of price, in the current situation, it is not enough to pay.

If the Yaohuang Starfield really united with the Yaohuang Mountain, then the three great fairy houses would wipe out the Yaohuang Starfield in an instant without even thinking about it.

Ye Yun swept across the sky: "When I saw this Monster Desolate Star Territory, I thought of the Taiyi Empire. It seems that I have to return to the Shenzhou Continent as soon as possible, unify the mainland, and completely refine the mainland, so as to defend against any danger!"

"Junior Brother, let's stay here for a while. I will contact Seventh Junior Sister right away to see which planet she is in the Demon Desolate Star Region. Once we get in touch, we will rush there immediately!"

The two walked in the busy street, Yu Yunlan nodded towards Ye Yun, and then began to sacrifice the primordial spirit, sending out divine thoughts one after another through the Shenzhou token.

"The resources of the Yaohuang Starfield are good. I feel that although the energy of the entire starfield is not as good as the three major starfields, it is much higher than the average starfield. No wonder Yaohuangshan will choose this place. If necessary, use this Take a piece of star field, and send the mainland of China to build a holy land of comprehension that is comparable to or even surpasses the three major star fields!"

"If it can be realized, it will be able to avoid the situation of confronting Yanjiao head-on, secretly in this remote star field, create the Taiyi Empire, and promote the Shenzhou Continent. The Shenzhou Immortal Academy is definitely not the opponent of the Yanjiao. Being destroyed by the Yan Sect, and Tai Dayan, who knows if he will learn from his ancestors and unify the entire plane again, since he can't protect himself wisely, he can only create a powerful force and survive in the flames of war forever!"

Ye Yun was secretly thinking about the future. Any crisis is in his hands, so he must plan accordingly. For the future, the Monster Desolation Starfield has higher energy than other starfields and has a good resource base. It may not be impossible to build a holy land of cultivation on this basis. In addition, Ye Yun's cultivation base is constantly improving, and he also has an invincible Demon Lord as his helper.

However, it is really not easy to transfer the entire Divine Continent to the Yaohuang Starfield. With Ye Yun's current cultivation, it is difficult to do it. Even with Chiyun Mozun, the possibility is very small. Even if it can be successful, it will consume The price is also astonishing.

"When I melt the entire Shenzhou Continent, once it is merged at that time, it is possible. I don't know what the situation is in the Yaohuang Starfield. The Yaohuang Mountain... is not just a lower plane that is higher than the Taixing plane! "

Thinking of this, Ye Yun's self-confidence was ignited, and he was burning crazily. A bold plan slowly took shape in his mind, which made Ye Yun unable to hold back his excitement.

"Junior Brother, there is finally news from Seventh Junior Sister. She is now on a planet called 'Meng Yuan Xing'. Let's take a look at the map first!"

Suddenly, Yu Yunlan stopped, and came to an alley with Ye Yun. She grabbed it with her hands, and an interstellar map appeared. With a flick of Yu Yunlan's finger, the interstellar map kept changing. The map of the domain appeared, and Yu Yunlan pointed to the edge of more than 100 planets, a huge planet said: "This is the Mengyuan Star. Although it is not the center of the Yaohuang Star Domain, it is rumored that there are powerful monsters from the Yaozu who broke the fairyland. in!"

"Senior Sister, if the Yaohuang Starfield is really connected with the Yaohuang Mountain, then these masters of the Yaozu hidden in the Mengyuan Star must have broken the fairyland, so be careful..."

Seeing the inconspicuous but huge Meng Yuanxing on the edge, Ye Yun had a feeling that there must be very powerful masters in Meng Yuanxing, otherwise, even with a cultivation base as strong as the second senior sister, he would also fall into it , the danger can be imagined.

"Just now I entered the brain of a cultivator guarding the teleportation array. From his memory, I learned that the teleportation array leading to Meng Yuanxing has been temporarily sealed not long ago, and shuttling is prohibited. It seems that there must be something related to the second senior sister and the seventh senior sister. It doesn't matter, what should I do, with my cultivation base, it is impossible to travel through such a distance from the starry sky, the only way is to forcibly break into the teleportation array and enter Mengyuan Star through the tunnel!"

The eldest sister Yu Yunlan stared at the interstellar map eagerly, she couldn't do anything for a while, after much deliberation, she was very contradictory, and seemed unable to make up her mind.

The situation is extremely urgent, and no one knows the situation of the second senior sister Huo Yingying. If she enters Meng Yuanxing one step earlier, she will have more hope. But now, the seal of the teleportation array is closed, which just means that something happened to Meng Yuanxing, and it is almost inseparable. Second Senior Sister Huo Yingying and Seventh Senior Sister Li Qian'er are directly related, maybe, there are countless strong monster clansmen in Mengyuan Star, and they are chasing and killing them.

"Senior sister, if we force our way in, I'm afraid we will step into a trap once we arrive at Meng Yuan Xing, and be suppressed by the supreme masters of the monster clan. It's too risky!" Ye Yun analyzed.

Yu Yunlan waved her hand, put away the map resolutely, and looked at Ye Yun resolutely: "I can't just ignore death, I won't watch the two junior sisters fall here..."

"Junior brother has a plan!"

Seeing Yu Yunlan's decisiveness, Ye Yun knew that if Yu Yunlan didn't help and let Yu Yunlan break into the teleportation formation, she would definitely be beheaded by the monster master before reaching Meng Yuanxing, Ye Yun said in a deep voice: " Senior sister, you have the ability to travel through space, and the space fairy on me can also travel through space, and it is not difficult to travel to planets that are very close, but this Mengyuan star is not in the center of the star field. Cultivation base can't shuttle at all, Senior Sister and Junior Brother cooperate with you to drive the magic weapon, and it should not be a problem to enter Mengyuan Star!"

"Besides, even if we are discovered by the strong men of the Mengyuan star monster clan, it will not be easy to deal with us. As long as we find the two senior sisters, we can use the same method to leave Mengyuan star!"

"Okay, so far, only this method is feasible, let's start!"

When Yu Yunlan heard this, she said anxiously, and then her body momentum suddenly changed, a force dragged Ye Yun into the void, and came to the intersection of the planet crystal wall system and the star field.

"Senior sister, hurry up, inject your power into my body!"

Exerting the power of Daqian Shentu Turing, Ye Yun deliberately made a difficult and painful appearance, with beads of sweat on his face. In fact, with Ye Yun's strength, let alone Mengyuan Star, he reached the Shenzhou Star from the Monster Desolation Star Territory. Domain is also effortless, and it is even possible to reach other planes from Taixing plane.

The reason why he put on a face of strenuous effort is to confuse the big sister Yu Yunlan, making her look like Ye Yun is very capable, but still has a certain limit.

Of course, there was more than one reason why Ye Yun did this.


In an instant, Yu Yunlan didn't hold back, and injected Ye Yun's body with an astonishing, tyrannical, high-level true energy that surpassed the heaven-reaching realm and was comparable to immortality.

"Wonderful, it's really a second. This is the second-level energy of Poxian. It's really pure. It's not as good as immortality, but it's not much worse. This power has all entered my body, which is equivalent to empowerment, and my strength has increased crazily... Moreover, the impurities in the body are also beginning to be refined one by one!"

"It's a pity that you can't swallow too much energy from the elder sister, otherwise, if you really encounter a master of breaking the fairyland, you will only have to be beaten!"

Ye Yun immediately sealed the majestic second-order power of the elder sister Yu Yunlan, and then urged Turing, the great thousand god figure, to catch it with a wave of his hand. The mysterious plane power instantly activated, wrapped the two of them, and flew directly from the crystal wall system. When it came out, it didn't activate the large formation of the crystal wall system, and flew towards the depths like a smear of starlight.

"What kind of space magic weapon is this, so magical?"

Yu Yunlan looked at the starry sky receding, brushing past the stars one by one, she was dreaming, she was walking directly in the starry sky, the storm of the plane, the power of the starry sky, nothing at all.

As the supreme powerhouse of the second-order Poxian, standing at the peak of the mortal world, Yu Yunlan has never seen any magic weapon or fairy weapon, but she never expected that Ye Yun actually possessed such an unimaginable magical space magic weapon, directly Flying in the star river, moreover, there is no friction with the power of the star field, and there is no repulsion.

This is the most surprising thing, even if it is a space fairy, it will also rub against the star field, and when traveling through the star field, it will definitely rub against the starry sky, which is inevitable, but Yu Yulan can't feel any changes, which is really amazing.

But facing Ye Yun, Yu Yunlan was not moved at all on the surface. As a senior sister, she must maintain prestige and grace in front of the ninth junior brother.

To put it simply, it is to save face.

"Senior Sister, pay attention to the defense of the Mengyuan Star Crystal Wall, we are going in!"

Ye Yun was sweating profusely, he seemed to be on the verge of falling, as if he would fall down at any time, he gritted his teeth and persisted, of course, all this was an illusion to confuse Yu Yunlan.

A series of finger forces pierced into the void, and at the moment of entering the Mengyuan star crystal wall system, Yu Yunlan suddenly separated her hands, and a series of finger forces tore apart the crystal wall system, and the two of them escaped into the Mengyuan star system in an instant. The star, the gap, also healed instantly, and the crystal wall system did not vibrate at all.

"Sure enough, there is a breath of breaking the fairyland!"

As soon as she appeared in the sky of Meng Yuanxing, Yu Yunlan sealed her aura, and she and Ye Yun fell straight down from the sky to the ground, and soon entered an ancient forest.

In the deep forest, Yu Yunlan looked around, and the divine light shot out suddenly, then gathered the divine light, looked at Ye Yun who was still panting, and immediately took out a pill for Ye Yun to eat: "There are no masters in this forest." , Junior Brother, you need to rest for a while, I will contact the two Junior Sisters!"

"Yes, Senior Sister!"

After taking the elixir, a wave of energy with the aura of immortality spread comfortably throughout his body. In fact, Ye Yun was fine. Now he got another elixir of immortality. After eating it, his strength has not improved much. Young master, he secretly said happily: "The power that the elder sister just had is enough for me to break through to the fifth level of human immortality. As long as there is no one, I will break through to the fifth level of human immortality in one fell swoop."

It turned out that before Yu Yunlan was injected with power, it was for the purpose of breaking through. The second-level power of Poxian is so powerful and incomparably majestic, and Ye Yun's current true energy capacity cannot be compared at all.

"Not good, as expected, the second junior sister is not there, but the seventh junior sister is thousands of kilometers away to the right, and is being approached by monster monks into a dangerous forbidden area at this moment, junior brother, let's go for reinforcements!"

Less than a breath away, Yu Yunlan stood up suddenly, her eyes flashed with lightning, she looked to the right, pointed at that, and said to Ye Yun: "Not only the seventh junior sister, but also several immortals from the Gutuo Immortal Academy Strong!"

"Let's talk in the past!"

Ye Yun immediately stood up and came to Yu Yunlan's side. Yu Yunlan exerted the control of the immortal powerhouse, felt a sudden jump, and flew and jumped directly. After three breaths, Ye Yun and the two appeared in an ancient place. In front of the ruins.

The ruins of the Buddha is an ancient tomb, releasing a gloomy atmosphere, a gloom, released from the ancient tomb, the ancient tomb is very huge, dominated by a whole mountain range, and in the four directions, there are many monsters The aura of monks is everywhere, especially at the entrance of the ancient tomb, where the strong monsters are waiting in full force.

"Seventh Junior Sister is in the ancient tomb, and there are three strong immortals from Gutuo Xianyuan who are trapped. If the three strongmen can cooperate with us, they will be able to fight against the masters of the Mengyuan star demon clan, but Gutuo Xianyuan We have always been at odds with Shenzhou Xianyuan, there is no hope, and if they don’t attack us, it’s fine if they hit us!”

Frowning tightly, Yu Yunlan seemed to see the depths of the ancient tomb clearly.

"Senior Sister, since the Gutuo Immortal Academy does not agree with us, we don't need to ask them. Moreover, we can also lead the trouble to them and let the monster race deal with the three of them. Let's take this opportunity to escape and go to Second Senior Sister!"

Three strong immortals!

Ye Yun suddenly showed a greedy smile. If he could kill the three powerful immortals of Gutuo Immortal Academy and bring them into the Shenluo domain, how much Ye Yun's strength would increase. Even he himself didn't know. It's not a problem, and it's even possible to directly break through the Heaven-reaching Realm.

Normally, it would be unrealistic for Ye Yun to kill three strong immortals, but now, the three strong monsters are blocked in this ancient tomb, which is equivalent to an iron barrel array. Ye Yun has a way to deal with it. Although it is risky, it is also worth it.

"Among this group of monster clan powerhouses, there is only one powerhouse in the Immortal Realm, whose cultivation is at the first level of the Immortal World. Although it is comparable to the second level, it is still not as good as me. Junior brother, follow me to tear apart the space and enter the ancient tomb. middle!"

Yu Yunlan suddenly released a wave of sacred aura, wrapped Ye Yun, and then continuously made seals with her hands, and gradually began to tremble in the void in front of her.

"What a powerful force!"

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