"Master, he is only a flesh fairy and weak, and he is not a disciple of a big family, what qualifications does he have to walk with us?"

"Senior brother is very true. Our Lanfeng Sect is one of the one hundred thousand sects from Beihai. What qualifications does he have?"

Several disciples of the Lanfeng Sect immediately expressed dissatisfaction. According to them, Ye Yun's realm was too low. A weakling of the fifth level of the Meat Immortal.


Listening quietly to the various voices of the crowd, Ye Yun was very calm, and he was also thinking about it: "Lanfengzong, a well-known sect, how many of these disciples are earth immortals, especially this Taoist Tianhong , those with a high cultivation base can’t sense it, it feels like the ocean is as deep to me, if he wants to harm me..."

It is natural for Ye Yun to be worried like this, because he is facing Lan Fengzong, the most mysterious and powerful in the mainland, with his cultivation level, it is very difficult to face Feng Xinghen alone, let alone so many strong people.

An Earth Immortal, who has survived the catastrophe, successfully built a foundation, and is a strong man whose physical body transcends mortals and cultivates the sky. He is mysterious and unpredictable. With the power of every gesture, the flesh immortal can be instantly wiped out. Without the qualifications to fight against the Earth Immortal, the Earth Immortal is not only powerful, but also unattainable in terms of realm.

"This person is no more than the fifth level of meat immortal. Brothers, let him accompany you. It depends on his good fortune. My Lanfeng Sect has a supremely broad Taoist heart that can accommodate everything, right, master!"

When everyone was opposed to targeting Ye Yun, Feng Xinghen came to Taoist Tianhong and actually spoke for Ye Yun.

"Senior Brother Feng!" The others didn't understand why Feng Xinghen agreed.

Taoist Tianhong cast approving glances at Feng Xinghen, and then looked at Ye Yun: "Junior Ye, in practicing the way of heaven, what you cultivate is strength, and what you practice is your heart. With a big heart, you can see farther."

"Yun'er, since your cultivation level is currently unable to compete with this person, please agree to him first." At the same time, Uncle Han's clear voice slowly came from nothingness, like gurgling water.

Ye Yun immediately made up his mind, and finally agreed without hesitation: "More love from the seniors, and the juniors should obey it. This is also a good opportunity for the juniors to learn."

"Sure enough, alert."

Taoist Tianhong turned his right hand upwards, and a snow-white jade pendant flew towards Ye Yun. At this moment, everyone including Feng Xinghen was stunned, as if the jade pendant was of great value.

"Simple, powerful!" The moment Ye Yun held the jade pendant, he immediately felt a misty and graceful force in it, and if it erupted, he would not be able to resist it.

"This is the token of the registered disciple of the Lanfeng Sect. You should bring it with you. There are many treasure hunters this time. If you encounter danger, you can use this to deter the enemy. If you make a mistake, it will be my Lanfeng Sect's fault." Tian Hong The Taoist withdrew his hand with a calm demeanor.

"Registered disciple!"

Ye Yun saw the three ancient characters of Lan Feng Zong engraved on the back of the jade pendant. The font is light and full of atmosphere: "Although the younger generation has grown up in the family, they also know the importance of this thing. The senior is not afraid that the younger generation will use this thing to do things outside. Did something detrimental to Lan Fengzong?"

"That's your business. What's more, the current situation is chaotic. If you use this to make troubles outside, then you will be responsible for the consequences. I will give you a token. I hope you can cherish this opportunity."

Taoist Tianhong's eyes were solemn, and his tone was filled with killing intent.

"A Taoist Tianhong wants to use this thing to win me over, but this person is amazing. He can see my potential, but he didn't say that he would accept me as a disciple. It seems that he is not very sure about his vision. He is I want to take this opportunity to see what my potential is."

Ye Yun's words are mysterious, he is clearly facing the old immortal strongman, compared with this, he is just a weed that has just sprouted and cannot withstand the storm.

Playing tricks, of course, is not the opponent of Taoist Tianhong, but it is man-made, and accidents, who will know the final result is that Taoist Tianhong will get what he wants, or Ye Yun will take the opportunity to make a fortune. Ye Yun has a lot of confidence in this. After these days of various experiences, Ye Yun has already developed an extraordinary mind.

The Lanfeng Sect has always been mysterious, Taoist Tianhong actually handed over the sect's token to Ye Yun just like that, the other party is not a fool, Ye Yun has already taken precautions in his heart.

"Ye Yun, I cherish this opportunity very much. Do you know that my sect is very strict in recruiting disciples. Everyone present, including me, has to go through various examinations before entering the sect. There are rules in this sect, and only the tenth grade meat fairy Only those who are qualified to be named disciples, and earth immortals are considered disciples, you are mere five-layer flesh immortals, and my master has already given you a token of sect, and intends to cultivate you." Feng Xinghen stood beside Taoist Tianhong, letting the Buddha accept Daoist Tianhong's mind was captured, and he said covetously.

"Tianhong Taoist intends to recruit me as a disciple of the Lanfeng Sect, so why don't I use my plan, and when the family affairs come to an end, I will sneak into the Xuanwu Sect and try my best to obtain the derivative pill formula, and then I will definitely have a deadlock with the Xuanwu Sect. With such a big backer of Fengzong, Xuanwumen must not be too arrogant."

With a sneer in his heart, he made calculations, and immediately thanked Taoist Tianhong: "It's a great honor for this junior, thank you, senior."

"Everyone rest for a while, and then we will enter the Broken Sword Mountain Range. There will be many dangers, and we need to recharge our batteries." Taoist Tianhong waved his hand.


The disciples rested on the spot.

"Lan Feng Sect, I really want to see how powerful this mysterious sect is, but unfortunately, the family affairs are not settled, and my father's life and death are in danger." Ye Yun sat cross-legged on the grass, thinking of Ye Yun in his heart, he couldn't calm down.

"Yun'er, when you break through the ten-fold foundation building of the Meat Fairy, use the power of your natal Lingzhu to temper your spiritual root, and your future achievements will be limitless. Just bear with it for now, and the fate of the Ye family for thousands of years will fall into your hands. "Uncle Han spoke suddenly.

Ye Yun regained his energy in an instant, and concentrated his attention on feeling Uncle Han's aura, but he couldn't catch it: "Now the Blood Mansion is not yet complete, and it will take a long time to break through to the peak of the Meat Fairy. Now the family has internal and external troubles, and I don't care about other people, but Father……"

"Life and death are fate, and wealth and honor are in the sky. As long as you cultivate a tyrannical cultivation base, everything can be realized in the future. Not to mention the Ziyu Continent, even the farther North Sea cannot stop your footsteps."

"Beihai? The disciples of the Lanfeng Sect also mentioned it just now, saying that the Lanfeng Sect seems to be a hundred thousand sects in Beihai."

"The plane we are in is called Shenzhou Four Seas, and Ziyu Continent is a floating continent in the deep north of the North Sea. The North Sea is the North Sea after crossing the vast sea. The North Sea is a boundless ocean. There are countless huge continents floating in it. Human monks There are countless sects of self-cultivation, and Lanfengzong is one of them. It is not comparable to Xuanwumen. A chance to broaden your horizons."

"I can't wait to hear what Uncle Han said."

"Xiao Yun, after Beihai, there is still the territory of Shenzhou. It is rumored that it is the world of monks. Unfortunately, Uncle Han has only been to Beihai the farthest in his life. As for the Shenzhou, I have always heard about it but have never seen it. The pure land of Shenzhou, Uncle Han hopes that you will one day , can shine in Shenzhou, and let the whole of Shenzhou know that the Ye family knows your existence."

"Shenzhou? Uncle Han, will there be such a good day?"

"The moment you really refine your natal spirit beads, possess the cultivation base of a celestial being, and get that secret, you can go to Shenzhou for a breakthrough. This is the most critical period for you. How to become a powerful meat fairy, how to build a foundation, and how to be able Foresaw your fairy tale." After Uncle Han finished speaking, his tone became calm, with an entrustment.

"The secret?"

The stone statue of Uncle Han in the ancestral hall suddenly appeared in the mind, that stone statue contained a great secret, that secret almost wiped out Ye Yun's clan, and that secret could allow the gods to roam all over China.

"Uncle Han, can't you tell me the secret?" Ye Yun asked impatiently, but unfortunately Uncle Han didn't answer, no matter how Ye Yun searched for it, he remained indifferent.

"Set off."

Time flew by, and Ye Yun didn't know how fast the time had passed after having a conversation with Uncle Han. He immediately heard Feng Xinghen's resolute shout, and immediately opened his eyes, seeing that everyone was getting ready.

"Xiu Qi, if I can meet it, I will definitely get one. With my Xiu Qi, combined with my strength, then I will have no opponent in the Meat Fairyland, and I can even fight the Earth Immortal."

Ye Yun stood up, and the scene of Yue Li casting the ice bracelet appeared in his mind. If he also had a repair tool, his strength would increase greatly, and he would even have the confidence to fight against the Earth Immortal. God gave him this opportunity. In the dark, Ye Yun Yun secretly swears that he must get the repair device, as an insurance policy for himself.

"Ye Yun, do you want me to take you on the road casually?" Feng Xinghen came in front of Ye Yun, and the others flew towards the center of the Broken Sword Mountain Range. He was the only one waiting for Ye Yun, and Taoist Hong that day had long since disappeared.

"Brother Feng has intentions, but I have the confidence to keep up with you." Ye Yun declined Feng Xinghen's kindness. In his opinion, this Feng Xinghen was quite scheming. After knowing the other party's details, he would not dare to make friends with him casually, lest he would be hurt. Unexpected misfortune.

That Feng Xinghen was not angry, seeing Ye Yun galloping very fast among the bushes, he smiled lightly, and easily followed, the aura left behind shook the ground.

Ye Yun used his true energy cautiously, flying among the bushes, from time to time he saw disciples of the Lanfeng Sect in the sky, both in the bushes and on the ground, their speed was not as fast as full strength, but they were flying while paying attention to the movement around them.

"Did you see the airflow film in front? That's the internal seal of the Broken Sword Mountain Range. Only flesh immortals who are at least tenth level can enter. Be careful. If the strength is too weak and you are shocked to death by the power of the seal, I will not rescue you. "

After a while, everyone came to a white layer of air that was drifting like clouds and mist. At first glance, they thought it was fog, but there was a majestic force in it.

"Can this stump me?"

The other Lanfeng Sect disciples flew into the seal one after another, Ye Yun did not show any weakness, released his tyrannical Qi, and rushed towards the seal.

Chi Chi!

A force of violent friction erupted in the air, and Ye Yun collided with the seal. The seal was so strong that it could not be shaken. Ye Yun was in the realm of five levels of gasification, and it was a bit difficult to encounter the power of the ten levels of seals, but Ye Yun immediately used blood Fu Zhenqi, in an instant, the blood red Zhenqi forcibly tore the seal, and Ye Yun stepped into another world.

"This kid, what a weird true energy!" Feng Xinghen followed into the seal, and the astonishing scene of Ye Yun releasing the blood mansion's true energy kept appearing in his mind.

"There are so many strong men's auras, but most of them are earth immortals!"

Ye Yun fell behind the disciples of the Lanfeng Sect, and suddenly felt the breath of a strong man fluctuating around, and Ye Yun could feel the pure blood energy clearly.

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