"How did this happen? You and I are both experts in breaking the fairyland, no matter how strong the crystal wall system is, it will be torn apart..."

Xiao Yunqiong stabilized his body, the muscles on his face were trembling, his fists were tightly clenched, he kept making creaking joint friction sounds, and his momentum was a little messy.

The Shenzhou Continent is just a small continent. Not only is it located in the lower level of the Taixing plane, but it is also very remote from the Shenzhou Starfield. The cultivation of the Heaven-reaching Realm is already considered a giant. Breaking through the fairyland, he is naturally the supreme king and dominates a continent.

The two giants, Xiaoyunqiong and Shengfadao, one represents the first sect, Kyushu Sect, and the other represents the most mysterious Daguang Tathagata Pavilion in the mainland of China. It is understandable that they are the masters of the mainland of China. The mysterious force instantly suppressed it, and the spine of the six people at the scene shivered.

Xiaoyunqiong, Shengfadao, Li Wushuang, Qinghong Taoist, Jiuyin Daoist, and Lingkong suzerain all fell silent at this moment, standing like statues in the ancient times.

Countless disciples and elders of the Kyushu Sect also watched this scene in shock. The Crystal Wall System of the Divine Continent was sealed. If the seal could not be opened, these monks would never have the hope of leaving the Divine Continent to experience and travel in a wider world of comprehension. Not only them, but also their descendants, their children and grandchildren will be imprisoned in this small continent forever.

"The first rank of Poxian...Xiao Yunqiong, Shengfa Dao, you are too weak, I have the strength to fight against you, let alone under Chi Yun's powerful control!"

On the crystal wall system, Ye Yun saw that the six supreme beings were at a loss, and the monks in the whole continent were shaking. These would have a great deterrent effect on the unification of the mainland in the future.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable has been sitting cross-legged on the crystal wall system, surrounded by vast starlight, he has not moved for three years, along with the Shenzhou Continent not only drifting towards the Holy Sky Starfield, but also crossing in the lonely galaxy.

Three years, every day, every hour and every second to cross the starry sky like this, not only is it long, but also boring, there are no creatures, no life in the starry sky, only dusty meteorites, planets and continents, lonely forever.

"Taiyi Divine Furnace, burn it..."

In the realm of Shenluo, the huge Taiyi sacred furnace suspended in the center is burning fiercely. The flames are soaring into the sky. Countless spirit stones are poured into it, and there are many fairy stones, which are constantly injecting power. The flames of the Taiyi sacred furnace are roaring and calm. , a large amount of burning power turned into Taiyi True Qi, which melted into all parts of Ye Yun's body.

In the end, the power completely entered the Turing of the Great Thousand Gods, and then released by Ye Yun, blessed on the Chiyun Demon Venerable's stalwart seal, covering the entire mainland of China, and the seal was airtight.

At this moment, in the mainland, the first grand gathering in the history of China is taking place.

The people who participated in this gathering were the masters of tens of thousands of sects from all over China, or some strong hermits. They are the supreme giants known to the world in the mainland of China. The place where the grand event is held is Kyushu Gate.

The top of a huge mountain towering into the sky in the Gate of Kyushu was flattened into a square, surrounded by various buildings, and now tens of thousands of supreme powerhouses with cultivation bases above the Heaven-reaching Realm gathered together, each powerhouse , sitting around the square in turn, and in the center of the square are more than 100 top martial art kings.

Among them, Kyushu Sect, Daguang Tathagata Pavilion, Mantuo Island, Wendao Sect, Jiuyin Sect and other sects are the main ones, and leaders such as Xiao Yunqiong are discussing fiercely about countermeasures.

This event was held for a full three months, and it finally came to fruition. It came out with a result. It gathered the power of the supreme powerhouses of all sects, forcibly broke through the seal, and passed on the news. Come back to face the big trouble.

Tens of thousands of powerful people in the sky-reaching realm concentrated their strength and broke the seal. This kind of power has never been seen in the history of the mainland of China.

Soon, with the Kyushu Gate as the base, a huge attack formation was established, and it took a full year to build it. Moreover, all the powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm in the mainland gathered around the formation, each side, and each other. Forming horns, a huge array of powerful people in the heaven-reaching realm.

In addition to these superpowers of the Heaven-reaching Realm, there are also countless fairyland monks gathered at the Kyushu Gate. Generally speaking, almost all the monks who can be named in the mainland of China are invited. The scene is very spectacular, and the Kyushu Gate is crowded with people.

"Dear friends, Yun Qiong is here. Welcome everyone to come and contribute to the future of Shenzhou. Now the crystal wall system of the mainland is sealed by a mysterious force. Not only can it not be transmitted, but even the divine thoughts and any soul seals cannot be transmitted. , At the same time, through observation, I found that the continent seems to be slowly drifting in the star field, and many coordinates cannot respond, no one knows what is going on outside, we must join hands and break the seal!"

At the central altar, Xiao Yunqiong came up to the stage, and the boiling square suddenly became quiet. In front of everyone, Xiao Yunqiong waved his big hand and said solemnly, and then waved his arms: "We form an alliance, abandon the differences of sects, The purpose is to protect our disciples and children and grandchildren, now there is no Kyushu Gate, nor Daozong, Mantu Island, only alliance!"

Everyone present knows how critical the situation is now. The teleportation array is closed, the crystal wall system of the Shenzhou Continent is completely sealed by a mysterious force, and even the coordinates of the star field have become blurred. They don't know what happened to the Shenzhou Continent in the universe. However, if encountering a powerful storm of planes or a planetary impact, the mainland of China may be shattered and turned into dust at any time, then countless creatures in the continent will also face a catastrophe in which their lives will be wiped out.

Now it is necessary to break through the confinement, pass on the message, and use external forces to break the crisis.

All of a sudden, the sect masters, suzerains, and powerful hermits of the mainland sects joined forces one by one, pouring out their own powerful energy and pouring it into the formation. A densely packed energy king formed in the void of the Kyushu Gate, like an illusion, releasing A blast of void energy.

"Okay... Concentrate the powerful energy of more than 1 Heaven-reaching monks and break through the power of the crystal wall system. This power is comparable to the third level of breaking the fairyland. It's incredible..."

In the crystal wall system, Ye Yun's divine light suddenly shot into the Shenzhou Continent, seeing every move of the Kyushu Gate clearly. Seeing that the Continent is now united and shattered, it is quite unexpected, but it is also reasonable .

The mainland is imprisoned, the news cannot be sent out, the teleportation array is useless, and it cannot be trapped to death in vain. No one knows what happened in the mainland of China. Only by using power to break the shackles forcibly and pass the news out. In this way, there is hope for the mainland of China.

"This power is very powerful...it is comparable to the fourth-order broken immortals like Chuxuan Tianzu and Wang Chuantian!"

As soon as his consciousness moved, Ye Yun remembered what happened on the punishment planet in the Tianjun Starfield. This feeling was not facing Ling Daozi and Hua Jingyu, who were first-level broken immortals, nor Yu Yunlan's second-level powerhouses, but It is Xuan Tianzu and Wang Chuantian's level of powerhouses, so powerful, it is completely possible to break the crystal wall system of the Shenzhou Continent.

However, at this moment, the ruler of Shenzhou Continent is Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. Even Xuantian Zu himself can't break the seal of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, but it will also affect the overall seal of the crystal wall system. If the overall power is out of balance, it will Will affect the speed and so on.

In this way, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable will consume a lot of energy.

"Boss, if you look ahead, there seems to be a cluster of meteorites that are particularly dense. Although they are small in size, they can cause certain damage to the mainland of China!"

While Ye Yun was thinking about it, Chiyun Mozun suddenly opened his eyes, and calmly looked at the deep star field in front of him. In the star field tens of thousands of kilometers away, there were clusters of fist-sized meteorites floating densely, and just now The advantage is that there are at least tens of thousands of meteorites in the straight line that must pass through the mainland of China.

The numbers are constantly dense, and the interval is not very long, which happens to be the space that the mainland of China cannot pass through. Now either change the direction to go around, or forcibly open up a passage.

"It's really dense. If you bypass it, it will take a long time...Okay, leave this matter to me. Since you can't bypass it, you can only break through it!"

Facing the group of meteorites, Ye Yun took a deep breath. A piece of meteorite was not swallowed by interstellar storms or plane storms in the starry sky. It can survive, which proves that the hardness of meteorites is very hard. Although it is not comparable to continents and planets, it is also comparable to fairy artifacts. .

"Since people like Xiao Yunqiong and Li Wushuang have assembled the power of all the powerful people in the mainland, to open the crystal wall system, this power must be used. The Great Zhou Taiji Formation, one yin and one yang, integrates offense and defense, and can also dissolve external forces. In the fusion formation..."

Ye Yun raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and looked at the meteorite group with a sinister grin. Ye Yun still had the feeling that he was facing a giant elephant with an ant. Meteorites, solid substances in the world, although they don't have any power, their hardness has long surpassed that of ordinary soil. , rocks and other solid positions, the hardness is even higher than that of the powerhouse who broke the fairyland.

A cultivator in the Immortal Realm cultivated a half-immortal body that was almost indestructible. For example, Xuantianzu, Ye Yun used the burial bow to shoot through his palm, but did not kill him. This shows how hard his body is, but Compared with meteorites, Xuantianzu's physical body is still not as hard as meteorites.

Xuantianzu was able to evade the deadly force of the Skybuying Bow, that was because people were alive, and Xuantianzu had also cultivated countless supernatural powers, combined, to be able to resist the Skyburying Bow, and meteorites are inanimate objects, a piece made of a planet A broken piece, the meteorite can only be shattered when it encounters an invincible force.

The Burial Sky Bow is a ninth-grade immortal weapon, and it is not difficult to destroy meteorites in lower planes.

"Come out!"

With a flicker of Ye Yun's body, he stood in the void in front of the crystal wall system of the Shenzhou Continent in an instant. He used the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map to protect his body, and he was wearing a golden scale armor. Hold the funeral bow tightly in your hand.

When Ye Yun was preparing everything, the first wave of energy in the mainland of China was finally about to break through from the big formation.

The number one sect in the mainland of China, the top of the holy land of Kyushu Gate, the void, is full of crystal clear and shattered formations, which are absorbing the energy of more than 1 powerhouses who reach the sky. All of them hold their breaths. Fa Dao, two supreme powerhouses breaking the fairyland, guarding the formation, looking at the sky.


Xiaoyunqiong and Shengfadao roared at the same time, breaking the power of the fairyland, shaking the mountains and rivers, resounding throughout the mainland of China, and the will of breaking the immortals spread to every corner of the mainland of China. When more than 1 people in the Tongtian Realm heard the order, they stopped supplying energy in an instant.

Shua Shua ~.

A shattering with sacred power, like a beam of starlight in the darkness, illuminates the mainland of China. Hundreds of millions of monks stopped breathing at this moment, and looked at the vast sky with the starlight.


Suddenly, at the moment when the dazzling starlight pierced the sky, a huge rotating mysterious net with one side being dark and the other side being light descended from the depths of the sky, and then collided violently with the starlight, and the starlight directly hit the big net and soared into the sky , However, not long after flying out, the big net began to spin and twist, and the distorted power actually began to slowly suck in the power of the starlight, and finally the news was completely cleared, and the big net gradually dispersed in the sky.

"Sure enough, someone has imprisoned the mainland of China!!!"

In the land of Shenzhou, countless monks saw this scene, and instantly understood that the destructive blow gathered by the powerhouses of the sky-reaching realm was actually resolved by a mysterious formation. This is enough to show that all the strange things that happened in the mainland of China recently were not natural. The reason, but man-made.

Man-made, that is, someone imprisoned the mainland of China.

For a moment, countless monks looked at the sky, fearful and puzzled, why would someone imprison the mainland of China, what kind of strong man, what state, can seal the entire continent.

All the monks remained silent and calmed down, even with the countless mighty powers of the Divine Land, they were unable to break through the control of others.

Outside the formation, Xiao Yunqiong looked at Shengfa and said, "Brother Fadao, it's as expected, it's not because of the star field, but because someone has controlled the continent, no, it's just a high-level breaker of the fairyland who wants to control The mainland of China is not an easy task either!"

"No matter who it is, it is not a friend to imprison the mainland without any warning. Brother Yun Qiong, let's continue to attack and strengthen the energy so that more elders can join in!"

Sheng Dharma seems to have seen something, put his hands together, he is not in a hurry, he has the courage to see through the secrets, comprehend the Dao, and comprehend life and death.

"It seems that there is only one way now. The mainland of China will be controlled one day. I don't know where the peerless power comes from. Let's continue to fight and try to tear through the defense. If it doesn't work, show favor to this senior. !"

Xiao Yunqiong had no choice but to be angry and furious. The Supreme Being of the Chinese Continent, and he had also cultivated a Di Tian. To him, it was so useless for him to be played and applauded by others, but the other party could control the Chinese Continent. It is the high-level ability to break the fairyland with supreme supernatural powers.

Now I have to let go of my dignity and join hands with enemies like Shengfa Dao who are fighting openly and secretly. It will be useless for him alone and the Kyushu Gate.

Who is Xiao Yunqiong? Everyone knows that he is ambitious. He wants to unify the mainland of China and become the supreme ruler of the mainland. He would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. Xiao Yunqiong is this kind of person.

"Comrades, although the attack just now was ineffective, but we have a large number of people, and if we unite, we will definitely break through the control. As long as the news is passed on, we will be able to solve the problem!"

Xiao Yunqiong looked down and howled loudly at countless strong men. "How did this happen? You and I are both experts in breaking the fairyland, no matter how strong the crystal wall system is, it will be torn apart..."

Xiao Yunqiong stabilized his body, the muscles on his face were trembling, his fists were tightly clenched, he kept making creaking joint friction sounds, and his momentum was a little messy.

The Shenzhou Continent is just a small continent. Not only is it located in the lower level of the Taixing plane, but it is also very remote from the Shenzhou Starfield. The cultivation of the Heaven-reaching Realm is already considered a giant. Breaking through the fairyland, he is naturally the supreme king and dominates a continent.

The two giants, Xiaoyunqiong and Shengfadao, one represents the first sect, Kyushu Sect, and the other represents the most mysterious Daguang Tathagata Pavilion in the mainland of China. It is understandable that they are the masters of the mainland of China. The mysterious force instantly suppressed it, and the spine of the six people at the scene shivered.

Xiaoyunqiong, Shengfadao, Li Wushuang, Qinghong Taoist, Jiuyin Daoist, and Lingkong suzerain all fell silent at this moment, standing like statues in the ancient times.

Countless disciples and elders of the Kyushu Sect also watched this scene in shock. The Crystal Wall System of the Divine Continent was sealed. If the seal could not be opened, these monks would never have the hope of leaving the Divine Continent to experience and travel in a wider world of comprehension. Not only them, but also their descendants, their children and grandchildren will be imprisoned in this small continent forever.

"The first rank of Poxian...Xiao Yunqiong, Shengfa Dao, you are too weak, I have the strength to fight against you, let alone under Chi Yun's powerful control!"

On the crystal wall system, Ye Yun saw that the six supreme beings were at a loss, and the monks in the whole continent were shaking. These would have a great deterrent effect on the unification of the mainland in the future.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable has been sitting cross-legged on the crystal wall system, surrounded by vast starlight, he has not moved for three years, along with the Shenzhou Continent not only drifting towards the Holy Sky Starfield, but also crossing in the lonely galaxy.

Three years, every day, every hour and every second to cross the starry sky like this, not only is it long, but also boring, there are no creatures, no life in the starry sky, only dusty meteorites, planets and continents, lonely forever.

"Taiyi Divine Furnace, burn it..."

In the realm of Shenluo, the huge Taiyi sacred furnace suspended in the center is burning fiercely. The flames are soaring into the sky. Countless spirit stones are poured into it, and there are many fairy stones, which are constantly injecting power. The flames of the Taiyi sacred furnace are roaring and calm. , a large amount of burning power turned into Taiyi True Qi, which melted into all parts of Ye Yun's body.

In the end, the power completely entered the Turing of the Great Thousand Gods, and then released by Ye Yun, blessed on the Chiyun Demon Venerable's stalwart seal, covering the entire mainland of China, and the seal was airtight.

At this moment, in the mainland, the first grand gathering in the history of China is taking place.

The people who participated in this gathering were the masters of tens of thousands of sects from all over China, or some strong hermits. They are the supreme giants known to the world in the mainland of China. The place where the grand event is held is Kyushu Gate.

The top of a huge mountain towering into the sky in the Gate of Kyushu was flattened into a square, surrounded by various buildings, and now tens of thousands of supreme powerhouses with cultivation bases above the Heaven-reaching Realm gathered together, each powerhouse , sitting around the square in turn, and in the center of the square are more than 100 top martial art kings.

Among them, Kyushu Sect, Daguang Tathagata Pavilion, Mantuo Island, Wendao Sect, Jiuyin Sect and other sects are the main ones, and leaders such as Xiao Yunqiong are discussing fiercely about countermeasures.

This event was held for a full three months, and it finally came to fruition. It came out with a result. It gathered the power of the supreme powerhouses of all sects, forcibly broke through the seal, and passed on the news. Come back to face the big trouble.

Tens of thousands of powerful people in the sky-reaching realm concentrated their strength and broke the seal. This kind of power has never been seen in the history of the mainland of China.

Soon, with the Kyushu Gate as the base, a huge attack formation was established, and it took a full year to build it. Moreover, all the powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm in the mainland gathered around the formation, each side, and each other. Forming horns, a huge array of powerful people in the heaven-reaching realm.

In addition to these superpowers of the Heaven-reaching Realm, there are also countless fairyland monks gathered at the Kyushu Gate. Generally speaking, almost all the monks who can be named in the mainland of China are invited. The scene is very spectacular, and the Kyushu Gate is crowded with people.

"Dear friends, Yun Qiong is here. Welcome everyone to come and contribute to the future of Shenzhou. Now the crystal wall system of the mainland is sealed by a mysterious force. Not only can it not be transmitted, but even the divine thoughts and any soul seals cannot be transmitted. , At the same time, through observation, I found that the continent seems to be slowly drifting in the star field, and many coordinates cannot respond, no one knows what is going on outside, we must join hands and break the seal!"

At the central altar, Xiao Yunqiong came up to the stage, and the boiling square suddenly became quiet. In front of everyone, Xiao Yunqiong waved his big hand and said solemnly, and then waved his arms: "We form an alliance, abandon the differences of sects, The purpose is to protect our disciples and children and grandchildren, now there is no Kyushu Gate, nor Daozong, Mantu Island, only alliance!"

Everyone present knows how critical the situation is now. The teleportation array is closed, the crystal wall system of the Shenzhou Continent is completely sealed by a mysterious force, and even the coordinates of the star field have become blurred. They don't know what happened to the Shenzhou Continent in the universe. However, if encountering a powerful storm of planes or a planetary impact, the mainland of China may be shattered and turned into dust at any time, then countless creatures in the continent will also face a catastrophe in which their lives will be wiped out.

Now it is necessary to break through the confinement, pass on the message, and use external forces to break the crisis.

All of a sudden, the sect masters, suzerains, and powerful hermits of the mainland sects joined forces one by one, pouring out their own powerful energy and pouring it into the formation. A densely packed energy king formed in the void of the Kyushu Gate, like an illusion, releasing A blast of void energy.

"Okay... Concentrate the powerful energy of more than 1 Heaven-reaching monks and break through the power of the crystal wall system. This power is comparable to the third level of breaking the fairyland. It's incredible..."

In the crystal wall system, Ye Yun's divine light suddenly shot into the Shenzhou Continent, seeing every move of the Kyushu Gate clearly. Seeing that the Continent is now united and shattered, it is quite unexpected, but it is also reasonable .

The mainland is imprisoned, the news cannot be sent out, the teleportation array is useless, and it cannot be trapped to death in vain. No one knows what happened in the mainland of China. Only by using power to break the shackles forcibly and pass the news out. In this way, there is hope for the mainland of China.

"This power is very powerful...it is comparable to the fourth-order broken immortals like Chuxuan Tianzu and Wang Chuantian!"

As soon as his consciousness moved, Ye Yun remembered what happened on the punishment planet in the Tianjun Starfield. This feeling was not facing Ling Daozi and Hua Jingyu, who were first-level broken immortals, nor Yu Yunlan's second-level powerhouses, but It is Xuan Tianzu and Wang Chuantian's level of powerhouses, so powerful, it is completely possible to break the crystal wall system of the Shenzhou Continent.

However, at this moment, the ruler of Shenzhou Continent is Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. Even Xuantian Zu himself can't break the seal of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, but it will also affect the overall seal of the crystal wall system. If the overall power is out of balance, it will Will affect the speed and so on.

In this way, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable will consume a lot of energy.

"Boss, if you look ahead, there seems to be a cluster of meteorites that are particularly dense. Although they are small in size, they can cause certain damage to the mainland of China!"

While Ye Yun was thinking about it, Chiyun Mozun suddenly opened his eyes, and calmly looked at the deep star field in front of him. In the star field tens of thousands of kilometers away, there were clusters of fist-sized meteorites floating densely, and just now The advantage is that there are at least tens of thousands of meteorites in the straight line that must pass through the mainland of China.

The numbers are constantly dense, and the interval is not very long, which happens to be the space that the mainland of China cannot pass through. Now either change the direction to go around, or forcibly open up a passage.

"It's really dense. If you bypass it, it will take a long time...Okay, leave this matter to me. Since you can't bypass it, you can only break through it!"

Facing the group of meteorites, Ye Yun took a deep breath. A piece of meteorite was not swallowed by interstellar storms or plane storms in the starry sky. It can survive, which proves that the hardness of meteorites is very hard. Although it is not comparable to continents and planets, it is also comparable to fairy artifacts. .

"Since people like Xiao Yunqiong and Li Wushuang have assembled the power of all the powerful people in the mainland, to open the crystal wall system, this power must be used. The Great Zhou Taiji Formation, one yin and one yang, integrates offense and defense, and can also dissolve external forces. In the fusion formation..."

Ye Yun raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and looked at the meteorite group with a sinister grin. Ye Yun still had the feeling that he was facing a giant elephant with an ant. Meteorites, solid substances in the world, although they don't have any power, their hardness has long surpassed that of ordinary soil. , rocks and other solid positions, the hardness is even higher than that of the powerhouse who broke the fairyland.

A cultivator in the Immortal Realm cultivated a half-immortal body that was almost indestructible. For example, Xuantianzu, Ye Yun used the burial bow to shoot through his palm, but did not kill him. This shows how hard his body is, but Compared with meteorites, Xuantianzu's physical body is still not as hard as meteorites.

Xuantianzu was able to evade the deadly force of the Skybuying Bow, that was because people were alive, and Xuantianzu had also cultivated countless supernatural powers, combined, to be able to resist the Skyburying Bow, and meteorites are inanimate objects, a piece made of a planet A broken piece, the meteorite can only be shattered when it encounters an invincible force.

The Burial Sky Bow is a ninth-grade immortal weapon, and it is not difficult to destroy meteorites in lower planes.

"Come out!"

With a flicker of Ye Yun's body, he stood in the void in front of the crystal wall system of the Shenzhou Continent in an instant. He used the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map to protect his body, and he was wearing a golden scale armor. Hold the funeral bow tightly in your hand.

When Ye Yun was preparing everything, the first wave of energy in the mainland of China was finally about to break through from the big formation.

The number one sect in the mainland of China, the top of the holy land of Kyushu Gate, the void, is full of crystal clear and shattered formations, which are absorbing the energy of more than 1 powerhouses who reach the sky. All of them hold their breaths. Fa Dao, two supreme powerhouses breaking the fairyland, guarding the formation, looking at the sky.


Xiaoyunqiong and Shengfadao roared at the same time, breaking the power of the fairyland, shaking the mountains and rivers, resounding throughout the mainland of China, and the will of breaking the immortals spread to every corner of the mainland of China. When more than 1 people in the Tongtian Realm heard the order, they stopped supplying energy in an instant.

Shua Shua ~.

A shattering with sacred power, like a beam of starlight in the darkness, illuminates the mainland of China. Hundreds of millions of monks stopped breathing at this moment, and looked at the vast sky with the starlight.


Suddenly, at the moment when the dazzling starlight pierced the sky, a huge rotating mysterious net with one side being dark and the other side being light descended from the depths of the sky, and then collided violently with the starlight, and the starlight directly hit the big net and soared into the sky , However, not long after flying out, the big net began to spin and twist, and the distorted power actually began to slowly suck in the power of the starlight, and finally the news was completely cleared, and the big net gradually dispersed in the sky.

"Sure enough, someone has imprisoned the mainland of China!!!"

In the land of Shenzhou, countless monks saw this scene, and instantly understood that the destructive blow gathered by the powerhouses of the sky-reaching realm was actually resolved by a mysterious formation. This is enough to show that all the strange things that happened in the mainland of China recently were not natural. The reason, but man-made.

Man-made, that is, someone imprisoned the mainland of China.

For a moment, countless monks looked at the sky, fearful and puzzled, why would someone imprison the mainland of China, what kind of strong man, what state, can seal the entire continent.

All the monks remained silent and calmed down, even with the countless mighty powers of the Divine Land, they were unable to break through the control of others.

Outside the formation, Xiao Yunqiong looked at Shengfa and said, "Brother Fadao, it's as expected, it's not because of the star field, but because someone has controlled the continent, no, it's just a high-level breaker of the fairyland who wants to control The mainland of China is not an easy task either!"

"No matter who it is, it is not a friend to imprison the mainland without any warning. Brother Yun Qiong, let's continue to attack and strengthen the energy so that more elders can join in!"

Sheng Dharma seems to have seen something, put his hands together, he is not in a hurry, he has the courage to see through the secrets, comprehend the Dao, and comprehend life and death.

"It seems that there is only one way now. The mainland of China will be controlled one day. I don't know where the peerless power comes from. Let's continue to fight and try to tear through the defense. If it doesn't work, show favor to this senior. !"

Xiao Yunqiong had no choice but to be angry and furious. The Supreme Being of the Chinese Continent, and he had also cultivated a Di Tian. To him, it was so useless for him to be played and applauded by others, but the other party could control the Chinese Continent. It is the high-level ability to break the fairyland with supreme supernatural powers.

Now I have to let go of my dignity and join hands with enemies like Shengfa Dao who are fighting openly and secretly. It will be useless for him alone and the Kyushu Gate.

Who is Xiao Yunqiong? Everyone knows that he is ambitious. He wants to unify the mainland of China and become the supreme ruler of the mainland. He would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. Xiao Yunqiong is this kind of person.

"Comrades, although the attack just now was ineffective, but we have a large number of people, and if we unite, we will definitely break through the control. As long as the news is passed on, we will be able to solve the problem!"

Xiao Yunqiong looked down and howled loudly at countless strong men.

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