The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 36 The Snake Spirit Flying Armor

Ye Yun found a piece of remnant land left by the battle. This remnant land has a wide field of vision. I don't know how terrifying the power of the strong man that caused this place is. Ye Yun sneaked into it like a lizard and found a crack in the ground.

"The battle with Yan Yunao is really thrilling."

After hiding his aura, Ye Yun discovered that the true energy in his dantian was consumed extremely seriously. Bawangding and Bawangquan are supernatural arts, and they need strong true energy to be condensed. In addition, this time the opponent is the peak of the tenth layer.

Ye Yun's biggest battle before was the battle against the four-armed demon bear, and when the Yang family entered the Ye family, Ye Yun fought against Yang Danhou, the ancestor of the Yang family as Ye Man. It brought the biggest test, that time, Ye Yun broke through the fifth level of meat fairy, possessing true energy.

But this time, Ye Yun was fighting against someone of the same height with his tyrannical strength. This is a battle of heights, not the previous fight with pure strength.

Just like Yang Danhou, the patriarch of the Yang family, fought against the great elder Ye Wentian, using supernatural powers to destroy the world.

The real battle is to challenge the infinite height and kill Yan Yunao. In the process of beheading Yan Yunao, Ye Yun is more proficient in the mastery of supernatural powers, and has a certain understanding of the realm, especially at the moment when the true energy of the blood mansion is condensed. An incomparably huge air hole appeared in the Blood Mansion.

"For you, there are many crises."

From the storage ring, he took out the magic weapon cylinder from the ancient ruins. Ye Yun took a closer look, and found that the cylinder was very ordinary, already rusty, and there was a small black snake engraved in the middle, like a dragon coiling on it.

After searching for a long time, I found a way to open it. I twisted the lid, and a gust of cold air came out of it. Ye Yun shivered, and his heart became more curious. When he took a closer look, there was a piece of black scales inside. Black nails, spread out the palm and pour it out gently.

"There are three pieces."

With the sudden outbreak of cold air, three pieces of black scales fell on Ye Yun's palm, and the cold air swept across his whole body.

Take a closer look, the three black scales are covered with mysterious lines that look like earthworms. They seem to be directly made of scales, about the size of a fist. There is a sharp cold light around the scales. Ye Yun feels that the three scales are The armor is very light, as weightless as a feather.

"Snake Spirit Flying Armor, could it be the name of this repair tool?"

Opening the back of the scales, one of them has ancient characters, but this type of characters is also a common font. Ye Yun continued to search for the secret of the flying armor, but he didn't find any clues for a long time.

"This set of repair equipment should be a mid-level holy grade."

When Ye Yun didn't know how to get it, Uncle Han's voice that he hadn't heard for a long time suddenly came from his mind: "Middle-level holy grades are considered rare treasures in Ziyu Continent, and there are only a dozen of them in Xuanwumen. At its most glorious time, Xuanwu Sect only bestowed one low-level magic weapon."

Ye Yun tossed and turned, frowning, with a puzzled look on his face: "It seems to be nothing special, and I can't feel a powerful and unpredictable aura."

"A repair tool, a really good repair tool, does not lie in its superficial strength, but in its attack method. According to Uncle Han, this repair tool has extraordinary capabilities, and as an ancient thing, there are many ancient things that have disappeared. Cultivation techniques, if you can find the inheritance of the ancient will in a repair tool, that is the greatest treasure. If you have the ancient will, you can establish a school. For example, the founder of the Lanfeng Sect, it is rumored that he obtained a technique in an ancient ruins , thus establishing the Lanfeng Sect in Beihai."

"I see."

Hearing what Uncle Han said so well, Ye Yun's heart beat faster, and his eyes were fixed on the three flying armors: "Uncle Han, what should I do now?"

Uncle Han said: "Use the true energy in your body to refine it and let it recognize its master. His master must have fallen long ago. If there is no remaining will, it's fine. Refining it is easy. If there is will, it will take a while."


Astonishing true energy surged in front of Ye Yun, and he immediately threw the snake spirit flying armor into it. The moment it entered the ocean of true energy, the three flying armors came alive and began to rotate on their own. An ancient, desolate, and mysterious ancient atmosphere is released on it.

As the true energy entered the flying armor, Ye Yun also sensed a black space with countless techniques, which is the internal refining space of the flying armor. Ye Yun cautiously followed the true energy into it, and unexpectedly did not encounter any restrictions. It seems that The master of the flying armor has indeed fallen in ancient times.


Entering the central world of Flying Armor, Ye Yun saw a ball of light, and in the light, an incredible scene appeared. A giant stepped on the head of a huge black demon snake. He was holding a blood-red sword more than ten feet long. Feng was still bleeding with blood, and waves of mind-blowing fighting thoughts and killing thoughts continued to emanate.

"It must be the former owner of the magic weapon, how powerful he is, taming the ancient demon snake, holding the giant heavenly sword, overcoming obstacles all the way, penetrating everything..."

In an instant, Ye Yun was infected by the aura emanating from the ancient heroic spirit. He knew that the strong man driving the monster snake was the master in front of Flying Armor, a peerless strong man. His residual mind, if the mind is not incomplete, then Ye Yun will see everything in front of the owner of the magic weapon, and even see the mysteriously disappeared ancient times through the memory of the owner of the magic weapon.

The majestic zhenqi entered Guangyao, and the master of the magic weapon's intention to control the monster snake with the divine sword was gradually shaken away by the zhenqi. Ye'er's heart trembled inexplicably, as if someone was roaring up to the sky, unwilling to let go, but everything had melted away. Because of dust and smoke, there really is no immortality in the world.

"Sure enough, it is an unowned magic weapon, Xiao Yun. This magic weapon has an ancient aura. It will be refined quickly. It will benefit you a lot in the future. One day you will understand that it must be destined in the dark."

At this moment, Uncle Han's excited voice sounded in Ye Yun's head.


Ye Yun didn't understand the meaning of Uncle Han's words, but Uncle Han would not harm himself, and the time had not yet come, and when that day came, he would naturally understand everything.

Unleash the amazing true energy again, use the true energy to temper the snake spirit flying armor, in the world of true energy, the snake spirit flying armor is like a Buddha coming back to life, shining with dazzling ancient light.

The powerful momentum forced Ye Yun to keep retreating. In order to completely successfully refine, Ye Yun released all the true energy in the blood mansion. In an instant, it is not an exaggeration to use the ocean to describe the true energy. The lower part is throbbing and restless, Fang Buddha is resisting, but it needs true energy to brew.

Time passed slowly, Ye Yun was a little unbearable and exhausted. He had almost consumed all his true energy in the battle with Yan Yunao, and now he sacrificed the magic weapon, which would be worse for him. However, the Blood Palace There is a hollow breath again, and it seems to be growing.

"Could it be the harbinger of the growth of the Blood Palace?" In an instant, Ye Yun understood.

"Yun'er, pour a drop of blood quickly, the time has come." Uncle Han said suddenly.

Chi Chi.

Ye Yun bit the skin of his hand, and immediately dripped a few drops of blood. The blood red blood fell on the three flying armors. The countless black veins on the flying armors turned into blood red, like the blood of Buddha. It was madly sucking blood. He is acknowledging his master, he is crazily inhaling the spirit of the Holy Spirit, and there is still a lot of true energy.

"It's good for the refining and sealing techniques. Unfortunately, my realm is too low. At least I have to have the cultivation base of the earth immortal, and have a deep understanding of the formation and refining techniques to fully grasp the mysteries."

Ye Yun felt his own consciousness breathing inside the flying armor, as if the heart was beating, and the snake spirit flying armor slowly lost its resistance and roar, its luster dissipated, and it changed to its original dark appearance, ordinary and ordinary.

"What extraordinary ability does it have?"

The Snake Spirit Flying Armor was suspended in the air, and Ye Yun still couldn't see through it for a long time. In the dark, Ye Yun's thoughts had already flickered in the Snake Spirit Flying Armor, and the three Snake Spirit Flying Armors merged into Ye Yun's reflection independently, and, Merging with the reflection, except for the shadow, the shadow of the flying armor of the snake spirit cannot be seen at all.

"Could this be its ability?"

With a thought, the snake spirit flying armor slowly appeared in the shadow, Ye Yun was shocked, people have shadows, if you hide the snake spirit flying armor in the shadow, you can kill people without a shadow, especially at night, it is even more handy.

"You are your luck. You have obtained a magic weapon that you can really use. This magic weapon is so miraculous that even the Xuanwu Sect can't find a few. With this snake spirit flying armor, even an earth immortal can use it all at once." Unless you don't encounter high-level earth immortals, you can easily kill them from the first to third-level earth immortals." Uncle Han exclaimed.

"Now your realm is low. Only when you have the strength comparable to that of a celestial being can you truly display its power. Only a celestial being can make it explode perfectly. Don't abuse it in the future unless you have to sacrifice it once you have to sacrifice it. People are dying."

"Uncle Han, you should have a repair tool before, right?" Ye Yun's mind was completely on the Snake Spirit Flying Armor, but he listened carefully to Uncle Han's words, and doubts appeared in his mind.

Uncle Han’s voice was a little hesitant, filled with endless desolation, and it took a long time before he spoke: “Of course there are, but they took everything away from the battle with the powerhouses of the Xuanwu Sect. Even the real corpse of Uncle Han is suppressed in the Xuanwu Sect now.” among."

"What?" Ye Yun was extremely shocked. Uncle Han fell, and his body was taken away and suppressed by the Xuanwu Sect. This is too much. In addition, Ye Yun suddenly thought of a problem, a real key.

The Ye family has a stone statue of Uncle Han. At first, Ye Yun thought it was the corpse of Uncle Han, because Ye Yun felt that there was a human-like aura inside, but now Uncle Han said that his real body was suppressed by Xuanwumen, and inside the stone statue, there was Whose body is it.

"Xuanwumen has always been ruthless towards disobedient people like me. Back then, I beheaded countless masters of the Ye family, and was forced to erase all the people's memories of Xuanwumen's practice, and directly reduced from the lord of the dynasty to a third-rate family. At the beginning, they were also a little jealous, otherwise the Ye family would have been exterminated long ago."

"Uncle Han, I will definitely take back your real body and avenge the ancestors of the Ye family."

"I know your intentions. You should master the Snake Spirit Flying Armor soon. Uncle Han feels that your blood palace is showing signs of great success. It must be the opportunity brought by the Snake Spirit Flying Armor. Hurry up and practice." Uncle Han's voice sounded sternly.

Ye Yun stopped talking, and took the snake spirit flying armor into his dantian. The snake spirit flying armor was refined by Ye Yun's blood, and it was already a part of Ye Yun's body. septicemia.

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