"Little Yun, what are you going to do?"

Yin Baiqing stood up suddenly, stopped in front of Ye Yun in an instant, and said imposingly.

"What to do? Naturally, I will go to the palace to rescue my mother, and the family will be reunited." Ye Yun said angrily. Now that she knows that her mother is locked up in the palace, and she is not allowed to come out for the rest of her life, it is tantamount to being imprisoned alive.

Knowing the truth, as a son of man, what kind of feelings are there, pregnant in ten months, and flesh and blood, naturally he must repay.

As the head of the clan, Yin Baiqing had a long-term perspective and had to take care of both sides: "You must not go, the palace is extremely guarded. Back then, my uncle never thought of saving your mother. Unfortunately, several times the plan failed, and the family was almost implicated. I have never dared to act rashly, for fear of angering the palace of the Bai family, not only the Yin family will be implicated, but even your Ye family will be wiped out."

"I can bear any pain. If I don't rescue my mother, I will never feel at ease in this life. As a character, I must be filial. I must go even if I die."

Ye Yun couldn't help blurting out, remembering that his mother protected himself and his father from being implicated, and was willing to face infinite pain alone. For himself, his father tried his best to protect him. As a son, he deeply felt the grace of his parents and endured the vast rain and dew. , and now is the time to repay your parents.

"My father is right. You want to save your aunt. Hmph, even my father can't do it. Besides, you don't know how much you weigh, even if you are a five-weight meat fairy. My father is doing it for your own good. Don't know what to do."

Yin Susu finally couldn't see it, and regardless of his second brother Yin Yuanchu's interception, he attacked without any obstruction.

"Susu, don't underestimate your cousin. He's been hiding there for a long time, and even I haven't noticed it. It's obvious."

Yin Baiqing reprimanded Yin Susu back then, his eyes were sharp and oppressive, Yin Susu didn't dare to say another word, bit his lip, sat down delicately and looked aside.

"Uncle, I know my cousin is doing it for my own good, but even if the palace is a dragon's lake and a tiger's den, I still want to break into it. The Bai family is too bullying." Facing Yin Susu's contempt, Ye Yun didn't get angry at all. Relationship, secondly, Ye Yun now possesses extraordinary insight and magnanimity, in front of him, Yin Susu is still a child, there is no need to be as knowledgeable as him.

"Master, Second Young Master, something is wrong."

A servant suddenly came to the door of the hall, sweating profusely, panting and terrified, and bowed to report.

"What's the matter?" Yin Baiqing's eyes were cold, as if he could see something.

The servant hurriedly replied: "Master Song had a quarrel with the Liu family, and was injured and detained by the elder of the Liu family. Only by asking the master to apologize in person can he let Master Song go."

Yin Susu stood up suddenly: "Too much!"

"The Liu family is the thug of the Bai family. They must have been allowed by the Bai family to cause trouble for my family. Dad, my son will go right away and will definitely bring Master Song back safely." Yin Yuanchu confidently agreed.

"Second young master, be careful, it's best to ask the master to be with you, all the core members of the Liu family are present." The servant's eyes flashed shrewdly, and he immediately persuaded.

Yin Yuanchu was overbearing: "I have already built a small foundation, and the Liu family is like ants in front of me."

"Yuanchu, you are the future of the Yin family. You must be careful when you go. Put your cousin on and take care of you." Yin Baiqing took a sophisticated and deep look at Ye Yun, and then warned Yin Yuanchu.

"Okay." Yin Yuanchu glanced at Ye Yun a little arrogantly, although he didn't dismiss him, but he was a little flamboyant, and immediately followed the servants to leave.

Ye Yun nodded and smiled at Yin Baiqing, and immediately followed. He knew in his heart that Yin Baiqing was testing his strength. It seems that this Liu family is indeed extraordinary. He also recognized the strength of Yin Yuanchu. At the same level, this kind of strength, if you don't meet the strong in the fairyland, is almost invincible under the meat fairy.

"Based on my many years of experience, Xiaoyun's strength is unfathomable. Fuer, you gave birth to a good son..." Yin Baiqing stood at the door with a gratified smile on his face.

"Yin Song, be honest."

Outside a store, a group of dozens of people surrounded the store, and they were in a stalemate with more than a dozen people in the store.

A few strong men on the other side trampled an elder in his sixties under his feet. A surge of domineering true energy made the elder tremble, and he was in danger of death for a moment.


There was a surging voice from the crowd, and immediately, a passage appeared in the crowd, Yin Yuanchu brought dozens of people, many of them were meat immortals, Yin Susu and Ye Yun were also among them.

"Second son of the Yin family, this old dog is biting people everywhere and hurting my family members. What's the matter, please give me an explanation, otherwise, I will take this person back."

In the Liu family's camp, an elder who was nearly fifty years old said coldly, beside him, there were three meat immortal masters with strong aura. Although they were few in number, they didn't have the slightest fear.

"Cousin, they are obviously here to make trouble. This matter must be done vigorously, otherwise it will cause big trouble. I will take the matter. I am an outsider. The other party does not know the details and will not act without authorization."

Seeing the other party's scheming, Ye Yun immediately said to Yin Yuanchu indifferently.

"Second brother, if he wants to show off his abilities, let him suffer. This is not a small place like Scarlet Cloud City. It's good to let him gain knowledge. He looks like no one, and his eyes seem to grow on the top of his head."

Yin Susu has always looked down on Ye Yun. After all, it is the first time I have met Ye Yun. Even if she is a relative, she has never seen Ye Yun humiliating. Yun faces the Liu family alone, but he is more sensible than Yin Susu, and he still has to help in times of crisis.

"Where is the hairy boy? Haha!"

When everyone in the Liu family saw Ye Yun, a weak man with a fifth-level flesh immortal cultivation, coming out, and he was a child, they covered their mouths and laughed loudly.


An afterimage flashed by, and Ye Yun appeared in front of the elder of the Liu family without knowing anyone, and instantly shook the man away, and took Yin Song back to his original position with lightning speed.

Hmm... The crowd was silent, they didn't know what happened, they only felt a gust of wind blowing up, and Yin Song, who was subdued by the Liu family, returned to the Yin family's camp unscathed.

The incident happened so unexpectedly that the Liu family, including the Yin family, didn't understand it in an instant. They didn't see clearly how Yin Song came back, which is the key.

"Good boy, you have two hands, watch your tricks."

The giant of the Liu family, who has been cultivated at the tenth level, actually disregarded his status as a master of the generation, and shot face to face, releasing terrifying true energy to attack Ye Yun.

"Get down on the ground."

Ye Yun would not give the enemy a chance to breathe, moreover, this enemy was also united with the Bai family, and in a flash, he directly shattered the Liu family giant's terrifying aura with his domineering true energy.

Everyone only saw that Ye Yun stretched out a finger calmly and leisurely, and this finger lightly touched the lower abdomen of the giant of the Liu family. Leave behind the shame and hatred that can never be erased.


The giant of the Liu family was like a boneless body, and slowly collapsed to the ground. A madness and true energy dissipated from his dantian. This is the scene of a shattered dantian. A world-shattering cultivation base was suddenly abolished. If there was no peerless angel to reshape his physical body, he would never be able to practice again.

"A supreme elder of the Liu family, unexpectedly, his cultivation base was abolished in less than one breath?"

In an instant, the crowd was silent. Many of these people were monks. Even ordinary people knew monks very well. Now that Ye Yun had surrendered the giant of the Liu family, they naturally knew how terrifying this giant was. With just one breath, he was defeated. Suddenly, Ye Yun was astonished by them as a heavenly being.

"Help up the elder quickly, damn it!"

The Liu family flew out three giants of meat immortals, two were tenth-fold meat immortals, one was nine-level meat immortals, and all three were powerful men who were famous in Jade City.

"Get down."

It seems that Ye Yun always has only one sentence, and his face is expressionless, like a strong man from hell, who looks at everything and despises the common people, stepping out with one step, an irresistible aura instantly shocked hundreds of people watching After dozens of steps, the three powerhouses of the Liu family were shocked and speechless. They never thought that Ye Yun would attack them. You must know that the three of them together have the strength to fight with the immortals of the domain.

Boom boom boom!

The aura suddenly retracted, as if the heart was breathing, and suddenly contracted. The three giants of the Liu family had no chance to escape and resist. Suddenly, the three of them fell limp one by one, lying on the ground moaning helplessly. In their eyes, Ye Yun was a peerless demon, a demon who killed people without batting an eyelid, and an invincible demon god.

The rest of the Liu family are all meat immortals at the seventh level, fifth level, or even ordinary warriors. At this time, they don't know how to advance or retreat. There is a dead end, and now they have the same idea, they just don't want to harm Chi Yu.

"Take the trash back, and by the way, tell the upper echelons of the Liu family that if the Liu family is relying on the Bai family to gain power in the future, I will destroy the entire Liu family and get lost."

Ye Yun is like an unworldly hero, domineering and tyrannical, no one can refute it, and if someone refutes it, that is blasphemy, and the only way to die is to be smashed to pieces.

The members of the Liu family huddled together, picked up the three dying giants and slipped away in embarrassment.

"Tell uncle that whatever happened tonight is all my fault. It has nothing to do with the Yin family, and I will not implicate the Yin family."

With incomparable hatred, Ye Yun disappeared into the crowd in an instant.

"So strong..."

After Ye Yun left, Yin Yuanchu only uttered this word, and everyone in the Yin family around him, like him, couldn't believe what they saw for a long time.

As for Yin Susu, the rich lady, she has been immersed in Ye Yun's peerless and tyrannical scene just now.

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