The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 502 Teaching Sanskrit

"Mortal... Master... He, he is actually a mortal!"

Compared with the dozens of immortals in Ruyi Immortal Realm, Xin Shaohua, who was hiding in the depths of the space, couldn't believe his ears, and doubted what he saw in his eyes.

After experiencing the incident of Mr. Shen'ao in the Huaxian Pavilion, Xin Shaohua subconsciously felt that Ye Yun was different from ordinary people. He thought that Ye Yun deliberately concealed his cultivation. He could be a third-level imaginary immortal, a third-level real immortal, or even a great immortal.

Xin Shaohua has always thought this way. In his eyes, only the true immortal Dzogchen or the great immortal can meet Ye Yun's identity, but seeing the facts with his own eyes at this moment makes Xin Shaohua surprised, shocked and speechless. The energy to kill the real immortal.

So, is this mortal man a god or a man?

"Haha, everyone, this son is actually a mortal, so we don't have to run away. He has been exposed just now under our joint attack. I have notified the high-level and sent reinforcements to come here. It is not to kill this son, but to capture him alive." Son, the fairy weapon in his hand may be a seventh- or eighth-level fairy weapon, and the qigong he cultivated may be a seventh- or eighth-level qigong!"

More than a dozen immortals in the Ruyi Immortal Realm were stunned for a long time, all panicked and at a loss, but an eighth-level true immortal powerhouse appeared. With all the treasures in his body, he became malicious.

"That's right, there has never been a mortal who can fight against an immortal. Let alone this point, this person can be promoted to the fairy world with a mortal body and deceive the laws of the fairy world. It must be the hidden qigong and magic weapon!"

Another true immortal fifth-order immortal said.

A true immortal with evil spirits came out, and said evilly: "This person must be a person with great luck, which is rare in the world. If you can take away his body, you will have his luck, haha..."

These Ruyi Immortals were just a group of ants on the hot pot, looking for a way out everywhere in order to survive. Now that they know Ye Yun's real body, they are no longer afraid. Instead, they want to take away Ye Yun's body, and there are countless secrets.

"It's a pity that the realm is too low, and the cultivation base is too low. If I reach the realm of imaginary immortals, I can completely kill these twenty or so immortals this time, leaving no one behind. With my current realm, I can only reach this step! "

Ye Yun's expression was calm, he didn't panic at all, instead, he released his original side of decisiveness, domination of all things, and immortal divinity. He looked at more than a dozen immortals with disdain: "I am indeed a mortal, so what about mortals?" , so what about immortals, I will kill immortals with my mortal body!"

"You are a character. There has never been a character like you in the fairy world, not even in the high-level fairy world. It seems that you appear here to bring us infinite luck. Boy, surrender, we only want you Qigong and magic weapons, as for luck, we will definitely not deprive them, but we can become brothers!"

A real fairy stood up, and with a thought, everyone immediately surrounded Ye Yun without a single gap. If it was an ordinary virtual fairy, he would be directly shocked to death by the aura.

"Haha, I don't know what you are thinking. If you try to steal my secrets, you will die in my hands. Just try it out. Come to the Immortal Realm, let’s get to know all of you Xianwei today, come on!”

Ye Yun didn't run away, but wanted to fight the immortals.

"Haha, I'm just a mortal, I'm not ashamed, I'll give you a little bit of shame, I think the fairy world is your mortal world, boy, you will end badly!"

The eighth-rank true immortal said solemnly.

"Eight Wilds Flying Thunder Arrow!"

In an instant, Ye Yun urged the Burial Sky Bow, and with a wave of his hand, he grabbed the arrows of the Eight Desolation and Thunder, and with himself as the center, he jumped high in the void, stretched his body, and shot them in all directions.

"Everyone trap this person first, and then see what he can do!"

All the immortals push with their hands, and a series of thick energy is shot out, forming an indestructible aura defense, colorful, and some are as bright as the crystal wall system.

"If it's a sneak attack, it's not a problem to shoot and kill the real immortal. If you fight head-on, even with the power of the burial bow, you can't kill the immortal by surprise!"

Feeling the defense as deep as the ocean, Ye Yun had a deeper understanding of the realm.

Originally, from the mortal world to the fairy world, he leapfrogged and killed powerful enemies time and time again, and now he even kills real immortals with mortal bodies to create history, but all rely on the Great Thousand God Map and the Burial Bow. Ye Yun also couldn't kill these formidable true immortals head-on, because his realm was too low to activate the true power of the magic weapon.

If there is no magic weapon, Ye Yun would be a weak chicken now, and any real immortal would be absolutely beheaded within three moves. Even facing the immortals above the sixth rank of the virtual immortal, Ye Yun would have only one dead end. This is the fact. This is Ye Yun's true strength.

Leapfrogging and beheading real immortals relies on the power of the magic weapon, not its own strength. If things go on like this, it will subtly become dependent on the magic weapon. The first thought of any fighting method or danger is the magic weapon, rather than relying on oneself to fight. If you fall into this kind of consciousness, it will be difficult to be tempered and unable to improve.

At this time, using the Great Thousand Gods Picture and the Burial Sky Bow, even if you go all out, you can't kill the real immortal head-on, so Ye Yun really understands the importance of your own strength.


A series of sharp arrows shot at the defense of the real immortal, and the result was scattered one by one. The defense of the real immortal was indestructible. Although it was also affected by certain factors, the real immortal was the real immortal, and it was no longer like the sneak attack. Generally, it can be easily killed, even the thunder of the infinite sun and moon god can't tear apart the true immortal.

"Haha, everyone, this Zikong has a high-level qigong. It's just that he is too weak. It's like a child playing house with a magic sword. Haha, today God treats you and me generously, and seizes this son's body, as well as all the magic weapons, qigong!"

These true immortals in the Ruyi Immortal Realm, like a rock that cannot be shaken, completely blocked Ye Yun's attack, and they have seen Ye Yun's real hole card clearly, so they are even more confident.

"If this goes on, Master's situation will become more and more dangerous..."

Seeing this scene, Xin Shaohua wished to show up to help, but after thinking about it carefully, with his strength, he might not be able to hold on for three breaths. Unlike Ye Yunfangfo, who has a continuous supply of energy, he can compete with the real immortal.

Seeing Ye Yun being besieged and killed, as a disciple, Xin Shaohua was very worried, but somewhere in his heart, he felt that Ye Yun was omnipotent. With a mortal body, he could step into the fairy world, suppress the laws of the fairy world, and kill real immortals. This was enough to shock the Nine Layers Immortal Realm.

"The result was as expected. What I want to prove has been completed. The gap between real immortals and imaginary immortals is too great, and I still have to break through the imaginary fairyland as soon as possible and practice on my own. I must not focus on the magic weapon blindly. If you practice like this, you will fall into the quagmire and cannot extricate yourself!"

At this time, Ye Yun had a clearer understanding of himself who stepped into the fairy world.

"Everyone, then I won't play with you anymore. If you want to get benefits from me, you are too naive. There will be a day when you will see how powerful I am!"

Suddenly -.

Surrounded by more than a dozen powerful real immortals, Ye Yun waved his hand in disdain, took a step calmly, and disappeared.

"No, this kid has already sensed the arrival of reinforcements. Everyone chases after him. Even if there is no target, we must chase and kill this person. We must not let him go!"

Seeing the fat with their mouths slipping away, the real immortals would give up and immediately spread out, chasing them in all directions.

"You were amazing just now, just follow me!"

A real immortal seventh-rank powerhouse just flew a thousand meters away and was about to sense the surroundings when a big hand suddenly stretched out from behind. Inhale the depths of space.

"Master!! This is in the galaxy..."

In the vast star field of Aotian Immortal Realm, there are galaxies criss-crossing, transforming into a wonderful and infinite sky. At this time, Ye Yun and Xin Shaohua walked out from a drop of black hole. Xin Shaohua saw the surrounding scenery completely changed in an instant, from the planet to the galaxy, and was stunned for a moment. Speechless, even Daxian couldn't gain a foothold in the galaxy so easily, and would be crushed to death by the power of the galaxy.

"No, this is Galaxy, no..."

Immediately, the seventh-rank true immortal flew out in embarrassment along with a black hole, but he felt uncomfortable. As soon as he came out, he was oppressed by the power of the galaxy, and the galaxy storm attacked his fairy body. He couldn't resist at all, and his body turned There was a crackling sound, and it was crushed by the force of the galaxy.

Seeing that he was about to die, a majestic seventh-order real immortal showed an indescribable shock.


Ye Yun flashed suddenly, leaving Xin Shaohua behind, punched through the chest of the real fairy, sucked again, sucked the body into the Shenluo domain, and returned to Xin Shaohua's side in the blink of an eye.

"A true immortal of the seventh rank enters into the Galaxy, and will be crushed alive by the Galaxy...Master, why can we gain a foothold in the Galaxy and put Buddha in an independent space?"

Xin Shaohua was shocked and puzzled when Ye Yun instantly killed a seventh-level true immortal, but he was still in the galaxy. With Ye Yun's strength, he couldn't gain a foothold in the galaxy.

"Without means, how to get to the fairy world, how to contend with the true immortals, as a teacher, knowing that he is not the opponent of the true immortals, but deliberately fighting against each other, if there is no means, it is not the end of the road!"

Ye Yun said mysteriously, but at this time, he controls the Great Thousand God Map, and the oppression he receives is tens of millions of times compared to being in the mortal star field. That real immortal was crushed alive into a meatloaf, and finally became a grain of constant sand.

"Xianhang Star Sail!"

Instructed by Xin Shaohua, he immediately summoned Xianhang Xingfan, who was involved by Ye Yun's wave.

"Master... are you really a mortal??

Entering Xianhang Xingfan, Ye Yun and Xin Shaohua breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. After all, facing the vast galaxy, there is still an inexplicable fear. Xin Shaohua's breath gradually recovered, and he couldn't help asking the biggest doubt in his heart.

"So what about mortals, Shaohua, do you regret it?"

Ye Yun smiled calmly, and immediately looked at Xin Shaohua.

Xin Shaohua shook his head violently: "No, no, it is Shaohua's greatest honor to be promoted to have such a master. The master is right, so what about mortals, as long as they have the strength, they can also gallop in the fairy world. It's just a little bit of luck, now that I see my master, I can recognize the path of cultivation, only by practicing hard and constantly, can I have astonishing supernatural powers like my master!"

"Very good, you can see this clearly, so it can be considered that the teacher has not misunderstood you. Although this trip to the battlefield was short, it has yielded a lot. The master has more than twenty virtual immortals and a dozen real immortals in his hands. It's enough for you and me to provide cultivation!" Ye Yun was quite pleased with Xin Shaohua's words, and with a wave of his hand, more than forty corpses of immortals floated out.


Xin Shaohua also released more than [-] corpses of immortals, but there were only a few real immortals. With Ye Yun's thought, he just divided the corpses of more than [-] immortals into half.

In terms of strength, Xin Shaohua is still above Ye Yun. After all, Xin Shaohua is the original immortal born in the fairy world, and his aptitude is much higher than that of the immortals who ascended to the immortal world. According to common sense, Xin Shaohua can absorb immortals faster than Ye Yun, but The truth is different.

Ye Yun contains such amazing supernatural powers as Taiyi Chaos True Qi, Taiyi Divine Furnace, Infinity Eight Desolation Sun Moon God Thunder, and 33 Heavenly Vine, and the comprehensive speed is dozens of times faster than Xin Shaohua.

"Master, cultivating the invincible blood body, owning the blood palace domain, and devouring immortals is really amazing. The energy of an immortal is equivalent to a hundred or a thousand years of practice!" Xin Shaohua excitedly received the immortal body.

"The Unbeaten Blood Physique alone is not enough. The Unbeaten Blood Physique is only a fairy-level qigong, and it is incomplete. I don't know who created it. It is left in the world. You still need to integrate various magical powers to create more extraordinary methods. The speed of practice Only then can you surpass ordinary people!"

"I'm lucky this time as a teacher. I beheaded an immortal of the Fan family, and from him, I obtained the cultivation qigong that the Fan family is based on!"

Ye Yun showed a smile that no one could see through.

Xin Shaohua sighed: "I heard that an ancestor of the Fan family got a powerful ancient qigong, which made the Fan family grow stronger and has its power in the second layer of immortal world. Basically, it is not much different from the Ao family. It can be seen that the Fan family's qigong must be very powerful. Extraordinary!"

"This qigong is called Jingshifan***. It is very wonderful. Although it is only a little bit of the whole set of qigong, as long as the immortals practice it, there will be great gains. As a teacher, I will teach it to you now. Seeds, break into your body, so that you will not be shackles when you practice!"


After finishing speaking, the golden Brahma seeds flew out of Ye Yun's palm and flew into Xin Shaohua's body. Xin Shaohua immediately looked like an ancient saint.

"What kind of qigong is this, master, this makes me feel that it is a little bit the same as the qigong in your body!" Xin Shaohua absorbed more than 100 Sanskrit seeds, and his dantian immediately released Sanskrit words one by one.

"Shaohua, this set of qigong of Jingshifan is probably part of a set of god-level qigong, which contains immortal divinity. Now the Jingshifan **** in master's hand is the first level. I believe that the Fan family is only a few levels away, and the rest of the exercises have long since been lost, but Ye Yun has already transformed it, and once you practice, you will surpass everyone in the Fan family!"

Another thought entered Xin Shaohua's mind.

"God-level qigong!!!!"

At this moment, Xin Shaohua couldn't be more excited.

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