The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 507 Reaching an Alliance

"The Silkworm Snow Wing, that is a rare spiritual thing, you not only got it, but also refined it into a magic weapon, which will increase your speed by ten times..."

Xin Wanling regretted that the voice continued to come from the depths of the space, Fangfo was still flying in the depths of the space, and the Great Elder flew out of the space long ago, and was about to escape from her control.

"I found a surviving silkworm in a fallen fairy world 3 years ago. This is my biggest secret. How many times have I accompanied this old man to escape murderous intentions and kill the strong!"

"Xin Wanling, you are so young, such a proud son of heaven, and a disciple of Leiyin Mountain, if you take your own initiative to let your father hand over the position of patriarch, this time it will be treated as if nothing happened. You should think about it carefully, this old man will take a step ahead! Ha ha!"

The Great Elder is like a shooting star, with a pair of crystal clear wings that are two feet long sticking out of his back. With a light flap, he can teleport several times faster than an immortal. The speed is unbelievably fast, and the space element released by those wings is very wonderful.

"what is this!!?"

Seeing that the Great Elder was about to fly out of the confined space, suddenly, a black hole appeared in front of him, and then the same in all directions. No matter how fast his speed was, it was not as fast as the black hole appeared, and the whole person was submerged in the space.

"This is!?"

"Why can't I fly out of this void, as if wherever I go, this space will follow me?"

The Great Elder was in the dark space of nothingness, no matter how fast he flapped his wings, he couldn't fly out of the black space. Moreover, he feared that there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the darkness.

"It's a pity that I can only trap him temporarily. With my strength, I can't kill him at all..."

In the dark space, Ye Yun is releasing the Great Thousand God Map, devouring the vast power of the Immortal Plane, and imprisoning this space. Under the control of the Great Thousand God Map, no one can fly out.


The Great Elder was so angry that he didn't even run away, he punched out, and the power of the Great Immortal was transported away like the sky of the fairy world, rushing in all directions, and the dark space was everywhere.


"This is the power of the Great Immortal... It's so terrifying, it can't be stopped at all. If most of the power hadn't been diverted by the Great Thousand God Map, I'm afraid this aura would be enough to tear me to pieces!"

Ye Yun's body shook, and he lost consciousness immediately. He flew upside down for a hundred meters in the air, and finally activated Taiyi's chaotic qi to stabilize his body. At this moment, he felt that although the space was under his control, the energy inside the space was not at all. He can control it. If this continues, trapping the Great Elder is delusional.

"Senior, what's the matter with you, senior?"

Xin Wanling finally arrived, and the Great Immortal appeared beside Ye Yun in the blink of an eye. She was praising Ye Yun for being able to trap the Great Elder, but she found that Ye Yun's body was abnormally stiff.

"The opponent's strength is too strong, the meridians of my whole body were almost broken, and I'm recovering!" Ye Yun frantically activated Taiyi's chaotic true energy, causing serious damage to his body.

"I'm here to help Senior!"


Unexpectedly, Xin Wanling released a burst of great immortal energy, rushing towards Ye Yun's body, Ye Yun never expected, before stopping, the great immortal energy poured into his body, how could he be able to stop this force.

All of a sudden, all the Taiyi chaotic qi in his body began to stop, and Ye Yun's body could not control himself, unable to control the energy of his physical body, and instantly recovered his original appearance.

"Ye...Ye Yun!! Why is it you!!!?"

Xin Wanling was shocked suddenly, Dangdang stepped back three steps, as if he saw an ancient monster, he looked at Ye Yun who had turned back into his true self in disbelief. In her heart, Master Xin Shaohua was a giant who surpassed her. She was extremely curious. She had imagined many identities, but the reality was suddenly unraveled, as if her dreams were shattered, and she was at a loss.

Ye Yun also didn't want to see this result, and shook his head: "Don't talk about it yet, I can't hold on for long, if you don't kill the Great Elder, this time you will really be run away by him, don't hurry up!"

"it is good!!"

Xin Wanling still had an expression of disbelief, turned around and disappeared.

"Hey..." I didn't expect that it would be self-defeating and reveal my identity. Ye Yun was also unexpected, and still urged the Great Thousand God Map with all his strength to confine the space.

"Xin Wanling, you, you, how can you have such means, no, how can you have such strength at such a young age!"

The Great Elder flew around in the space, always feeling the exit, but unable to fly out, his hair turned white with anger, but when he looked up, he saw Xin Wanling shooting out a white handkerchief.

"The dignified elder, scheming, vicious, disloyal to the patriarch, disloyal to the family, go to hell today, die!"

Xin Wanling turned his hands over, and the white handkerchief turned into a white space, wrapping the Great Elder in an instant!


The Great Elder's aura gradually disappeared, and there was a sound of his body being crushed.

"Finally killed this person... This is the Celestial Silkworm Snow Wing. It really is a rare treasure. If it is refined by the Immortal King, it will be a magic weapon that surpasses the sixth rank. Immortals have it, and it is like a tiger with wings!"

Xin Wanling took back the handkerchief, looked at the silkworm snow wings that were as long as the Milky Way, and immediately put them in together with the great elder's body.

"Don't say that the Great Elder can't escape, even I can't escape this wonderful space... It's a pity that he is only in the fairyland, and the restraint of space is weakening!"

Xin Wanling moved lightly, with a desolate expression, and appeared in front of Ye Yun in a blink of an eye. Seeing Ye Yun sitting quietly, he just happened to be talking, and suddenly saw a black space shuttle suddenly, the scenery changed, and the world turned upside down. Xin Wanling found that he appeared in front of Ye Yun instantly On another piece of ancient land.

"This... with such supernatural powers of speed and space, who can subdue him, no wonder he said that few people can do anything to him, but I can only hope to catch him!"

Seeing that he was no longer in the place where he was fighting just now, Xin Wanling sighed in his heart. This kind of random space travel and space transformation is the supernatural power of the fairy king.


Suddenly, thunder burst out from Ye Yun's body, and three strands of lawful aura confronted each other.

"The breath of the fairy world, the breath of the mortal world, and a mysterious breath... No, why is the breath of the mortal world in his body so strong? If he hadn't had to open his body at this moment to recover from his injuries, I really couldn't see through it..."

"Well, the laws of the fairy world are on the outermost layer, and the essence of his body is all the laws of the mortal world, and his aura has no essence of the fairy world at all... He is actually a mortal!!!"

Xin Wanling shivered suddenly, she really didn't want to believe her eyes, in front of her, Ye Yun, who could trap a great fairy, turned out to be a mortal, a mortal who used supernatural powers to deceive the fairy world.


Taiyi's chaotic true energy erupted from Ye Yun's body, and immediately swallowed all the breath around his body without leaving a trace, and the whole person became nothingness again.

"A mortal! A mortal actually deceived the fairy world, came to the fairy world, and was able to trap the Great Immortal... Who the hell is he? Could it be that a great power in the fairy world deliberately reincarnated?"

Xin Wanling was still in shock. With her knowledge, she couldn't guess why Ye Yun came to the fairyland, how he could trap a great fairy, and how he could transform a fairy's physique.

"No wonder, the third brother said that his master is an extraordinary person, and he is still the target... So it turns out, this person is indeed a miracle, unprecedented, if the fairy world knows about him, wouldn't it be a mess?"

In an instant, all kinds of things flashed through her mind, and she finally understood everything, but she didn't have the slightest greed or viciousness towards Ye Yun. Ye Yun's body must contain a shocking secret that would shock the fairy world.

"I didn't expect my identity, and I still can't hide it!"

Ye Yun slowly opened his eyes, stepped out, his breath became more empty, and his strength seemed to have increased a lot.

Xin Wanling felt a little unnatural. In her eyes, a lowly immortal was standing at the same height as her, but she still had to believe it, so she asked: "With your mortal body, it's not easy to bear the power of a great immortal. You need it?" help?"

"Because the eldest miss just injected her true energy, I not only recovered, but also got a lot of benefits... Miss, I didn't intend to pretend to be a ghost, I hope you can understand!" Ye Yun waved his hand.

Xin Wanling suddenly thought of something: "It seems that when I first met you, you were being attacked by the green blood monster beetle. Could it be that you came to the immortal world from the mortal world at that time?"

"That's right. At that time, I happened to travel through the Unbounded Land and reached the Immortal Realm. Whoever thought that there would be a bug in the Immortal Realm would cause me a big loss!"

Ye Yun admired Xin Wanling, he immediately thought of the root of the matter, and smiled helplessly: "It seems that the eldest lady is a noble person, and she met the eldest lady just after stepping into the fairy world!"

"What nobleman, you entered my Xin family, it should be Longzang Diving, borrowing my Xin family, let you reach a certain strength, and then you must leave the Xin family!"

"Ye is that kind of treacherous villain, but in Xin's family, he has taken in a good apprentice!"

Unexpectedly, Xin Wanling became coquettish: "Hmph, if you don't mention this, my lady can still accept it, saying that this is anger. You are a mere mortal, and you dare to accept immortals as disciples and misunderstand your disciples. What virtue and ability do you have? "

"But you can't say it like this. Ye Mou has thought about it before, but he can see many shadows from Shaohua, and he can also see that Shaohua surpasses the mind of ordinary people!"

"There is a predestined person in Tiandu, and the path of cultivation is always mysterious and mysterious. Someone is my predestined person, and I am Shaohua's guide. This is probably the reincarnation of heaven. Shaohua met me, this is fate, and besides, with my ability, it is reasonable to accept an apprentice!"

Ye Yun regained his original momentum, facing a great immortal, he was not weak at all, his words were so loud that even Xin Wanling couldn't answer for a while.

"What a predestined person in Tiandu..."

At this moment, Xin Wanling seemed to be looking back on the past of his cultivation, a lot of vicissitudes and profoundness.

Dazed, Xin Wanling suddenly asked curiously: "I really don't understand, you, a mortal, can actually help my third brother reshape the body, transform the body of an immortal, and teach my third brother a peerless kung fu..."

"Everyone has secrets, miss, let's keep these secrets..." Facing Xin Wanling's aggressive questioning, Ye Yun replied calmly.

Xin Wanling didn't ask anything, seemed unwilling, and continued to ask: "That's good, then let me ask you, as for my father, this time, are you sure about seizing the Great Immortal, after all, the Great Immortal is not an ordinary immortal?"

Ye Yun knew clearly in his heart that he knew that Xin Wanling was beginning to doubt his strength, but he didn't take it seriously: "The Great Immortal is also an Immortal, and in addition, Venerable Father has reached the tenth level of True Immortal Consummation, and there is also the Reincarnation Daoshe Pill, so it's not a big problem. If there is a problem, there is naturally one point!"

"What's the problem?"

"Missy must be very clear that it is not a big problem for Zunfu to go through the robbery this time. The key lies in how much energy he can seize. The more he seizes, the stronger his strength will be, but he will definitely not directly step into the second level of the Great Immortal. It’s not bad to be a Daxian at the peak of the first rank!”

"The first-order peak of the Great Immortal, that is to save tens of millions of years of cultivation, are you sure to get the first-order peak of the True Immortal?"

"I'm Master Shaohua. It's said that you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face. In addition, I have a lot of fate with the Xin family. How can I just talk about it. I am a teacher now. I must look like a master. Otherwise, how will I educate my disciples in the future!" Facing Xin Wanling's aggressiveness, Ye Yun was also a little angry.

Xin Wanling's questions are actually not the point, the key is her motivation, asking a series of questions, showing that she doubts and doesn't believe Ye Yun.

Xin Wanling also seemed to notice that he shouldn't continue to ask, and his expression eased a lot: "Okay, Shaohua believes in you so much, so I, as a sister, naturally believe in you too. Now that your identity is exposed, what are you going to do?"

"Naturally, it's best to hide my identity. This is the best way to act. I just hope to practice in Xin's family for a while. Don't worry, I will go out sooner or later. But with my current strength, I can't move a single step in the fairy world!"

"Then continue to be the servant of my Xin family, but you have to discuss everything with me in the future. From then on, you and I are allies. Your every move is related to my Xin family. How about it?"

"Of course no problem, people have to bow their heads under the eaves!"

"If you feel dissatisfied and the place is uncomfortable, you can leave as you like!" Xin Wanling looked at Ye Yun's laziness and was very angry.

But now Ye Yun is no longer just a low-level mansion, but Master Xin Shaohua, or a mortal who can trap the Great Immortal, Xin Wanling can't take Ye Yun down, so how dare he push too much.

"It's much more convenient to reach an alliance. Xin Wanling is a disciple of Leiyin Mountain, and he's in the Second Level Immortal Realm. In the future, he can enter the Second Level Immortal Realm through her..."

Ye Yun thought of this, and asked again: "I don't know Miss, but do you know if there is a Da Luo Xianmen in the double fairy world?"


Apparently Xin Wanling was very angry, she glanced coldly: "The Da Luo Immortal Gate only exists in the Third Level Immortal Realm, and it is rumored that the Great Luo Immortal Gate is in the Da Luo Immortal Realm of the Fifth Level Immortal Realm, why, what do you think?"

"Just ask!" Ye Yun heard it in his ears, but he was analyzing it in his heart.

"Okay, let's go back, daddy and third brother are still waiting for you and me!"

With a wave of Xin Wanling's hand, the two of them disappeared into the depths of the gorgeous sea of ​​clouds.

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