"You guys are really on time."

The three of them had just sat down when they saw an old man in a gray robe in his sixties coming out of the tea shop, greeted the three of them warmly at the Tiandimen, and then sat down at the three-person dining table.

"This person is so familiar..."

In the corner of the tea shop, Ye Yun looked at the gray-clothed old man from the corner of his eye, and suddenly felt a little familiar, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt familiar, as if he had seen him often before, Ye Yun suddenly frowned: "An elder in the Qin family seems to be called Qin Danqing. ...Yes, it is this person."

"Elder Qin, you came in time."

The man in the middle of the three killers suddenly took off his hat. He is a middle-aged man. He has a scar between his eyebrows, which is not an ordinary scar. They have known each other for a long time.

The old man in gray looked around cautiously: "Senior Teng, this time is a big deal."

"Big business? For this old man, business doesn't matter how big or small it is. One person is killed, and 100 people are killed. In the eyes of this old man, they are just ants." The middle-aged man with scars sneered.

The gray-clothed old man shivered, and the other party's breath was full of murderous intent, and he was also afraid of this person: "This business is a piece of cake for the younger generation, Ye Family, remember?"

"Naturally, I remember that last time the target was the head of the Ye family, Ye Yuan, and Wu Chuan, who was ranked 38th in the gold medal list, took the task. However, this Wu Chuan completed a big task a while ago, and has already surpassed the old man, ranking 35th. Tell me, what is this old man doing this time!" The middle-aged man with the scar didn't seem to want to talk nonsense, so he asked directly.

The gray old man said without expression: "The entire Ye family... annihilates the entire family, leaving no one behind."

"It's really a piece of cake. The Ye family has the highest cultivation, Ye Yuan has already been abolished, and the Ye family has no land and fairyland powerhouses. A family in the extinct area that doesn't even have a tenth-level flesh fairy... It is not challenging to complete this mission. , I’m afraid my position on the gold medal list won’t change.” The middle-aged man with scars, ‘Tengfeng’, looked disappointed, but as a killer, since he accepted the task, he would not care about the difficulty of the task, but thoroughly carried it out. Order, Ye family, exterminate the clan.

"Hmph, the Qin family is really cruel and merciless. If I hadn't met him by chance, I would have known in advance that my father and the whole family would have disappeared overnight, so vicious."

Ye Yun clenched his fists tightly, but he didn't show any abnormality.

"To senior Teng, the Ye family is really not worth mentioning. Presumably seniors are also aware of the current situation of our Qin family. Now that the Yan family has belonged to the Qin family, and has wiped out all the alien races in Chiyun City, only the Ye family, if not the Bai family At the beginning, the Yan family was allowed to spy on the Ye family. The Ye family had long been destroyed by the Yan family. Now the Bai family is busy with the assassination of the Ninth Prince Bai Xiong, and the Ye family is currently the only enemy in Chiyun City who opposes the Qin family. My Qin family This stumbling block must be removed."

The gray-clothed old man had a proud face and an air of superiority, but he still put down his airs to the gold medal killer Teng Feng: "This engagement banquet between the young master and the daughter of the Yan family is to imply to the Tianxia family that there is not only the Bai family in the world, but also the Bai family." There is the Qin family, in the future, when my young lady is promoted to the third level of earth immortal, even the Bai family will not dare to speak loudly in front of my Qin family, and all enemies in the world who oppose my Qin family will be wiped out."

"Qin Danqing, Elder Qin, the old man heard that Qin Qing is only at the first level of the fairyland, so it is impossible to break through the third level of the immortality in less than ten years, right? Even if Qin Qing breaks through the third level of the fairyland, and Baijia Baihua is really the sixth level of the fairyland, what else? Patriarch of the Bai family, that is a high-level fairyland powerhouse, with Qin Qing's third level of immortality, even under Bai Huazhen's hands alone, he can't do a single move, isn't Elder Qin's words just now too boastful?" Teng Feng listened Afterwards, he was a little puzzled and even very angry. In his eyes, the Qin family was just a third-rate family. It was just a genius, like an upstart. Now he is so defiant, so he naturally can't see it.

"Qin Qing wants to be promoted to the third level of the Earth Wonderland, so she is at least the second level of the Earth Wonderland..."

Ye Yun frowned tightly. If Qin Qingzhen was that powerful, then he would definitely not be his opponent. Only when he was promoted to the fairyland would he be able to kill Qin Qing with full confidence.

"Senior, you don't know everything. Although my lady is at the second level of the Earth Immortal, she possesses peerless power and can leapfrog and kill high-level powerhouses...Senior, let's discuss the details." Qin Danqing didn't seem to want to continue talking about Qin Qing Let's talk about the Ye family's genocide plan in detail.

"The one who shot my father that day was also a gold medal killer, Wu Chuan. From now on, regardless of Tianya, this gold medal killer named Wu Chuan will definitely die. I will also behead him in Tianya Haijiao."

Ye Yun was extremely calm at this time, using his divine sense, trying to hear the other party's conversation as clearly as possible.

About an hour later, Tiandimen Tengfeng and Qin Danqing, the elder of the Qin family, finished their conversation. Qin Danqing stood up and walked towards the inner room of the tea shop, while Tengfeng and the two killers beside him were talking in a low voice.

"Where did the boss go? If you have money, don't you make money."

When Qin Danqing entered the room, he couldn't see the owner of the tea shop and his work around. He came to the counter, took out the gold ingot and put it down. As soon as he turned around, a slap was placed on his forehead. Qin Danqing didn't even cry out, so he was slapped The huge power contained directly shattered everything in the head.

"Qin Danqing, nine levels of meat immortals, you are arrogant in Chiyun City. You have been under pressure from my Ye family for many years. Damn it!" The person who shot was Ye Yun. He immediately pulled Qin Danqing to the side room, took off his clothes and put them on himself , and then performed the bone-changing skill, turning into Qin Danqing and walking out of the inner room.

"It's been so long...Elder Qin!"

The three of Teng Feng stood outside the tea shed, seeing 'Qin Danqing' slowly appearing, Teng Feng gave a cold shout with a look of imposing manner.

"Senior, let's hurry."

Ye Yun's tone was not in a good mood, but he still bowed and said, giving Teng Feng a step down. In fact, Ye Yun knew that the Qin family was in prosperity now, but he didn't dare to overdo it when he treated Earth Fairyland as the killer of Tiandimen Arrogant, he knew it well.

Seeing the appearance of 'Qin Danqing', Teng Feng had a look of bitterness and hatred, waved his big hand, and galloped towards Chiyun City with the two killers.

An hour later, the group of four had arrived at the boundary of Scarlet Cloud City, 'Qin Danqing' suddenly felt cold, he deliberately approached Tengfeng, and said flatteringly: "Senior, this junior needs help from senior with some private matters, this favor is not for nothing , the juniors have prepared gifts for the seniors."

"Oh?" Fujifeng was stunned for a moment, and then he looked smug. As a killer, in addition to working for Tiandimen, he can also get many benefits in the mission, such as helping people kill people by the way, or being a favor.

When Teng Feng was excited and thinking about reaping the benefits, 'Qin Danqing' took out a herb with cold air but compelling aura from the storage ring, which was cold ginseng grass.

"This is... Could it be the fabled cold ginseng, what a treasure!" Teng Feng straightened his eyes. Although he was in a fairyland, he had seen many treasures, but this was the first time he had seen cold ginseng. Treasures only exist in ancient books.

"Senior... die to me!"

'Qin Danqing' held the cold ginseng grass in the palm of his hand, and when he was about to hand it to Teng Feng's palm, 'Qin Danqing' suddenly changed his face, and suddenly burst out with surprising momentum.

Fujifeng was surprised at first, and was puzzled when suddenly three forces passed through Fujifeng's body, and the tough body of Fujifeng Dixian was cut into four sections in an instant. When his head fell in the air, "Qin Danqing" flashed out of thin air , raised his big hand, grabbed Teng Feng's head in an instant, pinched it hard, and turned it into a meat paste.


The two killers watched in disbelief as 'Qin Danqing' took off the rattan storage ring, and then looked at them, and there was a armor-like weapon in the hands of 'Qin Danqing'.

The face of the killer on the left changed instantly: "Intermediate repair tool..."

"You, Elder Qin, we have always cooperated happily, why is this!" the killer on the right asked in shock and speechless, seeing the flesh and blood of Teng Feng, his heart jumped with fear.

"It might be a good thing for me to start a dispute between Tiandimen and Qin's family now, but Tiandimen will not fall out with Qin's family because of a few killers. After all, Qin's family is powerful now, and they can only be killed." Ye Yun's eyes tightened, and his appearance slowly changed, becoming Ye Yun's original appearance.

"He's not Qin Danqing, do it!" The two killers knew that they had no way out, and now they had only one fight.

"Both of these two are Earth Immortals who have just successfully established their foundations. They are not considered real Immortals. Even Bai Xiong is a low-level Earth Immortal. Only the sixth level of Earth Immortals can be considered a high-level Earth Immortal. They have cultivated to the heavens." Ye Yun knew early on. The realm of the two of them, but they dare not be careless, after all, they are people who have been promoted to Earth Immortal.


The two killers suddenly summoned two Qingfeng swords out of thin air. As soon as the swords came out, a sharp sword energy flashed, absorbing all the air and gathering them together.

As soon as the two swords appeared, Ye Yun's eyes brightened: "The low-level repair equipment seems to be of average quality. It is not as high-quality as the Yunyi Sword I bought in Jianyu Pavilion, but getting these two repair equipment is enough to make the family's strength stronger." Big increase."

"The fifth level of the little meat fairy, killed Tengfeng with a sneak attack, now we are ready, let's die!"

The eyes of the two killers were crossed, with murderous aura, they swung their swords, the sword energy moved like lightning, and waves of current and true energy were released, and they slashed towards Ye Yun with the sword.

"go with!"

Ye Yun controls the Snake Spirit Flying Armor. This is the first time he controls the Snake Spirit Flying Armor to fight against an enemy who also has a repair tool. It is the first step for him to master the repair tool proficiently.

Chi Chi... Dang Dang Dang!

The current zhenqi entangled with the snake spirit flying armor first, and the current zhenqi released Buddha to hold the sealing flying armor, but after struggling for a while, the snake spirit flying armor released the tyrannical power of a middle-level repair tool, broke free instantly, and joined the two The two swords cut by the famous killer collided together, making a harsh metal impact sound.

"It turns out that controlling the repair device requires such a large amount of true energy..."

After only a dozen back and forth, Ye Yun felt that the true energy of the Blood Mansion was about to be consumed by the Snake Spirit Flying Armor, but the two killers on the other side were not much better, and their true energy was also consumed severely. He is more proficient in using instruments than Ye Yun, so he has a lot of advantages.

"I must kill you, the furnace of the blood palace, burn it up for me, and melt everything!"

With Ye Yun's domineering roar, the majestic zhenqi rushed out of his body crazily, and was absorbed by the Snake Spirit Flying Armor. The Snake Spirit Flying Armor got such strong zhenqi, and immediately surrounded the two killers like afterimages and attacked in turn. Famous killers can only block, even if they block, they are not handy, because the snake spirit flying armor is originally a magic weapon of speed.

"If things go on like this, we will definitely die. This kid is a freak, a fifth-level meat fairy, who can control magic weapons, and possesses such terrifying true energy..."

The killer became more and more palpitating as he fought, and the tragic end of Tengfeng kept appearing in his mind. Suddenly, his true energy ran wild, his sword energy lost his balance, and several snake spirit flying armor swept over, instantly shaking the two killers deafeningly.

"Partial activation, go to hell for me!"

Just when the Snake Spirit Flying Armor disturbed the sword aura, and the two killers were entangled with the aura of the Snake Spirit Flying Armor, a blood shadow soared down from the sky, spread its arms, and its five fingers exuded a fierce momentum, directly grabbing the heads of the two killers , with a strong pull, two human heads flew up in an instant, and at the same time, two pillars of blood shot into the sky from the headless corpse.


The corpses of the two killers fell to the ground in an instant, Ye Yun landed at the same time, threw away the two heads, took down the low-level swords in their hands, searched them clean, and then disposed of all the corpses.


After finishing everything, he was ready to leave to find a place to restore his true energy. Who would have thought that the melting furnace of the Blood Mansion would burst into flames suddenly, and the surging flames rushed out of the melting furnace, burning in the dantian, and then the whole body. burn at the same time.

"Sixth Layer Heavenly One, I didn't expect to break through the Sixth Layer of Meat Immortal at this time..."

Ye Yun was overjoyed, the state of his body was a breakthrough state.

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