Xin Mansion, within the venue of the circular palace.

The five elders, more than a dozen ancestors, and all the nobles came together. As soon as Xin Congyang returned to the Xin family, he began to summon all the high-level members of the Xin family.

These people first heard that Xin Congyang gathered in the Ao family to show off his power, and that the Xin family would no longer have to pay taxes to the Ao family for a hundred years, and then heard that Xin Congyang had stepped into the Great Fairyland, and everyone's hearts began to stir.

"Today, my son called you here to tell everyone that all the clan affairs managed by the great elder are managed by the clan leader himself, and all clan affairs, big or small, are handled by the clan leader. This time, the Ao family will lose face in front of the heroes of the world. After suffering a great loss, I will definitely not let it go, I will now order my daughter, Wan Ling to replace the position of the Great Elder and become the temporary Great Elder!"

Xin Congyang led Xin Wanling and Xin Shaohua, accompanied by several ancestors, to the central stage, and solemnly announced in front of the senior members of the Xin family.

"Patriarch, Wanling is young, how can he accept the Great Elder, what can He De do, I'm afraid some of you will be dissatisfied!"

A nobleman whose cultivation had reached the tenth rank of a true immortal suddenly stood up slowly and made a public statement.

Xin Wanling came out generously and politely: "Uncle Yin, you said I am not qualified, so what is your so-called qualification based on? Wanling wants to know very much!"

"What credit do you have for sitting on the position of Great Elder, and besides, which elder do you think is not a great immortal? You are a mere junior, and you can step onto the great position?!"

In fact, the rich and powerful have long coveted the position of elder. With the fall of the great elder, that rich and powerful person did not want to become one of the six great elders: "No number of elders here are more qualified to become a great elder than you, patriarch, you are abusing your private power. Arrange for my daughter to become the Great Elder according to my own desires, I hope that the ancestor can intervene in the matter, restore the justice and balance of the family, and not allow the patriarch to cover the sky with one hand and monopolize the power!"

"Yes, please stand up for the ancestor, this matter must not be done!"

Then those dignitaries who couldn't bear it for a long time stood up and talked passionately, even disregarding that the patriarch was the most powerful person, they wanted to force the ancestor to stand up instead.

"You don't pay attention to the patriarch, Uncle Yin, and all the uncles and elders, you said that Wanling has no credit, you are wrong, Wanling made a great contribution this time, so that the family will no longer pay tribute to the Ao family. , so that other families no longer underestimate my Xin family, may I ask if this is a great contribution?"

"You also said that Wanling doesn't have the strength to become the Great Elder. Well, all of you present join forces. If you can get out of my suppression, I will give up the position of Great Elder. How about it?"

In front of hundreds of dignitaries, Xin Wanling uttered his words resoundingly, and finally, he simply took a step forward, facing the dignitaries of the Xin family with his unparalleled strength.

"Wanling, don't be arrogant. With your cultivation, how can you suppress everyone? Don't mess around!" Second Elder Xin Wansun said worriedly.

"No, Second Elder, no one can protect this presumptuous junior today. If you speak wild words, then don't blame me as an uncle for wanting to show you off, huh!"

The dignitary suddenly flew up, grasping the terrifying aura, and wanted to attack Xin Wanling.

"Get down!"

Xin Wanling's expression changed, and suddenly his face was fierce and domineering, as if he was indifferent and stern like an outsider, but he just said two words with no expression, and the nobleman didn't know what was going on, and his whole body crashed from midair to the ground, full of people The body is covered with blood, and he does not know whether he is dead or alive.

This sudden change frightened the dignitaries, elders, and even the ancestors present. Just shouting two words, without making a move, a tenth-level true immortal was defeated strangely.

Boom boom boom!

The next scene was even more weird. The more than 300 dignitaries of the Xin family in the venue were suddenly crushed by a force as large as heaven and earth, so that the space was frozen, and the thrones under their buttocks were crushed one after another by the force of space. The powerful began to kneel heavily on the ground involuntarily.

Xin Wanling walked towards the center step by step. The ancestors and the five great fairyland elders were all frightened by this force completely controlling the domain. This was just Xin Wanling's aura. The truth is earth-shattering and impossible to fathom.

Xin Wanling looked at everyone: "Strength, this is strength. The person you want to kneel is not me, a junior, but my father, the patriarch. If you dare to disregard the authority of the patriarch, well, you are not a clansman in my eyes." , disrespecting the patriarch is scorning the clan rules, I can abolish all of you so-called dignitaries right now, do you believe it or not?"

"Elder, patriarch, quickly take down this disobedient person!" A dignitary was so arrogant that he was crushed to his knees and asked for help from the elder and patriarch.

The second elder and the four elders glanced at each other, but they didn't speak, but an old ancestor said slowly: "You people are disobedient villains. What is the patriarch? We ancestors and elders must respect you. Obedience, you should be punished for provoking the patriarch's authority. You haven't come to your senses yet, haven't you seen it? You really have a pair of dog eyes. No wonder my Xin family is in the hands of you juniors and has a status in the fairy world. It's getting worse and worse, hmph, Wanling is an invincible immortal whose cultivation has surpassed anyone in the Xin family, even us patriarchs are not opponents, if you ask for it, ask the patriarch."

"Great Immortal!!!"

When the hundreds of dignitaries of the Xin family heard this, their hearts were aroused in a thousand waves, and everyone felt a chill in their bodies. The Xin family unexpectedly produced such an invincible young master. Cultivation base, plus merit, is enough to serve as the Great Elder!"

"Well, since you all have nothing to say and agree, Wanling will be the Great Elder from now on, let the elders go!" Xin Congyang smiled sarcastically, and his heart blossomed.

"Father is magnanimous, and forgives you the crime of disrespect, but the death penalty is inevitable, and the death penalty cannot be escaped. I will take a natal seed from your body and hand it to my father to guard. If anyone dares to disrespect the patriarch again in the future, then you will be punished." Don’t blame the patriarch for poisoning the seed of his real name to execute traitors and execute everyone!”

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Xin Wanling grabbed it with a big hand, and from the bodies of hundreds of dignitaries, seeds of life flew out one after another. These dignitaries were suppressing them, but Xin Wanling's strength was too terrifying to be able to compete. get out.

"I'm here to announce something!"

After getting everyone's natal seeds, Xin Congyang grasped the source of everyone's life. With a wave of his hand, he lifted everyone up with a wave of immortality. To be chosen as a disciple, to honor my family for the Xin family, from now on no longer need to be inferior, this is an astonishing contribution, to become a great elder, even to become the patriarch, I have no complaints as a father."

"Leiyin Mountain!!!"

Everyone sighed, the prestige of Leiyin Mountain was like thunder to them, it was a super sect in the high-level fairyland, and a decree could destroy the Aotian fairyland. The dignitaries originally had secret grievances against Xin Wanling, but they had no choice but to give up at this time.

"This time at the gathering at the Ao family, if you offend the Ao family, the Ao family will definitely not let it go. Neither the Ao family nor the people in the world know that Wanling is an invincible immortal with dual identities as a disciple of Leiyinshan. You go down and get ready. From now on, whoever dares to provoke my Xin family will kill them!"


The senior officials of the Xin family completely named Xin Congyang and accepted it respectfully.


"Xin Wanling is really a good trick. First, he used tricks to surprise the Ao family's gathering and make the Ao family suffer a dark loss. Now when he returns to the Xin family, he immediately joins the Xin family together!"

In the Young Master's Mansion, Ye Yun, who was cultivating latently, was paying attention to the high-level council of the Xin Mansion, and admired Xin Wanling even more. He withdrew his divine sense, and Ye Yun suddenly released a flame.

"Breaking Immortal Ninth Level, break through!"

Finally, Ye Yun absorbed the power of the Great Immortal and transformed his body with Heavenly Tribulation Thunder. His strength greatly increased, and he refined and absorbed several virtual and real immortals. He was about to step into the ninth level of breaking immortals and break the shackles of the eighth level.

For Ye Yun's mortal realm, and being in the fairyland, the vast energy is too easy for a mortal body to advance to the realm. If it is an ordinary fourth-order mortal who breaks the fairy, he may be promoted to the virtual fairyland within three years after arriving in the fairyland. , the achievement of immortals.

It's just that Ye Yun is not an ordinary person, nor is he an ordinary person. His body contains three laws, infinite divinity, and his body is comparable to that of an immortal, so breaking through is as difficult as an immortal. After ten years in the immortal world, he only stepped into the fourth step. The eighth level, this is the result of Ye Yunzang's closed-door cultivation in Xin's house, and the continuous absorption of immortal energy.

If Ye Yun did not commit himself to Xin's family, and practiced alone like in the past, he would not be able to enter the eighth stage at all, and he would have to face many life-and-death dangers in the fairy world. The terrifying power, such as the terrifying red demon insect in the starry sky.


Torrent flames were released from Ye Yun's body, and when Ye Yun moved his mind, the Taiyi Divine Furnace gushed out, surrounding Ye Yun tightly, and entering the Taiyi Divine Furnace was like entering the chaotic ocean of true energy.

The Taiyi Sacred Furnace is burning all the time, refining the Taiyi Chaotic True Qi, all of these powers are stored in the Taiyi Sacred Furnace, or enter the golden core, this is the reason why Ye Yun's energy is so thick and endless .

Chi Chi!

The catastrophe-breaking flames blazed in the Taiyi Divine Furnace, and the endless Taiyi chaotic true energy gushed out from the body, turned into flames, and burned.

Then the stove appeared again, the stove formed by absorbing the mysterious calamity fire and the chaotic true energy of Taiyi, showing a series of mysterious lights on it, and even a trace of the law of hell flickering.

"The eighth level of Immortal Breaking, let's break it!"

Ye Yun's physical body had already reached its limit and reached the full state of storing energy. If he didn't break through, his strength would not be able to rise. He grabbed the energy, punched left and right, and hit the solid wall of the furnace.



Under Ye Yun's powerful attack, the stove instantly shattered and turned into countless fragments, which were immediately inhaled by Ye Yun's body, and Ye Yun felt that at this moment, the meridians of the body did not explode and shatter, but directly proliferated, and the meridians, cells, and bones all In expansion general, wonderful.

"The ninth level of Poxian is different from the eighth level. Although the increase in strength is not obvious, but before stepping into the immortal, the body can be continuously condensed and broken, reaching the existence beyond the real immortal. If you are an immortal, then my strength can reach that of a true immortal!"

With Ye Yun's physical strength, after continuous refinement and shattering in the mortal realm, once he is promoted to an immortal, his overall strength will undergo a qualitative leap. The first level of a virtual immortal is comparable to the second level or even the third level and fourth level of a true immortal. This is the reason why Ye Yun has not been in a hurry to break through the realm, but kept accumulating energy and cultivating his physical body.

Without the ocean, one cannot contain hundreds of rivers, and without a strong physical body, one cannot contain ocean-like energy. Some immortals only care about improving their realm, thinking that the higher the realm, the stronger their strength, but it is not the case. The stronger the physical body, the more amazing their strength.

"Wonderful, really wonderful, the next step is to store energy, strive to be ready to face the catastrophe of breaking the immortal at any time, and promote the immortal position!"

Ye Yun smiled happily, suddenly, a ray of Taiyi divine light shot out from his chest and entered between his eyebrows.

"Oh, the Nine Dragons ring actually reacted!"

His chest and brows were hot. This was the second time Ye Yun sensed the change of the Nine Dragons Ring. The first time was when he entered the ring. Suddenly, an uncontrollable shocking smile appeared on Ye Yun's face: "The God Wheel of Chaos and Purification!!"

It turned out that the ring of Nine Dragons had a sudden change, and what flooded into his mind was Taiyi Shenguangdao's new qigong technique, called Chaoxu Jingshi Shenlun.

If Good Fortune Fist is the attack method of Taiyi Shenguang Dao, then this chaotic world purification wheel is a peerless method that can purify and refine everything. If there is a great immortal now, Ye Yun can't kill it. You can't kill the Great Immortal at all, but it's like casting the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification, you can kill the Great Immortal, refine the Great Immortal, and even refine the Great Immortal into a servant or a puppet.

"As expected of Taiyi Divine Light Dao, who possesses such amazing supernatural powers. If he can imprison the Great Immortal in the future, then he will have a way to kill the Great Immortal. Even if he can't kill the Great Immortal, he can be refined into a servant!"

At this moment, Ye Yun laughed in surprise, Taiyi Shenguangdao finally evolved another qigong form, and it was still such an extraordinary qigong, it was even more advanced than Good Fortune Fist.

The God Wheel of Hunxu Jingshi came too timely, now is the moment when Ye Yun has no real trump card, and he no longer uses the power of magic weapon, so he will naturally lose to a powerful enemy.

Now with the appearance of the God Wheel of Purifying the World, Ye Yun no longer relies on magic weapons, and can suppress even great immortals with the God Wheel of Purifying the World.

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