
A giant came from the void, and with a wave of his hand, he grabbed a Baizhang sword in the palm of his hand, as if the god of war appeared in Ye Yun's sight, it was Zhantian.

With a slight wave of his arm, Zhan Tian grabbed the big knife into his palm, and immediately dropped it towards Ye Yun.

Ye Yun immediately went up to meet them, the two met in the void, Ye Yun excitedly said: "Brother, you didn't leave???"

"Gone, but came back again!"

Zhan Tian smelled of wine, diffused in the void wind, and felt tired, as if he had just woken up. Hearing Ye Yun's question, he responded casually, and said: "After I left, I was a little worried, so I just woke up. came back!"

Ye Yun is not to mention how happy he is at this time, since he cultivated, he regrets that he is always completely different. Back then, there was Chi Yun, but it was a pity that Chi Yun was in Yanjiao to win the Jade Immortal Armor, but now he was lucky enough to meet Zhan Tian, ​​which made Ye Yun's deep-seated emotions burst out : "Brother, let's get together more this time!"

Zhan Tian helplessly shrugged his shoulders: "Brother really doesn't have any extra time, but he just didn't trust you, so he followed him all the way secretly. Let's go to that cave. There should be a good treasure inside the seal, which will be of great help to your cultivation!"


In an instant, Ye Yun was deeply moved when he heard that Zhan Tian was secretly protecting him all the way. This feeling was like parents and elders at home. He and Zhan Tian were not brothers of the opposite sex at all, but real brothers.


In an instant, Zhan Tian brought Ye Yun and appeared in front of the waterfall, and in another flash, it turned into two beams of light and flew into the waterfall.

"This place is also considered a spiritual place, brother, why don't you practice here and absorb all the energy, it will definitely help you gain a lot, let's see what treasure this seal is!"

It was already in disarray, a ruined cave, huge ice cubes everywhere, Zhan Tian and Ye Yun were like illusions, stepped out, and appeared above a huge hole in the center of the earth, below was an ancient seal, in the shape of an oval , a series of formation marks stretched on it, and many seal talismans flickered in it.


Zhan Tian stretched out his index finger, and a sword light appeared on the tip of his finger. He lightly slashed at the seal, and forcefully split the seal. Suddenly, a wave of evil energy rushed up.

"Taiyi Divine Light!"

Ye Yun flashed suddenly, grabbed a large amount of Taiyi divine light and flew directly into the seal in the center of the earth, countless Taiyi divine lights swallowed the magic light, and with a wave of his hand, he grabbed a severed arm from the broken seal.

"It turned out to be the arm of an eighth-ranked great immortal. Presumably it was a master who descended from the triple immortal world. He was beheaded after fighting, and the Qingtong ancestor got the arm. He used formations to wear down the magic, and then wanted to use the elixir Or a spiritual thing, by fusing this broken arm, it is possible to save a long time in cultivation and step into the eighth rank of the Great Immortal!"

When Ye Yun grabbed the severed arm, suppressed all demon nature, and flew out of the cave, Zhan Tian fixed his eyes and explained.

"Ancestor Qingtong is a master of the seventh rank of the Great Immortal. He is almost invincible in this second-level immortal world. He has reached the bottleneck. It seems that he wants to seize the arm of the eighth-rank Great Immortal. He wants to be promoted to the eighth rank as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it is cheaper for me. This arm The energy contained in it is a thousand times stronger than the ten energy seeds I got from Ying Qu Shiren together!"

Zhan Tian's words made Ye Yun's heart clearer. After a closer look, the broken arm was indeed part of a master of the demonic way. The meridians were full of demonic energy, but it was consumed a lot. Even stronger, worthy of being a master of the eighth rank, the difference between the seventh rank and the eighth rank is one hundred and eight thousand miles.

Qingtong Patriarch wants to break through the eighth rank of the Great Immortal by himself, the possibility is too small, and ordinary pills will not work. Zu practiced alone, even if he practiced for hundreds of millions of years, he might not have the chance to reach the eighth level.

"Brother, big brother can't see through you even more. You can easily suppress the power of magic, and it's refining. When I saw the sword slave, I must have a big question in my heart!"

Ye Yun suppressed the severed arm in the blink of an eye, refined the demon nature, and sealed it, even Zhan Tian looked puzzled.

"Brother just ask!"

Sucking the severed arm into the field, Ye Yun looked at Zhan Tian.

Zhan Tian immediately asked curiously: "At that time, with your mortal body, how could you suppress the sword slave? The sword slave is not a demon, but an undead from hell that is more terrifying than a demon. It is the elder brother. If you want to restrain the energy of hell, it is very difficult. Difficult, unless it is the emperor, it is a little easier for the emperor to restrain the energy of hell!"

Ye Yun was surprised, Zhan Tian thought so delicately: "Brother, didn't younger brother practice god-level qigong?"

"So what about the god-level qigong? Hell coexists with the God Realm, and the energy is about the same, but the god-level qigong can suppress the energy of hell. Some powerful super emperors can also restrain the energy of hell. Okay, big brother will leave here, otherwise you will die." Can't get rid of those troubles, before leaving, big brother cast a restriction to seal this place, so that the disciples of Luoxianmen can't interfere with your cultivation, wait for you to absorb the spiritual energy here, and then find a way to escape, big brother knows you have this ability!"

"Hehe, just now the elder brother didn't make a move, I think the Qingtong Patriarch couldn't do anything for you, the elder brother is gone!"


Zhan Tian cared the most, and after a few instructions, he disappeared into the cave. It really came and went quickly.

"Take care of yourself!"

Immediately, Ye Yun felt a powerful restriction sealing the outside world, without the strength of the Immortal King, it was impossible to break through the restriction, and it was impossible for the Luoxianmen to enter.

There was an infinite warm current in his heart, this feeling came from his relatives, Ye Yun's nose was sour, and he felt like crying. Cultivation is to endure loneliness, if you are fettered by things, you can't break the way of heaven.

"Taiyi Divine Furnace!"

Sitting cross-legged in the void of the karst cave, with a thought, a huge burning Taiyi Divine Furnace appeared from the void, and all the energy in the cave suddenly poured into the Taiyi Divine Furnace like a flood, and was instantly swallowed into the Taiyi Chaotic True Qi , A sea of ​​true energy has formed inside the Taiyi Divine Furnace.


The ice cubes, rocks, and cave walls in the cave that were frozen by the Luoshen Ice Formation began to melt, and the ice lake also began to melt, gradually emitting hot flames.

All the energy was inhaled by the Taiyi Divine Furnace, and the lake of fire soon appeared. From under the lake of fire, the pure fairy energy that surpassed the energy of the fairy world gushed out from the center of the earth. It was like roaring and pouring into Taiyi God furnace, and the temperature of the cave is gradually dropping.

"I don't know if Ying Qu, Kuiliao, and Zhou Qing can save their lives from being hunted down by the disciples of Luoxianmen..." I don't know if they can practice Taiyi Shenguang Dao, Wuji Eight Desolation Sun Moon God Thunder, and Jingshi Fan*** *After a while, several figures appeared in Ye Yun's mind, and he was still a little worried.


After a long time, Ye Yun suddenly felt a shocking force from the outside world, Fangfo was touching the Immortal King level restriction arranged by Zhan Tian.

Beyond the waterfall!

"what happened?"

Dozens of Luoxianmen disciples gradually gathered from all directions. They didn't seem to know the news that Qingtong Patriarch was killed instantly. They wanted to enter the waterfall, but they were shocked back by a void restraint.

A strong man of the fifth rank of the Great Immortal was full of doubts: "Could it be that the restriction was arranged by the master, and the master retreated alone in it, and wanted to break through the eighth rank of the Great Immortal?"

The Luoxianmen disciples were all stunned, and one of them said: "This is not the breath of the master, and we can't feel the breath of the master, senior brother Wang and others. Could it be...the master and others have left long ago, and this cave is occupied by others?"

"In short, we will not move for the time being, and we will set up a formation here to practice. While waiting for the master, we will sit here. The treasure below is the key to the master's promotion to the eighth rank. Once promoted, we will be able to step into the triple fairy world sect. We are Master and disciple, it will be easy to step into the triple fairy world in the future, and enter the sect!"

"Yes, only disciples who have been promoted to the sixth level of the Great Immortal and have peerless geniuses can enter the third level of the immortal world. No, it is necessary to cultivate to the seventh level of the Great Immortal. It is a pity that the master offended an elder of the third level of the immortal world, so the sect had to order the master to be promoted to the third level. Only at the eighth level can you step into the sect of the triple fairy world!"


Dozens of powerful masters of Luoxianmen set up a formation here, sealed the waterfall, sat cross-legged in the formation, and began to practice. The formation was so arranged that no mosquitoes could fly out.

Underground melting!

"These Luoxian sect disciples are interesting, but I didn't expect that with the cultivation base of the Qingtong patriarch, they would not be able to step into the triple fairy world, and the disciples of the sect can't just step into the high-level fairy world!"

Stimulating the Taiyi God Furnace to absorb the energy of the cave, Ye Yun didn't really practice, but was paying attention to the movement outside, so he couldn't be careless. Then they made dumplings.

After Ye Yun heard the disciples of Luoxianmen, he had a deeper understanding of some systems of the sect.

"Wait to absorb all the energy of the cave, then leave here and return to Luoqi Fairy City, and enter the Nine Dragons Ring to practice well. The internal space and time law of the Nine Dragons Ring is one thousand to one with the outside world. It has been 1000 years inside, and only one year outside... If I acquire the Nine Dragon Ring, according to the external time, in tens of millions of years, I can be promoted to Emperor!"

"The Great Immortal Broken Arm!"

As soon as his mind moved, Ye Yun grabbed the broken arm, and made seals with both hands, and soon the Chaos Xu Jingshi God Wheel appeared in front of Ye Yun, and instantly sucked the broken arm into it.

"As expected of the eighth-level body of the Great Immortal, it is too difficult for me to refine it by myself, but with the chakra of chaotic world purification, it will not take a few years!"

He began to close his eyes again to activate the Taiyi God Furnace, and the God Wheel of Void and Void Purification slowly refined the broken arm of the Great Immortal. It is not easy to refine the eighth-level energy of the Great Immortal. There are too many realms beyond Ye Yun's self, and the distance is too far away.

Time passed like this year after year, and for nearly ten years, a wave of nothingness light was suddenly released in the cave.

"The broken arm was finally refined into an energy seed..."

As the light wave of nothingness spread, Ye Yun opened his eyes in surprise, and saw that besides the broken arm of the Great Immortal at the eighth stage, there was also an energy seed floating in the God Wheel of Hunxu Jingshi.

"This energy seed is really extraordinary. Although it can't be compared with the tenth-level energy seed that my elder brother gave me, it is also comparable to the eighth-level energy of a great immortal!"

Grasping the energy seed, Ye Yun couldn't hide his excitement. With this seed, once Ye Yun absorbed it, it was possible to break through the fifth and sixth ranks of Xuxian. Tiangong, let alone Qingtong Patriarch, even a giant of the eighth rank of a great immortal can be seriously injured, and even a great immortal of the seventh rank or lower can be beheaded.

In addition, there is a tenth-level energy seed left by Zhan Tian in his body, and Ye Yun has two high-level energy seeds. As long as he doesn't meet giants like the ninth or tenth level of the great immortal in the future, Ye Yun can fight all over the world. However, Ye Yun will not use energy seeds indiscriminately. Once he uses them, if he encounters this situation again, his life will be in danger without a means of life-saving.

These two seeds are to be used at the most critical moment as a life-saving means. In time, Ye Yun will step into the triple fairy world, find the Sumeru Cave, and start to practice. The triple fairy world is definitely a more dangerous world than the double fairy world. These two energy seeds happen to be very important to Ye Yun.


Stretching out his palm, Ye Yun sucked the chakra into his palm, and then looked at the broken arm of the great immortal who had overdrawn energy in his hand: "Hehe, losing energy, but the eighth-order blood of the great immortal is also a dream for me." My baby, melt!"

Grabbing with five fingers, the essence blood of Daxian's broken arm was directly sucked into the blood veins. At this moment, Ye Yun felt that his essence blood seemed to undergo subtle changes again, and the energy contained in it was even more unimaginable.

Moreover, the eighth-order blood of the Great Immortal is naturally extremely pure. It merges into Ye Yun's body and begins to be absorbed by the meridians, bones, and muscles. The body grows a lot again. This is the wonderful ability of the blood. , In fact, he wanted to absorb the eighth-level life force of the Great Immortal, and then let him reach the eighth-level state, and step into the eighth-level Great Immortal in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that Ye Yun picked the peaches after all his sacrifices.

The broken arm of the Great Immortal instantly turned into powder. At this moment, Ye Yun felt that he could break through the fifth level, or even the sixth level of the Void Immortal at any time. His physical body seemed to be reaching its limit. Only by breaking through and strengthening the physical body can we continue to accommodate energy.

"Now the body can still hold a lot of true energy, wait until we return to Luoqi Immortal City, and then break through!"

Ye Yun waved his hand and grabbed the Taiyi Divine Stove in front of his eyes, took a closer look, and laughed loudly: "It's unbelievable to have such a strong energy, this time it's breaking through to the sixth level of Xuxian, and if you inhale this energy, I'm afraid it will take a while. Reached the peak of the sixth level of Xuxian..."

Immediately sucked the Taiyi Divine Furnace into the field, looked at the lake of fire below the cave, the temperature was not scorching hot at all, and the energy was similar to the outside world, Ye Yun smiled, and then appeared at the entrance of the waterfall in a flash, behind him was the restriction left by Zhan Tian , disappears automatically when Ye Yun leaves.

Ye Yun looked at the big formation ahead, and there was a disciple of Luoxianmen: "Using the big formation to seal the entrance of the cave can suppress ordinary immortals, but for me, it has no effect at all!"


Ye Yun released the Daqian Shentu, and traveled through the space in an instant.

Poor Luoxianmen disciples didn't realize it at all, and continued to guard the formation, but in the end they would find that there was no one in it.

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